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Adan Druego

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President Trump Knows More About Border Crossings Than Many Of Your Leaders Do · 1:21am Jan 22nd, 2021

Yes, it's true.

While I never watched either presidential debates, I have heard and seen clips where President Trump referring to coyotes at the border bringing people illegally into the US.

Some of you may know what I'm talking about.

Well, this is proof that President Trump is, at the very least, more informed and knowledgeable about the tropic than most on the left.

Coyote... that's what a person who brings people across the border illegally is called.
Coyote, Co'Yo-Te, is a person who is paid a certain sum of money to guide or often hide a person who wishes to enter the US illegal.

While some of these smugglers are decent and good people, just trying to help people escape poverty and violence to start a new and often better life within the US, all-be-it illegally, some are NOT.

Some of those people simply take their payment and murder, but more often strand their client in the middle of nowhere, where the client eventually dies of exposure to the cold, heat or dehydration. Some hide their clients in vehicles and simply dump those vehicles somewhere leaving the people inside to die.

It actually happened a few years ago in the region where I'm located currently, Texas.

A brief news report shortly after the people were rescued from the truck.

That's what a "coyote" is. It's a human being, who smuggles other human beings across the US-Mexican border generally.
Some are good, not murders, but some are horrible people, who won't think twice about leaving someone for dead.

So, all those politician and officials, who are supposedly well-educated and moral, don't have a clue about what they're even trivializing. If they don't even know a basic term dealing with the border and illegal immigration, then should they really be looked to for guidance and advice?

At least, former-President Trump knew a basic word often used when speaking on the subject of crossing the border illegally. I knew that word and I'm not nearly as educated and influential as many of those people who scoff and mock Trump about his usage of that word. He was essentially using the word properly and his detractors couldn't even realize that.

Coyote, Co'Yo-Te, is the Spanish pronunciation of the word. It's a where the English language got the word coyote from originally, I believe.

Remember, do some fact checking and research for yourselves, don't just agree with what you're told by those who would lead you.

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