• Member Since 3rd May, 2019
  • offline last seen 56 minutes ago

Carmine Craft

Just a shoddy writer, now with an okay profile pic :)

More Blog Posts8

  • 117 weeks

    Ive recently lost someone important to me, and Ill be taking a little break from... anything and everything for a while.

    All stories are on hold for the time being.

    Sorry for the dissapointment.

    6 comments · 530 views
  • 120 weeks
    Help? Part 2?

    Im glad to hear at least a few of you would be willing to help a poor author out!

    I only have two tiers to the page at the moment, and not many perks beside, but as Im able to dedicate time and money to this, I'll make sure you're getting your money's worth!

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    1 comments · 797 views
  • 120 weeks

    Its me, the self proclaimed shoddy writer!

    Ive got a question for you all.
    Patreon. Its a thing I've been tinkering with a little, but before I get too far down that road, I figured I would ask the lovely and exponentially more knowledgeable users of thus site, if its even a thing I can attach to this account.

    And even if it is, is it something y'all would be interested in?

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    5 comments · 315 views
  • 127 weeks
    The return of a Story!

    Hey all, Just posting this here to let you know that the rewrite of That Time I Became a Friendship Bomb is now Live! If you still hold any interest in the original, then I recommend you give the rewrite a look.

    I look forward to writing more for you!

    9 comments · 462 views
  • 128 weeks
    I'm still very much alive!

    Whoes that Pokemon
    Ny. Definetly pony. No other word.

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    2 comments · 246 views

Story updates. First update of the year. · 3:35am Feb 8th, 2021

Hey again! I meant for this to be monthly, but I seem to have missed on that, so ill try and update th a little more regularly!

Lets get started, shall we?

Friendship Bomb: Currently in major rewrite. First chapter is done and ready for polishing! Its been quite a while since I talked to the kind folks that offered to edit for me, so ill have to do that at some point. Ill let you knkw if they arent interested anymore.

Time and a Half: this story is going great!
You know that first chapter? The one with the throw away line that I named the story after, as is my pattern? Its rewrite is nearly complete, has more details, and is shaping up to be a little linger than the original, even if you don't count the little bit of the original chapter six i left in there to make continuity make more sense. Moving onto the second chapter soon, and I loved writing that one, so im sure it'll go quickly.

Improperly Wiped Hard Drive: I still love this story. Weve got it narrowed down, and there are definetly 15 different pony races, even excluding ones like hippogriff, kirins, and crystal ponies. I haven't been back to this story since the last blog post, but ive been tinkering with how I want the story to progress in my noggin:pinkiehappy:

Mystery story one: the story that currently holds my longest chapter ever, or it used to, at some point. It involves "time shenanigans" and lazy attempts at avoiding paradoxes that commenters will bring up. If you like Twilight, then I think you'll really like this story. Or at least I hope you will, since its my interpretations of her.--
-- Im just going to leave up my description from last post, since I haven't shared the name yet, and it is therefore a bit more difficult to keep track of. First chapter is done, has been. Ive gone back recently, disagreed with my past self about certain aesthetic choices and changed them, and Im polishing it up while I write chapter two, which includes yet another character, one that brings the story up to the number i initially wanted.

Mystery story two: the story that I was writing until I switched gears and went to Mystery story three. Its got a great, mildly confusing prologue, and I've rewritten the first chapter four times. The main thing holding it back is balancing dialog between two of the main characters. I've gone with non existent, way too much. A sprinkle here and there, and most recently, non existent and the main character doesnt even think readable thoughts most of the time, because I took a throw away line from the prologue and ran too far with it.--
--onto this one! Ive decided "screw it" and kept the most recent rendition of the first chapter, as it was close enough, and continued writing before the story gets so far behind my plans for it that I have trouble writing it. Thats what happened to friendship bomb, if you were wondering, well, part of it.

Mystery story three: my current writing obsession. The main character goes on informational tangents and tries to complete an ancient spell. No, not the one you thinking. Were currently sitting at 9k, and then I came here to write this update blog thingy. Heavy time shenanigans and me putting forth a unique spin on Starlight Glimmer's history meddling I dont think you've read before~:twilightsmile:--
-- moved onto chapter two!

Mystery story four: which on is this again? Its kinda confusing not using the proper titles..
Ah yes! This is another Hie I originally started to just work through my writers block. As you can probably tell, this didnt work all that good. It involves some poor sap switching places with a pony who wants more out of life, not quite in the usual way, ancient magical artifacts that people use to make new ones, and in an omake, Trixie being sued by hasbro for copy right legal stuffs.--
--This story didn't survive its recent inspection, so I cut out the unsavoury bits, expanded where I skipped over for no reason, and have been writing sleep talking and walking jokes ever since. The only thing stopping this story from progressing is me attaching the proper personality template to the character so they can interact with magic pony land while conscious. Its too fun to write tjem asleep though, so its difficult to try waking the character up. Seriously, ive got 3k of them asleep alone in the story.

Mystery story five: okay, I did it as a bit last time, but this one I really do have to go and check...
Ah! Okay. This story involves an alternate take on history, the heavenly bodies being used as weapons, and the alicorn that has to keep an all consuming darkness from well, consuming all. It involves what will hopefully be an interesting little tid bits of culture, fun to write fight scenes. And some poor joe/blank slate alicorn stepping into the shoes of the sisters. If you like sunbutt and moonbutt, this story might not ve for you. Or it might, what do I know?--
-- this story I stated yesterday and it shot to 3k in two hours, and we haven't even met the main character yet. Im excited!

Mystery story six: thats all of them I have in google docs, what do you mean there's more? Check fim? Okay... oh, geez. I have too many of these.
This story involves, well, romance? I think? Treason, okay, cool. Espionage. Perfect look alikes. And someone's face being introduced to a vital component for constructing walls, really hard. Sitting at a... cliffnotes of what I want the first chapter to include.
This story is still theory, but its gonna be fun. Ill try to hold off starting it till I post somethung else, since that would hold bacl the other stories. Or it could help me work through my writers block on tjem when that crops up... i habe no idea how my mind works.

Well, thats all for the "monthly" update! And ill try to keep it minthly from now on, even after I start posting chapters again cause... I dunno? I really have no idea what I'm doing.

Back to the writing!

Comments ( 5 )

Oh? Time & a half is getting a rewrite? Has any chapter been updated yet, or did you plan w
On releasing it all in one go? Tbh, the original version was my favorite HiE fic, not to mention NMM fic, so I’m really looking forward to seeing the new version.

I was actually planning to do it in one go, so look foreward to that.

I keep hearing how everyone loved the fic, but i can't help but feel i failed in the execution somewhere, thats something I hope to fix!

So how’s the progress? You said it was nearly done?

Did I?

The thingie up there says im done with the first chapter, when im actually done with the first four, but still not close to almost done

Ahh, I didn’t notice it said only first chapter XD. But it’s nice to hear you’re almost done with the fourth one.

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