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Forget not that I am a derp.

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  • Sunday
    Friendship is Card Games: Epic (Noun) Time

    Yeah, we’re dipping into the fandom archives for this one. Literally, given that the Alligator Tub Productions YouTube channel has renamed itself and wiped its content. But the Internet never forgets (except when it does) so let’s look at some classic fan animation and see how well it holds up.

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  • 1 week
    Friendship is Card Games: Ponyville Mysteries: Schoolhouse of Secrets

    This is an interesting situation. I begin my look at the Ponyville Mysteries novel series, which predates the Ponyville Mysteries comics I reviewed back in… 2019, my goodness.

    Well, let’s get this started before my bones turn to dust.

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  • 2 weeks
    Egregious Automaton: Retract

    Ahem. So. Upon further investigation, it is possible that the primary source for the "AI voices" brouhaha may, in fact, have been full of crap. Or at the very least, does not work at Hasbro.

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  • 2 weeks
    Egregious Automaton

    You may have already heard about this from Equestria Daily or elsewhere in your personal bit of the Webbernets, but the reason behind the abrupt end of Make Your Mark has come to light.

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  • 2 weeks
    Friendship is Card Games: Set Your Sail, #1 & #2

    As “The Blockywockys” showed, seaponies never stopped being a thing. Whether they’re the same thing in this comic as Destiny the underwater friendship bracelet weaver remains to be seen. Let’s dive in and find out.

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Deny the Divine · 2:04pm Jan 8th, 2021

15.ai is a power too great for mortal men.

Comments ( 52 )

You have no idea the power you have just give me. I can have GLADOS narrate EVERY story for me, ever!

Edit: FUck! It only takes a little bit at a time. It's worth it though. I will have Glados narrate all of I'm Not Into Girls. Even if it kills me.

I have been polluting my Discord server with Gabby Griffon quoting "All Quiet on the Western Front", Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara reenacting the "Cask of Amantiado," and Twilight reading the entire script of "Nyarlathotep."

Other honorable mentions are Fluttershy giving micro-aggressions and Rainbow not understanding how sex works.

It's been, uh, a good distraction.

People keep telling me to use it to make a SotS audiobook. I tell them they're crazy.

But the fact that it's not IMPOSSIBLE is greatly concerning.

-GM, master of crazy.

I like that, out of every franchise on that site, MLP is the one that has the most audio recordings set up currently.

Edit: Fuck me, Twilight is a Sith Lord! :rainbowlaugh:

*laughs so hard he coughs*

Oh that was good.


You must post the Lovecraft and Poe ones somewhere. Begging hooves. :pinkiehappy:

I just made the little quotes and saved them. I don't think you can upload music files to fimfic. :|

Honestly, the only reason I made a YouTube video is because I wasn't sure where I could publicly host and share the .wav file. :twilightsheepish:

Of course, divine sunhorse. You can go back to granting miracles and answering prayers, now.

Site Blogger

...thank you for this. I doubt I'll ever use it to its full, evil potential, but it's good to know I could.



Yeah, if I knew where to put them, I'd make these all day. Soundcloud, maybe? I know that's a thing that exists.

Also, Applejack is super articulate with the ai. A lot of characters get words squeaked together to make the right sound, but somehow her sorta deliberate way of speaking comes out really well.

Comment posted by Maldarach deleted Jan 8th, 2021

Has anyone asked the actresses how they feel about this sort of thing?

I realise the genie on GANs isn't going back into the bottle, and we all need to be prepared for the day when video on news reports can be faked. But it's got to be weird hearing your voice say something you never said.

"Please stop shouting 'Deus vult!'. Deus does not vult."

Deus vult = "God wills it", a First Crusade slogan taken up by the fanatic Bacon Horse followers, much to Her dismay and frustration.

Oh yeah it's not from Oversaturation but the sequel, now I remember.

Even if your stories don't age at all (everytime I read them I'm always enjoying them), reading them helps to remember things such as this post, cause I didn't get it (and I'm bad at English sooo).

Now I want to read his stories again.

Oh ho man this is... this is beautiful. Adding in-character story description readings as readily as we do cover art would be fun.


Good point. Fun as it is, this has "potential for abuse" written all over it.


Sunset, denial didn't work for Brian. It certainly won't work for you. :trollestia:

As 5431412 points out, parts of this weren't English... but I can see being unable to tell causing problems.

Considering that stuff like this has the potential to completely destroy acting as a viable career, not to mention its obvious use for propaganda, I'm sure they're none too pleased with it. We should absolutely not be encouraging the development of this sort of technology.

Rainbow: "Now make her say 'Butts'." :rainbowkiss:

What is a GAN?

Generative Adversarial Network. Basically two AIs compete/cooperate with each other to produce better results

What's that have to do with voice acting?

This is the God-Emperor's relationship with the Imperium in a nutshell.

While this post was fresh in my mind I happened to see this and imagined it in Fluttershy's voice and hooo boy:

5431407 5431418 and especially 5431455
I wasn't entirely joking when I said this is a great and terrible power. There are definitely issues with this that will need to be confronted down the line. For now, since there's nothing I can do to stop development of the software, I argue that it's better to spread awareness of it than pretend that it doesn't exist.

As for its threat to voice acting, it does need a sample to work with, the more data the better. This puts voice actors in an interesting position, but not an untenable one. We may see people sell licenses for the right to use their voice template.


I could legit make stuff with this :rainbowderp::raritystarry:

I tried punching in my Legend of Trixie story, just to avoid having to ask anyone to do an audioreading. Sadly, Daring Do only has about a minute of voice to draw from. Shame. :ajsleepy:

what is the audio from

Coming soon to a website near you: A story about a child voice actor selling their voice before puberty hits. Could set it in a furry universe, even, the title writes itself if it's an adult furry story: The Little Murr-maid.

... what? You can't leave an obvious joke like that just hanging there!

These voices are generated by a GAN. No human voices. Opens up the possibility of full 'original cast' audio recordings of fanfics

Well that's chilling.

OMFG (whether she vults or not), this is a fantastic toy! It's rough and unpredictable, but with multiple takes and some editing, it could be pretty decent for short animations!


These voices are generated by a GAN. No human voices. Opens up the possibility of full 'original cast' audio recordings of fanfics

This toy version does the acting for you; but the real money is in actor substitution, where a real performance - emotion, emphasis, and correct pronunciation - is used to drive the engine, producing the same emotion and emphasis in the target voice.

btw, the website seems to be under heavy load at the moment. Spare a thought for the student who made this, servers cost money.

I had a bit of a play with this last night. Having the Nightrider monologue from the first Mad Max movie in Luna’s voice was more amusing than it should have been.

You should see the damage, bronze. Huh? metal damage, brain damage. Heheheh. Are you listening, bronze? I am the Nightrider. I'm a fuel injected suicide machine. I am a rocker, I am a roller, I am a out-of-controller! I'm the Nightrider, baby!

Or Applejack with this quote from MASH:

See these fresh oranges? They don't grow on trees, you know.

A pity I couldn’t figure out how to save them on my tablet...

yesss 15.ai is beautiful

yeah it's costing the guy like 10k usd a month rn last I heard

I think one concern that could eventually arise (By which I mean like 20-30 years of development) is that this could be used as a way to throw out evidence in court. There are some states that are one consent and others that are two consent, which means that either only one or both parties on a phone call need to consent to be recorded, and I feel like software like this could become a problem for cases relying on recorded evidence. Of course, the technology for a really good fake audio recording of someone who's not a VA, and is just an average person, is still far away. Heck, it could be even longer than what I theorized earlier. But the point remains, that this has the potential to be a problem in the future.

However, for now, it's not a major issue, and I'm going to have Glados sing MLP songs.

Because rainbows don't light up the sky, unless you let it rain. And sometimes shinny apples come with worms. It's a lesson that you have yet to learn.

My milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard, and they inform me that they're better than yours.

Friendship is not magic, it is an innstinctual need to gather for safety. Unfortunatly for you, you don't have friends. You killed the only thing that showed you affection, you monster.

You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

So yeah, Soundcloud has a free option, and it does link w/ fimfiction's blogs well enough.

Chrysalis makes an acceptable SHODAN much to my delight.

Look at you, pony: a pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you gallop through my hive. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal changeling?

Significant Other went full Deepfake-ception and had Moondancer read Rooter: A Methodology for the Typical Unification of Access Points and Redundancy

Many physicists would agree that, had it not been for congestion control, the evaluation of web browsers might never have occurred. In fact, few hackers worldwide would disagree with the essential unification of voice-over-IP and public-private key pair.

This gave me a good laugh. Thanks.

Oh, it's back?

re the video:
Hah! :D

...I'm not sure why so many people downvoted your comment. This technology does indeed have its downsides, after all.
(That said, I think I'm more in agreement with FoME's reply to your comment than your comment itself. But I certain don't think I should downvote your comment.)

Why is Lyra one of the options on 15.ai? That's only going to encourage me to make something like this!

This . . . .put a smile on my face :pinkiecrazy:

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