• Member Since 20th Sep, 2012
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"What is better...to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" -Paarthurnax, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

More Blog Posts41

  • 60 weeks
    A Small Update

    Just a small little post here to assure people that I'm not dead.

    I haven't been able to write anything for shit lately in far too long, but as the situation drags on, I'm starting to understand why it's so hard for me to just...sit down and write some.

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  • 161 weeks
    Small Rant.

    Nothing to do with EWM at this time, sorry. Though I have officially begun writing it. Not far in yet though. Be patient.

    Anyways, I'm...kind of here to rant a little about something.

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    11 comments · 862 views
  • 170 weeks
    LONG OVERDUE EWM NEWS!!! (plz read till the end)

    Hey, everyone. Been a while, hasn't it? Especially concerning any news whatsoever on pretty much...any story of mine, really.

    The pandemic has been hard for us all, especially for me. I have virtually no energy for writing anymore because of how depressing everything is and how isolated and imprisoned I always feel because of how stupid people are about taking the disease seriously.

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    27 comments · 1,086 views
  • 203 weeks
    More Loss

    I've lost yet another beloved pet. I thought I would have more time with Betsy. Much more time. But her health very suddenly deteriorated, and within three days she died in my lap.

    Why have I had to deal with so much death? I don't know. But I made this video to pay tribute to every family member I've lost over these past three years as a way to allow myself to grieve.

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    7 comments · 453 views
  • 203 weeks
    More Loss

    I've lost yet another beloved pet. I thought I would have more time with Betsy. Much more time. But her health very suddenly deteriorated, and within three days she died in my lap.

    Why have I had to deal with so much death? I don't know. But I made this video to pay tribute to every family member I've lost over these past three years as a way to allow myself to grieve.

    0 comments · 314 views

LONG OVERDUE EWM NEWS!!! (plz read till the end) · 9:54pm Mar 1st, 2021

Hey, everyone. Been a while, hasn't it? Especially concerning any news whatsoever on pretty much...any story of mine, really.

The pandemic has been hard for us all, especially for me. I have virtually no energy for writing anymore because of how depressing everything is and how isolated and imprisoned I always feel because of how stupid people are about taking the disease seriously.

But that's not why we're here right now.

I said I had news concerning Equestrian Wind Mage, and I meant it.

I've...honestly been mulling over this for some time, but the more I do...the more it seems like the best idea for me going forward.

Am I quitting EWM?


HOWEVER...however, I am strongly considering the potential of completely redoing the series, and starting over from scratch.

Yes, I'm heavily considering rewriting EWM.

The truth is, I've long been dissatisfied with how Season 1 especially turned out. There is a significant amount of cringe there that frankly makes me dread every new review notification I see. I mean, I was a lot younger and more naïve then, and I was more prone to pandering to overdone tropes and story points. I got better as the seasons progressed, and it shows. Back when I was working on the first season, I didn't have a clear idea of where I wanted the overall story to go, and it led to a lot of jerky story elements and incoherent plot points and worldbuilding. It wasn't until the end when I fully decided to commit to the direction I ultimately went with. Some stuff happened too fast or too soon, or didn't make sense or even potentially seemed OOC. My greatest mistake in particular was the character bashing episode about Diamond Tiara, which was written on a whim and only belatedly did I realize how far I'd gone. I don't condone character bashing, especially when it's unwarranted, so seeing myself give in to such nastiness, especially concerning a child, has always made me feel like a disgusting hypocrite, even after I tried to salvage the episode by editing it after the fact.

I've come a long way since I first started translating my ideas to paper, so to speak, and I think my magnum opus deserves to truly reflect everything I've learned and everywhere I've improved. So I can probably declare that the original, classic EWM is cancelled, and will eventually be given a full makeover to better entertain the masses.

Some things will stay the same. Majora will still be the overarching antagonist of the series, with Dethl as his prime underling. Ganon will still be the arc villain of Season 2, as part of Majora's ongoing long game. Scootaloo will still be adopted by Vaati, and Luna will still be his squeeze. And Maulgrim and Nigellas will still remain fairly prominent OCs, since you guys liked them way more than I expected and I'm certainly not going to take that from all of you.

But there will be many, many differences. Both to events going forward, and the backstories and histories of both Hyrule and Equestria. I won't spoil what those worldbuilding elements and plot points are just yet, but one thing that will be different is that the rest of Equestria will more accurately reflect everything we've learned about the MLP world post-Season 5, unless it's a particular element I disagree with, such as Sombra's garbage S8 characterization. For example, now that we know more about all the non-pony races and empires of Equestria, I don't have to make shit up concerning their societal structures or try to figure out how to bend the story somehow to reflect the new canon.

I don't know if I will include things like the School of Friendship or everything having to do with Starlight Glimmer and/or Cozy Glow. The School in particular would get in the way of a more adventure-oriented series. Cozy Glow as a villain always rubbed me the wrong way, especially in light of my past mistakes with Diamond Tiara, and Starlight to me always felt like she was forgiven way too easily and became something like a creator's pet.

So what does everyone think of this? Sound like a good idea or should I remain with the original format?

Comments ( 27 )

I honestly forget where I left off with this saga, so a reboot would do me quite a bit of good.

If its something that you think will improve both the quality of the series as well as you're enjoyment writing it then go for it I would say

Timuri #3 · Mar 1st, 2021 · · 2 ·

I only just finished rereading S1, and was wondering as to the live/dead status of S3. I wholly support this undertaking. I always liked EWM, but can't disagree that there are rough sections.

As far as the later seasons of MLP...I very much agree that Glimmer was a creators' pet. She was also a base breaker. All but one of my friends that loved MLP dropped the show entirely and focused only on fanfic enjoyment after S5 ended, specifically because of her. It kinda sends a bad message when pony-Jim-Jones is given a free pass.

I think you’re in right, a rewrite would be nice.

Equestrian Wind Mage is an awesome story
But if you say it needs a rehash go ahead

I completely support you, and am so jazzed about you breaking your silence and hearing from you again. Go ahead and rewrite EWM, it's your fic after all. Shaded Blood rewrote his awesome story 'The Power of Equinox' and it was that much more enjoyable because of it. Just be sure to keep most of the crucial aspects that I enjoy so much (like how the mane six got a front row seat to how villainous Vaati once was when he beat Discord to a bloody pulp) and I will continue to follow this story, for it is one of my favorites.

Please keep the awesome cover arts to.

I liked some things about season 7-8 but the young six were a total buzz kill, so I will not lose any sleep if they don't get featured.

Leave Starlight as a villainess, she was better at that.

And please don't include Twilight's ascension, while I stuck with the show till the end, that caused way to much complications with Twilight's relationship with her friends.

I fully agree with your opinion on the Covid-19, people are not taking it seriously enough. When I lost my job, I didn't go out of my house for anything except when I really needed to, and I have myself a half hour time limit to go out and shop. I finally got employment again after three months of applying to several places, but I stay clear of everyone.

You know, when covid-19 started, I used to fantasize about how much I would love to read your story for the first time again, and if you rewrite EWM, that will be what happens, thank you.

I eagerly await what comes next, and will read each chapter diligently when they are posted.

Hey, maybe you could feature this guy?images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/21fc0abf-7f87-4fec-93a3-92d51814ccb8/debvlps-6703be26-ddfc-41c3-bf38-93e576bf8da0.png/v1/fill/w_676,h_474,q_80,strp/link_pony__by_connorneedham_debvlps-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD00NzQiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC8yMWZjMGFiZi03Zjg3LTRmZWMtOTNhMy05MmQ1MTgxNGNjYjhcL2RlYnZscHMtNjcwM2JlMjYtZGRmYy00MWMzLWJmMzgtOTNlNTc2YmY4ZGEwLnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD02NzYifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.ujWjwirz0OMOYUja81XFaAVmizEQF8nw88Urh1XZuoc

"Can you feature this guy?"


Hey what of the Tv tropes page?

Honestly, by now I've forgotten almost everything about EWM, so a rewrite for me is A-OK!

Will the original series of EWM still be available to read on this site? It's honestly one of my favorite crossover stories on the site, and definitely one of the better LoZ crossovers, IMO.

I fully support a rewrite. Although there are a few crowning moments of awesome that I think should return in the rewrite (Luna/NMM almost single-handedly beating Ganon being one of them), but if those moments don't come back, I wouldn't be too upset.

Like I said on your DA post.

I'm... actually divided on this. Yes, I think you should continue where you left off, but at the same time, I'm interested in what the rewrite would be like since your writing has come a long way, either option is up to you since it's your story.

Yeah, I'll probably leave it up, but add another tab for the "classic" version.

The original version will stay, don't worry.

Hey sounds like you got the story ready to rewrite, I would read it that's for sure. :pinkiehappy: I would have no problem seeing this story rebooted. :raritywink:

Comment posted by hydra30 deleted Mar 2nd, 2021

Do what you gotta do, man. It's your call in the end.

And Maulgrim and Nigellas will still remain fairly prominent OCs, since you guys liked them way more than I expected and I'm certainly not going to take that from all of you.

i remember when this first came out, i really am looking forward to rereading if you do a rewrite.

Nice to hear from you after so long. EWM is such an iconic fanfic that I'm loathe to admit any fault in it :raritycry:

But I support you in a rewrite nonetheless, improvement and growth are never a bad thing after all! Looking forward to seeing where this goes!

Been awhile hearing from you, good to know EWM isn't over, and everything needs a good rewrite once in awhile, can't wait to see what comes next

Looking forward to this! A rewrite with a more clear path for the beginning will be interesting to see.

Star Glimmer’s always be interesting to me. At first she seems really horrible, but looking back she never really did anything extremely evil and all of her plans never got off the ground. Her old town friends clearly didn’t hold much of a grudge, and by nature her time spell literally didn’t do anything and while it would have been really bad that was only because she didn’t understand who she was messing with. She wasn’t intentionally trying to bring about those bad futures. Honestly, Discord, Sunset, and Tempest were all much worse villains than her. Even Alicorn Amulet Trixie was much worse than her. I do disagree with her being a creators pet, mainly because her road afterwards was not easy and she had a lot hurdles she had to jump over as Twilight’s student.

For Cozy Glow, if you did add her, I’d have to suggest her being not actually a filly and instead a disguise or something Dethl or someone else uses to spy on and undermine everyone.

While I really did enjoy this story, especially part two...I can see why you would do this, and I'll be interested in reading the rewrite whenever that comes out.

I don't know if I will include things like the School of Friendship or everything having to do with Starlight Glimmer and/or Cozy Glow. The School in particular would get in the way of a more adventure-oriented series. Cozy Glow as a villain always rubbed me the wrong way, especially in light of my past mistakes with Diamond Tiara, and Starlight to me always felt like she was forgiven way too easily and became something like a creator's pet.

As a big fan of both Starlight Glimmer and Cozy Glow, I feel like I should be upset by this, but...well, it's not up to me, and you do what you want.

As for the rewrite in general, well, honestly, if there's one thing that I really think should change, then it would be how overpowered Zelda characters are compared to pony characters.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, Vaati really shouldn't have been able to curb-stomp Discord. Discord is capable of warping all of reality with a snap of his fingers while Vaati is just a powerful wind sorcerer. While Vaati can turn people to stone, he needs his spell to physically hit his opponent first, and Discord could just turn it into confetti before it even got close. While your reasoning was that Discord didn't take anything seriously does hold some merit, the thing is...neither does Vaati. In the games, that guy is a such a smug narcissist who doesn't take any threat even remotely seriously and always pays the price for it...and if you make Vaati more intelligent and powerful than he is in the games, then you should do the same for the pony villains.

I don't know if it really applies, but this quote comes to mind. "If you give Frodo a light sabre, then you got to give Sauron the Death Star."

On the other hand, I also feel like Vaati getting the Triforce of Power didn't really do much of anything to tip the scales in his favor! I feel, like it should give him much more of an advantage, than it did.

Yes, this is indeed a good idea!

But will you be including events + Ganon's forms from Breath of the Wild and/or Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity, and perhaps whatever evil is in Breath of the Wild 2? Just wondering.

Other than that, I wish you all the luck in the world with this rewrite, and I hope you'll be able to finish it!

I'm literally foaming at the mouth to get more EWM content. Vibrating in my own skin. It pleases me greatly to know you will continue working on this and the more I discover on your page (I have no clue how to use this cite I found the blogs today) to more I feel that the rewrite will be worth the wait. I only wish I could help more but for now I'll give you as much encouragement as I can! Best of luck and I hope to seen the first chapters soon!

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