• Member Since 27th May, 2012
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Pennington Inkwell

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More Blog Posts99

  • 24 weeks
    Merry Christmas!

    Hey there, fellow adventurers! Looks as if another holiday is upon us!

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    3 comments · 191 views
  • 40 weeks
    An Integrated Update

    Initiating blog post update protocol...
    Greetings, fellow adventurers. This is the Integrated Superior Intelligence System. You all may call me "Isis."

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    3 comments · 393 views
  • 51 weeks
    Check-In: Status: Not Dead Yet

    Hey there, fellow adventurers!

    I just wanted to give you all a quick update so that you don't think I've abandoned you here, because I absolutely have not!

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    4 comments · 265 views
  • 62 weeks
    One Year

    It's hard to believe it's been a year since my dad died. Sometimes it feels like a decade ago, sometimes it feels like it was just last week.

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    2 comments · 198 views
  • 78 weeks
    Penn's Odyssey: The End?

    So... I think this is the end of my road trip adventuring.

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    5 comments · 345 views

Your own Multiverse! · 6:31am Mar 1st, 2021

Hey there, fellow adventurers!

So, I got a question tonight from someone asking me if I would be alright with them using the broken universe of The Multiverse in a Nushell as the setting for their own story. I figured that I ought to put this answer out there for everyone, just in case. I don't know if I'll get that question more in the future, but laying out the ground rules would be a good idea. After all, the setting has almost infinite possibilities, so there's a lot more that can be done with it than I'll ever write!

Short answer: Yes, just give credit where it's due.

Long answer:

If you want to write your own story set in the same setting, I have three hard conditions.

1. Unless I directly state otherwise, your story won't be canon to The Multiverse in a Nutshell and should be marked as such. Right now, the only canon work that isn't written entirely by myself is the crossover with Sunset's Isekai.

2. You need to give credit for the setting and other elements used from The Multiverse in a Nutshell and link back to my story. This includes characters like Isis, Chirac, and other original characters and settings.

3. You need to have fun writing it!

And I also have one request, as a professional courtesy from one author to another:

1. Please do not put any of my original characters into situations of a sexual nature. (Seriously. Among other reasons I don't want this to happen, Missy is eternally underage. I shouldn't have to point these things out, but... it's the internet.)

Other than that, go nuts! You want to have your OC rescue Penn from Salem's castle before it blows up and join the crew? Go for it! You want to write about what one of the other Rainbooms is doing in the meantime? Do it! You want to have your own self-insert put together their own crew, jump in their sports car, and drive off into the horizon? As long as you follow these rules, I shouldn't have a problem with it!

But I'm gonna want to see it when it's out so I can fanboy over it properly!!

I DO reserve the right to disapprove of something and express that opinion, but I think it would be pretty hypocritical of a fanfiction author to veto someone else's fanfiction entirely or tell them NOT to write something. That kind of overpossessive mindset has come close to killing fanfiction as an art form in the past.

Please feel free to message me and ask for information if you're struggling or need details about the setting or characters! I'll be happy to answer any questions or review anything for characterization/accuracy! (Time and energy permitting, of course.) I always love to talk about Multiverse! You can usually find me on The Adventurer's Guild Discord Server most hours of the day or night!

Also one more note: Just because a story is a multi-crossover or references the concept of the "Multiverse" does NOT mean it is breaking these rules. I do not OWN the idea of an infinite multiverse! Just the particular iteration in The Multiverse in a Nutshell. If you think someone is using my ideas or content without credit, just bring it to my attention and move on, okay? Always assume ignorance before malice.

Okay, with that all settled, if you've had something you've been wanting to write, draw, or otherwise create based on The Multiverse in a Nutshell, this is your permission to do so, as long as you follow these rules!

Happy adventuring!
-Pennington Inkwell

(P.S. Why so many gifs? I dunno, I'm in a mood. I'm sure all the sources will be broken in a year, so don't worry about it.)

(P.P.S. - Commissions are still open! My family got hit by that storm in Texas and we're having trouble making ends meet, so if you can commission a piece or even pledge on Patreon, it would go a long way to helping us!)

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