• Member Since 27th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen April 23rd

Andrew Joshua Talon

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Short Hand: New Dad Shepherd 1 · 7:08pm Sep 14th, 2020

Button Mash and Shepherd are playing a fighting game in the young colt's room.

Shepherd: "Ha! Combos upon combos!"

Button: "Urgh! Take this!"

Shepherd: "Weak! Foalish foal! You are but the learner, I am the master."

Console: Game Over! Player 2 wins!

Button groans.

Button: "How'd you do that?"

Shepherd: "Age and treachery will always beat youth and vigor, my dear lad. Want to try another round?"

Button: "Yeah!"

Cream Heart trots in with a plate of cookies.

Cream Heart: "You two having fun?"

Button: "He is. Not me. Hmph."

Shepherd: "Buck up buddy. You can do better. Just takes practice." Takes a cookie. "Thank you Mrs. Heart."

Cream Heart: "Oh, no need to be so formal, Ser Shepherd. Just call me Cream!"

Shepherd: "Not a problem, ma'am. Mm! These cookies are delicious!"

Cream Heart: "Why thank you!" *winces, rubs her shoulder with her hoof* "Ooh..."

Shepherd: "Something wrong?"

Cream Heart: "Oh its nothing really. Just pulled something cleaning out the oven-"

Shepherd pulls her close and massages her shoulder. She groans.

Cream Heart: "Ohhh! Oh, Ser Shepherd! It-It really is no big deal-!"

Shepherd: "Then no big deal if I help you out, right? I should be a good guest."

Button: "Yeah Mom! You need to relax! While I beat him!"

Shepherd: "How is that fair? I can't play with my hands full!"

Cream Heart: *her eyes cross as Shepherd's fingers do their work and she trembles in bliss*

Button: "Ha! Young age and treachery!"

Shepherd: "Heh. Little brat."

Rubs his head affectionately and Button laughs.

Button: "I sure am!"

Shepherd finishes the massage and Cream Heart is a happy puddle of pony right next to him. Shepherd pats her on the head, and then Button.

Shepherd: "Aw well. I need to get going anyway. Got work to do."

Button: "Aw! Can't you stay a bit longer?"

Shepherd: "Sorry kid. We'll play more next time, I promise. But feel free to ask Sweetie."

Button: "Yeah, she's pretty cool for a filly. Bye!"

Shepherd: "Bye! And goodbye, Cream. Thank you very much for the cookies."

Cream Heart: *dazed* "Anytime~..."

Shepherd leaves. Button smiles at his mom.

Button: "Isn't he great, mom?"

Cream: "He certainly is~... Button. How would you like a little brother or sister?"

Button: "Oh boy! That'd be great! Did you and dad make one in Ponycraft and back them up before he died?"

Cream: "Nooo, but maybe Shepherd would be interested in helping me make you one."

Button: "Ooh! Can I help?!"

Cream: "NO! I mean... It's a two player only game. And only for adults."

Button: "Aw!"

- - -

A more domestic story arc...

Comments ( 11 )

I like the name Love Tap for Button's mom.


Ditto, but IIRC Jan officially dubbed her Cream Heart.

She's a widow? :fluttershysad: Now I'm depressed.

I kind of hope Filly-Celestia comes and hangs out with Button and Sweetie sometime. Minecraft is best either alone or with close friends. Playing with strangers is blah. And Button-kun deserves a harem comedy.

I'm pretty sure it's implied that Button's dad is away, not necessarily dead. Something something business trip(s) and another character to animate and voice.

That said, it wouldn't be too hard to twist it into "Button's dad ran off and she's keeping it from Button to preserve his innocence" or "Button's dad died when Button was young(er) and they're mostly over it".

Happy pony puddles are the best pony puddles.

The other kind usually are not happy due to the radiation.

Those darn kids gotta learn to stop playing with the plasma. Always with the plasma.

Bring dust pans and/or mops depending on your energy weapon needs.

Please make this a thing, or at least a one-off.

Love this, make more

Cream: "NO! I mean... It's a two player only game. And only for adults."

It can be a three-player game...if ya know whut I mean! (wink wink nudge nudge)

Edit: Whoa! I reread that and realized it was implying Button join in! NO, that's not it!

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