More Blog Posts97

  • 61 weeks
    I ain't gonna fight it anymore, but it's been fun y'all!

    This note will, as well, be on my profile's page just to get it out there.

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  • 179 weeks
    New year? Already? Really? Happy new year!

    Nah I'm kidding, but 2020 really is coming closer to ending. I want to start up the new year by working on my van. Gonna try and make the damn thing more livable lmfao, I'm kidding. I'm converting an ol' Ford '89 Econoline into a minicamper and I wanna see it through!

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  • 179 weeks
    Gotta lil something in the works for you guys

    I'm a horror enthusiast, I love a good spine tingler. Obviously I'm reaching out on the genre spectrum and aside from Equine Isolation, I hadn't furrowed into it much.

    That's all gonna change with an upcoming one-shot! apparently fucking multichapter story! I wanna try and delve into darker bits just as much as I wanna dive into romcoms, legit!

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    3 comments · 182 views
  • 180 weeks
    so i lost my job, im homeless, but i gotta van!

    Hey doods, twilightsmile speaking but of course.

    So, sometime earlier I'd mentioned I'd say why I'm back with a more fuller-time approach. I'd recently been let go from my last employer and have been kinda struggling to land back on my feet. It's all fine though! I don't mean to say I'm worried or anything, or that I'm even fearful for the matter.

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    2 comments · 202 views
  • 181 weeks
    okay, so ah, while i'm ahead, i wanna let you guys know

    So! With the new year comes new me, yada-yada, all that bs. I thought that, since I'm actually trying to write a tid more seriously--I'll explain my reasoning on why I'm even back to a fuller extent later--I might, eh, might as well drop the alias "Lack of Tact," finally.

    I mean, not like I'll never not have a lack of tact. I'm that, but personified.

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    2 comments · 198 views

okay, so ah, while i'm ahead, i wanna let you guys know · 10:43pm Dec 16th, 2020

So! With the new year comes new me, yada-yada, all that bs. I thought that, since I'm actually trying to write a tid more seriously--I'll explain my reasoning on why I'm even back to a fuller extent later--I might, eh, might as well drop the alias "Lack of Tact," finally.

I mean, not like I'll never not have a lack of tact. I'm that, but personified.

Now, now, before some of you decide to lynch me, because we all know I used to be prone to name-changes back when I first joined this site. Lack of Tact was my persona for such a long time and honestly, I think I finally just need to change it. For this site, anyway; Lack of Tact is who I'll always be on FanFiction, here, I kinda just wanna be myself. Y'know? While sure, I wanna write actual stupidity sometimes, I want to legitimately take on writing as a hobby.

A tactless writer, excuse the older name drop, a tactless writer doesn't think their stories through as I found out from personal experience. I stopped trying to think of stories and campaigns half-way through writing more than half of them out! It sucks, it drains me because it's like, dude, I know I want to write this story, but I can't. Because I'm too absorbed in another idea already.

I feel, like, a thing as simple as a name-change will put me in a different mood. Especially with the name I'd chosen simply because: it wasn't taken and it's my favourite thing ever. Definitely a mood booster!

Anyhow, with that all out of the way, I guess this is Lack of Tact saying peace fuckers one last time!

Peace fuckers!


Lack of Tact

p.s. Still keeping the bold/center thing I do, just 'cause I've grown oh-so fond of doing it lmfao.

Comments ( 2 )

I will always think of you as Lack of Tact.

Okay good I'm not crazy. At least for thinking there used to be a user named Lack of Tact. Still crazy in numerous other ways

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