• Member Since 28th Oct, 2014
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Clop and furry porn writer. Bisexual. Favorite ponies to write are Discord, Shining Armor, and the Cakes. Married to a lovely artist.

More Blog Posts33

  • 4 weeks
    Open for Commissions!

    It's been a while, but I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm opening up for commissions once again! Happy to do SFW and NSFW and most kinks, and my rate is a simple $10/1k words. DM me if interested!

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  • 20 weeks
    Discord Headcanons?

    I’m still here and I still occasionally toy with writing clopfic. I think we all know that Discord is a character I’m drawn to, but one thing that makes him a bit odd to write fanfic of is that there’s no community consensus about what he is, unlike with other characters. Like, it feels pretty accepted that Rainbow Dash is plausibly a lesbian or that Big Mac has a big dick.

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  • 201 weeks
    Feedback on a clopfic idea?

    I've recently been cooking an idea for a swords-and-sorcery barbarian clopfic kind of story, potentially using Ogres & Oubliettes as a medium for the events of the story. I'm not quite sure about some decisions though, so I have some questions for any fans of mine who want to weigh in:

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  • 202 weeks
    Just One More Featured!

    It feels good to know I can still make it to the front page when I want to. After six years on this place and several years since a smash hit like Deepy, I still got it, heh.

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  • 203 weeks
    Nazis Fuck Off

    Since there's a massive flame-bait story at the top of the front page right now starring Aryanne, let me make this perfectly clear:

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    42 comments · 898 views

Nazis Fuck Off · 8:57pm Jul 17th, 2020

Since there's a massive flame-bait story at the top of the front page right now starring Aryanne, let me make this perfectly clear:

Aryanne is not funny. She's not edgy. She's not okay. She makes light of one of the most horrific events in human history, and any decent person should be disgusted by how many people think she's not a big deal to toss around. You are not being good friends to those in our community who are Jewish, LGBT, disabled, or a part of any of the other groups the Nazis killed en-masse when you allow stories that make her out to be a funny joke or a sex object to exist on this site. Full stop.

I am truly disgusted by the support that is pouring out for this story, and I'm continually disgusted by massive number of other racist and pedophilic clopfics I see on this site every day. If you upvoted or faved the Aryanne story, or commented to defend it, unfollow me. If you want to argue with me, I will block you. I do not debate Nazis.

I'm also considering leaving this site because of the constant stream of disgusting shit I see every day out of this fandom. If I do, I may consider hosting my stories somewhere else, at least the ones I plan on finishing someday, but I'm not sure where I would do that.

I don't want to leave, though. I want Nazis to leave. I want pedos to leave. I want homophobes to leave. I truly hope that the members of this fandom who are hurt by this shit, or wish to stand up for those who are hurt by this shit, can come together and come up with a way to show these people that we will not tolerate hatred in a community centered on friendship. But I'm not terribly hopeful that will happen.

Report Hardcover · 898 views ·
Comments ( 42 )

come together and come up with a way to show these people that we will not tolerate hatred in a community centered on friendship

Working on it. Hang in there. In the meantime, don't let the bastards grind you down.

She makes light of one of the most horrific events in human history

Alternatively, people may see her as mocking the people who thought those horrific events were a good idea. Rather than giving them some twisted, horrified "respect" as the Evilest Evil who ever Eviled, we can turn them into absurd romance novel characters. Probably healthier for society in the long run.

RoMS #3 · Jul 17th, 2020 · · 14 ·

Good on ya speaking out, Hardcover.


Aryanne is a 4chan dog whistle. There currently is an art pack of Aryanne being made to which people are giving variants of $14.88 (wink, wink) as a monetary contribution.

Nazis can go fuck off. And especially you. Didn't you call for killing people in another thread?

Regidar #4 · Jul 17th, 2020 · · 14 ·

All we can do is keep fighting. Stay strong. :heart:

I fully agree.

They're villains. They are the evilest evil. If I were alive 80 years ago, they'd kill me. Aryanne does not mock them. She represents them. They love her because she normalizes them. The only course of action is to tell them they aren't welcome among us.

If you're confused you should take a look at the front page with mature content enabled if possible

Writing this blog post?

Personally, I like making horses kiss without Nazis getting involved.

Because it's my page, and my blog section, and I can write about whatever I want...?

Why would you waste time writing your comment?

I like to say this dude if you don't like at all why are you bring attention to it?

Because it's extremely offensive to me personally, and enables an ideology that would like to see me dead if it were allowed to have its own way? Don't think I don't see you following the author of that shit, too. Can you really not see why this is so hurtful to me and so many others?

Here is a tip when going on the internet AVOID it if you don't like it

Here's a tip for when you run into a problem in life:

Ignoring it only allows it to get worse.

Also here is a tip screaming at something isn't make it go away either

She is bloody bait and you bitten into it hook, line and sinker.
If I remember correctly she is an earth pony, who is a unicorn supremacist. Do you see the irony here?
This is the Nazi Pug debacle aka you need to have less intelligence then a dog to follow those idiots and communists.

"I want homophobes to leave."

the part i bolded is the most worrisome, you hate gay people? you hate lesbian people? i had to literally make sure thats what you were pointing at in that part, you dont want hate to be spread yet you yourself are spreading hate, which in itself.... is hypocrisy. Because right now, you are spreading hate to an group that didnt do anything wrong, i can understand disdain toward pedos and nazis, but why are you hating on the LGBTQ too? And why are you trying to rally people against it?

You want the community to stop the hate? Be the first one and not spread it further. Be kind and show theres a better way, cuz at this point... all you are doing... is making more problems.

A mod could literally delete every nazi and that wouldn't be a problem on fimfic anymore.

.......I have no dog in any of this fight, but he's not hating on homosexuals. "Homophobes" means people who hate homosexuals. Ergo, he's saying he wants people who hate homosexuals to leave.

Oh my bad, guess that dictonary was incorrect welp x.x

Nah bro, I'm bi. But if you post an m/m clopfic on this site, it might take your breath away how fast it gets downvoted, no matter how well-written it is. And there are a lot more subtle issues of homophobia that I won't even go into.

But I like your spirit. You were ready to call my ass out and I love it

Ya i try my best to point out the truth, and like other have said. Nazis are bad yes, but i dont see how she represents them. Im likely missing what ppl are going crazy about as all i see is a pony with an swastik and her being a goof ball. Im not inbroiled in this whole hate debacle on from both sides so thats my view point, she just looks like a pony being silly and having the nazi swastik on her butt.


I had to make an new post but i better point this out.

If we ban one thing, more will banned as well until there is nothing left.

Say that pony gets nuked and is never used, next they gotta banned foalcon, which i think you would be happy, but then those homophones you want gone, will stir and freak out next pointing out you banned those 2 that offended people. Why not ban that? Then gay/lesbian stuff gets the banned because of the huge fight that happens. Then down the road ppl outside of community begin to label us as bestaility lovers and begin to make a call to have hasbro ban all pony porn... then thats end game.

We all are going down an very slippery hill, like i said. There other solutions then just nuking stuff.

So here's the thing:

If you saw a swastika on the side of a building, you would know that's not okay. That's not someone joking around, even if they would say they are. The swastika is a very specific symbol that means a very specific thing. Nazism is an ideology of hate. It exists to commit hate crimes. Therefore, it's symbols are hateful, and spreading them is an attempt to intimidate and terrorize others. It's an act of hate speech.

It is no accident that Aryanne exists. It is no accident that her cutie mark is a swastika. That means something. And it's no accident that so many people are trying to make her seem likeable, cute, funny, and basically make her a waifu. And it's no accident that when the people who would be hurt by a resurgence of fascism say they don't like her, that the response is "she's just a joke/she's not serious, chill out."

But 75 years ago, I'd be a pink triangle. Aryanne is a reminder of that. That it happened before, even when a bunch of people said it couldn't, and it can happen again. It's happening in other parts of the world today. There's no reason it couldn't happen in America, where I live. And there are a lot of people who wouldn't say a thing if I was rounded up with a bunch of other "homosexuals" and led off to a camp.

That's why we're mad. Because to us, this isn't funny at all. She is a symbol that is meant to spread and normalize hate against me and many others. No one who would allow that to stay in this community can belong in a community that is based on friendship and care for each other. The two ideologies are antithetical. Nazis are the very opposite of MLP, and so are nazi symbols. Either she goes, or we go, because if we try to coexist, then we'll be forced to go anyway.

So this is a slippery slope argument. "if we do this, then we have to do this."

No we don't. If we ban Aryanne, we don't have to ban anything else. I would personally be okay if we banned foalcon, but there's no guarantee that would happen. Anytime someone asks, "Where's the line? Where does it end?" the answer is always somewhere. It ends somewhere.

Thats the thing, heres the point

Once the ball starts rolling how do we even stop it? Will others start shit even more and get other stuff banned?

This is all conjecture but its an possibility that could happen sadly, as much as alot of you dont wanna admit, it is something that could come about.

Like im not on your guys side and im not on their side, im just pointing out what is likely gonna happen.

I want homophobes to leave.

Does that mean you want me to leave because I'm a Catholic and the Catholic Church is against homosexuals, regardless of the fact that I, personally, am indifferent to them?

And while i don't disagree with anything you said, I would like to point out something.
The Swastika has origins dating back thousands of years BCE, and some of the earliest dated were found in the Middle-East.

1. Usages of the swastika in the past are irrelevant to its usage now. Language, even symbolic language, is defined by usage. The word "slut" means "end" in swedish, but that doesn't make it less rude to use in English. When someone uses a swastika today, they are certainly not simply enthusiasts in mesopotamian archeology.

2. Whatever church you belong to does not dictate your opinion. Your actions do. I'm also a practicing Christian, but I went out of my way to get a degree in religion, challenge homophobia within the church, and join one that better aligns with the morality of the faith. Anyone can stand against homophobia regardless of their religious beliefs.

But this is literally a logical fallacy. It's called the slippery slope fallacy. It's not that I "can't accept it." It's just full-stop a flawed way of thinking. One thing does not necessarily lead to another. If there are conversations about banning certain subjects, we will have each of those conversations in turn, and discuss them on their own merits.

I think the best solution to it is not to ban the pony itself, an parody can still happen if done right.

Now if this pony was spreading hate speech like the "kill all -insert race-" and all that stuff then ya ban her outright.

Again im not saying nazis are good or they should be allowed, comedians mock themselves all the time and everything about themselves.. should they be banned because of what they are saying about themselves?

Again Nazi = Bad

But what about making fun of nazis?

It was never exclusive to Mesopotamian archaeological use. It also has significant use in Hinduism and many Asian cultures.
As it is, there are still modern Asian cultures still use it as a symbol for good fortune. I can't recall off the top of my head, being quarter past two in the AM, so I might be thinking of somewhere else, but I think Thailand is one of the more common ones.

Yeah, making fun of nazis should technically be okay. But I don't think anyone would be up in arms if the ban was flat "no Aryanne." Because the people who would parody her don't give a shit. But the people who say she's "just a parody" would be up in arms. That's why a flat ban makes more sense. A lot of people would try and hedge in parody, even though they're actually just spreading her toxic bullshit. Because the fact of the matter is her existence says "kill all jews/lgbt/disabled/etc." Even if she never says it in a fic, that's what her character is. A nazi is inseparable from genocide. It is the definition of a nazi.

I don't know if you know this, but on this English-speaking forum for an American cartoon, none of that is relevant. What words and symbols mean elsewhere in the world is not relevant to what they mean in this part of the world. It shouldn't be so hard for people to be respectful. When someone says, "Hey, that symbol is representative of hatred and genocide for me, personally, and people like me in the past," why is there so much controversy? Why is it so hard for people to just say "Sorry if I hurt your feelings. I didn't realize this was bad."

It would probably be in both of our best interests to drop this discussion.
We're debating symbology while one of us (me) is barely awake enough to see the letters they're typing, wearing a sock on their left foot and have no recollection of taking the right sock off.

Also, I have been drinking, which may or may not be a contributing factor to either and/or both my memory gaps and why I decided to debate a topic I generally wouldn't touch with a vat of molten lead on the primary grounds that I normally wouldn't give two shits about it.

Actually... nazi only became that bad because of hitler and world war 2. I do believe Nazis existed way before WW2. They only became so horrible because of what ww2 did and with hitler in charge of that faction.

Then you did just say... nazi is inseperable from genocide... does that mean Black People are inseperable from being gangsters and mob and violent? And Americans are yankees?

this is what we call thrusting stereotypes on others. Not everything is black and white hardcover. You just very well admitted if she was an comedy of nazism then that would be good, then right in the same post you began to state that comedy didnt matter because shes a nazi and nothing is good about being a nazi... so.. ya thats kinda taking 1 step forward then 2 steps back.

Also since i cant post anymore cuz the guy blocked me, when i stated the stereotypes it was to show that stereotypes are bad :) And that it doesnt make an group all the same for a group of bad apples.

You just had to be racist, huh?

Here's the difference. Nazis choose to be nazis. Black people do not choose to be black. A white person with blonde hair and blue eyes is not a nazi. They become a nazi when they say, "I don't think there's anything wrong with genocide."

R5h #38 · Jul 20th, 2020 · · 8 ·

Oh my god you made this blog and then got someone who thought Nazis are the same as black people. I feel your pain, man.

I also agree wholeheartedly with you. Nazis, fuck off. And the same goes for Aryanne! She sucks, and no one should defend her.

Frankly I'm just glad that things are dying down and the mods are looking at solutions so I can go back to making clop and hyperfixating on my self-indulgent mary sue fic

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