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I read things. Pony things. Sometimes. I also have the literary ability of a drunken emu.

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More Political S#!t... · 3:29am Oct 17th, 2020

‘Straight to Gunshots’: How a U.S. Task Force Killed an Antifa Activist (NY Times)

"We sent in the US Marshals, took 15 minutes and it was over... They knew who he was, they didn’t want to arrest him and 15 minutes that ended." -Donald Trump

Trump literally just came out and said the guy was assassinated. We have now entered a point where the government is openly murdering dissenters. They're not even trying to be subtle about it. I am genuinely afraid this is going to turn into open, sustained conflict in just under a month. I used to jokingly make plans about what I'd do if the US turned into a battle zone. I never thought I'd have to start taking them serious. I know there are a lot of good cops out there (particularly in my area), but it is very quickly shaping up to be "police=targets" situation because of events like this. A peaceful transfer of power is not likely coming.

Can someone stop the world, please? I'd like to get off.

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It's gotten so crazy that I'm actually considering getting out of the country. Who knows if there will be open conflict or an authoritarian regime come December or early February. I want to get off this wild ride right now thank you very much.

Man, what a time period, It's crazy to think things could this bad, this fast. Even just a few months ago, I would have said the thought of a dictatorship or civil war was absurd. At least out here isn't likely to be a center of fighting.

We've been doing targeted assassinations for years. We've admitted doing targeted assassinations. But it has been excused because the targets were terrorists. Or standing next to a terrorist... or somebody who was called a terrorist by somebody else. And doing it mostly by remote control in a different country that most Americans can't locate on a map hardly counts, does it?

As soon as the cheeto-faced shit gibbon labeled antifa "members" as terrorists, this was inevitable. There will be many more like it, involving people who, we will be told, are very bad people, some of which were planning on doing bad things. Casual murders will also be excused on this basis.

Sucks, don't it?

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