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Weatherseed Faerie · 12:14pm Jul 10th, 2020

Let me preface this by saying that I have a healthy understanding of fantasy, reality, and the distinction between the two.

That said, let's talk about how a fictional character is getting back at me.

So, here's an excerpt from Such Sweet Lunacy:

Lemon held up a finger. "Note: Do not say things about Winter Lights. Nothing definitive, anyway. She'll view it as a challenge."

"Isn't that a definitive statement?" said Second.

"It is!" Lemon said, beaming. "I am fully prepared to get annoyed by Indigo's elf girlfriend at some point in the coming weeks."

For context, in the Oversaturated World, Indigo Zap managed to go fast enough to catapult herself into a world of the Fair Folk and got rescued/adopted/captured/enthralled by one entity known as Winter Lights. She's been devoted to Winter ever since, even after the rather dramatic circumstances that got them back to Indigo's native universe.

Now, Winter is still Fay (the spelling is important,) and Lemon's statement still holds true for her. So, how did Winter get back at her?

Well, there's a tropical cyclone bearing down on New Jersey that seems to be avoiding the rest of the country. And its name?

Tropical Storm Fay.

I'm not saying I'm blaming Masterweaver for the weather, especially not something that's more appropriate for the Summer Court. But it's still quite a coincidence.

Comments ( 29 )

People keep telling me there’s a difference between fantasy and reality, and stuff like this keeps happening. :rainbowhuh:

I mean, alternate universes are a possibility....

Hypersigils. Freaky stuff, man, don't mess with it too much or you end up with a shot lung like that rando from Scotland.

Also don't go to Katmandu to be abducted by aliens. It's out of season.

The difference is that fantasy can't blow your house down.

Or that's what I would have said in any year that wasn't 2020...

Might want to look up ways to appease the Fay, FOME. Just in case.

Coincidence is fun, isn't it?

There are no coincidences.

Stock up on cast iron and don't make any bargains with strange people who can't tell an outright lie.

Ah, but a lunatic can put a bomb in your house for delusional reasons, and that lunatic can potentially be the "you" in question. So yeah, even if you can tell the difference between fantasy and reality, the people who can't are still capable of affecting your life.

There is a difference. Fantasy usually has to make sense.

I have a healthy understanding of fantasy, reality, and the distinction between the two.

(scratches head) Then what are you doing here? :pinkiehappy:

Well, there's a tropical cyclone bearing down on New Jersey that seems to be avoiding the rest of the country.

If it's any consolation, it's affecting us here in New York, too, so it isn't like it's a laser pointer dead center of New Jersey (though I guess that depends on the thickness of the laser).

See? This is why we need to fund research into meme magic.

Trade you both for the Nevada heat.

I'm not saying it's super hot outside, but Erwin Rommel knocked on my door just now, asking for directions to Tobruk.

Now, Winter is still Fay (the spelling is important,) and Lemon's statement still holds true for her.

I'm more bothered by that one comma being placed inside the paranthetical aside instead of outside. It's so ugly, darling! :raritydespair:

For context, in the Oversaturated World, Indigo Zap managed to go fast enough to catapult herself into a world of the Fair Folk

When "gotta go fast" kicks in too hard...


huh, I did not expect this of her. Wonder what kind of deals she made.

Reciprocal fictionalization
Just because the reality where it's TRUE is far enough away as to not directly impact ours, ONTOLOGICALLY it still is

In that case, I want OW!Ditzy to show up and take me away from this universe. She's welcome to complain about my writing style, so long as I can escape the planet for a few months.

The really weird thing is that this is a collaborative hypersigil. Masterweaver and I have some kind of Bizarro Moore-Morrison dynamic where we build off of one another rather than engage in a wizards' duel through sequential art.

Yes. Appease. Certainly not banish, no, that would be rude.

On it.

To fix that problem, obviously. :raritywink:

There is that. It just struck me how it was moving almost perfectly parallel to Delaware yesterday morning. Hope you made it out with minor issues at most.

To be frank, I'm not sure if I trust anyone with the power to shape their own reality through fiction, myself included.

... Huh. I could've sworn parentheses worked like quotation marks in that regard. My bad. :twilightsheepish:

This is what happens when you try to show up Rainbow Dash and Ditzy Doo at the same time.

If you don't know, I'm even more concerned. The good news is that the storm really did amount to an annoyance; I now know about a leak and some clogged gutters that need to be addressed.

Well, there's your problem, then. You've both got streams of consciousness going, and you crossed the streams, now you get disruptions over the Gulf Stream (I'm gonna pretend there's meteorologists crying now :scootangel:).

Do us all a solid and start writing about extradimensional portals, would you? Or at least send Mister Stay Puff somewhere with starving children? :rainbowlaugh:


In that case, I want OW!Ditzy to show up and take me away from this universe. She's welcome to complain about my writing style, so long as I can escape the planet for a few months.

But, wouldn’t that risk spreading COVID beyond the bounds of our universe?


But, wouldn’t that risk spreading COVID beyond the bounds of our universe?

No intelligent species would care.

It appears that just because I have the ability to speak, it does not mean I am intelligent.


To be frank, I'm not sure if I trust anyone with the power to shape their own reality through fiction, myself included.

SotS vibes.

If humanity were intelligent, it wouldn't whip itself into a panic over a disease that's proven to be mostly harmless.

That attitude is currently straining several parts of the US health care system to the breaking point. Twelve and a half million dead souls tell me to tell you to piss off, and I see no reason not to listen.

Still, nice demonstration of humanity's lack of intelligence.

One, you missed the Qui Gon Jinn reference.

Two, why aren’t you taking it seriously? It’s the modern day plague, like we’re those aliens from mars who attacked earth in that one classic novel, except we’re the ones getting sick instead.

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