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Alexander Kirin · 3:42pm Jul 8th, 2020

I’d say that this blog won’t be political, but that isn’t strictly true. It is, however, the fun kind of political. Namely, the one that doesn’t actually express opinions and is just thinking too much about Equestria through the implications of pop culture references.

Consider Autumn Blaze. Her exposition song establishes that before Rain Shine revoked the village’s speaking and emotion-having privileges, Autumn was the village playwright, creating her world’s versions of Citizen Kane, Phantom of the Opera, and, relevant to this blog, Hamilton.

As further proof she’s Kirin-Manuel Miranda, she also cast herself in the starring role.
She also repurposed one of the songs before her banishment.

Let’s take a moment to unpack that. Now, the others have implications of their own, especially if the first one is in any way biographical for Rain Shine. But Hamilton is especially interesting, given its unbreakable ties to the American Revolution.

It isn’t clear whether the kirin elected Rain Shine or if the village is a despotic macrocracy (that is, rule by the largest.) Autumn just calls her “our leader.” But this does seem to imply that the kirin village is a colony of some greater empire that successfully declared its independence from it.

This is actually supported by the Cutie Map in “Sounds of Silence.” Mapping Twilight’s omniscient coffee table to something a bit more readable isn’t easy, but the Peaks of Peril appear to be part of the mountains on the eastern edge of the Badlands, seen here. Not far inland, relatively speaking. And across the Celestial Sea, once you skirt the Dragonlands?

An area labeled “Kirin Grove.”

Something happened back in the day. The question is what.

Comments ( 38 )

Whatever happened, it's probably related to the lack of male kirins in the village.

Also, an FYI because I've seen this notion/question pop up on YouTube comments: the kirin only needed a little bit of herbs to get their speech back, yet Autumn Blaze took so much to get hers back.

No one seems to see the suggestion she overdosed because she didn't know if it'd work. There's a fic in there somewhere about her going to back to her normal self, before the overdose and before the ban.

Also, it's not the biggest kirin that rules. Check the Them's Fightin' Herds lore: it's the longest one who rules. I mean, sure, it's a bad pun and from a different but related species, but it's still applicable, no?

I don't really know nor care what Hamilton is, all I've heard of it is there's some controversy around it, but that's not a distinguishing feature these days. Guessing I'm not America-centric enough in my thinking for that.

It has the makings of a good story!

Wait, you mean your leaders are just taller than everyone else?

It's strange, because Lin's favorite musical is apparently Les Miz, so I would expect him citing that one instead of PotO. In fact, he really did play the role of Loud Hailer in Les Miz for once back in 2016, while I certainly don't remember him starring in any version of PotO.

The question is, which one of these Kirin settlements is actually the ‘old world’? :trixieshiftright:


Also, it's not the biggest kirin that rules. Check the Them's Fightin' Herds lore: it's the longest one who rules. I mean, sure, it's a bad pun and from a different but related species, but it's still applicable, no?

I'd agree with this had it not been for the fact that Them's FIghtin' Herds Kirin and MLP's Kirin are two different beings all together.

despotic macrocracy (that is, rule by the largest.

That makes too much sense. If true, then perhaps ponies are just like the Irken Empire, rulership by the tallest. Celestia spent 1000 years as the almighty tallest! Cadance was given her own kingdom to rule when she became too tall to serve her aunt. And that would explain why Twilight was groomed to take over, when you consider just how tall she was in the finale.

Mind = Blown. :pinkiegasp:

Which part of 'a different but related species' are you objecting to? They're both composites coming from an Asian mythology, both have equine and draconic features, and Tianhuo at least had her share of inner turmoil relating to balance in the early lore. They're different, but related. Or similar, at least. Not a native speaker.

Well from what I've seen Tianhuo comes from a more draconian version of the Kirin, as compared to MLP's Kirin is more traditional in the design. The reason i bring it up is because Them's Fightin' Herds and MLP are two separate entities with their own lore branches; two different universes

Which I am aware of. And never implied otherwise. Don't really know where that's coming from, either. Lots of settings have elves, most of them are forest-dwellers. Not a lot of kirin representations, so if one is to look for overlapping rules or tropes, might as well broaden the search parameters a little bit.

Or, say, if one wants to make a joke about said tropes.

Ah, i was under the impression that you were mixing TFH and MLP together as one canon.
My bad

But puns trump all.

Speaking of real politics, I feel like Autumn Blaze is definitely a benevolent egoist.

I have now tried to write lyrics for My Shot with "I am not throwing away my voice" and I have learned yet again that I am not a poet.

(ETA: And I see later in this very thread that such a thing already existed, was in the OP, and I missed it. So yeah.)

Hmm. Hmm hmm hmm. Those are some very interesting suppositions.

if the village is a despotic macrocracy

Evidence suggests that this is how the vast majority of in-setting societies work.

On the general subject of Autumn's philosophical views, her little speech about the oneness of all is definitely pantheism in the making.

Now I've got MLP version of Hamilton pictured in my head

:pinkiegasp: Celestia cursed Troubleshoes so he wouldn’t be a threat to her rule :twilightoops:

Oh, I didn't realize there was a whole series of Fome thinks to much blogs!


FOME already linked to it in the blog, under the Autumn-Blaze-as-Hamilton screenshot. It's quite good.

And why Luna, the shorter sister, was slighted, and why Nightmare Moon was as tall as Celestia.

Well dang, so he did - how the heck did I miss that? I even scanned back over the blog again before I posted it because I thought he would have and overlooked that link both times. Age is getting to me!

Maybe being a leader makes you grow taller from absorbing some form of devotional energy from your subjects. Twilight shot up pretty quick once she was made chief princess. If I recall Fluttershy transformed into Flutterbat because she absorbed the bats hunger specifically. That could indicate that ponies can transform based on subconscious attitudes.

Oh no... is it a mare prison exile colony? Maybe Nirik-ism isn't a race wide condition?

Actually, there are male kirins. The production team(?) stated that due to time constraints they were unable to make separate models for them (or something along those lines), so they instead differ from female kirins in their eyelashes (pretty sure it's the eyelashes at least). There is a relevant Equestria Daily article titled How To Sex a Kirin that talks about this.

Oh, very interesting idea; thanks. :)

The overdose angle is certainly a fascinating one, though it should be noted that Autumn was already somewhat resistant to the effects of the Stream of Silence. She was rendered mute, but her emotions weren't deadened. Odds are she wasn't that different before the inciting incendiary incident.

I mean, sure, it's a bad pun and from a different but related species, but it's still applicable, no?

I mean, if we're talking about longma, then that should really apply to draconequi. After all, same name, different languages. And the longest one certainly does rule zero others. :derpytongue2:

I don't really know nor care what Hamilton is, all I've heard of it is there's some controversy around it, but that's not a distinguishing feature these days.

Most of what I know stems form the Weird Al polka medley. :derpytongue2:

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As several people have noted, macrocracy does appear to be the norm in this world. Though it leads to something of a chicken and egg issue: Are creatures made leaders because they're large, or do they become larger after being made leaders?

Pretty sure they were just going for a bevy of pop culture references. After all, this means that Autumn is also Orson Welles and Andrew Lloyd Webber.

I'm going to say the unseen offshore Kirin Grove, on the basis that there just aren't that many kirin in Rain Shine's village. Doesn't seem like a place that has the resources or the living space limitations that call for colonization.

Round Trip is a delight.

The thing is, what historical events would it be based on? Luna's marginalization and fall in the early days of Equestria? A more contentious take on Twilight's rise to power? Sunset Shimmer somehow?

Blog tags are a wonderful thing. :twilightsmile:

Hmm. One could have fun with that nearly nonexistent sexual dimorphism...

I stand corrected, then. And concur with FOME that one can have fun with that kind of set-up. Were there kirin foals, though? Official kirin children? Or were there in Season 9 (haven't caught up yet).


Pretty sure they were just going for a bevy of pop culture references. After all, this means that Autumn is also Orson Welles and Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Yeah I wasn't being completely serious, just stretched my thoughts a little bit too far. Still, if you haven't seen Hamilton in its full glory, I'll wholeheartedly recommend you to watch the newly released "movie". It's a masterpiece.

5304135 I'm seeing it as more of an AU different from canon

Adding to the confusion, in issue #44 of the comics Spike mentions having tickets to a rap musical about Celestia, which was clearly a Hamilton reference even though it has no symmetry whatsoever.

Can I just say I love the term "Macrocracy?" Definitely seems to be a trend in MLP...

FWIW, I get the feeling that leadership is generally taller because this is a children's show; as a child, you have to listen to the Tall Ones, probably because they are so tol.

... Sort of. Further details would edge into spoiler territory.

No harm in thought-stretching; that's what this whole blog is about. I was just going in a different direction.

Oh, that could be very interesting indeed...

I was going to use "magnocracy" at first, but I made sure to pin down which bit was Greek and which was Latin. Pretty sure a few of my followers would've tracked down my home address otherwise.

An area labeled “Kirin Grove.”

Something happened back in the day. The question is what.

Whatever happened, grass no longer grows there and the air tastes like scorched copper...


Celestia cursed Troubleshoes so he wouldn’t be a threat to her rule

Troubleshoes... failed rodeo clown to powerful demagogue?

Twilight’s omniscient coffee table

I'm totally going to use that as a description for the Cutie Map now.

That is, if that's okay with you... :yay:

Go right ahead! I've been calling it that for years.

Though it leads to something of a chicken and egg issue: Are creatures made leaders because they're large, or do they become larger after being made leaders?

Well, the way Twilight shoots up like a weed after becoming a ruling princess would suggest it's the latter.

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