• Member Since 10th Mar, 2018
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Equestrian Defender

Fighting for Truth, Justice, and the Equestrian way!

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  • 38 weeks

    Yes folks, after almost 2 years, I am back.

    I am so sorry for being gone so long. I've said before I've had issues with real life, my mental health, and with my interests constantly changing.

    And frankly... well, there's no other way to say it.

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  • 139 weeks
    My Apologies.

    Look, I'm sorry I haven't been on in a long while.

    The truth is, Real Life has constantly been getting in the way of me being on my laptop. First we lost wi-fi for about a month (Thanks, Centurylink.)

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  • 163 weeks
    We're back in business!!!

    Chapter 4 of Power Rangers Element Fury has been posted, and I promise to have the next chapter out as soon as humanly possible. Promise.

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  • 169 weeks
    It's my 3 Year Anniversary!

    Not kidding. It's been three years since I first joined this site. Kinda sucks I joined shortly before the tail-end of G4, but hey, I still had fun. And hopefully I'll be here for many more years.

    Thanks for liking my stories and for putting up with my hectic update schedule. Hopefully the next chapter of Power Rangers: Element Fury will be out sooner rather than later.

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  • 171 weeks
    Going Forward

    Okay, so I'm ending my hiatus now because I've managed to get my writing mojo back in order.
    And first thing I want to address is this.

    Yes, it seems that G5 is around the corner. Or at least we'll be getting something from it in the next few months.

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The Rise of Skywalker, and the End of the Skywalker Saga · 2:40am Jun 14th, 2020

So... Rise of Skywalker. Unmarked spoilers ahead. Read at your own risk!

Before I get into any specifics I just want to go on record here.

I like... no, I LOVE ALL OF THE STAR WARS FILMS. Every single one.

The Original Trilogy?

To this day, they are still some of my favorite films.

The Prequels?

Not great movies, but there are some good parts to them. At the very least I consider them to be my guilty pleasures.

And the sequel trilogy?

All three of them are awesome movies that I would gladly watch again and again and never get bored with them.

And thus we get to Rise of Skywalker, and the end of the Skywalker Saga. (Though come to think of it, we never actually knew there WAS a Skywalker saga until this film came out, didn't we?)

So, Emperor Palpatine is back. The moment the trailer came out people were going nuts. "How is this possible?" "There's no way he could've survived that?" "Everything Luke and his friends did was for absolutely nothing!"

My reaction?

Guys, I've seen enough cartoons and read enough comics. The bad guy, especially the Big Bad, rarely if ever stays dead. I totally figured that Palpatine would make a comeback sometime. I'm just glad they did it while Ian McDiarmid was still alive. This guy absolutely OWNS the role of Emperor Palpatine just like James Earl Jones owns the Darth Vader role. So yes, his performance in this film was great, and I really liked having Palpatine back for one last dance against the Skywalkers.

Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter (though her father's supposedly a clone of Palpatine if what I heard was true.)

Have to admit, I didn't see this one coming. But honestly, I like this plot twist. It definitely helps to make that one trailer where Rey fights against a Dark Side version of herself make sense, seeing as how up until this point she's been so pure and clean to the point you could call her a cinnamon roll. That one part where she accidentally uses Force Lightning (And seriously, ONLY the Sith and Dark Side users can use that? I CALL BULLSHIT!) you can tell that she's horrified. Also, when she's finally told she's Palpatine's granddaughter, I can just imagine her saying "I think I'd prefer if my parents were nobodies."

Kylo Ren- sorry, Ben Solo's redemption was actually well done in my opinion. I love the scene were he talks with the ghost of his father and throws out his Sith lightsaber. And while his death at the end did make me sad, it does make sense. With Han, Leia and Luke dead, there was no one to really vouch for him so that he could get a chance to reintegrate with the rest of the Resistance. I'm personally neutral on the Reylo ship, but I will admit that scene when Rey admits that she wanted to take BEN SOLO'S hand hit me a bit hard in the feels.

As for the rest of the characters, Poe and Finn were awesome as usual and it was great to see Lando Calrissian again. Much like Ian McDiarmid owns Palpatine, Billy Dee Williams owns Lando.

The climax at the end of the movie was fantastic. I am a sucker for massive Cavalry calls, and the massive fleet of ships coming to backup the Resistance fighters was absolutely awe-inspiring. Not even Return of the Jedi had that big of a rebel army.

It's not a perfect movie, however. There are some plot-holes and inconsistinces, and a couple moments of padding... But to be honest, it's not exclusive to this movie. All of the movies, especially the prequels, have had these problems. Unlike the prequels though, in this film it's minor and there is far more good stuff.

If there's one thing I thing they could've done better, it's the climax where Rey and Palpatine face off. I like it as it is, but this is the last of the Skywalker saga (as far as we know.) So I would've loved if if they did something like this.

or my personal favorite, like this!

(Also, can we please get a live action Ashoka film? PLEASE!)

Other than that, Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker is an awesome movie and I loved every moment of it. And I can't wait to see what Disney will come up with next.

Until next time, May the Force be with you.

Comments ( 11 )

Its nice to see people like this film despite its problems. Its rare to see.

To those haters I say:

"If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you could ever imagine."

I respect your opinion too, dude.
Incidentally, what is your favorite Star Wars film?

This is basically what I said in my post except for the parts about Palpatine, Lando, and the other characters. :rainbowlaugh:

Yeah...its too bad people are still angry about it. Eh, what can you do though?

Episode 8 and 9 were so shitty with terrible story!

I agree with you. The movie was epic. I thought the climax was amazing, with the calvary arriving giving me the same vibe from the Avengers: Endgame Portals scene, and the final clash between Ray and Palpatine was amazing, especially when we heard the voices of previous Jedi.

I agree with you calling bullshit on only Dark Side users being able to use Force Lightning. That’s my personal favorite force ability. An ability from the Force shouldn’t be inherently good or evil, it is how you use it that matters.

I admit, I was surprised when I realized Palpatine was still alive, but when the film explained his survival was basically clones I thought that made a lot of sense. Maybe that was how his master Darth Plagueis cheated death? It also kinda reminded me of what I heard Palpatine’s storyline in the (now non-canon) Legends comics was like, where Papatine survived Return of the Jedi due to having several clones of himself and continued to terrorize Luke and his family before finally being killed once and for all.

Great minds think alike.
Ignore the haters and find others who like them.
Also if you're looking for reviews, be sure you look for POSITIVE reviews.
"If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."

I'd honestly argue this movie was better than Endgame, on account of them not needing some half-baked time travel idea. But that's just me.

Finally somebody understands.

Considering it looks like Rey and Palpatine's final battle completely nuked that place we can only hope that he's completely gone for sure this time.

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