• Member Since 21st Jun, 2016
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Adan Druego

Sis: You're the father. Bro: ...hey? I BETTER BE!!

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Muh Buh leefz 'n' feelz yo. · 12:52am Dec 9th, 2020

What? I don't know, it's just what came to mind.

Okay, so when I've shared some, and yes only SOME, of my ideas on how to fix certain issues in society, I often get label as something or whatever.

So, once I expressed some ideas and I was labelled a Nazi, a white supremacist or nationalist, x-phobe and a racist.

So, once I expressed some ideas and I was labelled a non-white, South American, subhuman and a communist.

Dun, Dun, Dun. Those ideas were literally the same ideas. This is why I think so lowly of most people, to the point I have an honest hard time seeing those creature-things as actual people.

The different was this the people judging me.
You see, I'm a white nationalist to the far left and I'm a non-white, probably Hispanic, communist to the far right.

As far as I can recall, I've never been labelled a black, Jew or a gay, so there's that. But honestly, you people and your prejudicies. Derpibooru seems to hate whites, thus I'm a white and a bad white at that. The person who labelled me a communist was for another fandom and he was probably a guy, most likely white and a bit of a bigot, I suppose, not like it actually matter nor do I care. I'm fine tolerating people to some extent, though admittedly not to any great degree.

So, which is it derpi and other guy? You all don't honestly know anything about me and my past. I've been around much longer than you've been. I was once an actual person, with a degree of freedom. I had most of that freedom stripped away from me and I was judged, labelled and given a verdict. Guilty of course, now I'm not allowed to have any firearms, my money is monitored, something about a yearly form to be filled out accounted for all my expenses and nearly every cent must be accounted for. Honestly, I don't care about money so I have all that dealt with for me by others, but still. I've been in a state of isolation for about twelve years now. That's why I find in a tad amusing hearing about just how stir-crazy you people get after only a month of isolation even with access to all your friends and family over the internet.

Evaula: So, Mr. Druego, have you been thinking about killing anyone lately?
Adán: No. Well, technically since they aren't people. So, no.
Evaula: Hmmpt, okay.

Well, I did reach an agreement, where I'll be allowed to live in peace as long as I don't do bad things. Very descriptive, I know. Okay, as long as I don't share certain knowledge with anyone. Basically, don't tell people about the whole population liquidation thing. But wait! Didn't I tell derpibooru? Isn't that a breach of the agreement? No, by share knowledge, they mean give explicit details and instructions relating to any part of the liquidation process that could be use by any individual to carry out similar projects. No technical details. Yeah, I have some of those, I was the lead architect of the project after all. It was my duty to draw up plans and designs for any future applications of population control.

Why am I even typing this...? Oh, right! It's just the brainstorming for a possible short story of pony... that's all. Legally unaccountable hopefully now.

Because I'm so not that exiled war criminal from South America who once served as an advisor for a certain right-wing military dictatorship back in the last century. I never met Augusto P., but I'm a distant relative of one Francisco F.


It's kind of funny and maybe ironic that many of you people make references and fun of the whole helicopter ride thing these days. Most of you don't even know where that idea came from. Or who thought it up, ha, just saying vague things and implying certain connections between your joke and my past paper work and own personal files... that were handed over in exchange for certain luxuries.

Where that hashtag again?! Oh, yea!

Uh, vos erés, uh...
Ich schäme mich dafür, dass ich nur sehr wenig Spanisch kann.

I'm so sorry Rodrigo, it wasn't my call. But hey, now you're in the best band in the world.

And no one will probably ever understand what any of that actually means. If you do, then know this, you have good taste in music. Also, please, don't mention any of this to Rodrigo.

Welch ein Chilenen kann kein Spanisch!

Blanker Hohn, das ist alles, was nun von mir geblieben ist. Nach mehr als dreißig Jahren ins Exil gezwungen geworden werden, bin ich komplett zu aufrechtem Ami werden geworden. So geht es im Ausland.

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