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Adan Druego

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No own means no owe. · 7:23pm Dec 8th, 2020

My stance on the blacks is as follows basically: I didn't own you, I don't owe you.

My family was never kept slaves, in fact, the family wasn't even in this part of the world at any time when slavery was still legal.

It's no real secret that some of my people don't like blacks and well, whatever.

I remember that some black man did research into racism towards his people practiced by my people. It was most likely during the 90s. Honestly, I wasn't all the interested in anything he had to say, because it was just another case of blacks complaining by other races and how they're treated and that they're always the innocent victims of some supposed great injustice. The man was literally studying graffiti. He made the case that when black gangs graffiti within our territory it's just your common gang signs and such, you know lowlife behavior. However, when we cover up their graffiti with our own, there's a notable increase of the amount of racial animosity held within. Basically, we spray paint the n-word, death threats and probably depictions of lynchings, not sure about that last one though honestly.

I suppose it's true, well at least in California, so no one should actually care about it since it's California after all. And since I'm not one to associate with gang members, so I'm not sure if the same kind of graffiti is present locally.

See, here's the thing that many people don't seem to understand. No one has to like you, period. It does not matter who or what you are, there'll always be people who don't like you either for who or what you are or for no reason whatsoever. Human beings are jerks. We don't have a good track record when it comes to peaceful coexistence with those who are even the slightest bit different from one another. Even if we were all the same, we'd find something to fight over or we'd just make something up all together.

Well, you people are very weird in my opinion. You have too much compassion and empathy, something I find it very disturbing.

Comments ( 2 )

Ah yes, morality doesn’t matter, i don’t care so nobody should care. Compassion is for pussies so quit complaining. Very cool and disaffected argument there. That’s how we build a good society: indifference.

No, compassion is fine as long as you understand how to compartmentalize it so it doesn't run rampant and get completely out of control.

But yeah, I'm not black, so I have little reason to concern myself with their plight. I care far more about how my own race is treated and our place in society, since that can, you know, actually affect me.

I don't have to do that whole white guilty thing, nor to I have any white privilege. I don't have anything to be ashamed of nor to apologized for. Maybe the new white American feels a need for all that "wokeness" but everyone else should not be forced to follow their latest trend of being liberalism and progressivism like it's a hashtag.

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