• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

More Blog Posts1469


Like a Dragon · 8:32pm Apr 8th, 2021

Hello readers! I’m back!

“Was I ever gone?” some of you might be wondering. Well … Remember how I got that Covid-19 vaccination on Monday? I noted as such in Being a Better Writer that day, then after I finished my post went right to work and chugged along. Well …

Let’s just say I got walloped. By late that night, I was shivering with fever so bad I was almost dropping things, and I ended up swiping every blanket in my apartment and piling them high on my bed to stay warm that night. And then, of course, in the tradition of fevers, having wild dreams and waking up way too hot … and then being way too cold once more. The fever broke by morning, but the fatigue and stiffness stuck, and the next night I slept until 2 PM the following day …

Yeah, no writing was had in the last two days. My brain was not in a place where writing—good writing, anyway—could happen. Just looking at the errors I made and had to correct posting online was proof enough.

This all said, do not take this as a recommendation against the vaccine. No, instead it’s the opposite. Get the vaccine, but plan ahead. This will probably knock you on your butt for a while. Plan accordingly, and don’t let your boss tell you that you can’t take time off to recover from the vaccine (in fact, if they tell you that, your boss is sadly a deadbeat skag-licker, and should be acknowledged accordingly).

But seriously: Do your part. Get vaccinated. Better a few days of discomfort than a week, or a month, or worst of all, transmitting the virus to someone who won’t survive it.

Full post here!

Comments ( 4 )

Well, that makes two FiMFic authors I follow who had their asses kicked by the shot.

Cross-posting most of a reply from that blog:


  • Not an argument about taking the vaccine
  • Not a political statement
  • I'm not American

That said:

Better a few days of discomfort than a week, or a month, or worst of all, transmitting the virus to someone who won’t survive it.

Some vaccines are "leaky", which means they only protect you from the disease, they don't stop you from spreading the virus. We don't know if the Covid vaccines are leaky or not. If they are, not only do they not protect anyone else, but they can make things even more dangerous for anyone who doesn't get the shot. (That's an article from 2015, it isn't taking a side on the Covid shot.)

So: take the shot if you can and want to, but don't assume you can't get other people sick. We don't know, and probably won't know for a while yet.

(Still waiting to become eligible in my region. Probably won't work its way down the list to me for months yet.)

Damn, sounds like you got walloped.

My family already all caught and recovered from covid, so vaccine isn't a priority for us atm. I'm personally waiting to see if any after effects show up later before I'm having anything to do with it though.

Hope ya stay healthy man.

Grats on getting the shot! Sorry to hear it kicked your butt for a bit.

And hey, maybe you'll get lucky and Axtara will get nominated enough after all.

Here’s to hoping Axtara gets a enough nominations. I think she deserves it.

Also glad to hear you’re doing better. I got my first dose last week and just had a sore arm, and some severe vertigo (probably due to pre-existing inner ear damage aggregated by the thing). I’m planning for a few good days of rest when i get the second dose in two weeks.

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