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Cold in Gardez

Stories about ponies are stories about people.

More Blog Posts187

  • 10 weeks
    Science Fiction Contest 3!!! (May 14, 2024)

    Hey folks,

    It's contest time! Wooooo!

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    3 comments · 444 views
  • 12 weeks
    A town for the fearful dead

    What is that Gardez up to? Still toiling away at his tabletop world. Presented, for those with interest, the town of Cnoc an Fhomhair.

    Cnoc an Fhomhair (Town)

    Population: Varies – between two and five thousand.
    Industry: Trade.
    Fae Presence: None.

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    5 comments · 308 views
  • 24 weeks
    The Dragon Game

    You know the one.

    A sheaf of papers, prefaced with a short letter, all written in a sturdy, simple hand.

    Abbot Stillwater,

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    7 comments · 590 views
  • 42 weeks
    EFN Book Nook!

    Hey folks! I should've done this days ago, apparently, but the awesome Twilight's Book Nook at Everfree Northwest has copies of Completely Safe Stories!

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    9 comments · 611 views
  • 46 weeks
    A new project, and an explanation!

    Hey folks,

    Alternate title for this blog post: I'm Doing a Thing (and I'm looking for help)

    I don't think anyone is surprised that my pony writing has been on a bit of a hiatus for a while, and my presence on this site is mostly to lurk-and-read rather than finish my long-delayed stories. What you might not know, though, is what I've been doing instead of pony writing.

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Iron Cross, steel magnate, found nationalized in his bed. Was 58 · 10:16pm Mar 2nd, 2021

“You can’t just take control of an entire segment of Equestria’s economy!” Twilight Sparkle protested. “Who said you could do that?”

“Nopony said I couldn’t do it,” Starlight Glimmer countered. “Besides, I did it humanely.”

Twilight stared at her. “What… what does that even mean? How do you humanely nationalize an entire industry?”

Starlight took a sip of her tea to buy time. It was jasmine, with a bit of willow bark to help ease the mild discomfort of all the bruises invisible beneath her coat. Her mind cycled back through the hours, remembering the dark climax of the previous night.

“Shhh, shhh…” Starlight held the pillow over Iron Cross’s muzzle. His struggles grew weaker and weaker with every passing moment. Finally, his hooves beat against her chest one last time, then fell limp to the covers binding him tight against the mattress. She pressed her ear against his chest, listening for a heartbeat. Tha-thump... Tha-thump… … … tha-thump… … … … Slower and slower it grew, until finally...

“Sleep,” Starlight whispered. “No more profits, only dreams now.”

“With the softest pillow I could find,” Starlight mumbled into her tea.


“I said, with the power of Collective Syndicalism,” she said. “There were no significant objections.”

Jaxie did it so now I have to.

So what's this about G5 ponies? Crazy!

Comments ( 23 )

So what's this about G5 ponies? Crazy!

I know, right?




And lol how I read Nationalized as "Died" until I read again, and yet was accurate the first time. :pinkiecrazy:

So... that's what nationalize really means. Did she have help nationalizing the Board and major shareholders, as well?

I mean, to really complete that goal she might have to corner the market on willow bark, and that would strike me as... distasteful to her.

"Oh hey! Well, that's another conglomerate nationalized!"

Never mind! :facehoof:

Jesus fucking Christ

Author Interviewer

why is everyone posting stories in their blogs now? <.<

OK but see I actually support this. Maybe not executing every rich capitalist, but certainly putting them in reeducation camps and re-distributing their assets to people who actually need them.

“I'm so mad at you right now.”

“Whatever for, darling?”

Twilight just kept looking out the penthouse window. “You know why.”

“Perhaps I did get a little bit carried away,” Rarity admitted.

“You collapsed the diamond market.”


“You bankrupted DeBeers. Completely. And Alorosa—you bankrupted them, too. Rio Tinto lost a quarter of their value.”

“I fail to see the problem.”

“You can't just go crashing global markets like that, Rarity.”

“Well, how was I supposed to know that would happen? I just saw that clear diamonds were quite overpriced on the market, and I thought I would help out.”

Twilight shook her head. “You knew exactly what was going to happen.”

I dunno, but I’m kind of tempted. There aren’t enough ponies kicking people who deserve it.

We're trying to encourage people to start reviewing blog posts.

Georg #11 · Mar 3rd, 2021 · · 1 ·

5465304 So tempted... I can't even get my long-format stories all the way done.

Author Interviewer

Your schemes will never work! Nyah-ah-ah!

... looks like Stalinism to me.

"Well," said the Master of the King's Revels "His Majesty Henry the Eighth wants a first-rate production for Twelfth Night this year. It's a special occasion. You see, we're nationalising the monasteries--but if they offer you one don't take it because if Bloody Mary gets in they'll privatise them again."

--Flanders (and sometimes Swann), "Greenfleeves"

You’ve inspired me to publish what is likely to be a controversial blog post right before going to bed so I won’t get the fallout until the morning.

I’ll let you decide if that is bravery or cowardice. In the morning, or after work tomorrow.

I said this in Wanderer's blog and I'll say it again: y'all really need to start reserving top comment so that we can upvote the blog post.

I try to be a positive community influencer.

I for one am enjoying the results of your japery

... so this is it. This is where it all began.

Imagine what you could tell your three-days-ago self now—what horrors you could show them.

You maniac.


I know. I checked on it this morning like "I wonder how AB's post is doing?"

Breeding monsters. Breeding monsters was the answer.


... so this is it. This is where it all began.

Imagine what you could tell your three-days-ago self now—what horrors you could show them.

You maniac.

I do know my power. Remember Twilight Eats a Peach? FimFic Authors are in your Bed? A 0-word breakup fic which inspired no less than Present Perfect to actually punch me?

This is ‘bigots crawl out of the shadows and paint themselves fluorescent yellow, the blog post,’ and I have zero regrets. Well, one regret, my Mom read some of the comments because I didn’t warn her not to in time.

Point is, anybody who needs to know who to avoid or who to whack upside the head with a Snap-On 1-1/4” wrench, they called themselves out. Repeatedly.


I know. I checked on it this morning like "I wonder how AB's post is doing?"

Breeding monsters. Breeding monsters was the answer.

Like, would you expect anything else when I put out bigot bait?

Besides learning a few new creative insults (’lick a belt sander’ was a good one; I also got to use tangentially ‘go f:yay:k a flaming cactus’), I made some new trans friends, so that’s a win.


I for one am enjoying the results of your japery

To most everyone’s surprise, so am I. I’ve got the block function at my fingertips, the delete function for comments (or just nuke the whole blog post if I want), and I’ve legit made a new trans friend as a result of it and possibly lost a bigot follower. Not to mention people who needed the bigots to call themselves out, well, they did, and those people also have the block button.

Wins all around.

On the other hand, I know of at least one transgender person who's permanently left the site and deleted all their stories because they couldn't tolerate the rhetoric allowed on display in that thread. I get where you're coming from with regard to exposing the bigots, but at some point I think it's much better to just block them from your own "forum," so to speak, once they make it clear what kind of people they are, before things just keep escalating for 3-4 days and over 1200 comments. The point was made by page 5 at the most, IMO. Now, it's all just profoundly sad and infectious to the community at large.

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