• Member Since 19th Jan, 2015
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Meep the Changeling

Channeling insanity into entertaining tales since 2015-01-19.

More Blog Posts518

  • 30 weeks
    New Story out now!

    Hey everyone! Remember that thing I said I'd be doing a while back? Well... Here it is!

    TEvergreen Falls
    A group of mares in a remote Equestrian town uncover some of history's most ancient secrets.
    Meep the Changeling · 218k words  ·  31  2 · 493 views
    0 comments · 137 views
  • 38 weeks
    Hey guys! What's new?

    So, I haven't been here in a good long while. I got the writing itch a while back, specifically for ponies and my old Betaverse fics. I might have something in the pipeline. I've got a few questions I'd like to ask the general pony-reading audience if you don't mind. Just so I can see if my writing style should be tweaked a bit for the modern audience.

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    15 comments · 362 views
  • 110 weeks
    Stardrop's Lackluster Ending

    Hello everyone. I know I've been away for a while, but that's due to me deciding to finish stories before I post them to revise, edit, and alter them to give you all better stories to read. I don't feel free to do so when I post stories live. This results in me getting frustrated with how a story is shaping up and then dropping it. That wasn't a problem when I was younger, but it's become one as

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    17 comments · 784 views
  • 115 weeks
    Anyone know artists who do illistrations for stories?

    I'm low key working on a story which I intend to complete before posting. I'm enjoying being able to go back and improve, tweak, and change things to make the best possible version of the story, and it's nice to not feel like I am bound to a strict schedule of uploads.

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    4 comments · 309 views
  • 137 weeks
    A metatextual analisis of "The Bureau: XCOM Declassified" to show how it fits in the series timelines

    A lot of people like the rebooted XCOM series, and a lot of people also insist its lore is bad/nonexistent. This isn't true in my opinion, but is the product of the game that sets up the world for the series having been released a year after the first game in the series as a prequel, and also it sucks ass to play. The Bureau: XCOM Declassified is not a good game. At all. The story is really good,

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    18 comments · 478 views

Quick update + I'm <any character I've ever written> AMA! #9 · 3:36am Aug 12th, 2020

Hey everyone, for the sake of avoiding confusion given the shifting PoV this late into Star Drop I'm going to go back and add some chapter headers to ID the PoV characters, and continue to do that whenever the PoV isn't Gear's. Furthermore, a friend of mine wrote a nifty little bit of fanfic for this fanfic and I like it. Shout to to Evil Cheez. If they finish it, and are willing, I'd love to post it as a blog/omake. I appreciate that kind of thing very much and in fact I came to this site expressly to create stories with other people and am very happy I wrote something that inspired someone else to do something at last.

EDIT: Now closed.

Anyways, there's this thing I used to do that I'd like to do again. In Character AMAs. A lot of you may only read my Fallout Equestria story, or have never seen one of these before so here's how they work.

Over the next 24 hours, this blog post will remain "open". You can ask a question of absolutely any character from any of my stories (up to three total questions, which do not have to be for the same character), and when this post closes I will take the comments from this thread, and answer each and everyone in character as the character(s) you asked, and reply to your orgional comment with the answers.

You do not have to ask about the character themselves, you could ask about something you would think they know about based on who they are. Remember, this can be for any character from any story I have ever written, not just my recent or ongoing stories. I'll do my best to answer them all, but redundant questions will get an answer addressed to everyone who asked it rather than a 'personalized' question. When the blog is posted, ctrl+f your username to find the response to your question.

This time I will also be willing to answer up to 3 additional questions about myself IRL.


Comments ( 7 )

Seconded, i liked where the Tractor Pull story was going. A question for Ameili:
What are the extents of your curse? You can move a flap of latex like a tendril, does it get harder to move with stiffer materials? What happens if only your head is left? Does the earth aroud you get drawn in? If so i assume a desert trip is rathere painful.

To: Azur Lily von Mareburg the Third, esquire
how does biomancy cause cancer?
Can you change a unicorn's magic capacity?
can you modify alicorns themselves?

To: Meep
Favorite book?

Dear 5334238 ,

Good questions! I've been able to move small parts like tendrils before, but it's quite difficult and I don't think I'll ever be able to do it with any sort of grace and control. As for stiffer materials, everything bends and flexes the same way on me as off of me. If I could, I'd just get myself dipped in steel or something else like that, but unfortunately that would be immobilizing.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by your last question. Were you asking how I see? It's similar to how a batpony can see with sound, but the wind itself is enough to make it work and I can read thanks to the ink being ever so slightly taller than the page they are printed on.

- Ameili

Mr 5334405,

Thank you for writing. I'm always happy to answer ponies questions in relation to my work.

Over application of biomancy causes cancer the same way living causes cancer. To preform an edit without causing health problems for the recipient it is standard practice to use some of the recipients own cells to multiply and spread the new changes, as well as produce the stem cells needed to create those edits as more than mere DNA. While many tricks have been created to prevent this from shortening the recipient's lifespan by more than a few days per alteration, if you attempt to do too many alterations too quickly, or too much at once, the accelerated cell division will go too far and eventually a few cells will get pushed just the right way to decide not to die and continue dividing forever. If you are not aware, that is what cancer is. Cells which refuse to die when their time comes.

If you're wondering why its so hard to find a cure for cancer, that is why. A cure for cancer would be like a cure for being asked to play board games. There are millions of different board games, what works to stop one wont stop another. Likewise, each individual tissue in your body has its own unique form of cancer due to what kind of cell it is and where in the body it was. Even worse, some cancer isn't even dangerous and other kinds can be beneficial such as a particular benign form of cancer which feeds on other more dangerous cancers. Not even biomancy can cure cancer across the board. Howeaver the discovery of some species natural immunity to cells developing cancer there may be hope of a vaccine in the distant future. At which point, biomancy could be used without limits.

That being said, waiting a week or two between alterations is all that is required for the magic used to accelerate those cells for biomancy application to safely die off and fresh cells to be created which will be primed and ready for further augmentation.

I have changed the magic capacity of many unicorns. I will tell you what I tell them before the procedure. Your magical capacity is just like muscle mass. You have to build it up, but without the use of steroids your genome will form an upper boundary for what your specific body can achieve. I can raise the cap for you, but you'll need to work out and get your capacity where you want it to be. Unless of course the law changes and allows me to set your capacity to a desired level. It's easy enough to preform the operation, and I have done it in legally sanctioned instances, but civilians are not allowed to have the procedure preformed on them at this time.

If you are unwilling to work at your magical capabilities, but want more, I would advise joining the EUP's Special Forces as a battlemage. If your desire for a greater magical reserve is to impress ponies more than for practical use, I could tweak your horn to produce a much more refined looking aura, which would likely trick most ponies into believing you had honed your skills to mastery.

As for modifying alicorns, I do not see why I couldn't. They are flesh and blood just like us. Of course they do have very powerful and unique arcane natures. It may be that those do in fact override their biology to an extent. For example, Princess Celestia should be grossly overweight yet she is perfectly athletically toned. This is not a glamor or illusion. She simply doesn't put on fat. This could be a spell she uses on herself, or alicorn arcane biology. I do not know. There are not tomes filled with scientific studies on Alicorns for me to study. Nor has any alicorn allowed me to experiment on them. Nor do any of the existent Alicorns wish for any cosmetic or practical alteration at this time.

I hope I answered your questions in full.

Dr. Lily


My favorite book is Fallout Equestria (what that counts! I have a print copy of it.) If you want my favorite print only orgional story, that would be The Hogfauther by Sir Terry Pratchett.

To: Azur

This ones might be bit personal, so bear with me.

Where was your mother in your life? You don't seem to talk about her much.

Could you forgive your father?

This ones more technical:

Does any alteration beyond the cosmetic cause detrimental affects? For example, tweaking eyesight to work farther but causing vision problems in another aspect or a mana increase or, say, tweaking the neuro chemistry of the brain curing sociopathy but making them to speak esperanto from the hours of 3 to 5 every alternate tuesday

My last question was, what happens if loose earth or sand becomes part of your body. Will it constantly fall off causing pain, or, since it's part of your body, will it stay where its supposed to be. Also, you cant really stab a body of grainy material can you? I assumed that in the case of sand the grains grinding each other may make this painful enough to not try this.

5334875 Not in character, but sand and stuff does stick to her, and you actually can stab a grainy material. Shaolin monks will stab their hands into barrels of sand as part of their training.

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