• Member Since 24th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Wise Cracker

Just some guy, riding out his time.

More Blog Posts300

  • 8 weeks
    Season's greetings and resolutions: Spring

    Okay, first 13 weeks of the year have passed. How're those resolutions holding up?

    Drop the unhealthy habits affecting my sleep and thought patterns.

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    4 comments · 57 views
  • 23 weeks
    Early New Year's resolutions, and Old Year's conclusions

    Well, another year's come and gone. How did the resolutions go? Half and half in my case. Managed to partially accomplish what I set out to do, moving from wondering how to do things to figuring out what to do. I believe I've successfully identified the habits that are hampering or even harmful to me, so that's progress.

    Resolutions for the new year?

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    3 comments · 68 views
  • 47 weeks
    Summer update 2: What's Sticking to the Wall?

    Quick update on future plans.

    Still working on the original stuff, I think I'm down to the last rewrite of what I wanted to do, only question is what to change in terms of details. Art's had some progress, but work responsibilities and sweet, sweet sleeping problems have caused disruptions.

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    0 comments · 104 views
  • 53 weeks
    Summer update: what next?

    Honestly? Not sure. I never publish anything that's not complete, so I'm not breaking any promises there. Thing is, I haven't started on anything new yet, and hadn't lined anything up before the previous one.

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    2 comments · 124 views
  • 61 weeks
    Spring update: Changeling Beauty Contest, and other stuff.

    Been a while since I did one of these. Story stuff first.

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    1 comments · 176 views

Quick warning, hopefully unnecessary. · 1:44pm Mar 21st, 2021

Laptop's been acting up again, one of the fans sounds like it's grinding, hard. No crashes yet, no overheating, just a noise. It's been noisy for years, but now it's getting to the 'possibly damaging my hearing' level of noise. On the bright side, it only hurts when I move when it spins, so I can manage a little while on normal operations with just the cooling pad without any problems. Possibly install a fan controlling software, assuming that wouldn't create other problems.

But I do need to try and clean it. Going to try that soon, had a small success when I tried it the other day (though the green splotches coming out of it are not encouraging), but... those of you who's known me for a while may know I get a little anxious when it comes to my hardware. I really don't want this thing to break, but it might, whether due to my own incompetence or due to normal wear and tear. I've backed up everything (I hope) I needed to to an external hard drive, so at least I'm taking that precaution.

If I happen to drop off for an extended period of time, now ya know why. I am very much attached to this laptop, for various personal reasons I won't repeat here. If it goes wrong, I may need a moment to recover. A long moment. Silly, I know, but that's how it is.

Get a desktop, kids, don't bother with a gaming laptop. I mean, I had to get the more mobile version at the time, but if you don't have to, choose a desktop over a lappy.

Gonna try and work out again, too. Probably should have done that more during the lockdown. I mean, I did start the lockdown with that, but it didn't become the habit it should have. Maybe my little experiment will yield some insights on how to fix that. I'll keep you posted on that as it develops.

Cracker out.

Report Wise Cracker · 127 views · #Update #Warning
Comments ( 3 )

Searching amazon/ebay/aliexpress for "<your-laptop-model> fan" should work pretty fine. How old is it?

Get a desktop, kids, don't bother with a gaming laptop.

Well, it's not like desktop parts are magically wear-out-proof.

Wish I had gotten the no gaming laptop advice a long time ago. They're just not worth it. Especially when you can get a better desktop that lasts 3x as long for less than 1k

It's the green splotches that concern me more than fan noise. Solid green splotches means a new laptop. Liquidy splotches can mean the same thing, but it depends on where it's at.

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