• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
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I like big ponies and I cannot lie.

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  • 6 weeks
    Fun Police People?

    Just think about it, you and a couple of friends are watching classic South Park or something edgy. And then, some person comes who's not even a fan of it, demands changes (censorship) or outright turns off the program. Just why do people do this? Why do they ruin everyone's fun?

    13 comments · 158 views
  • 11 weeks
    A story based on this image would be nice

    I think it would be quite cute. Art by icey.

    derpibooru link: https://derpibooru.org/images/3327595

    3 comments · 174 views
  • 17 weeks
    My thoughts on Stellar Blade

    Her ass is not fat enough. That is all.

    Ponies got much better asses.

    2 comments · 214 views
  • 30 weeks
    MLP Gen5 Butts are too small

    Seriously, they are. This is by far the most important issue, if they made their asses fatter it would improve viewership. If they made the ponies thicc prudes would complain, which would only draw in even more viewers. Twilight Sparkle, the protagonist of the series has a fat ass, and her teacher Princess Celestia, who's ass is even fatter.

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    16 comments · 368 views
  • 32 weeks
    I don't like anthro

    The main reason is uncanny valley. When something looks human but not quite. A perfect example would be a robot trying to mimic being human, it looks unsettling. It's somewhat insulting towards the ponies, you have Twilight Sparkle there a beautiful unicorn and you can't embrace her just because she's not fully in human shape, even though she has all the qualifications to be a sapient-minded

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    17 comments · 295 views

Can absolute free speech be a thing? · 6:38am Jul 19th, 2020

Because I'm not sure if banning certain speech gets rid of it. It just tends to go underground. Human beings are not perfect, malice, and disdain for others will always be with us.

We would be perfect if we were something like the Borg. However, I find the concept of being something like the Borg as incredibly evil since it rids us of our free will. I don't like the concept of the Conversion Bureau fan fiction series for this very reason, it rids us of our humanity.

Should certain ideas no matter how insane should be discussed in the open? Or should they be discussed behind closed doors, far from the eyes of everyone? Maybe if you talk to these racist people you could possibly change their minds? As the concept of redemption left us?

'If you are not with me, then you are my enemy' concept. Are we doomed to use this form of action for everything, and kill each other over it? Yes, there could be times where this is literally no choice for this action. You're not going to be able to negotiate with undead zombies, who simply want to eat you. Or a guy high on drugs, at least not very easily.

Report Bendy · 322 views · #free speech
Comments ( 19 )

More people should read George Orwell's book, 1984.

Or at the very least quote it. Or explain it to others.

The truth spoken clearly and directly in love is a powerful weapon, but hard to master.

It's sad that the concept of the Thought Police is as close to becoming reality as it is.

Yes and no. I mean if we stop being human.

Free-speech is fine as long as you’re not doing a call to violence like telling someone to go hurt someone or kill themselves or telling them to commit a crime

To be fair, it's merely thoughtcrime that's becoming a legitimate thing; actual policing is still a total pipe dream.

For the moment.
Give it another ten, maybe twenty years, and who knows what gaps technological advancements can cover to permit the policing of it.

That’s a terrifying thought

Isn't it?
The worst part is that I WISH I was exaggerating.


If you control language, you can control thought. That's the game that higher authority loves to play on other people.

As everyone here is either a writer or a reader (and probably both), it only makes sense that everyone on this website SHOULD respect absolute freedom of speech. If you allow it to be chipped away at, you may find one day that releasing fanfiction to the public in any form becomes illegal. Just an example. People act like the "slippery slope" is just a fallacy but if history and human nature tells us anything, it's that people who are given an inch quickly realize they can take a mile, and then do so. If you let extremists silence your voice because of reasons like "hate speech" and "bigotry" you will soon find that your voice will be silenced because of "unpopular opinion" and "wrong think" (and it's arguable if that is currently going on right now) and then finally "because I don't like what you are saying" and "because you are an enemy of the state".

People who don't want to be offended have the adult choice of turning and walking away, covering their ears or turning off the computer. Nobody is ever forced to listen to or read things that offend them.

That being said I do agree with 5314714 although all of those things are already separate crimes and for good reason.

Well said. Been hearing so many ice-cold takes it's disgusting. The people who are against free speech are a cult. And yes you can have free speech without exceptions if people don't wet themselves.

Thanks for the follow btw.

What if it's done in a story? Fan fiction etc.

I see you were standing up to the fun police. I find it really stupid that the Aryanne OC is taken so seriously. I think a legit fascist would find it offensive. If you showed this OC to Adolf Hitler I dare say he would shoot you.

There's nothing stopping them from making their own counterpart to Aryanne. Like a communist OC or something.


Like a communist OC or something.

We already have Starlight Glimmer. >_>

You know, the funny thing is a long time ago I read a quote by I think it was Goebbels and he said that freedom of speech is a high imperative (irony!) for any free society because only those with something to hide are against it. When one is free to express themselves and speak freely but ALSO to be challenged for their beliefs can any good come for those ideas rooted firmly in falsehood shall be rooted out. I find this whole SJW thing to be exactly that: a weed that is trying to dig in deep and then pollute the lands around it. Only one idea is permitted and all must parrot that one idea or face intense chastisement or destruction.

They do not believe in freedom of speech and that even the Nazi propaganda minister knew the importance of the freedom of speech when they DO NOT is hilarious. They decry others as Nazis when they themselves are mirror reflections of Nazis and Communists.

The justifications for calling people like me a Nazi for editing an Aryanne fic are so stupid.

"The nazis killed people!"

So? All sorts of people have killed people for all sorts of stupid reasons. What's it to you? Communism killed many more people than the nazis ever did and I love communist iconography, armored fighting vehicles, and vodka. I respect the fighting man of the USSR who fought in defense of their Motherland, regardless of Stalin.

The Chinese are also a great people, regardless of the CCP.

Communism has nothing to do with Antifa, people need to understand this. They are the most well-supported interest group in the world by big business. Go and look at the corporations sponsoring the rioters. Their issue is free-speech gives the common-man power and that's power they, and the big corporations, won't have because they see freedom as a zero-sum game. What's sad is about one-third by my reckoning of people on this site are basically Antifa, they see people like me as someone needing to be killed. They also have published a call to kill "nazis" and had this allowed to be posted to the site, despite the broad definition of nazis being employed and the rule-breaking meta.

What you say about Aryanne is true. The fact is, and it needs to be said, actual Neo-Nazis think bronies are the very scum of the earth and if you waved some Aryanne symbol in their face they would probably lay you out cold — assuming they've made it as far as going outdoors and aren't stuck inside their homes, shitposting on 4chan, and playing Hearts of Iron IV. They have never been an ally of any faction of bronies and nor will they ever be. I disavow them as they have disavowed us.

The anti-free speech crusaders are a religious cult.

In a story is completely hypothetical so it should be fine . In most forms of art is to convey emotion do you want your readers to feel what your saying or doing that it’s a part of storytelling It help you Express your emotion with the severity of the situation

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