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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

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[Analysis] Equestria is Magic: Izzy Moonbow, the Mare with Two Faces · 1:29am May 17th, 2021

Here is Part 2 of my analysis of the Generation 5 Movie synopsis. I've split this off from my original analysis to reduce the length of the blog entries and to give both parts more exposure.
The original analysis has been updated and improved, so you should go and follow the first link if you haven't read Part 1 yet.

After reading the Generation 5 Movie synopsis, I have a lot of thoughts about Izzy Moonbow again and it gave me reason to make another exciting prediction about her:

When Sunny befriends a lost Unicorn named Izzy, who wanders innocently into the Earth Pony town of Maretime Bay, the town has had enough.

Innocently? I don't buy that. Nopony of any tribe in this dystopian future of Equestria would wander innocently into the kingdom and into a town of another tribe. The three tribes have separated and founded their own kingdoms and both this and the second sentence of the synopsis imply strongly that it is strictly forbidden for a pony of any tribe to enter the kingdoms of the other two tribes. Doing so would only bring a pony into huge trouble, as well as possibly cause international tensions, and so nopony would even attempt that without having an extremely good reason for it.
There is no way Izzy just wandered innocently, without a care or thought, into the earth pony kingdom and into Maretime Bay. She definitely had a clear purpose for that, a reason that is important enough to take the risk of getting arrested.
From the promo animation in the investor event and one of the exclusive screenshots, Izzy seems to be a silly and ditzy mare, childish and with crazy ideas, maybe a bit less crazy than Pinkie Pie, but rather similar to her in personality. But what if all of this is just an act? Maybe Izzy only pretends to be like that so she won't draw any suspicions and so that other ponies won't take her serious, because she is actually a hard-bitten rebel who secretly works on it to reunite the three pony tribes and to defeat whatever keeps them separate.
I add another prediction about Izzy to my first one, that I made about her special talent, here. Izzy Moonbow is a mare with two faces. She comes to Maretime Bay for the specific purpose of contacting Sunny, after information about Sunny's activism somehow found its way even into the other two kingdoms, because Izzy is secretly a rebel who fights for reuniting the three pony tribes and for defeating what keeps them separate and because she needs Sunny's help in that fight. And she pretends that she is silly, ditzy, childish, carefree, maybe even stupid, so that other ponies won't take her serious and never suspect she could be a rebel who wants to fight the system.
This makes two hard predictions I have about Izzy now. I don't know what there is about Izzy that it's her who I'm making predictions about all the time, and that even despite the fact that I like Sunny the most of all three fillies who will be the mane characters of Generation 5, but I somehow discover the most interesting things about her.
I don't know if anyone else has also made these two predictions about Izzy, I still don't read comments about Generation 5 by others to avoid getting influenced, but if my predictions about her turn out true, you read them here before they became confirmed!

What I like the most about the synopsis is that we finally learn something concrete about Sunny's personality:

Sunny -- a feisty and idealistic young Earth Pony -- is convinced there’s still hope for this divided world, but her slightly misguided and often hilarious efforts to change hearts and minds have led to her being branded a misfit.

Idealistic, this has the right ring to me. Sunny Starscout is the only one who understands that something is wrong. She is the only one who understands that the situation is bad and needs to change, while everypony else scolds and ridicules her for even just suggesting that earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns can become friends again. I have been in this spot quite a few times already, seeing the flaws of a system while no one else saw them or didn't want to see them. And have been treated as the weird guy for believing in things no one else does believe in. This makes Sunny relatable to me. She is like me, fighting against windmills for the things she believes in.
I already loved her when I saw her in the Leaked Generation 5 Storyboard Animatic, then even more when I found out that her special talent is astronomy, but now I'm completely sold on her. :heart:

And what makes this even better is that the last sentence of the synopsis, in combination with the Leaked Generation 5 Storyboard Animatic, teaches us how Sunny developed the belief that the three pony tribes can live together in peace and friendship again:

The world Sunny has dreamed of her entire life could finally become a reality

Sunny dreamt of this her entire life, which means, she already dreamt of it when she was a young filly. In the leaked animatic, we have seen how Sunny's dad told her the story about the Elements of Harmony, Equestria's heroes from the past, and how he made Sunny excited about them. This lines up perfectly with the sentence here.
When Sunny was a young filly, her dad ignited that spirit in her, the belief that the three pony tribes can make peace with each other again, by telling her about the Elements of Harmony and what they did for Equestria.
The sentence also reveals Sunny's age and clears up the confusion that the promo animation from the Hasbro Investor Event caused about the age of Sunny, Izzy and Pipp. The phrase "her entire life" makes only sense if Sunny is already older, at least a few decades old and in her twenties, as a young filly doesn't have enough life yet to warrant the phrase "entire life". This phrase generally always implies that somepony can look back at a rather long life with lots of experiences already, so we can now tell that Sunny is indeed not a filly anymore, but a young mare. And so is Izzy, going by her promo animation from the investor event, and it will probably be the same for Pipp if the leaked bedding is any indication. It's a bit of a pity that Generation 5 won't have foals as mane characters, after all, but it doesn't change how much I love Sunny and nothing about my interest for Izzy and Pipp.
And if we combine these two reveals, it becomes clear that what we see in the leaked animatic is indeed a flashback. So at one point at the start of Generation 5, probably in the movie, we'll see a flashback to Sunny's past when her dad told her about the Elements of Harmony and when they sang a song about them together. Knowing this already before Generation 5 even starts makes me very excited and I can't wait to hear their song.^^

Another thing that gives us lots of opportunity to think about, is what exactly Sunny and Izzy will do after they met. The synopsis of the movie implies that Sunny will get exiled from her own hometown for befriending a unicorn, something that shows how extreme the situation is in Equestria's dystopian future when a pony tribe is even willing to kick out a pony of their own for befriending a pony of another tribe. After this, Sunny and Izzy go on an adventure together, to reunite the three pony tribes:

Izzy and Sunny must embark on an epic adventure that will include a daring jewel heist, outrageous conspiracy theories, elaborate musical numbers, and the world’s cutest flying Pomeranian. Their adventures will take them to faraway lands and force them to challenge the status quo by facing their fears and making new friends out of old enemies.

I have marked points of interest here. This is all vague information, but nonetheless allows for some interesting thoughts.

We don't know what exactly goes down with this "daring jewel heist", whether Sunny and Izzy get involved in a jewel heist enacted by other ponies or if they have to steal some jewels, perhaps jewels that are somehow important for bringing the three pony tribes together again, themselves. Hearing about jewels makes me instantly think of the Elements of Harmony. And at first I discarded this idea again because they have been destroyed, but then I thought about it some more.
In "Uprooted" during Season 9, we have seen the Tree of Harmony regrow as the crystal treehouse that he gifted to the Student Six as a sign of gratitude for saving him. The Tree of Harmony grew a new, physical form that way and this could mean that he eventually grew new Elements of Harmony as well.
So the Elements of Harmony aren't necessarily out of the picture and it could be that these are the jewels that are talked about here.

The mention of conspiracy theories could be a hint for it why the three pony tribes separated again..... in which case, that line would make a point against my theory about that reason. When I read this I was thinking that my theory can't turn out true, after all, then. But then I realized that these conspiracy theories could have arisen later.
It is a possibility that evil forces created rumors about the three pony tribes to rile them up against each other in a targeted way, evil forces that benefit from it if the three pony tribes aren't unified, and that the tribes separated this way. But even if the separation happened in a different way or even like my theory says, the mood afterwards was definitely still very charged and such a charged mood is a fertile ground for it that one pony tribe creates terrible rumors and spreads lies about the other two tribes. Who would spread rumors and lies in turn, then. Rumors and lies that maybe evolved into conspiracy theories later and that divided the three tribes even more.
Conspiracy theories could have been the cause of the three tribes' separation or they could have come up later in the wake of the war and their separation when there was still a lot of fresh tension in Equestria. And if the latter is true, these conspiracy theories will only be a few of the problems that Sunny and Izzy will have to solve to reunite the three pony tribes again.
The last sentence of the synopsis gave me the vibe that the reunification of the three pony tribes will already happen in the events that we'll see in the movie, which I found odd because a complicated problem with such deep consequences that needed years, maybe even decades, to evolve can't be solved in such a short time (unless something unknown has already prepared the ground for a reunification prior to the events, but the dire tone of the synopsis doesn't sound like it) and that would also beg the question what the Generation 5 Show would be about then, but after thinking about the aforementioned conspiracy theories, maybe I was wrong with that.
The Generation 5 Movie could end with only an important step towards the reunification of the three pony tribes being achieved, while the Generation 5 Show will be about the continued efforts to reunite them again, which is the more exciting and also more likely possibility and what I predict is how it is going to happen.
Also, "conspiracy theories" instantly made me think of three certain villains who have been trapped in stone..... I'll come to them in a bit.

"The world's cutest flying Pomeranian", this is something I can hardly make anything out of. But I think this is much more interesting than Izzy having a tennis ball stuck on her horn (which I'll still talk about a little in another analysis). Everyone is talking about Izzy's tennis ball and speculating what it could mean, but no one seems to talk about the flying pomeranian. This is a very overlooked and underrated mystery here.
I don't think a pomeranian will suddenly grow wings (imagine that fandom drama!) and gain the ability to fly, even though it's not completely impossible in a world with magic, I think that's more likely a subtle and creative expression of it that airships will play some kind of important role in the movie and that this pomeranian will be on an airship. Which, if true, I would approve of. Airships, especially equestrian airships, are incredibly epic and we know they exist in Equestria, but we still have seen hardly any in Generation 4. There is definitely lots of airship lore to explore and I hope that Generation 5 will deliver on that!
Also, for some reason, I have the feeling that having a pomeranian as pet would fit very well to Sunny Starscout. I don't know how, but she gives me those vibes. So maybe Sunny has a pomeranian as pet and takes him with her onto her adventure with Izzy after being exiled from her hometown and they will eventually board an airship to get to a place where they need to be. This is just an idea based on an inexplicable feeling, but it's a very strong feeling I get with Sunny.

Speaking about airships, the synopsis mentions "faraway lands" next. If that isn't a hint for it that my theory about the flying pomeranian is true! What else than an airship could you take in Equestria to get to a faraway land?
This sentence gives me hope for it that we will see the hippogriffs again in Generation 5. We haven't seen lands beyond Equestria very often during Generation 4, so there is also a lot of lore about those lands we haven't heard yet, and seeing how Generation 5 will already begin with a trip to at least one faraway land, this increases the chances we will see more of the world beyond Equestria in Generation 5 tremendously!
I, for one, would be excited to see Silverstream's descendants. :heart:

The last, big point of interest in this synopsis is that Sunny and Izzy will make "new friends out of old enemies". On the surface, this seems like a pretty simple expression for it that they work on reuniting the three pony tribes and will make ponies from the three tribes see that the other two tribes aren't evil and make them become friends. But I can't help but think that it might also have a deeper meaning and literally speak about old enemies of Equestria, from the past. And the previous mention of conspiracy theories brought my thoughts to Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis.
So far, Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis haven't been freed from their stone prison. We can't tell right now whether or not this is still going to happen in the present. So for the time being, we can assume that they are still imprisoned in the distant future of Equestria and have never been freed until the Present Day of the Generation 5 Movie and think about what this could bring if it is the case.
I think it's extremely unlikely that they will stay in stone forever. I'm already thinking that Twilight will eventually free Cozy Glow again, after figuring out what to do with her, how to make her see the error of her ways while keeping Equestria safe from her at the same time. In which case only Tirek and Chrysalis will remain imprisoned and Cozy Glow will also be long dead then in this distant future of Equestria. But even on the off chance that Twilight never frees Cozy, I doubt that any of them will stay in there forever. By some factor, they will eventually get set free again.
Maybe the spell that encased them in stone weakens and their stone prison just dissolves. Maybe a new villain from the future will free them, to use them for his plans. Or maybe, the ponies of the future have simply forgotten who they are, with no historic records about them left, and think they are just statues, until they somehow detect that living creatures are inside the stone and free them to learn who they are. Of course doing that with villains would be foolish, but the ponies of the future wouldn't know they're villains if it should happen like that and could easily think they got encased in stone by accident or by somepony with evil intentions. And therefore end up freeing them to find out their story and give them their life back. Which I think is the likeliest reason for them to get freed in the distant future if it should happen.
And maybe, if they really become free like that again, they aren't enemies anymore and instead become friends of Equestria. I actually don't see any chances of a reformation for Chrysalis and Tirek (least, in Tirek's case, not without Cozy Glow's help, but that would be something for a different analysis), but staying imprisoned in stone for hundreds or maybe even thousands of years would, if they are conscious during all that time, probably break even the most evil and insistent villain. And even if they should not be completely there when being freed, maybe Sunny and Izzy, if they should meet them, could give them the last spark to join the good side.
And I was thinking, if they should be good in the future or become good, maybe they'll help Sunny and Izzy with reuniting the three pony tribes again. Which would happen because they feel guilty for it that they also brought divide between the three pony tribes once, after learning that the tribes separated, and because they want to make up for this by helping to reunite the three pony tribes again now.
These are all just possibilities. But this line in the synopsis made me think of them and the fact they are encased in stone means they can stay alive for a very long time and outlast the centuries and millennias. Whatever happens to Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis exactly, they could easily be the last creatures from the Equestria we know, from the old Equestria, that are left in the future.

The synopsis ends by saying that even little ponies can make a big difference. I don't think that the emphasis on the words "little" and "big" has any deeper meaning other than promotion and a small hint at what Sunny and Izzy try to do, but this sentence is very similar to the sentence on the leaked bedding. When I analysed the bedding, I speculated if this sentence means that Generation 5 will contain the message that even one single pony can make a huge difference if they do the right thing at the right time.
Now, with Izzy joining Sunny, it won't be one pony anymore. But even a small group of ponies that brings such a huge difference would be a confirmation for it that it doesn't always need a crowd to change the world for the better.
Which are the words I want to end this analysis on. Now I ended two analyses with these words and how we have sentences with this meaning related to Generation 5 twice now makes it much more likely that we will actually get this message!
And, maybe, it even goes a step further than that. To relate this to my second prediction about Izzy that I made above, here's one last possibility:

Maybe the message I have hoped for, that one single pony can make a huge difference by doing the right thing at the right time, is not only replaced with the message about a small group of ponies doing the same thing, but even subverted by it. Maybe Izzy's fight to change the system and reunite the three pony tribes is done all by herself, but then she realizes that she can't do it alone and needs friends to succeed, and therefore comes to Maretime Bay to join Sunny and her own efforts, as well as tries to recruit other ponies who she thinks will join her cause, which is where Pipp and Hitch Trailblazer might become important.
Maybe that's the way how this message comes into play:

It doesn't need a crowd to change the world for the better. Even a small group of ponies can bring a huge difference if they do the right thing at the right time.

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer

Comments ( 6 )

When Sunny befriends a lost Unicorn named Izzy, who wanders innocently into the Earth Pony town of Maretime Bay, the town has had enough.

I expect some Earth Ponies might actually react this way to Izzy, suspecting her to not be as innocent as she might seem:


And there might be even an argument between those in town who take her goofiness at face value, while others might suggest she is only Obfuscating Stupidity, like you are proposing. ;)


outrageous conspiracy theories,

I think Sunny might simply meet a character that has a theory that current state of the world is a result of some ancient conspiracy, which may or may not be proven to be true over the length of the movie.


The last sentence of the synopsis gave me the vibe that the reunification of the three pony tribes will already happen in the events that we'll see in the movie, which I found odd because a complicated problem with such deep consequences that needed years, maybe even decades, to evolve can't be solved in such a short time

It could be that the heroes of G5 will simply perform an extraordinary feet of world-saving and villain-defeating by working together that will open the hearts of their tribes to possibility of intertribal cooperation and friendship. However, it won't solve distrust between tribes altogether, merely get a hoof in the door, so to speak. The Mane 5 will still have the series-worth of work to do to convince others to come together. Hay, I wouldn't be surprised if some leaders of tribes decided that while they don't want to have anything to do with others, they might make an exception for ponies who saved the day out of sheer pragmatism. It doesn't hurt to have heroes around in case another monster shows up, right?


As for possibility of Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy returning, I'm not sure if it would work well, if they were to return and reform within the run of one single movie. IMO, if they were freed, their reform (like the conflict between tribes) would best be left as work-in-progress for the series to pick up. It would certainly by nice to see them back and not stuck in stone for eternity though.

Although I wonder how would they react to having been freed so long into the future? Tirek has some experience with being imprisoned for lengthy periods of time, so he would probably take all of this in stride more or less, but how well Chrysalis would do when she realizes she can no longer exact her revenge on Starlight or any other enemy she had before she was trapped in stone? Then again she could use the opportunity of Equestria without magic of friendship to go look for changelings and attempt to take over their hive. After all, if there is so much distrust among ponies, then changelings might also be wary of other species and thus more open to idea of having a leader like Chrysalis.

I expect some Earth Ponies might actually react this way to Izzy, suspecting her to not be as innocent as she might seem:


And there might be even an argument between those in town who take her goofiness at face value, while others might suggest she is only Obfuscating Stupidity, like you are proposing. ;)

So you think that some earth ponies in Maretime Bay basically suspect the same thing about Izzy that I am suspecting about her, that she isn't innocent, but a mare with two faces, who just fakes being crazy and stupid so that nopony will notice what she really is..... I haven't seen it from that perspective yet. I was so focused on my own thoughts and suspicion about Izzy that I didn't think about how the earth ponies of Maretime Bay, considering the situation, will think about a unicorn invading their kingdom.
So, you think the reason why they throw out Izzy, alongside exiling Sunny, is not simply because they hate unicorns and because it's forbidden for members of the other tribes to enter, but because they think Izzy is a spy..... An interesting take. Though, I have the feeling that Izzy will succeed with fooling everypony she wants to fool, because she is that good at it. Let's see what happens.

I think Sunny might simply meet a character that has a theory that current state of the world is a result of some ancient conspiracy, which may or may not be proven to be true over the length of the movie.

So, you think that someone or something conspired against the three pony tribes and drove them apart? That not literal conspiracy theories, the individual tribes spreading rumors and lies about the other two tribes, drove them apart, but an actual conspiracy by someone or something that didn't want that the three pony tribes are united?
My theory how the separation of the three pony tribes happened is a different one, I wrote it down here, in the first part of my analysis of the G5 Movie synopsis. But I am curious about your theory. How exactly do you think such a conspiracy that drove the three pony tribes apart could have happened?

It could be that the heroes of G5 will simply perform an extraordinary feet of world-saving and villain-defeating by working together that will open the hearts of their tribes to possibility of intertribal cooperation and friendship. However, it won't solve distrust between tribes altogether, merely get a hoof in the door, so to speak. The Mane 5 will still have the series-worth of work to do to convince others to come together.

Basically what I am thinking. I haven't done any thoughts how they will do that exactly, lacking any hints for that, but I think they will only plant the seed for a reunification of the three pony tribes during the events we'll see in the movie.

Hay, I wouldn't be surprised if some leaders of tribes decided that while they don't want to have anything to do with others, they might make an exception for ponies who saved the day out of sheer pragmatism. It doesn't hurt to have heroes around in case another monster shows up, right?

This is a good thought. It could easily happen like this, that Sunny, Izzy and Pipp are granted the privilege to freely travel between the earth pony kingdom, the pegasus kingdom and the unicorn kingdom and to enter any of the kingdoms at any time, as often as they want, if they saved the three kingdoms from a threat.
And if it happens like that, I am wondering if any other ponies will disguise themselves as Sunny, Izzy or Pipp in order to be able to enter one of the other two kingdoms because they have a special desire to get into another kingdom, like visiting a cool place there they've only heard about or smuggling goods into another kingdom. I can see that happening then.

As for possibility of Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy returning, I'm not sure if it would work well, if they were to return and reform within the run of one single movie. IMO, if they were freed, their reform (like the conflict between tribes) would best be left as work-in-progress for the series to pick up. It would certainly by nice to see them back and not stuck in stone for eternity though.

These are really just possibilities regarding them that I am discussing here, based on a possible interpretation of the phrase "making new friends out of old enemies". It could very well be different and really just simply refer to a reunification of the three pony tribes, that the three tribes turn from enemies to friends again.
But if it is them, I am thinking that they could be "instantly" good when they come out of their stone prison, if they were conscious during all the time they were imprisoned in there and could see and hear what was going on around them. This would have given them time to think about everything and themselves and, granted that it didn't drive them completely insane, would have broken them. Such a long time being imprisoned in stone, centuries or maybe even millennias (as we don't yet know how far into the future we will see Equestria in Generation 5), would break even the hardest villain. An "instant reformation" like that is possible, as it technically wouldn't be instant then.
It would have been a slow process that took place over centuries or millennias, that gradually broke them up more and more until they became different creatures.
Although, for Chrysalis, it's actually not possible for this to happen at all. I just realized that I forgot an observation I made about her during Season 9, but remembered it again just now, and with that observation, it is impossible for her to become good. In fact, Chrysalis would even prevent it from happening, so if she should get out of her stone prison in the future, she would still be evil and bring nothing but new dangers for Equestria. Or, the three pony tribe kingdoms..... It's difficult getting used to it that the Kingdom of Equestria doesn't exist anymore in this distant future.....
It would be off-topic to talk about it here and I would like to explain it in its own blog entry one day. But remembering that now, I have to take Chrysalis out of that possibility again. She can't become good, only stay evil or disappear.

And about the rest you said, I have decided not to read it yet. It's not unlikely that we will see Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis again in Generation 5 because their stone prison allows them to endure the centuries and millennias and in that case, I want to do some own thoughts about how they might react to being set free in Equestria's distant future first, before I read thoughts about that by others.

So you think that some earth ponies in Maretime Bay basically suspect the same thing about Izzy that I am suspecting about her, that she isn't innocent, but a mare with two faces, who just fakes being crazy and stupid so that nopony will notice what she really is.....

I imagined it could go like that scene in Pirates of the Caribbean.

Earth Pony 1: She is unicorn spy!

Earth Pony 2: Nah... She is too crazy to be a spy.

EP1: Obviously she's faking it.

Izzy: Yep. I am doing that. And I am a spy.


EP1: See? I told you she was a spy!

EP2: If she was a spy, then she wouldn't have told us that!

Izzy: Unless she knew you wouldn't have believed her, if she were to tell you the truth.

Both EPs stand there in silent confusion.


I said that Sunny might meet a conspiracy theorist. You know the type. One that believes that every evil thing in the world (no matter how small) is caused by shadowy group whose influence reaches everywhere, who are guilty of worst crimes you can think of and who do what the do for the sake of absolute power or just because they hate good with a capital G. A conspiracy theorist who simply can't believe that anything ever happens by accident or because imperfect creatures make mistakes.*

Now, that theorist could be very well be right in the story of MLP movie or partially right: as in, there really is a conspiracy, but the theorist pony is wrong about the group's identity. Like, they think it's unreformed changelings who are responsible for everything, while it turns out the real culprits are returned sirens.

*While the real world is more complicated than our real-world conspiracy theorist would like to believe, there is nothing wrong with making stories where such conspiracy theories turned out to be real. It can be quite fun. Take The X-Files series for example.


Basically what I am thinking. I haven't done any thoughts how they will do that exactly, lacking any hints for that, but I think they will only plant the seed for a reunification of the three pony tribes during the events we'll see in the movie.

Exactly. It would be more fun to see them continue working on unifying the tribes in series proper instead of having it be a done deal. Imagine the possibilities! They could show how each tribe's culture developed on itself once cut off from the other two and how our heroes have to learn about things that seem obvious to one of them, while to others they are unheard of. Who knows? Maybe Earth Ponies and Unicorns no longer know what a Wonderbolt is? :D


This is a good thought. It could easily happen like this, that Sunny, Izzy and Pipp are granted the privilege to freely travel between the earth pony kingdom, the pegasus kingdom and the unicorn kingdom and to enter any of the kingdoms at any time, as often as they want, if they saved the three kingdoms from a threat.

Indeed. It could be even a point of an episode or two where Mane 5 are initially unable to solve the problem, because a ponies of one tribe are unwilling to share information with outsiders. Or they are given an escort whose task it is to keep heroes from other tribes from wandering outside of strictly selected areas while they are visiting particular kingdom. So they wouldn't discover any secrets or just so they would only see things that make that tribe look strong. If distrust and paranoia are a new norm, then it wouldn't be out of question for rulers of individual kingdoms to treat Mane 5 as eyes and ears of potentially hostile realms.


It would have been a slow process that took place over centuries or millennias, that gradually broke them up more and more until they became different creatures.

In that case the issue is how do you show such a slow and psychological process in mostly visual medium that is a movie? After all, the writers of the movie/show (if they went with this particular scenario) would have to sell this turn-to-Good-while-in-stone well enough to limit the number of fans complaining about the Trio acting out-of-character.


And about the rest you said, I have decided not to read it yet. It's not unlikely that we will see Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis again in Generation 5 because their stone prison allows them to endure the centuries and millennias and in that case, I want to do some own thoughts about how they might react to being set free in Equestria's distant future first, before I read thoughts about that by others.

Is it for the same reason the professional writers don't read the fanfics of their own stories, so fandom ideas won't leak into their own writing? :D


Earth Pony 1: She is unicorn spy!

Earth Pony 2: Nah... She is too crazy to be a spy.

EP1: Obviously she's faking it.

Izzy: Yep. I am doing that. And I am a spy.


EP1: See? I told you she was a spy!

EP2: If she was a spy, then she wouldn't have told us that!

Izzy: Unless she knew you wouldn't have believed her, if she were to tell you the truth.

Both EPs stand there in silent confusion.

:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

She purposely tells them that she is faking her crazy attitude and that she is a spy, because that's something a real spy would never do, so therefore, she can't be a spy. But at the same time, because nopony would believe a spy would ever admit that they are a spy when asked, it could very well be that she is a spy and that she admitted it to conceal that she is a spy, because she knows that they would never believe a spy who tells them they are a spy, cause that is something a spy would never do, so the conclusion from that is that she is a spy. But maybe she also just messes with them in a sarcastic way for being so gullible to believe that she could really be a spy of all things. Mass Confusion.

:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

I swear, if Izzy is pullling that off, she'll ascend to the top rank and share first place with Sunny for me. :rainbowlaugh:
There needs to be a comic strip with that scenario. Someone has to do this before Generation 5 starts. And if my drawing skills develop soon enough and no one does it before me, then I am going to do this. Because such a comic absolutely needs to happen now! :rainbowlaugh: :heart:

Now, that theorist could be very well be right in the story of MLP movie or partially right: as in, there really is a conspiracy, but the theorist pony is wrong about the group's identity. Like, they think it's unreformed changelings who are responsible for everything, while it turns out the real culprits are returned sirens.

I understand what you mean. I doubt that unreformed changelings still exist in this distant future of Equestria, even if it should "only" be a few hundred years that have passed, Thorax, Pharynx and the changelings we know, and their descendants, have definitely convinced every changeling, even those of other hives that might exist somewhere out there, to stop being evil and to become good by then, but I guess unreformed changelings is just an example by you to make your point.
I understand your theory, although, I still think it's something else that drove the three pony tribes apart. We'll see which theory turns out as true.

They could show how each tribe's culture developed on itself once cut off from the other two and how our heroes have to learn about things that seem obvious to one of them, while to others they are unheard of. Who knows? Maybe Earth Ponies and Unicorns no longer know what a Wonderbolt is? :D

I like that train of thoughts! There is so much to think about now, with the knowledge that Generation 5 will be a sequel, and not a reboot. We live in exciting times now and it's wonderful, especially for me who didn't witness the very beginning of Generation 4, to see the rise of Generation 5 and to do all these amazing theories and predictions, or even just guesses, and to discuss these possibilities and get these ideas about what could happen in the future of Equestria.
It is not possible to put into words how grateful I am for it that Generation 5 isn't a reboot and that I get this chance. I always imagined Generation 5 to show Equestria's future, in a "Star Trek" style, and now it's actually happening like that! :yay: :heart:

Or they are given an escort whose task it is to keep heroes from other tribes from wandering outside of strictly selected areas while they are visiting particular kingdom. So they wouldn't discover any secrets or just so they would only see things that make that tribe look strong.

And then they have to act as spies again, by sending out the one of them who belongs to the tribe of the kingdom in which they are currently investigating, because the other two of them won't get any infos. Which still won't be as easy then, even the one of them who they send out to get infos from their fellow tribe members will be scrutinized and ponies will be sceptical about them, because they know that all five of them work together and share the information they get.
If they get the privileges we talk about, then there is going to be tons of suspense in Generation 5! It would be like detective work then, but with much higher stakes. The more I think about all the possibilities, the more my hype meter increases!

In that case the issue is how do you show such a slow and psychological process in mostly visual medium that is a movie? After all, the writers of the movie/show (if they went with this particular scenario) would have to sell this turn-to-Good-while-in-stone well enough to limit the number of fans complaining about the Trio acting out-of-character.

Ah, yes. The good, old OOC claims by the brony fandom that are never true in the end and just rushed assumptions..... I am familiar with that, more than I like to, and I am seeing the potential that something like that could happen again in Generation 5. But don't hope for that and I'll do everything to extinguish any such ember nests in Generation 5 before they become forest fires again like they did in Generation 4.
But even with that, I am hoping they will present it in a more subtle way if that should happen, for the audience to figure it out by themselves instead of spoonfeeding it to them, because the subtlety of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, something that you don't find in other shows of today anymore, is one of the things that make it so great.

Is it for the same reason the professional writers don't read the fanfics of their own stories, so fandom ideas won't leak into their own writing? :D

Not exactly. It's because so I can develop these thoughts independently, by my own observations and analytical abilities, instead of reading it from someone else. And so that I can prove that any predictions, theories, guesses, possibilities or ideas that I am talking about in my Generation 5 analyses really come from me and weren't copied from someone else who might have said the same things before me in some comments section or in an own analysis of theirs.
This is why I am reading your comments very slowly and careful and why I have neither read/watched analyses by others nor read the comments sections of Generation 5 news on EQD or Generation 5 conversations related to these news elsewhere yet. The only exception are the first three Generation 5 threads in the Writer's Group, which thankfully didn't contain any of the things I have talked about in my Generation 5 analyses so far (except for a vague mention that we could see Cozy Glow freed from her stone prison in Generation 5, but that's a no-brainer and I was convinced that she will eventually get freed long before I read that already, so that's not a biggie).
I generally stay away from comments about Generation 5 until I am very sure that a comments section or thread doesn't spoil a discovery for me before I can make it myself and even once I'll read some, I'll do it very slow and carefully, word by word.

There needs to be a comic strip with that scenario. Someone has to do this before Generation 5 starts. And if my drawing skills develop soon enough and no one does it before me, then I am going to do this. Because such a comic absolutely needs to happen now! :rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, it would be cool to see such a scene in comic form. If you ever do that, I take it you will announce it on your blog? :)


but I guess unreformed changelings is just an example by you to make your point.

Exactly. Some people won't let little things like reality or probability get in the way of good conspiracy theory. :D

As for the real reason for the state of Equestria in Gen 5, I don't really have any theory that wasn't already discussed by other people whether here or on Equestria Daily. I guess I will just wait for the movie/series and see what the writers came up with. :)


We live in exciting times now and it's wonderful, especially for me who didn't witness the very beginning of Generation 4, to see the rise of Generation 5 and to do all these amazing theories and predictions, or even just guesses, and to discuss these possibilities and get these ideas about what could happen in the future of Equestria.

I'm happy with that fact as well, since I joined the MLP fandom about 3 years ago (before that I was merely aware of MLP's existance), so I didn't have an opportunity to take part in those theories and discussions of early G3 and its fandom. Or to comment on fancomics when their authors were still active and around.


If you ever do that, I take it you will announce it on your blog? :)

Yep, absolutely! Talked about it here, so will be announcing it here! :yay:

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