• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
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I like big ponies and I cannot lie.

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  • 4 weeks
    Fun Police People?

    Just think about it, you and a couple of friends are watching classic South Park or something edgy. And then, some person comes who's not even a fan of it, demands changes (censorship) or outright turns off the program. Just why do people do this? Why do they ruin everyone's fun?

    13 comments · 150 views
  • 9 weeks
    A story based on this image would be nice

    I think it would be quite cute. Art by icey.

    derpibooru link: https://derpibooru.org/images/3327595

    3 comments · 165 views
  • 15 weeks
    My thoughts on Stellar Blade

    Her ass is not fat enough. That is all.

    Ponies got much better asses.

    2 comments · 204 views
  • 28 weeks
    MLP Gen5 Butts are too small

    Seriously, they are. This is by far the most important issue, if they made their asses fatter it would improve viewership. If they made the ponies thicc prudes would complain, which would only draw in even more viewers. Twilight Sparkle, the protagonist of the series has a fat ass, and her teacher Princess Celestia, who's ass is even fatter.

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    16 comments · 358 views
  • 31 weeks
    I don't like anthro

    The main reason is uncanny valley. When something looks human but not quite. A perfect example would be a robot trying to mimic being human, it looks unsettling. It's somewhat insulting towards the ponies, you have Twilight Sparkle there a beautiful unicorn and you can't embrace her just because she's not fully in human shape, even though she has all the qualifications to be a sapient-minded

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    17 comments · 289 views

Have the fun police won? · 12:31pm Jul 20th, 2020

Have the fun police won? Can nothing be edgy or offensive anymore?

Captain Jean-Luc Picard: We think we've come so far... the torture of heretics, the burning of witches - all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - it starts all over again... Villains who twirl their mustaches are easy to spot. Those who clothe themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged.

Report Bendy · 325 views · #fun police #edgy #offensive
Comments ( 25 )

Nobody wins from this.

Surely the fun police will.

They'll just complain and bemoan that people left and the site is dead and how could this happen, woe is us. It's a no-win situation, the only winning move was not to play.

Hopefully, that does not happen.

I do have to admit I am a little worried.

What is so pathetically ironic is that 4 years ago no one gave a shit, they just did not bother to read X if it somehow "offended" them. Then came the whole Fall of Equestria with enough rape smut to make the most sleazy porn studio blush in shame but again... No one cared. Suddenly, out of the blue... SJW time!

The fools forget we are all on the same ship and if you torpedo it we ALL sink. What a slippery slope.

History repeats itself.

:twilightsheepish: I don't like thing
:rainbowdetermined2: don't read thing?

Actually I would say that edgy / offensive humor is now super funny again (like in the 90s when it was Christian Karens and fundamentalists trying to cancel everything), because people get so upset about even the most minor of offenses. I really wonder what George Carlin would have to say if he were still alive...

So, how many babies does it take to paint a wall red?


It depends on how hard you swing them! :pinkiecrazy:

So now that this joke has been posted, watch and observe how many people get offended. :rainbowlaugh:

While I'd argue against "super funny", the fact is that Joja Rabbit or whatever that movie was still got made, and I'm pretty sure the whole point was to prove that we're still at the stage where cries for censorship are coming solely from those with no power to actually enforce it. The 90's moral panics are a good comparison; the outrage was completely counterproductive, only making more people aware of Mortal Kombat's existence. (That's just the example I know of off the top of my head, it applies to everything else you only know about because of said panic)

The scary part is that someone nerdier than I am could probably calculate a real answer to that question (Randall Munroe probably would if you asked); take the amount of blood you can safely donate then put it in a bucket to test coverage, then use probably-already-extant statistics for how much blood is in the average infant and how big an average wall is. That said, it's definitely more efficient to exsanguinate the babies and then use a paint roller instead of just hitting the wall with babies (you at least killed them first, right?), and you don't end up with something particularly red either.

What brought this up?

The ongoing clash in most of the MLP fandom about censorship. Started on Derpibooru, moved here partially, and now it's here in force as well.

Err, can you be more specific? I'm not sure which part you're asking "How so?" about.

How is that clash here in force now?

It's given people with hate in their hearts a socially-acceptable target to lash out against without repercussion. For example, at the time that it started there were these five blogs (and a couple others as well):
https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/910028/rational-debate-changed-my-mind This one had to be deleted by mods because it was promoting and encouraging real world violence, but the author has spread his calls to several other places and is still fomenting hatred.
The rest of these are making pretty clear delineations about a "them and us" mentality taking over the left-leaning SJW extremists. I say extremists, because not everyone left-leaning feels that way and it's unfair to lump them in like that. There's a large influx of hateful rhetoric, attacking other users, and polarizing views. It's not healthy for the site, and I hope the worst shit-stirrers are removed so we can just focus on pony stories again.

Got it. Have there actually been that many Nazis or racists on this site?

No, there are no nazis here, in 8 years I've never seen one. I'm sure there are racists but any racist language or such is always shut down almost immediately and hasn't been an issue for years, and some people just enjoy the shock value of using offensive words without holding racist views themselves. BUT, the people calling others nazis and racists have been discussing real world violence:

Okay, you raise legitimate points. What would you say are safer methods of property destruction?


Serious answer? Read up on the Hong Kong protests, they've been doing a fair bit of precision property destruction as part of their efforts. Matthew Rodier did some long-term journalistic investigation there, and he held an AMA on Reddit where quite a few people spoke up from the apparent perspective of being HK protesters, so you might ask around there.


Imrix is better informed than me. I am not generally on the "smash and loot private property as a form of protest" train. (Public property, sure. Going nuts on a police precinct sounds great to me.) Going after corporate America? Yeah, sure, okay.

Using the protests as cover to organize a band of looters to roll down a street of small business, wrecking them systematically? That's sort of where I get off. Especially when it isn't a form of protest, it's just vultures.


I mean, yeah, it's not ideal, but I'm so exhausted and cynical and angry and immature that I'm at the point where I don't give a fuck anymore. Maybe that makes me a lesser person, but I'm just tired of it all. I want to tear it all down and start from scratch. I'm tired of being tired, and I'm privileged as fuck, and I'm crushing myself beneath the weight of all my outrage and I probably just need to go buy and do a bunch of cocaine and forget about my problems for a few hours.

Fuck it all.

Out of all the stories on this site, I think it was something like .08% even had the word "nazi" in them, and most of those were about fighting them in some kind of crossover. I've not gone looking for them, but of the four or five that gained the spotlight in the last week, none of them were promoting nazi ideology or portraying nazis in a positive light, and two of them were about killing nazis.

Wow, got it. So was that article in the Atlantic that one blog post mentioned lying?

Basically yes. They interviewed Wootmaster, a guy who was already disillusioned with Derpibooru (and who went around doxxing people), and he greatly exaggerated the state of things. The DB mods themselves posted statistics that the number of Aryanne pics being posted was decreasing year after year, and out of the 1.6 million images hosted there were like 900. That's .000005% of hosted images, but Wootmaster exaggerated it and then the Atlantic went and stretched his statements as well, grossly misrepresenting the situation because this is the hot-button social issue currently.

There was no problem, nobody protesting the images, no one even raising a fuss about them. DB had maintained a policy of "if you don't want to see it, use the filters" for several years and it worked, but once the article came out the site's owner, Teaspoon (or TSP) and his basically-a-yes-man admin Joey/Blossomforth decided that this was maximum priority and deserved zero tolerance. This raised concerns about free expression on a site that's supposed to be an archive, not a publisher. The staff flip-flopped on the policy for weeks, managing to piss off every conceivable side involved. Since their moderators were censoring and deleting so many comments from their forums, discussion of it came here.

It's been a roller-coaster ride for sure, and there's no winners from all this fighting.

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