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Oh my Gosh, I can add Emojies? 🐵🙈🙉🙊🐒 Kofi

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  • 40 weeks
    SMoTE Update

    Next chapter isn't going to be uploaded this Friday. Sorry, I usually try to have three chapters prepared before posting but I got lazy and some personal things came up. I'll try to get them all ready quickly though. Thanks for your patience!

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  • 41 weeks
    GoFundMe for Majin Syeekoh.

    Majin Syeekoh has been going through a tough time and they need help, They’re a third of the way to their goal right now, and if you can spare a dollar or at least wish them well, it’d help them a lot. You can find a link to their blog post for more details below and decide what you want to do then.

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  • 81 weeks
    And I Thought Kevin Smith Ruined MOTU...

    Masters of the Universe has a new upcoming toyline... The Crypto toy line.

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  • 84 weeks
    I'm Not Dead, Just Dead Tired.

    I live in constant pain, but I live none the less!

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  • 101 weeks
    Life Update.

    So…. Yeah.

    Long story short, quite a few things happened. SMoTE is still not getting regular updates, at most I can try to squeeze a chapter out a month. This isn’t because I’m too busy with my new job or anything, because I apparently don’t have one.

    So yeah, if you read my last blog post then you know I was planning to delay SMoTE updates because of some amazing job opportunities.

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Tales From the Trash Bin #8. Ponyville’s Iron Golem. · 11:52am Dec 25th, 2020

Holy crap, I thought I lost this story. I just found out that your Email holds a history of your Notes from your phone even if you delete it. Well, that means I can post it here and show off how shit I was as a writer before I published any stories. I mean, I spelled Applejack as AppleJack far too many times, and the paragraphs are far too long.

As usual, read it or ignore it, and maybe take it if you want. My trash is yours if you’d like. HAVE MERRY CHRISTMAS and enjoy a poorly written attempt at…

An Iron Golem in Equestria.


It was another peaceful and average day at the village as I and my fellow Iron Golems roamed the streets, making sure to keep the Villagers safe. All had been peaceful for quite some time since the Player, BroF1st, built a house near the village. In all honesty, I and the other Golems never really trusted the Players. While it was easy to sense whether a villager was a zombie villager, a witch, a normal Villager, or an Illager, Players were different. Many of them were quite peaceful towards the Villagers, but others were rather cruel. Trapping Villagers in their homes, burying them underground, stealing their crops, and most atrocious of all, destroying their homes for recourses such as wood and books. But, so long as they didn't physically hurt the Villagers or ourselves, we could do nothing against them. Which is how I found myself in my current predicament.

A player by the name of Xx_TrollKing69_xX had made a lead and attached it to me. I attempted to walk in various directions, but when he walked I was forced to follow. He lead me towards a sight I knew all too well and feared, a nether portal. I had heard stories, armies of pig like creatures that emerged, led by groups of players with many leads. They were a formidable threat if provoked. If such creatures did exist, I did not want to see their home lands.

He intended to drag me in there, for what reason I don't know. Possibly to attack the creature's or distract them? Or maybe he intended to drop me into a pool of lava? No matter the reason, I did not want to enter. It was larger than most portals, easily big enough for a giant slime to come through and could easily support my large frame.

As we entered the portal I began to hear a sound I knew all too well. One of the Golems worst enemies, a creeper. It hissed for several seconds before exploding. In that moment my world went completely black.

Chapter 1: A Walk in the Woods.

It was a strange feeling to "wake up". As an Iron Golem, I had no need or desire for sleep. The closest I had was when I was first crafted. Emerging from nothing and turning into something new. It felt oddly nostalgic to "wake up." As if I was born a second time, which I very well may have. Players had the ability to "respawn" in my world, a trait similarly shared with mobs and animals that would appear from nothing. Perhaps I had undergone a similar fate. I knew of some Iron Golems who appeared from nothing, but whether they spawned naturally or their makers fled before they were seen was something we often pondered.

This was different though. Instead of spawning standing up, I laid on my back staring at a familiar blue and cloudless sky. I slowly raised myself to my feet as I looked around. I was clearly not near the village, and there was no crater nearby from the creeper explosion that enveloped me. Nor were there any remains of the portal. Obsidian was a powerful material, able to withstand explosions and several hits from a Diamond pick, provided it was not enchanted.

The forest also looked very different. Where once trees were scarce and white as snow, they were now overwhelmingly plentiful, and very dark. They curved and twisted in mangled forms, sharp branches reaching up for the heavens as if desperately trying to escape its own shadows.

I knew this was a bad place to be. As a Golem I had a duty to protect the village, and if I was still near it then I had to return quickly. Now that the forest was so dark, mobs would spawn at an overwhelming rate. Emerging from the shadows and heading towards the nearest village.

I looked all around and noticed a small dirt path beside me. It looked fairly used, with many hoof prints decorating the soil. I decided to follow the path in the direction of the hoof prints. Many players would ride horses, pigs, or camels towards villages if given the opportunity. So, it made sense to me that if there was a village nearby then Players must have regularly traveled by horse or pig.

As I continued down the path I noticed something very strange, there was a distinct lack of blocks. Even my body had become more rounded. Circles and round shapes were a somewhat rare thing to come by. Sure, cooked chicken was rounded, chicken edges were round, Ender pearls were round, snowballs were round, and skeleton bows had a rounded curve. But those still had noticeable blocks making the curves. Here though, I couldn't see a perfect square in any direction. It was odd and somewhat unsettling.

As I neared the edge of the forest a rather large village caught my attention. It was very different from my village. This village had beautiful colors decorating every building where mine only consisted of dark brown houses. I considered the possibility that this may have been a player made village. But the distinct lack of craters in the earth and large sculptures of penises told me otherwise. My mind wandered with many possibilities and theories, each one giving no real answers. But did that matter in the end? It was a village, and I had a duty to protect it. Duty... strange, I never felt so compelled before. Golems were made to fight and only fight. When or where was of little concern. If there was an aggressive mob we attacked, no questions asked. But now, I felt more of a desire to protect than to fight.

It was another peaceful day in the town of Ponyville. With the events of Nightmare Moon's return behind them, Rarity felt inspired to use this time to... well, be inspired. She had fell into one of her inspirational-less periods. She needed something to spark her creativity and give her a challenge. Something that screamed, "look at me and be amazed!" but in a way that wasn't boisterous or egotistical.

"I must simply say darling that I am completely stumped. I would like to make something nice for our dear friend Twilight, along with something cute for Spike to wear that compliments it. But I just don't feel inspired enough. You understand right?" Rarity asked her friend AppleJack, who in return looked up in the sky with a thoughtful expression.

"Hmm. I don't know. Maybe somethin' ta do with books? She likes those." AppleJack said, continuing to trot alongside Rarity as they neared Ponyville square.

"While I appreciate your efforts AppleJack I don't think a dress inspires by paper would look nice." Rarity said, but then looked at the ground rubbing her chin. "Then again there are some beautiful fonts that might work nicely if incorporated into the design properly." Rarity pondered, but was quickly pulled from her thoughts as she heard screaming in the distance. Looking up she froze in terror. A creature taller than Princess Celestia covered in iron armor and moss was walking towards them. All the nearby ponies ran away from the terrifying Goliath.

"What in tarnation is that thing?!" AppleJack shouted. She stared at the giant creature that brought a wave of fear over the usually peaceful town. It was like a Diamond Dog, with giant arms and small legs but the similarities stopped there. It was made of metal and stone, covered with moss that appeared to be growing from the cracks that adorned its body. It was roughly twice the size of a Diamond Dog and had a strangely flat face. It had no muzzle, just an odd appendage that looked like a small square tail in the center of its face.

The village was very strange. I had not seen any Players or Villagers anywhere, only baby horses of various colors. At first, I questioned why they were all so colorful, but I quickly chalked it up to one of those "texture pack mods" that some Players spoke of. They would go on long winded arguments about which "mod" was better and how they made things "look better" or "more realistic". How something could look more realistic than reality was beyond me. But Players were chaotic creatures, I wasn't going to attempt to understand their strange words or mannerisms.

The baby horses colors were not the only odd phenomenon. The way they acted way very strange, almost all of them actively avoided me, whinnying loudly as they ran, and those who didn't only stared. They also had very odd features, such as wings and horns. A purple baby horse appeared to have shot something from her horn, but did nothing. A blue horse with rainbow hair had bumped into me several times as well. I wondered if she was attacking or just bumping into me. It wasn't uncommon for animals or Villagers to bump into us or the buildings.

Both had a very bad sense of direction, something I had experienced a few times when walking into walls for minutes on end. The only ones that appeared to not be affected by this phenomenon were the Players, who had a heightened sense of directional awareness compared to other beings. So it was very likely that this horse was just bumping into me. The only animals I knew of that would or could attack me were wolves, alpacas, and polar bears, (the latter two needing an excessive amount of coaxing from Players to do so). I had once heard rumors that, if aggravated enough, white rabbits would also attack. Though it seemed they only attacked Players. I paid it little mind though. I was back in a village, and that was all that mattered to me.

Rainbow Dash attempted to hit the giant monster once again, this time aiming for his face. Like every other time however, if did nothing to impede him. "Fall already you stupid creep!" Rainbow Dash shouted, and then proceeded to hit it in the face once again.

"Argh! Why isn't this working?!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "Alright! No mor missis nice Mare!" Rainbow Dash flew towards the hulking beast, only to be stopped by the familiar sensation of a certain earth pony biting on her tail.

"Whoa there Dash! Brute force ain't gonna solve nothin'. This thing's an animal, an we know somepony who can handle critters like this." AppleJack said. Twilight looked confused.

"Who? I've tried all my spells but nothing works. We can't use magic and we can't hit it, so who can fight it?" Twilight asked.

"Fluttershy can handle 'im. If she looks in'is eyes with her stare maybe we can get it out of town." AppleJack explained.

"That's a good idea. Rainbow dear, could you fetch Fluttershy for us?" Rarity asked an aggravated Rainbow Dash.

"But what do we do if he goes on a rampage before I get back? I'm the strongest one here out of all of us." AppleJack scoffed at Rainbow Dash's claim.

"Ya might be the fastest flyer, I'll grant ya that. But ain't nopony stronger than me. I'll be here ya handle it if that thing gets outta hoof."

…. ….. ….

AppleJack threw her lasso, wrapping it around the Goliath's head. She pulled at the rope with all her might, expecting a fair amount of resistance, only to fall flat on her face when she tugged too hard. Hitting the ground with a loud "oof!" Noise.

"What the Hay?!" AppleJack said, completely shocked by the current change in events. She had barely applied any pressure to the rope, and yet it appeared to hold the creature completely in place. It continued to move, but went nowhere fast. She, along with everypony else looked at the creature dumbfounded as he continued to walk in place, paying no mind to the rope around its neck. AppleJack gave the lasso a light tug, using as little strength as she could. To her and everypony else's surprise, it pulled the creature backwards as if she pulled with all her strength.

"Um, anypony wanna tell me what's going on?!" Rainbow Dash shouted angrily. "I hit that thing like a gazzilion times and it did nothing! Now you put a little bit of rope around it and it's helpless?!"

The creature attempted to break into a full-blown sprint towards the Timber Wolves, but was unable to escape the rope's embrace around its neck and sprinted in place.

….. ….. ……

The creature raised its large arms over its head, and brought both down with a mighty force. The creature's arms shattered the Timber Wolf as it's large first met the Wolf's body. Two small indents were made in the ground where the creature's fists collided with the earth, causing the ground to shake slightly.

Night soon approached as I continued to roam the streets, ever diligent in my patrol. I was worried at first. I was a lone Iron Golem in a very large village, there was no way I alone could protect it by myself should an army of Mobs approach. Even those strangely textured wolves nearly overwhelmed me. But, to my surprise the night was oddly quiet. I have had quiet nights in the past, but never such as this. During those nights I still sensed the evil in the bodies of the Mobs in the underground tunnels, I would hear the noise of bones rattling and spiders hissing. But I sensed no evil presence and heard no worrisome sounds.

As I roamed the streets the baby horses would move out of my path more times than coincidence would allow. At first I thought them to be normal horses, oddly textured but normal never the less. These horses though, the way they moved, the way they looked with their eyes, and the way they seemingly talked to each other, it all felt deliberate. It was almost as if each horse was a Player, moving with purpose, a clear path in mind that could and would change on a dime if something blocked their path.

Even the way they entered buildings was deliberate. In the village, Villagers would randomly enter any house, spending one night in one building and spending the next in another. These horses however seemed to have clear homes. The orange horse with a hat would always go towards the large apple farm, the purple horse would go to the tree, and the yellow horse would go to a small building near the forest. I had only seen this behavior appear in Players. They would build fortresses, houses, and large penis shaped buildings built specifically for them and perhaps a few friends to live in.

It was also quite interesting to see horses trade in a similar fashion to Villagers. When Villagers would trade with Players they would often ask for things like emeralds, paper, and bread. But these horses appeared to only exchange small amounts of gold, and would do so with each other. Villagers never traded to other Villagers directly. If Villagers wished to trade, they would put items into a chest and exchange said items. It was an ancient custom amount Villagers, but never used when Players were near. Villagers may not be intelligent, but after a few decades of Players waiting near chests and stealing the traded items they soon wised up.

Twilight looked at the creature, for the third time today through her binoculars at the observation deck of the Goldenoaks Library. The bizarre creature had walked into a wall, and continued to walk into said wall for several minutes. Rainbow Dash was nearby laughing at the creature's attempts to bypass the obstacle. Twilight had no doubt that, if the creature wanted, it could break down that wall with one punch. But for some reason the creature acted completely oblivious to the obvious large building it continued to walk into.

To say this creature was a puzzle to Twilight was an understatement. When fighting the Timber Wolves it showed some sense of intelligence, attacking them deliberately and with great force. She could also tell by looking at the creature's eyes that it was always searching, scanning the area with perceptive eyes, waiting for something. Or at least it was when it wasn't walking into a wall. Again.

Twilight sighed as she placed her book, filled with many notes and observations about the town’s residential oddity, down on a nearby table.

"So, is he done walking into that wall yet?" Spike asked, taking a bite out of a ruby rubbing his eyes. Spike had taken a nap when the creature began walking into the wall of Sugarcube Corner half an hour ago. After ten minutes it finally changed its direction until it walked into one of the walls of Town Hall.

"Yes and no. He left Sugarcube corner a bit ago, but now he's just walking into the wall at the Town Hall. I hope it's ok..." Twilight said, looking back in the creature's direction with slight worry. She didn't understand the creature but she felt sorry for it. It must have suffered some heavy brain trauma during the fight with the Timber Wolves yesterday. Or maybe this was some form of dementia the creature's species faced. From its armor, Twilight could tell it was old and had seen a few fights in its life.

… …. … ….. …..

The small crowd in front of Trixie looked at her dumbfounded as she froze like a statue. The crowd began to murmur, and Rainbow Dash took it upon herself to fly up to the self proclaimed "great and powerful" Trixie and waved a hoof in front of her face.

"Uh, Equestria to show off. You there?" Rainbow Dash said. After looking in the direction Trixie was staring she grew a cocky grin on her face. "What, ya can handle an Ursa, but Biggie's too much for ya?" She said in a mocking tone.

Twilight was confused, but turning around she understood what Rainbow Dash meant. A few yards away the local oddity Biggie was standing there looking at the group... not moving...

Twilights amusement at Trixie's reaction soon turned into slight worry. Biggie was always moving, always walking and only stopped if a pony was directly in his way. Biggie had plenty of room to go in any direction at this moment, but just stood there looking at Trixie. The other Ponies gathered around soon noticed this too. Each one sharing glances to see if anypony could explain Biggie's odder than usual action.

Twilight trotted slowly towards her large friend. "Hey Biggie, you ok?" She asked. Biggie just continued to stare at Trixie, both not moving. Each waiting for the other to do something.

"Uh, Biggie, this is Trixie. She's from out of town." Twilight hoped that Biggie was just curious about a pony he never saw before, but something told her she was wrong. Even when meeting Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, the most powerful beings in all of Equestria, Biggie paid more attention to the sky than he did to them. But now, Trixie held his attention entirely.

Trixie tried to slowly move backwards as the giant beast stared at her. His gaze followed her and he soon took a step forward. Trixie backed up quickly, letting out a quick "eep" as she slipped on her prop wand. The plastic toy flew at Biggie and hit him in the head.

Everypony let out an audible gasp. Since Biggie fought those Timber Wolves nopony thought about even touching him in fear that they may be his next target.

The cheap toy wand bounced off of Biggie's head and fell to the ground, creating a poping noise as a bouquet of fake red flowers exploded out of one end. Biggie looked at the bouquet of flowers, giving Trixie time to high tail it out of there. Twilight was thankful that Trixie got away because now Biggie would... hold the flowers to his nose?

Everypony looked at him in confusing but soon gasped when an explosion of hearts floated out of his massive body.

Another early morning, another uneventful patrol. This village was great. No, not great, it was amazing. For some reason Mobs only seem to spawn from the nearby forest and usually leave the village's horses alone. There was the occasional wooden wolf and odd bizarre lion creature, but those threats would mainly reside in the borders of the forest edge. I've never felt more at ease.

All of that changed as I was confronted by a perturbing sight. Roughly twelve blocks away from me was a witch horse. It was blue like rainbow horse, only slightly lighter. It wore a large purple cloak and matching witch hat, each decorated with stars. The witch soon noticed my gaze and froze in fear. And so begun our silent stare off.

Rainbow horse got closer to the witch, a bit too close for my liking. As fast as Rainbow horse was, I doubted she could avoid an attack at that range. Witches are dangerous creatures with magical potions that could poison any who were unfortunate enough to be caught in the "splash zone". And Rainbow horse was right next to her. It would only take a second, the effects would be instant, a slow and agonizing death would befall her if I let this Witch have her way. Then again, maybe this was Rainbow horse's plan. She would sacrifice herself so the Witch would poison them both. A noble plan, but a fruitless effort. The vile Witch would just drink a healing potion as soon as the poison would affect her. I internally applauded Rainbow horse's bravery but also chastised her for her stupidity.

I didn't see any bottles on the Witch, but they must have been there somewhere, most likely under her cloak. Purple horse soon came towards me, this was good. It meant they were learning that I could protect them from creatures like her. I saw the Witch move slowly, a pitiful attempt at escaping my wrath. I put one foot forward and begun my approach. The streets would be decorated with her sticks and glass bottles. She let out a cackle and threw a stick at me with her back hoof before falling in her back. The odd black stick collided with my forehead before hitting the ground. I looked at her messily attempt to do me harm, not even leaving a scuff mark on my body.

The heavenly sight that greeted my pathetic excuse for eyes was incredible. At my feet laid a dozen red poppy flowers all conveniently held together by the black stick. I picked up the glorious gift and held it to my face. The Witch was gone and all the horses looked at me with wide eyes.

In such a strange world where horses were Villagers, squares were almost nonexistent, and Players never came, would it be so odd that an enemy from my world may be a friend here? Yes, yes, it is. But I was strangely okay with this prospect. Still holding the flowers in my hand, I continued on with my patrol. A wonderful start to an incredible day.

Rainbow Dash looked at her Punching Buddy with a bewildered expression. He was so cool with his giant arms and big body, sure he was weird and walked into more walls than Derpy did, but he was still cool. This though, this was a crisis of faith and ideology. The coolest thing in Ponyville, besides herself obviously, (and the Wonderbolts if they ever answered her fan mail and came to Ponyville) was fawning over a bouquet of fake roses with hearts floating out of his body. And she wasn't the only one having a crisis of faith either.

All around, ponies who mere moments ago worried for their lives were looking at the big lovable goof slowly swaying his limp left arm as he smelled the flowers. Despite not having a mouth, everypony could tell he was wearing a goofy smile on his face.

Twilight did her nerd thing and quickly jotted down notes like a mad Mare. "This is so interesting, I wonder why Biggie went into an immediate passive state when the flowers and how those hearts..." Twilight continued to be an egghead, talking about Biggie as if he had just spoken Prench fluently and hosted a tea party. Twilight went on and on about how "fascinating" and "revolutionary" this was. Biggie soon turned around, flowers still firmly held in his massive hands that had once obliterated Timber Wolves like they were made of paper.

Chapter: ? Mobs Ruin the Holiday.

I felt unyielding horror as I looked across the village. This new texture pack filled me with a fear so deep that words alone could not describe it. It was my worst nightmare made into a reality. A village infested with mobs.

Everything was fine this morning, the same routine as always. Patrol, patrol, and patrol. But tonight, I felt the desire to both fight and run. Out of nowhere an infestation started. Horses exiting their houses as terrifying creatures of the night. It reminded me horribly of the night the village was plagued with a zombie outbreak back home.

Villagers I once protected were soon crushed under my mighty fists when they had turned into Zombie Villagers. This was different though. While the horses change physically, they didn't change internally. There was no new sense of evil in them, in fact it was almost as if the good-natured happiness grew immensely. I was torn. Do I attack the infected horses or do I leave them be and wait for the sun to burn them when morning comes? As the event started I did the most shameful thing an Iron Golem could do. I ran away in fear. I ran and I did not stop running until I came across a strange statue of a tall horse.

Pinkie Pie looked at her biggest best friend in Ponyville with a tinge of sadness in her eyes. Even though nopony knew what Biggie thought or if he could think, Pinkie always knew when he was either happy or content. He was possibly the second most happy camper around Ponyville. But tonight, she felt the fear and sadness inside him. Not the "haha! Isn't it fun to be afraid?" fear, or the sadness one feels when watching a romantic movie. No, this one was serious.

She knew this pain. It was the fear and sadness her family felt when gram-gram died. It was the horror her beloved sisters felt when they were almost evicted from their rock farm. It was the fear she secretly felt the first time she saw Nightmare Moon. She had moved past those fears and long stretches of sadness by confiding in her friends and family. It was hard for the Element of Laughter to always be happy. And on rare occasions where she was sad, she would almost always talk to her sisters. But they weren't here, and Biggie didn't have any siblings Pinkie knew of. Biggie didn't have a family. But he had friends to help him.

"He does know we're his friends... right?" Pinkie thought to herself.

While Pinkie tried to be friendly to everypony she never felt Biggie acknowledge her friendship attempts. He was happy, but he never felt super-duper birthday party happy. It was a subtle happiness, similar to Maud. But even Maud expressed heightened happiness at times, especially near her energetic sister, or her pet rock Boulder.

Now that she thought about it, Biggie was a lot like Boulder. He was tough, strong, corse, came from another world, and very quiet. She had convinced Boulder that she was his friend not through words, but through actions. If Biggie felt any doubt that he had friends he could confide in, Pinkie would reassure him that he was loved.

I was soon approached by Pink horse who appeared to now be part chicken. I visibly flinched when I saw her. This was yet another unforeseen development in my waking nightmare. I had occasionally attacked baby zombies that rode on chickens in the past. But whenever the rider was killed I and the other Golems would leave the chicken alone. The chicken was symbolic of the most peaceful creature back home. To hit or attack it was a foreign concept to me.

Players did it with ease but I saw no reason to partake in the slaughter of such a noble creature. But now... Now the Pink horse is part chicken, does that make her an enemy? Is she a passive mob like a tamed wolf? Or is she like a baby slime, unable to attack but will eventually grow more powerful? There were too many possibilities, too many things I didn't understand. I wanted to help her, I wanted to help all of them. But I was a warrior, not a potion maker. Even if I were a potion maker I doubted I could create enough Notch Apples to fix everyone.

She reassuringly placed a hoof on my leg and looked into my eyes. A sad smile and equally sad eyes that struggled to not break out into tears. I had a choice to make. Do I end her suffering or let the sun finish her off instead? It was a struggle for me to even think about any other course of action.

I stared into her eyes as she leapt onto my chest and held me tightly. I slowly raised my arms... and returned the embrace, holding her lightly as I attempted not to crush her. I would not kill this or any other horse. But I would also not allow the sun to swallow her alone. I sat on the ground, still holding the horse in my embrace as the minutes turned to hours.

Horses would look at us strangely, some with sincere joy, and some with slight worry. The horses she was most aquatinted with approached her throughout the night and conversed, almost all of them looking at me with sad eyes. They knew the sun was coming, and their time was near. I failed them all. I failed to protect them.

The moon lowered and the sun soon rose. I looked away from the pink horse chicken. I couldn't bear to see her burst into flames. But, as the sun begun to greet us with it's warm rays of pure goodness, nothing happened. There was no fire, there was no pain, and surprisingly, no screams. Sure, some horses may be immune to the sun if in shade or combined with a creature such as a creeper. But for none of them to catch fire was something baffling. I slowly raised my head looking at the streets and was shocked by the sight. There were no more Mobs, only colorful horses that roamed the streets early in the morning.

I looked down at my companion as she appeared to slowly wake up with the slight movement of my body. She looked up at me with a sincere smile. The nightmare was over. I leapt for joy, still holding her in my arms, even spinning around with her. It was a true miracle. Somehow, it appeared that enough potions were made to cure the entire town of it's infection. And even though Pink horse was not cured, there was no doubt in my mind that whatever benevolent force blessed the rest of these horses would help her as well. I was overjoyed, and so way my friend as she whinnied with glee.

Friend... I called her my friend.

I later walked the streets with a new sense of vigor and enthusiasm. The village was safe and pure, almost as if the events of the previous night never transpired.

…. ….. …. …..

Twilight was ecstatic to see her brother but was also very annoyed to learn that he would be marrying somepony she didn't even know. Twilight rose the train car silently with her six friends, her brother Spike, and their larger than life plus one. When Princess Celestia had found out that Twilight accepted the invitation her brother sent her she sent a letter of her own asking if they could bring along Biggie as well. It took a few hours, some rope, and a few roses, but they eventually squeezed Biggie into the train car that was used for large luggage. His massive size however meant that Rarity had to relinquish about a dozen of her bags, chests, and creates. How one pony could travel with so much luggage was beyond Twilight.

I won't lie, I'm terrified. Today started off so nicely. The six horses who quickly became my friends showered me with flowers for many hours. I was in such a blissful state that I didn't even notice when I was moved into this shaking box. It was only when the walls began to move that I was taken out of my euphoric joy. Where was I, why was this box shaking, why were there smaller boxes and bags inside this box? I tried to stand but fell each time, this box was shaking too much.

Why was I here? Was I being punished? Did I do something wrong? Why was I no longer at the village? What would they do without me?! They could be attacked by zombies, or skeletons, or creepers, or... or Players. No, no I can't.

I started to hyperventilate, something I didn't know I could do, as I banged on the floor. Whatever this room was, it was made with a string metal that caused the entire room to shake more violently as my fists hit the floor.

Fluttershy tried her best to make Biggie feel better. When Pinkie's nose twitches and her elbow became clammy, she warned all her friends that something was wrong with Biggie. They all rushed to the back of the train where their lovable giant was when a sudden bang echoed throughout the train. Fluttershy was the first to open the door seeing their friend look at them with a mixture of horror and relief. Without any hesitation she flew to his side and began hugging him.

Fluttershy couldn't believe her own stupidity. Biggie wasn't an animal, but he wasn't an intelligent pony either. He was a creature in a foreign world with no clear understanding of it. She had taken many animals on the train in her life, but would always be there for them to comfort them. She was a big dummy for not doing it for Biggie too.

…. …. ….. ….

Rarity was absolutely delighted to see Princess Mi Amora Cradenza, the lesser known Alicorn Princess. Rarity couldn't believe her luck, she had the opportunity to design a dress for a real princess. Not one of those snobs who only held the title of prince or princess, but a real Alicorn princess. She was so happy, and then utterly embraced when Twilight tried to do some silly dance. Rarity loved her friends, she really did. But if they messed up her chance to be part of a real royal wedding, she would kill them. No joke, she would do it. It would look like an accident of course but she'd definitely do it.

Twilight and four of her friends were surprised to see Biggie punch a tree while Applejack was extremely angry.

"He's been punching mah trees fer an hour!" Applejack exclaimed to her friends. "Granted, I like that he's knockin' down the apples, but he's also puchin' the tree's outta the ground!"

Everypony was rightfully shocked and somewhat worried. Not out of fear but of concern for their large friend. Biggie had never attacked an inanimate object before and would only attack monsters that strayed too far from the Everfree Forest.

"What do you think is upsetting the big Lug?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Maybe the weather is doing something to him. He's probably preparing a nest to hibernate for the winter." Flutershy said.

"But why is he usin' mah trees!?" AppleJack shouted. She had roped him to a tree earlier when she went to get her friends, but Biggie punched that tree down, along with any tree nearby.

Everypony stopped to look at the small wooden table Biggie made. It was a perfect square with nine tiles in the center. Twilight studied the table intensively before Biggie lightly mugged her aside. He had placed two sticks in the bottom middle and center of the table. After retrieving a large chunk of wood, he placed it on the top middle square. Before anypony could question what he was doing, a wooden shovel materialized out of thin air where the sticks one wood previously laid.

"Whoa..." Rainbow Dash said. The others all shared her surprise as Biggie picked up the newly made wooden shovel and scooped up some snow. Twilight took this time to once again examine the table.

"This is incredible." Twilight said in astonishment. "Biggie somehow changed the atomic structure of two twigs and a piece of wood and turned it into a shovel! How in Equestria did he do it? This could be a whole new branch of magic!" Twilight exclaimed. Suddenly, an idea struck her.

Levitating two more sticks and a block of wood into the same pattern Biggie made Twilight created another wooden shovel.

"Neat! Let me try!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Flying over to a pile of twigs and loose wood, Rainbow Dahs returned and unceremoniously dropped all of the gathered materials onto the table. Many of the items rolled off, but whatever was on the table was apparently the correct combination to make...

"A sword! Awesome!" Rainbow Dash said as she flew up and swung the wooden sword in her hoofs.

"Wait, how did you do that?! You don't have magic." Twilight said.

"Oh, maybe the table allows anypony to create and craft various items and tools despite their amount of magic or experience points!" Pinkie Pie chimed in.

Biggie returned to the table with about eighteen snowballs in his arms. He placed a snowball on each tile and created a large ball of snow. He did it again creating another ball of snow, albeit slightly smaller.

The group followed Biggie as he approached Ponyville as he carried two large balls of snow in his hands.

"What do ya think he's gonna do with those?" AppleJack asked to nopony in particular.

"Maybe he wants to have a snowball fight. Oh! I call dibs on having Biggie on my team!" Pinkie Pie said.

"A snowball fight..." Rainbow Dash repeated with a wicked grin on her face. "Hey, I'm gonna go do... something, be right back." She said before flying back to AppleJack's farm.

"I feel as though Biggie may have accidentally released an unspeakable horror onto Ponyville now that Rainbow Dash has access to that table." Rarity said, her friends (excluding Pinkie Pie) nodded in agreement.

"Still though, I can't imagine why he would make all those things. It would be easier for him to just make two big snowballs by hand." Twilight said.

Tales From the Trash Bin. (Dani Phantom. Pt. 1)

Tales From the Trash Bin. (Dani Phantom. Pt. 2)

Tales From the Trash Bin. (Scott Howl)

The First Tales From the trash Bin. (Pearl)

Tales From the Trash Bin 2. (Zurg)

Tales From the Trash Bin 3. (Two-Face)

Tales From the Trash Bin 4. (Venom)

Tales From the Trash Bin 5. (Music Meister)

Tales From the Trash Bin 6. (Flash Sentry)

Tales From the Trash Bin 7. (My Street)

Comments ( 2 )

I would love to see this as a story on here maybe you can and marry Christmas

As usual, all stories on my blog are up for adoption, mainly because I don't have the time or a plan for where they can go. I was thinking of posting a list of links for them in the Self Promotion Group when I get to the tenth Trash Bin fic, which I think might be the last one. Thanks for reading this, and have a Merry Christmas! :pinkiehappy:

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