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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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  • Tuesday
    OOOHH!! This Project! (Haven't slept well)

    (Day 32)

    On May 3rd, after I posted the Finale of TT Idol Season 16...

    I began a really big and really daring project...

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  • 1 week
    Poor Tara Strong (RIP Reese)

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  • 2 weeks
    Twilight Sparkle TROPE (Friendship is Failure)

    The Determinator: She always tries her best to get through to those with friendship problems and help them improve their lives, no matter how much they reject and act hostile towards her. She gets as far as saving someone from suicide, even if she gets shamed for it afterwards.

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  • 5 weeks
    What is YOUR Definition...

    People often yak at me

    "Try better yourself"

    "Grow up"


    They say all that, but they don't provide actual definitions or explanations of what they mean by all that. It's like I'm supposed to guess what they want.

    The same thing follows with fiction, when people whine and complain.

    "This sucks"

    "Write them In character"

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  • 7 weeks
    Twilight Sparkle Improving Lives? (Friendship is Failure)

    People sure love to complain...

    She always tries her best to get through to those with friendship problems and help them improve their lives, no matter how much they reject and act hostile towards her.

    She gets disrespected a lot because she wants to help people, even though she's a princess who's saved Equestria on multiple occasions.

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My Teachings and Learnings · 3:57am Jul 26th, 2020

If NO ONE CARES, why do you still look at it?

Why mock it?

Why not just leave it alone?

...I think people care more than they think, or they wouldn't go to such incredible, and stupid lengths to reply about it or mock it.

People still think that my ideas are retarded and un-factual, when really they are not.

You see, I don't just say things out the drop of a hat, I was taught or learned things from other sources, which I use to incorporate them into my fics.

They're not really wrong, and people who SAY they are just trying to foolishly silence me out of their lust to bully me. (And they are wrong)

Most of my inspiration and learning were taken from TV or Video games and other sources. You may think that automatically makes me wrong, and they are silly, but they aren't really... after all ART imitates life at times (You can relate to, or agree with what's going on, and things like that DO happen in real life, and are factual.)

Time for examples...

In Starfleet Season 2, Cadance destroyed her brother (At his pleas and wishes for her to do so) because he knew it was no use and better for him to die.

You can thank Mission to Mars inspiring me for that.

You heroically (or foolishly) try to save someone that CANNOT BE SAVED, and you try to soften them by saying "You'd do the same for me."

only to say back to them "No, I wouldn't, not if it was impossible."

Terri cannot save Woody from falling into the atmosphere (She hasn't enough fuel to reach him and make it back, and therefore would doom herself as well

Fratello cannot be saved from the robot monstrosity he has become. (The effects are irreversible, even with magic. They tried and it was no good)

This inspires me to REALITY that somethings just CAN'T BE DONE, no matter how much we want it to.

Even Sesame Street taught me that ages before the movie.


There it is... clear as a bell. (Sesame Street taught it to kids) Of course they are also teaching to "Look for alternatives" like Monty did, but that doesn't mean there will always BE alternatives.

There was no other with Fratello (It was part of the script anyway) but there was just no way to save him, so Cadance fulfilled his wish and destroyed him, ending the evil machine's conquest.

Another reason I wanted Fratello destroyed (A legitimate reason, so don't just look at my wanting to torture Cadance) was to forward other inspiration, plots and FACTS that were brought about to me.

Orphen Scion of Sorcery (A PS2 game) With the Crystal Egg shattered, and Sephy revealing her true intentions to revive her supposedly dead fiance back to life. Orphen lectures Magnus on how foolish and improbable that is.

Flubber (The 1997 Robin Williams movie) When Weeboo is damaged, and Philip laments that he can't restore her.

"What happens to the soul of a machine?"

"We can make repairs, but I can never bring back that life she had... its gone."

All that inspired me to use it in Starfleet 2 to pass on and teach the lessons.

Cadance is grieving for the death of her brother, and Twilight and Spike wish there was something that could be done, but Lightning informs them that it's not possible...

Most of the robots parts were lost in the explosion, and whatever parts we've managed to salvage are damaged beyond hope and any of out understanding.

Nothing we could ever do would put that robot together again.

Even if we could, it would just be a robot. It wouldn't be Fratello. That part of him has gone."

Spike tried to protest, "But there has to be--"

"Spike..." Lightning cut in "Think with your head, not your heart."

Orphen to Magnus: "You know as well as I do that sorcery can't bring the dead back to life. the dead are better off left alone. Just let them rest in peace."

And I also get to teach people to think OUTSIDE of the MLP idealism.

-In real life, sometimes you just can't save everyone. (Thunderbirds Are Go 2004)
-Throw a tiny wrench into a large engine, you can still stall it/ Even the best laid out plans can go awry (The Core 2003)
-"You're not really a leader until you've lost" (The Core 2003)

(Teen Titans: The Judas Contract)

Further inspired me to use the term

"Powers come with a price."
"Being a hero is more a curse than a gift."

and as I've watched (How most heroes became heroes)

"Pain is what makes a hero" Beast Boy said that, and he's right, most heroes are born from pain and anguish.

People keep rudely telling me "Lightning Dawn has suffered nothing!" or other rude and untrue slurs.

If you think that watching your family die, and seeing your whole planet blow up before your eyes, and being all alone, lost, and forced to fend for yourself for 2 years, is NOTHING...

...You deserve to have your neck wrung!

My mom even told me that her friend who's husband is a retired fireman. He pulled a lady out of a fire, and the lady called him a hero, to which the guy simply and coldly brushed off "I'm not a hero ma'am, I'm just doing my job."

He said that... I didn't, I just got inspired by it, to use it in fanfiction to make guys like Beast Boy, and Davis, or well-to-do characters be cynical about life or their positions.

And besides, my bullies and haters do a good job of Telling me "Heroes don't do it to get rewarded."

And as Jack Webb said on DRAGNET: "It's a thankless, glamour-less, credit-less, unrewarding job that's needs doing."

That, and combined with many cartoons, (Including Things Change on Teen Titans, or even Zelda, Ocarina of Time long before) taught or showed me that just because you're a hero does NOT mean you lead a good life-- always sacrificing, losing more than you gain, and hardly any thanks or credit to show for it.

Such things like that inspire me to make Beast Boy, Davis, or others become "UNSUNG HEROES" (Their efforts and heroics go unnoticed or unappreciated by others) and it helps me get the plot going in the direction I want it to go.

Makes them want to say things like.

"The maybe I don't want to BE a hero anymore."

"I just nearly got myself killed to save your asses, and THIS is how you reward me-- you mock me, you tarnish me, you think little of me, and hardly even give me so much as thank you?"

"I don't want to save anyone anymore. The way they shin me, tease me, rob from me... they all deserve to have whatever trouble they have. They wouldn't think twice about sacrificing me anyway."

Why even POWER RANGERS, it's supposed to be an EDUCATIONAL show, not just entertainment...

They teach us lessons we're SUPPOSED to REPEAT and pass on (Even in fiction)

-"The Way to be cool is to stay in school"
-"Smart kids know that drugs and alcohol are for dummies"
-"Be the best kid you can be."

And the lessons they teach on screen, reflect some of my previous points.

Like Carter's lesson, TRIAL WITH FIRE (Sometimes, the Obvious Choice, is the Wrong choice)

He learned that sometimes you won't be able to save everyone, and he has to do what's best to avoid a more serious disaster, even if it means people may get hurt.

Or Jack's lesson of Swordsmanship... (It is the swordsman, not just the weapon that makes the difference)

That's a very good lesson to know, even MLP taught us "Just because you have powerful magic, doesn't mean you know how to use it."

Even in Yugioh, it is same lesson taught, I've even taught this lesson to people in real life.

-You may have powerful cards, but do know how to properly use them.

And even just like Zane taught Curys "There's a difference between Knowing how to USE A CARD and knowing HOW TO PLAY IT"

When I duel on Legacy of the Duelist online, I've come across a few people using decks similar to mine, or every now and then someone thinks they can outwit me by copying my deck card-for-card (It's happened)

Sometimes I lose, yes... but very often it's the same story.

They may have cards just like mine, but they don't use them the same way...

-They don't know how certain cards work, which can hold them back.
-(Related to the first) They even make fatal mistakes when doing things, and it ends up costing them badly.

So again, the lesson is true...

It is truly the SKILL OF THE USER, and not just THE ITEM that makes the difference.

Those lessons are intended to be learned, repeated and passed on, even in our fanfiction.

They are facts of life... and it doesn't matter if I twist them to make my plots work, or I want to bash characters. They are still facts, and I.

-Just because things COULD get better doesn't mean they WILL
-A simple apology in life just won't set things right.

And one of my most FAVORITE facts came from an episode of BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25th CENTURY.

Capt. William "Buck" Rogers : I'm sorry. I can't.

Princess Ardala : But how can you reject me? I'm a Draconian princess. Buck! Look at me! Am I so horrible? Am I not beautiful enough for you?

Capt. William "Buck" Rogers : You're one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.

Princess Ardala : Then why can't you love me?

Capt. William "Buck" Rogers : I can't change my feelings simply because you want me to.

Princess Ardala : But how do you know, Buck? You've never tried.

Capt. William "Buck" Rogers : Love isn't something that two people can try to make happen. They either have something very special or they don't. And we don't, Ardala. I'm sorry.

(Exactly the inspiration I used to make STRINGS, and follow the concept "LOVE DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY")

Buck is right, LOVE JUST HAPPENS, it's not something you can make, or build, or TRY... Love just is, and you also can't force people to return your love.

I'm well-aware this also applies to Beast Boy with Terra, or Davis with Kari...

But you know what, it also means... They don't HAVE to seek another, and they can give up on romance altogether and become uninterested. Even if it makes them seem selfish or mean, it is their decision.

There are plenty of Fish in the Sea, but the Fisherman only wanted to catch YOU and no other. If you YOU get away, then that's it... he hauls in his line and heads for shore... NEVER to cast out again.

So Davis and Beast Boy don't wish to find other love interests, which is just fine. It doesn't matter how much the others INSIST they do, or try to set them up, or pledge their lives to them.

They can't change their feelings simply because you want them to.

This is heavily backed up by other things I've seen


Lisa: Bart, it's naive to think you can change a person


Mera : [after Siren is banished] I wish I could've made Siren do the right thing.

Wonder Woman : We can't make others choose what's right. We can only hope to set an example.

These are things I ENJOY teaching to Twilight Sparkle in FRIENDSHIP IS FAILURE, when ponies reject her help, or still refuse to change just because SHE wants it... and it may IMPROVE THEIR LIVES for the BETTER. (even if they don't like it, don't want it, and are trying to AVOID it)

You CAN lead a horse to water

You CANNOT make it drink.

So now you know...

these aren't just my TEACHINGS, they are my LEARNINGS (Things I was taught, saw, experience on and off of Television and Fiction)

Still, I know how this will end...

Haters will continue to mock and piss on me for petty spite and call me retarded just to be big whiners and asswipes.

I can see the blogs coming now, and they'll be pitiful as usual and deliberately twisted and turned for propaganda, and I can see bad responses because people still insist that I am wrong and always will be... even though I'm not really.

*Watch the guy will go* "But you are wrong, and always will be"

Ah well, I tried, but at least some people can get a different idea of how the world REALLY WORKS.

I've been called worse than "Hitler" "Satan" and "Trump" put together, because people stupidly connect my fictions to real life actions, and they also think that me getting killed and thrown in jail deserved for it and they call it... get this... "social improvement"

...It isn't, not even close.

Their big problem is that they can't stand that there are people like ME who exist and have different views and ideas. Maybe they're not perfect, maybe they not idealistic for everyone, but we're living better than how people used to live in olden days and times before then.

So don't expect us to roll over and play-dead when you say you're dissatisfied with our decisions and the way we go about things, and don't think we deserve corporal punishment over trivial things like killing characters in fanfiction, or choosing not to let go of things. (you won't let go of things yourself, so why should we?)

you still compare me to Hitler/Satan/Trump and thinking wiping me out is social improvement? Well it looks more like YOU can be compared to them.

Hitler killed over 9 million people and called it social improvement

Trump separated children from their parents, locked them all in prisons and camps or deported them. Many of which died under those circumstances.

True, I do things like that in my stories and videos, but it's still just fantasy, not reality. So don't think even for a minute that antagonizing me is somehow moral because it's not, or that killing characters in fantasy makes me a crook... it doesn't.

I never said my fic making or vid making is moral either, they're just things that I prefer to be doing over other things

While you're at it, don't crack insults at me, steal my stuff, or impersonate me to tell lies to people just to teach me a lesson...

...Beware of my own rights. Your rights are no different than mine or anyone elses'

You attack me, I have every right to be defensive. that's why I came to FIMfitciton in the first place.

People were mocking me, stealing my stuff, telling lies... I came here to push them back.

Because another fact of life is as follows...

IGNORING Bullies do not make them go away. Sometimes you need to stand up and defend yourself, because not doing it will make things worse, and if you don't stand up to a bully, they may never learn anything and mat continue to think they can get away with it and hurt more people.

...So do me and yourselves a favor and stop telling how to live my life or what you think is right or wrong for me.

You don't bother me, I don't bother you

You hit me, I hit you back.

I may put my stuff online for people to see, and while they are entitled to like or dislike it, they not entitled to constantly A-log, antagonize me, or punish me and those who like my stuff just because they say so...

...That IS a crime, and you CAN be arrested for it.

I know my haters will mock me, but just like those hippies, I know they're crazy and ignorant bullies who can't really do anything to stop me.

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