• Member Since 27th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 7th, 2022


Likely to only post plot discriptions and ideas, than actual stories due to an inability for execution. I'd appreciate you checking out the content I post on Quora, and telling me your thoughts.

More Blog Posts4

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    My my my, little, how time has past by (Long post about me so go read it and get old while you do)

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My my my, little, how time has past by (Long post about me so go read it and get old while you do) · 3:30am Jun 28th, 2020

This is the year 2020 and it is late in the month of June as I'm sure you can tell by the date stamp. I have been using this website since late August 2012, but that really isn't that big of a deal compared to the core of why I came to it in the first place. It is a website for My Little Pony fanfics, namely the Friendship is magic series although it seems to be the Hub (no pun intended) for fanfics from every generation of Hasbro's My Little Pony TV series.

In the summer of 2012 I was a 14 year old (Born in October) who didn't have a whole lot to do aside from hanging out in my yard and playing video games (how often I could varied considerably), although I did read the entirety of the extended cut of Steven Kings The Stand over the course of that summer, I felt accomplished because of it's length but an English teacher I would have late in 2012 would basically crap on that by stating they finished that uncut book too, in a few hours. They were one to show off to the class how much of an "intellectual" they were. They were also the wife of my previous English teacher who gave me the book in the first place before the summer began and after a student had left it in the classroom and never came to collect it.

Anyway, that's all off topic but I can go on as long as I wish.

One of my pass times was watching various shows and movies which my brother would pirate from online sites such as ThePirateBay (as we did not have cable although one TV did get an antenna signal and some time that year it was replaced with an HDTV antenna); These included Adventure time, Regular show, Breaking bad of all things, The Venture Bros (Which I first saw around 2009-2011) and in Early July (at least that's the best date I can get based on messages I sent over facebook from that period) my brother downloaded the first two seasons of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic;

I can only vaguely recall that he said a friend recommend he watch it and that in one episode a character "Literally goes insane". Sometime after he told me about it he said that they still needed to download (he must have said one was done but that he needed to test it, but I don't remember that) and at some point I went outside to use the PC because we didn't have internet nor any routers (See December 2014 for that lol) and so the solution at that point was to literally put the PC which was a desktop outside on the table in the yard and connect to a local hotels wifi. While outside I found the first episode, likely on Youtube but who knows, and watched up to the part where Twilight is in her bed complaining? I can't recall, or was that even the first episode??? I plan on illegally downloading the entire show soon and I'll re-watch it; and no I don't think it's okay to download something without paying, but exceptions exist. My opinion on that is a bit complicated.

For some reason I stopped watching where I did and later when it was dark outside and I was inside my brother put the first episode on, back to where I said I left off, he must have already saw it and from my memory he had the first two downloaded. I am remembering this as I write and we all misremember events and this was 8 years ago. Eventually we completed season one, but likely took awhile as he tended to play video games most of the time.
I wanted to see the second season, but it was clear he had lost interest in the show possibly having seen some of the second season and I finished it on both an Xbox360 Via USB (This was the main device for media consumption for us) and the PC itself some time in 2012, could have been as late as December while it set up in my room which, oddly enough had the capacity to get OK internet speed from the same hot spot being some feet from the window but hey, what do I know about wifi.
This was also probably when I first Watched Pewdiepie, but that's kinda irrelevant.

Back to the summer of 2012, while the PC still spent much of its time being baked by the sun I looked around for My Little Pony related sites but only found a handful, namely this one Fimfiction and a rather backwater chat group on chatango which was named simply Brony Chat founded by a man who called himself Apple Butter180, it is still technically activated online and ironically I gained mod-ship in 2019 only after the niche group of people stopped using it. I could post a link, but it is very easy to find if you so desired. Try to guess who I am!

I did use another popular fanfiction site rarely, never writing anything due to lack of encouragement and skills. And although I was reading fanfics off of Fimfiction as early as July or early August it was only on the 27th of August I actually made an account, that summer also saw the creation of my private YouTube account, only notable to me as I had been using YouTube off and on since the mid to late 2000's but never had frequent access to the internet until somewhere around 2011-2014, so the idea didn't occur to me.

If you check my fimfiction account you'll see comments from people thanking me for liking a story or following them, I guess I was most active on this site in that way back then. For the most part aside from using YouTube to listen to Brony music and read fanfics I wasn't really active in the community, I didn't exactly know how to if you don't count that backwater chat I mentioned. I would save and use MLP pictures but that was the most I ever had any connection to the show yet I would still say I watched it and was a fan, since I didn't dislike it and in 2013 I managed to see each new episode of My Little Pony season 3 right after they aired on a website that was soon taken down by Hasbro, but I did finish it somehow and later in 2014 I would watch a fair amount of episodes from season four, but would then just stop. I didn't think I was over the show, I just stopped and I'm not sure why only seeing a few in 2019 and once I download the complete series (all nearly 200 Gbs) I will in fact finish that forth season! I don't know which season it was, probably 4, but in late 2013 early 2014 I met a fellow brony at my school (there were several but I only met two or so as I am an introvert and was too shy at that point) and we watched the episode where....Discord is sick? It had him in it but it wasn't the first two seasons.

I had a thought not too long ago that, in about two years it will mark 10.....10 years since that day I was told of My Little Pony for the first time, I can't say the show was super influential on me, but the people I met and things I got to see online were. And it did have a strong tie in to my high school life, as I watched the first 3 seasons and some of 4 over the course of most of the duration I attended, only leaving in June 2015, 5 years ago give or take a few days from when I post this.

I would say that I'm terrible with people, most don't like me to begin with and the rest leave eventually. But that is my failing, point being I met many people I liked, and loved depending on your definition, who I no longer get to talk to now. I'm sure the show has a lesson about how even if some people you had good relations with are gone, that doesn't mean your interactions are meaningless or that you should tear yourself apart because you can't change how things are, or because you wish beyond belief for those previous times. I...I do
I do wish for some of those times, those specific parts where I really enjoyed myself. But we can't go back, nether can we bring back those pieces of good we're desperate to hold onto again without undoing all the progress and good our life has now without allowing all the ill our brain pushed out that we no longer remember that made our lives worse, from coming back.

I didn't know what I was going to write when I started this, aside from where I started using this site and watching the show. But as some people who write often say, sometimes the words just flow out and thoughts of the pasts are as I write this making me feel near to tearing a bit, not crying however. I have progressed in life in many ways since then, most of which is almost automated as we simply physically and psychologically develop. But I am happy with the person I am, compared to where I came from way back then in the summer of 2012 which along with 2015 are my fondest years, at least the summers anyway. Coincidentally my favorite parts of Jojo's Bizarre adventure are parts 2 and 5 (of the anime). I am nothing of note, I write on Quora sometimes and pop up here as well but I rarely do much online other then gush at Japanese female cosplayers via Twitter because I am terrible :)

I hail from the GTA in Canada and I have a big interest in traveling, learning history and various languages but I'm working on German at the moment (been wanting to since July 2015). One of the people I had a lot of emotions invested in, who I met in that chatroom, never dated or anything, and who I no longer speak with that lives in Washington State, told me before we split off that they were in a long distance relationship with someone from Hamilton Ontario, which is practically on my doorstep if we're speaking in terms of the entire world. They used to be one of my favorite people. Just strange coincidences such as that always fascinate me.

I may add more later, or edit errors.

Thanks for reading.

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