• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
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Jake The Army Guy

Be excellent to each other, and PARTY ON, DUDES! ~ Abraham Lincoln

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Artist Spotlight Dump: CraftedFun3 · 1:54am May 7th, 2021

Howdy, y'all! First and foremost, as always, Adorable Applejack:

Pigtails are an instant win

Now then...

How's everybody doing lately? Hope things are going well all around. I'm doing surprisingly alright. Made my first Chef John recipe tonight. It was really good, though the meat didn't get as tender as I would have liked, but I already let it cook 15 minutes longer because the sauce wasn't reduced enough. My birthday is tomorrow, which is nice. I'm about to start the downhill slope to 40.
My aunt's memorial service is Saturday, which isn't so nice. Finals are next week, and I'm... not stressed at all. Like, at all. Mainly because I only have one final. For my film class, I just have to submit the final edits of the PSA, TV Commercial, and Narrative film I did. For American Lit, I just have to write an essay about a piece of pre-Civil War writing and explain how it's still relevant today. I chose Federalist No. 10 by James Madison. The only final I actually have a test for is Geography... which will be open book. Hell, open Google, so I'm not worried about it.

Oh, before I forget! I'm going to be a judge for my man CategoricalGrant's latest Cuddlefic contest. 1st prize is a cool $250, so get your snuggle and cuddle muscles working!

Now, when I used to favorite a pic over on Derpi, I usually just clicked the star and moved on. It wasn't until recently that I also checked through the artist's tag to see if their whole body of work was reflective of that one pic. If I had done that, I would have searched through the back catalog of the artist behind this adorable piece, CraftedFun3!

Man, I love this one. The colors are bright and pop, the shading is excellent, the characters are well defined and cute, and the Disney reference is just a cherry on top. Also, I always love artist's rendition of the colts and fillies of the show all grown up. Actually, fun fact about that. Button Mash first appeared in the Season Two episode Hearts and Hooves Day. That episode aired on February 11, 2012. That was nine years ago. This means that the above picture showing Button, Rumble, and Spike as young adults is now factually accurate.

Congratulations. You are now old.

This artist's tag on Derpi is great. Just a lot of cuteness, shippy goodness, and aged up models. However, there are only 42 pics on Derpi, and sadly, that's all there ever will be. If you click to the source, you'll see that Crafted has deleted their DA account with no forwarding address, and Google has turned up nothing but comments they left on other DA pics. If anyone can hunt down where they may have an archive, I'd love you forever.

Anywho, let's not dwell and just enjoy the awesomeness we do have!

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I stan BarLusive

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Dad's make the best pillows. It's science.

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Dig the swell hoodie

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#PubertyDoneRight once again why isn't there more SnipSnails art?!

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>tmw a hole in reality means you suddenly have two more demon spawns to care for

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Is BlueTrix still a ship? If not, it should be

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She's his perfect angel...

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... until the pregnancy hormones kick in. Hope you didn't skip cardio, Bulk.

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They gotta learn it from somewhere...

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#MagicalHomosexualFartBabies also GarbIzzle sounds like Snoop Dog's favorite ship

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Shame the show never let Flurry grow up. At least she wasn't a baby for eight seasons like Pound and Pumpkin.

Report Jake The Army Guy · 243 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

Happy birthday Jake!
Good luck with the finals brother!

Happy Birhday! Have a Pinkie Pie party! 🎂:pinkiehappy:

Ain't no party like a Pinkie Pie party 'cause a Pinkie Pie party don't stop!

An open Google test? What kind of questions do they even ask you on a test like that?


Well, it's not technically an "open Google" test, but the last few quizzes, the answers haven't been in the book. Literally, the words, "Rill, ephemeral, and rejuvenation" are nowhere to be found in the book, but they were the answer. If they wanna play fuck-fuck games, I'll play fuck-fuck games.

Ok that’s two types of soil erosion and what?


It's what happens when a river erodes down past its base level. Don't ask me how it works.

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