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AF FireFly


More Blog Posts43

  • 18 weeks
    Goofin Off with AI Art

    Hey All,

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  • 33 weeks
    My Compromise to Myself

    So I mentioned before that I've been very tempted to completely re-write CotE. When I first started writing it, I didn't have a complete picture or direction to take it as it was simply a story that was supposed to be episodic and silly and a way for me to experiment and improve my writing. But then I got really, really attached to these characters and I started truly investing in the story,

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  • 42 weeks
    Where I've Been

    A new career, 2 major moves, and a whole host of other small problems adding up basically had me push writing to the sidelines for a bit. Yet, I've still been around writing down ideas I gained and how to implement them. If he wishes to, a buddy of mine on this site can attest to the amount of ideas and words I've thrown his way for his opinions. As things begin to settle down, I'm starting to

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  • 141 weeks
    An Update Long Past Due

    Been a long while, eh? It's been, what? since around February or so since I last updated CotE? Either way, waaaaayyyyyy longer than I've been hoping for. So what gives? Why the low amount of updates? Well, the news isn't all that great, unfortunately. To put it simply, throughout this and last year I've been in quite a bit of pain. Now, for the most part, this pain had been dull and on and off

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  • 170 weeks
    Arrival Reworked and Other Updates

    Hey all! Just want you all to know that I went back and edited and changed a couple of details in the chapter Arrival. Not so groundbreaking that it requires a re-read, but may be something to peak your interest while I work on the next chapter.

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Having a Little Fun · 7:35pm Jun 18th, 2020

Decided to visit a fun little game (Bomber Crew) and decided to have a bit more fun by including the cast of CotE as my Crew. So here's my question to you all. How many missions do you think they can go before crashing? Here's some images and details:

Pilot: Arctic Thunder
"Only Arctic would be the one crazy enough to not only fly a bomber without an escort, but enjoy the thrill of it as well." - Wave
It only made sense to put Arctic as the Pilot as he's the one driving this silly little story of mine.

Engineer: Meadow Lands
"Don't let anyone fool you, Meadow is way more handy than she appears" - Pitch Out
Something just felt right to me placing Meadow as my Engineer. In Meadow I trust.

Nav: Sure Claw
"The one thing you can be sure about Sure Claw is that he's always leading behind the scenes." - Kite Shield
A big motivation for Sure Claw to join the expedition to Equestria is to offer a guiding hand (hoof) to the young sub-hive so it only made since to have him as our navigator.

Radio: Princess Hagana "Wave Runner" baht Shinuie
"Rough around the edges with a lot left to learn. Despite this, the young queen has an unprecedented potential that matches her mother's." - Sure Claw
As a queen changeling with a link to everyone else, I felt it only made sense to make her my radio operator.

Bomber/Top Gunner: Kite Shield
"Don't let the big, quiet, muscle bound changeling intimidate you. He's really just a soft teddy bear." - Flower
The big leader of the guardian earns his position in both leadership and ability. A heavy hitter and coolness under pressure ensures his position as my bombardier and gunner.

Cheek Gunners: Cousins Maze and Phalanx
"You can never have one without the other" - Arctic Thunder
The tag team duo themselves standing back to back to defend the bomber. This made only too much sense.

Bottom Turret: Pitch Out
"A fair bit too goofy at times, but very passionate in everything he does." - Meadow
The big time pitcher lobbing heat inside a ball turret? Yes please.

Tail Gunner: Lance Corporal
"One thing I adore about Lance is that, no matter what, he always has my back." - Wave
Wanted a guardian to defend my tail and Lance is right up there with the best of them.

And there she is. The beautiful B-17 Flying Fortress "Charlie Hops" because what else was I going to name it? This is the very beginning of the campaign so its load out isn't too impressive.

4: 2x .303 turrets (Top, Ventral, Front, Tail)
2: .303 guns (Right and left cheek)

Report AF FireFly · 191 views · Story: Changeling of the East · #games #bomber #crew
Comments ( 3 )

Welp, First update is as follows:

Charlie Hops flew five missions successfully. On the sixth mission, on the beaches of Africa, the tail section of Charlie Hops was shot off and she crashed with all on hands. Meadow, Pitch, and Phalanx were pronounced K.I.A. on impact. Miraculously, the remaining crew survived and were all recovered.

Their replacements are as follows:

Engineer: Boomerang
"Underneath that dense chitin and featherbrained mind of his is an actual competent changeling. I wish he'd show up more often is all." - Hunter

Cheek Gunner: Flower
"I've never met another who strives to do all they deem good like Flower does. I swear, she is joy incarnate." - Kite Shield

Ball Turret: Hunter
"Hunter is the definition of silent but deadly. I'm not sure if I commend that, or despise it." - Sure Claw

B-17 "Triumphant"
"There's nothing more triumphant than another happy landing." - Arctic Thunder

Am I having too much fun with this?


NAH!! No such thing!

Update 2:

It did not end well. That is all.

WHY DID FIMFIC NOT TELL ME YOU POSTED THIS! its been skipping random notifications for a while now...

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