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The man who likes ponies but also likes monsters... so what's wrong with him combining the two? ;P

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Join Project Zone 15 · 12:27am Feb 3rd, 2021

This is a callout to try to see if we can find more people willing to participate in this collaborative project. :yay:

Zone 15 is a collaborative story project where the reader attempts to lay siege to Zone 15 (kind of like those old Raid Area 51 memes) and free some alien ponies, cat ponies, etc... In the story the reader will take on the role of an earth pony stallion who also happens to be a nerd and after seeing a blog promoting a raid on Zone 15, they decide to tag along and see if they can save some alien monster mares from the installation. :derpyderp2:

There is a bit more information (including the rules) in this old blog.

However, what I can say is that after the introductory chapter (which all collaborators will be given access to, to help them when writing their chapter) the reader will encounter a terminal that will allow them to open one of the cells, allowing them to free the cell's occupant. These are the chapters that the collaborators shall be working on.

The collaborators will be responsible for the creation of the alien mare, neko mare, etc... that is in their cell. Aside from it being female, 18+ years old, and vaguely pony shaped (if not just an alteration of a pony themselves), the design of this character is up to the collaborator's design. Feel free to be as creative as you want and feel free to take inspiration from any source you think could be useful.

We are currently looking for some authors to collaborate on this project. Currently we have a few slots open (which represent cells), however if we fill them and a few more people want to participate, I think I should be able to make room for a few more (Zone 15 is a big facility after all). :derpytongue2:

List of Participants:
-Robipony (duh)
-Brony1337 (potentially)
-Viper Pit
-(Might add more cells if people are REALLY interested)

If you are interested, feel free to leave a comment in this blog or even send me a PM and I will add you to the list. The sooner we fill these slots, the quicker we shall be at starting this project.

Please participate. Surely, nothing could possibly go wrong.

Comments ( 29 )

I wanna join

5446575 Okay then. I'll add you to the list. :pinkiesmile:

Just to clarify while contributors will be writing their own chapters, I and a few others will probably be helping in order to make sure the story is coherent.

I would love to join. what do I do?

Sounds fair. I do have to ask you to better define pony shaped tho. Because i can come up with all sorts of aliens that have hooves and walk on 4 legs but will be nothing like ponies

5446583 Think of it this way, there are a lot of Star Trek/Star Wars/Other Scifi settings, where the aliens are clearly alien but look like standard humanoids. So that's kind of what I mean by pony shaped. Of course, that isn't to say that you couldn't have an alien shapeshifter that takes on a pony like form a decent portion of the time but in actuality is something else (that could be kind of cool).

5446581 So as both the linked blog and this blog states, collaborators will be writing a single chapter, that follows up after the events of the introductory (which I will write), featuring a monster mare that they come up with, that they think could fit in a setting based off of Area 51.

I hope this answers your questions. :twilightsmile:

ok so we create our own monster mare but you supply the character we are telling the story from?

God it let me know when its my turn and ill send you the chapter for checking and edits

5446590 I supply the reader character and the setting. The collaborators supply their monster mare, how they and the reader escape Zone 15 and maybe a little epilogue afterwards that can be as romantic as the writer wants, so long as it isn't pornographic (though if the collaborative writer wishes to write a pornographic scene involving their monster mare and the reader character and post it on their account, that is completely acceptable). :scootangel::raritywink:

ok I dont write porn so that part won't be a problem but does it have to be romantic I'm fine if it does but I'm wondering

5446594 I'm hoping to have a few more slots filled, however I can say that I have part of the introductory chapter done. :pinkiesmile:

5446596 I suppose it doesn't have to. It would be preferred, however I can also see that someone might have the argument that just because someone saves you doesn't mean you love them. So if you wanted it to end with the monster mare and the reader just being friends (and perhaps hinting at them developing a relationship in the future), I suppose that would be fine.

I like the idea of them having a relationship but I was just wondering for future reference like if I could not think of anything romantic you know what I mean... but I somewhat have an idea for it to be romantic.

5446602 Okay, so it sounds like you're interested. In that case I will add you to the list. :pinkiehappy:

yay. also before I start can you send me the character sheet for who I am writing as (personality, color, code, ext...) and to be 100% sure 2nd person is like this

I look down the dark hallway not seeing a thing and yell "Hello is anypony there?"

5446611 Once I finish the introductory chapter, all participants shall receive it. It shall have the information you seek. :pinkiesmile:

ok will do then in the meantime ill think of a character and name would you like me to send the sheet to you after I am done?

also, do they have cell names for example SCP 00-09-00 or is it more INMATE 59-00-98 or SMILE 89-03-75

5446787 I hadn't actually put much thought into that, however I think that INMATE 59-00-98, would probably be very fitting.

ok my character does not have a name native to Equestria so the colt will be the one nameing her
and the numbers were random lol

Hey, can I join in on this? I think I got a decent idea.

5447215 You certainly can. :scootangel:

Thanks! When will the project get started?

5447237 Hopefully soon. :pinkiesmile:


I think that INMATE 59-00-98, would probably be very fitting.

You already got the char sheet and it has to do with the char? Or is it something else? Cuz’ I don’t get it.

5448404 It sounded like they were asking if we would use a numbering system (or something like that) for the different cells, so I was saying that this format would probably be the most fitting.

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