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Top 10 MLP (FIM) Characters I Barely Use In Fanfics · 2:23am Jul 12th, 2020

If you still remember the blog I made nearly a month ago that I took down all of my future story ideas, you can tell that I'm still empty and depressed right now. Not because of writer's block but the fact I have to learn the truth about how the story can catch people's interest. And not only that, the 78 stories (Including the deleted ones) have me use the same characters from time to time. You may not see that as an issue but it is when I figure it out.

I just like writing the characters I like the most from Friendship Is Magic and Equestria Girls mainly the ideas I can use for them in my stories. The amount of characters could give me interesting ideas but the thing is, I'm not a fan of all the characters. You may say you should focus on the ones your interested in but I always want to do something different and unique. And after watching all the episodes from the show, I've came up with a top 10 list where I talk about the characters I barely use since one of them were originally part of my scraped stories. This is gonna be a long blog (No surprise obviously) so here are the 10 characters I barely use in fanfics.

Number 10
Songbird Serenade

This character isn't really that interesting since she's based of the real life singer Sia but there's still a reason why she's on the list. If you read my stories, I've used Octavia, Vinyl, and Rara who are great instrument players and singers. For me, those types of characters are really popular when it comes to their interest in music. Songbird on the other hand only appears in the movie as a singer which makes it hard for me to put her in the focus in a story. For me personally, most of the characters who made their debut in the MLP movie (Who one of them will be part of this list later) made the movie really good when their on screen but Songbird's purpose is minimal. I would try to do something with her in the future but as of now, even if she's at number 10, her spotlight in my stories isn't ready yet.

Number 9

When he made his debut in the Season 7 finale which is Shadow Play, I like him including the Pillars. But one of the biggest reasons why I haven't use him is that he doesn't do much after Season 7. He along with the Pillars did got developed if you read the comics but as for the show, I can't think of fanfic ideas for him. His relationship with Twilight Sparkle didn't do much other then Friendship University, it's the same with Twilight's relationship with Celestia. He's not a downgrade but what he does with no crisis going on, I don't really need to use him in my stories. The Pillars, that's a different story.

Number 8

Speaking of Twilight's relationships, Moondancer never came to mind for ideas. Why? It's not that she's uninteresting it's just that her propose in the show feels mostly wasted. Yes Amending Fences is great but it's the only episode she's get's the spotlight and only made a brief return in Season 9. I feel like Twilight's long time friends should have another full episode so we can see them do what they do best as friends. I did wrote a story involving Minuette but not the other three of Twilight's friends. Moondancer and Twilight's friendship to me has so many options for fanfics if she got more screentime. Believe me when I say this, screentime is always important to give a character more development and likability (Even if she's already likable).

Number 7
Chancellor Neighsay

When it comes to top 10 worst characters from this show, people would definitely put this guy on the list. But for me, I never cared about his development. When Twilight opened her school and ran with it through the entire 8th season, Neighsay feels like a plot device but not a way that's makes me hate him. However like I said, I never cared about him. What makes him meaningless to me is the fact the writers never try to make him relatable. When season 8 was over, he was never used again which makes his purpose hard for me to think about writing him in fanfiction. If his development isn't only about going against Twilight's ways of running the School Of Friendship, maybe I would think of a fanfic idea for him. Unfortunately, he's just like everyone on this list (Even making a satisfying fanfic to take him down doesn't make me happy).

Number 6

Now here's a character who made her debut since the very first season of the show. Zecora to me is a character I have mixed feelings with (That doesn't mean I hate her). The issue with her is that her purpose is to help the characters with her potions which is helpful but that's it. Whenever she's in the focus of the episode she's in, she only has one priority. She spend most of her life in Everfree Forest which is an environment that's unsafe in Equestria. There maybe some information onto why she stays in Everfree Forest but if there are, it could really give me ideas for her. The only time I use her is mentions in my Spike The Dragonsitter story, if I was invested with her in her appearances, I could at least do one story involving her. She's an expert at making potions but not an fanfic inspiration to me.

Number 5
Maud Pie

Since we're finally at the top 5, you're about to see characters that are well known but still having the same issue like the other entries I mentioned. Anyway, Maud Pie became one of the most fan favorite characters in the show. So what's the issue I have? It's her personality compare to Pinkie Pie. Yes, that's what makes her great but it makes it complicated for me to write her in a fanfic. Emotions is something I don't flesh out in my stories but what makes Maud difficult is the fact people love her personality when her development is down right. If I was trying to write a fanfic involving her, I have to make if feel like a Maud Pie story. Her emotions is what makes me worried if the story actually get's attention if it's down right.

Now before you ask, Yes I did use her along with the Pie family in one of the chapters in Teacher Mothers Of The Week but only for Cloudy's purpose as a teacher. She and the others only helped the students with the assignment, nothing more. I'm not trying to be on the opposite side of understand a character but this is actually serious. When people read a story involving a character, they expect the character to be like from the show. I could've give Maud Pie a chance if her character wasn't that hard to make her one of the most fan favorites in the Brony Community. Unlike the characters I ranked from 10 to 6, 5 to 1 is where I'm definitely have less interest with. And yes, Maud Pie is one of them even if she's in the middle go the list.

Number 4
Darling Doo

If you ever loved a character who represents one of your favorite actors from classic movies in the 80's, Darling Doo would definitely come to mind. Now for my opinion on her, I like her and in one of the episodes she's part of (With the exception of the last episode she appeared). Her personality and interactions with Rainbow Dash and the villains are awesome so why haven't I used her? Well...as much as I like her, the biggest problem that keeps her away from my ideas is...I'm not a fan of Indiana Jones.

When you read a story that involves Darling Doo, you wanted action and adventure, it makes her purpose more reasonable since that's what makes her well known from the show. However in the real world that we live in where the inspiration came from the Indiana Jones movies, I barely watch the four films. I did watch bits and pieces of the first film but only watched a review of the second movie and the rest, only small bits. I wasn't invested in them and I only liked the action scenes. I've remembered that I played Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures with my bother 12 years ago and I did enjoyed playing it but it didn't caught my interest of the franchise itself.

Which leads me back to the topic about Darling Doo. She's the pony equivalent of Indiana Jones but that made me see more in her. She isn't the type of character that works in a slice of life story, it maybe possible to make it work if she was like every other pony who lives a normal life. Doing an action or adventure story takes a lot time to make it feel like an action or adventure. I'm interested with those genres but not good enough to make it work in fanfiction. I could try my best when inspiration finally comes but as of now, Darling Doo would be better off staying in disguise if I ever use her.

Number 3
Tempest Shadow

When it comes to characters like Capper and Captain Celaeno from the movie, I never look at the opportunities for them in fanfiction. Now with hippogriffs, I definitely had a lot of ideas but there's one character you all remember from the 2017 My Little Pony Movie. And that character is Tempest Shadow. At the end of the movie, she became Twilight's friend, no longer a villain. It's honestly hard to believe that the movie is almost 3 years old by the time we head into October of this year.

However, with her being on this list at number 3, there reason why I didn't use her is the fact she never returned. She did in the season 9 finale but only cameos. I get starting friendships again is something this show does constantly but that's still something Tempest deserves after helping Twilight stopping the Storm King. It's really sad that the characters from the movie never returned so we gave get more fanfic ideas from them. I feel like I could've give Tempest a story if we get more screentime from her, yes she had quite enough from the movie but with the show where she's a good girl, she could've get a 44 minute special in the show so we can see her fit in with the other characters. There might be a chance for me to use her but still, I don't want to put a lot of pressure in myself on focusing the other characters.

Number 2
Cozy Glow

The villains from the show are always a mixed bag to me. I like Chrysalis, The Storm King is a great exclusive in the move, and let's not forgot how serious the Pony Of Shadows was in the finale of Season 7. However that doesn't mean they're immune of my fanfic ideas. And Cozy Glow is the biggest of them all. I really can't stand her by time and before you ask that she's a filly, that's the biggest reason. When she made her debut in Marks For Effort, it was alright but when she became the villain, that's when it all goes downhill.

The writers try way too hard to make her crazy and it's really forced especially with the constant facial expressions. When fillies like her get delusional and becoming a villain doesn't catch my attention, it sometimes irritates me. This is why I'm not into writing her in my fanfics as a main focus. If this show had more seasons, we might off get more development from her like about her lost parents of something. That would definitely make me appreciate her meaning in the show but of course, most of the potential will always be left out without an answer. If people actually need answers that is.

Number 1

Since I saw him made his first appearance from the 2nd Season premiere...I found him average and when her reformed, I couldn't take him seriously. That is until I saw Discordant Harmony where I finally understand about his purpose. And then it all changed when I saw the finale of FIM, where he was Grogar the whole time and caused one of the villains to be released from their cells, AND faces no consequences!


Sorry, I still can't get over this even after the show came to an end. The creditable of Discord was all gone from me. You have no idea how much it takes to ruin a better final battle then what we end up getting. I was planning on giving Discord a story as part of the pony pal stories (Even if he's a Draconequus) but now, I made up my mind and refused. Characters on this list made me have mixed and positive feelings but unlike the final entry, they didn't ruin themselves. Their character traits at the least made sense. Discord did convinced in Season 7 but the moment he was Grogar, shows that him getting out of stone from Season 3 should've never happen.

Now I get it, he has a fanbase that I'm aware and even when I didn't like him, I can see what people think about him. But what doesn't change the fact his derailment was so bad. Believe me when I say this when you're starting to grow on a character during his appearances in the show, you should expect the character to have a proper direction from the writers. I've had this feeling from other cartoons and if your telling me that Discord still deserves some appreciation...I'm sorry but if you still like Discord after the show's over, please comment down below, I need to know because no matter how long it takes, Discord will always be at number 1 of the characters I barely use in fanfics.

Anyway, sorry that I made yet another long blog but this was something I actually wanted to do since I'm trying to make writing process. I always wanted to do something different in my fanfics and after learning more about how to get the story's attention. I've been on this website for three years and I still didn't get any improvements in my writing but at the same time, I can try to improve on the direction. Characters like these (from 6-10 that is) is what I could do to make a story really interesting. That's the biggest reason why I'm still writing fanfics, obviously there's several more but still.

At the moment you finish reading this blog, I'm might be writing my next fanfic with the characters I used from my other stories. Nothing special but it's still different to (hopefully) get the attention. See you followers later.

Comments ( 9 )

Just putting it out there, Tempest eventually joined forces with Luna and a few other characters as part of the squad known as the Nightmare Knights, so there is potential for other stories...

Personally, I believe Discord was used improperly for most of the show. The one time I think he really shined was when he was messing with twilight, making her believe she had to teach starlight a lot more than she had planned.

Discord is the kind of character that likes to twist something into something new just for the sake of it, and we don't see that done well in the show or if it is, not often. But I will admit, I loathe the decision to make discord into a two-timing snake, I speak about during season four, the finale gave a decent reason, imo.

Largely, Discord is a character that can be written well or poorly, it all depends on the skill of the writer. I see him as a smart, quick-witted, and powerful individual whom truly cares for a good friend that he never thought he would have, someone who at least tries to understand his interests, someone to ultimately be proud of him.

That is the beauty of discord, he can be a devil, a simple trickster, a friend, an enemy, a lover, a tormentor, a teacher, or a fool. But in truth, he is all of these things, it just depends on what you focus on, when writing him.

Okay, I’ll keep that in mind for a possible Luna and Tempest fanfic idea.

If that explains why he faces no consequences in the final episodes...sorry, the reveal was too horrible. I think this explains onto why Generation 5 is going to be more for adults so they won’t do this again.

Well them and Trixie, Stygian, and Capper as well...

Seriously, read the Nightmare Knights IDW miniseries. It's very well written and even introduces a new villain.

I think him siding with Tirek in the end of season four, then being betrayed by him was what made that final reveal bad.

He truly had no reason to do so, unless of course he knew that betrayal would occur and that Twilight could deal with it, however that is highly unlikely.

But again, I truly believe Discord to be a grand character, if he is used correctly.

If you disagree, then we shall not speak again of this subject.

I hope you have a good day.

~Shady Nail~

You know you don't have to end a conversation because we have different opinions. I'm just saying they did it in a way that crosses the line. And I was referring to the final episodes of season 9.

I know. I just have nothing more to say.

Okay, thanks for commenting in my blog.

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