• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
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  • 24 weeks
    Happy Holidays^^

    Thought I would take a break from playing dead to wish you all happy holidays^^ Hope you are all safe and healthy and surrounded by loved ones, and those who aren't, well, I hope this little post makes it a bit better somehow:twilightsheepish:

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  • 48 weeks
    Yes I am alive 2

    Really, really sorry about being so quiet as of late. Been busy with work and other stuff, and that non-pony story.

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  • 71 weeks
    Yes I am alive

    Sorry I've been so absent as of late. My new project kinda absorbed me a bit :twilightsheepish: Actually, for the past year ever since I decided to write a Warriors fanfiction I couldn't really think about much else as far as writing is concerned, even right now.

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  • 80 weeks
    My Warriors fanfiction is ready^^

    Well, maybe not ready per say, but the prologue and first chapter were published on AO3^^

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  • 87 weeks
    It's been 10 years!

    Yeah, it's been 10 years since I've made an account on this website and published the first two chapters of Rebirth of the Damned, my first story (you can't tell now because back then when you would edit chapters and save them then it would overwrite the date of publication).

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Update · 7:46am Jun 26th, 2021

Newest chapter (173) of Rebirth of the Damned is finished^^ Currently being looked over by my editing team, you can expect it sometime next week I think.

Sorry it took so long, but you know things get. Busy at work, lazying about... I did TRY to have the chapter out before The Burning Crusade Classic came out, which, as you might have guessed, had occupied most of my free time for the past 3+ weeks, but despite my efforts I didn't get it done in time (later on it turned out that the point I got would be the half point of the chapter anyway so I was far away from finishing :twilightsheepish:). Anyway, after reaching level 70 and getting the attunment for Karazhan done I decided I could take a few days of rest (with the exception of doing the raid with guild) and write instead.

So yeah, that's done. Gonna take a brief break again, to wrap up everything in WoW, then gonna switch to Infinite Potential (which I was supposed to start working in May :raritydespair:) for two chapters. Next Rebirth chapter will be (if we are to be optimistic) sometime after summer, I'm afraid.

So, wow. As some of you might recall I mentioned that before Classic was over-ish, my guild had decided to do Blackwing Lair raid. Well we did^^... buuuut we didn't clear all of it :twilightsheepish: We run into some problems and the raid got prolonged through the night, and then when we tried to organize ourselves to finish the next day it turned out too many people were busy. But oh well, it was still fun^^ My guildy had made another video, if you wanna check what a masterpiece of failed attemptest in spite of which we persevered (for some time) that raid was, check it out^^

As before I don't talk here, buuut if you look closely you might see a few of my text messages :p

But then TBC Classic came out^^ Did the quest to get that event tabard of Argent Dawn, and leveled up a blood elf paladin and draenei shaman for a bit, but honestly I wanted to rest a bit from WoW. For some reason I wanted to play Middle-Earth: Shadow of War again. I did it, on a higher difficulty... but then I got to the final act. Now, as some of you might recall me talking about it when the game first came out a few years back, but the final act was about defending your fortresses and reconquering them if you lost them. It went like this: part 1, one fortress in one zone, part 2 another, part 3 another, part 4 another, part 5 fortress from zone 1 and 2, part 6 fortress from zone 3 and 4, part 7 fortress from zone 1, 2 and 3, part 8 fortress from zone 2, 3 and 4, and then part 9 and 10 all fortresses. Which admittedy, was extremely tedious.

BUT now, apparently, the last act only has like 3 parts. Did they patch it and made it easier? Honestly, I am a bit confused how to feel about that... admittedly, the old version was very boring and repetitive, but it did make you feel like you were fighting for decades against forces of Sauron, holding them at bay so that the rest of Middle Earth knew peace a little longer. Now it felt like I held them back for an afternoon.:rainbowlaugh:

(Side note, unexpectedly, playing that game gave me an interesting idea to solve a slight problem of "how to get from point x to point y with the story" in Infinite Potential :rainbowlaugh: Yeah, you'd think that game based on Tolkien's world would sooner give me ideas for Rebirth rather than Fallout Equestria's story, but nope xD And even funnier it's not even something that happens in the game itself, just playing the game made me recall more stuff from Middle-Earth's history and in the dark recesses of my mind I stumbled upon something that would fit amazingly into FoE. Have fun trying to guess what it would be, the only hint I'll give it's that it's fairly unknown fact from the history of Middle-Earth, but it is something from the published books:derpytongue2:)

Anyway, TBC Classic! Awesome so far, very enjoying it^^ As I mentioned I hit max level and done attunement to Karazhan, other than that I also unlocked heroic versions for almost all dungeons (required buying keys from various factions, and in order to buy them you need Revered rep). Need only 500 more rep from the slums I mean the Lower City and will have all the keys^^ Hadn't really done any heroic quests yet mind you, between writting and other things I didn't have the time to sit down for that. Heck, I still have 3 zones to finish questing (Blade's Edge Mountains, Netherstorm, and Shadowmoon Valley), I could use the gold and enchanting ingredients from disenchanting quest items.

As for Karazhan, we did it, twice in fact^^ Admittedly, we didn't do the Netherspite boss, and Nightbane requires doing a questline to unlock, but other than that we cleared it^^ Oh, and I got some loot from both attempts, an epic BiS for phase 1 wand from Shade of Aran, and the head BiS item from Prince Malchezaar^^ Sadly though there won't be a video from guild this time, as our camera man / youtuber wasn't part of the first attempt :/

We're doing Guul's Lair in a few days^^

Briefly in other news, I watched Lucifer season 5b, LOVED it, actually got teary eyed there. Finally saw the first Hobbit movie, it was AMAZING^^ obviously, not the same league as Lord of the Rings, but Hobbit is more a children novel (even if more main cast die in it), so the less serious tone felt right.

We found a cannon ball from Napoleonic Wars a few weeks ago (Napoleon's brother besieged this city), damned thing weighed 30-40kg, then remains of fortifications from that time, wooden burned floor, and flask, belt and knife of WWII soldier, with a bottle of Gin with SS symbol below next to him, but no bones.

Played CK2 a Game of Thrones a bit, too, first as one of my favorite bad characters from this world, Bittersteel (his personal coat of arms looks like a thestral) and then as Deamon Targaryen, aka "the Rogue Prince" (soon to be played by Matt Smith in Game of Thrones prequel "House of Dragon"), another favorite of mine from George Martin books except he's considered both a villain and a hero. Anyway, used him to create the Empire of New Valyria.

That's all from me for now^^ Cheers

Comments ( 8 )

Are you excited for Shadowlands patch 9.1? I know I am. I am very interested in seeing what the end cinematic for Sanctum of Domination is and what happens next.

Ayyy cheers!

Actually I hadn't played retail since... 2020 :rainbowlaugh: Don't get me wrong, I did have fun and all, but Classic is far more satisfying. That being said I will probably play the new patch a bit, actually thinking about playing retail right now and build up my renown with Night Fae, or even maybe try to wrap up Venthyr Covenant storyline on my warlock alt quickly.

I am also curious about the ending of the new raid. I sincerely hope we get to kill Sylvanas. Yes, her story isn't over, but if we kill her he soul will get back to the Maw (where she belongs), so we would see her next patch again. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that Blizzard plans to have her survive, saying stuff like "Ouh, not bad, but you still are no match for MEEEEEEEE" once she is done buying time for Janitor or whatever she is doing. Ugh. Coupled with rumors I had from this new book about fairy tales of Azeroth, that apparently "Sylvanas is missing a part of her soul", (now THERE'S a fairy tale for you!) I am worried they plan to give her a redemption story. I might actually quite retail if that happens :ajbemused:

Gonna rant here for a bit.

I am growing sicker with the storyline and the overall toxic community that seems to b*tch about everything of official forums and on official youtube channel, including getting new content too soon (TBC Classic; no really, have you ever heard of some community complaining about getting a new content - one that was sure to have no bugs and stuff as it was originally released 15 years ago - TOO SOON?!), and at the same time there are stout defenders of Sylvanas still and the mention of Sylvanas' possible redemption caused them to hate on people in the forums who said it's bad writing that they are "women hating white man blue eyed supremacists, because they would gladly have Arthas have redemption arc but heaven's forbid Sylvanas, a WOMAN, would". No really, I read those comments under the leak from the fairy tale book about Sylvanas. Those idiots seemingly don't see the difference why Arthas' redemption would work and Sylvanas' wouldn't (as the whole soul thing makes them similar, except we knew Arthas had his soul taken by Frostmourne since the f***ing 2002! Sylvanas, who would lose a part of her soul around the same time, was never mentioned to have the same happen to her, until 2021! And at best the first hints of this being possible, of Frostmourne not always stealing souls [and releasing them when used to raise somebody into udead] but also fragmenting them until the Bastion Trailer, so 2020!). I mean, the fact that a lot of members of WoW community don't seem to realize that Arthas wasn't in complete control of herself isn't a surprise to me, because I sometimes stumble upon comments on reddit and stuff "One of the worst fanficions I read about WoW is Rebirth of the Damned, where Arthas is a GOOD character of all things!" Not even that it's a MLP fic, but that's he's good! But their inability to see the difference between Arthas and Sylvanas, and the level of writing between the two stories (possible stories at this point, as that thing about Sylvanas wasn't confirmed yet and officially she had been in total control of herself since 2003 [Frozen Throne]), is baffling!

Sorry about ranting, I realize of course that not every WoW fan is like that obviously and that this very vocal part is probably a minority, but this has been really bugging me. For now I remain hopeful that this isn't what writers plan... I mean, after all, they do this stuff professionally! They get paid to come up with this stuff, and for almost over two decades they were doing a great job! They wouldn't write something that stupid...


*excited bat noises*

I understand, it's ok to rant sometimes about something. I have noticed that there are people who are blind and unwilling to see that Arthas and Sylvanas are not similar in regards to redemption. Arthas is able to be redeemed but not Sylvanas, we will just have to see on the 29th what happens to her.

Ah, congratulations on getting the chapter finished. :)

And glad it sounds like you've been enjoying WoW. :) Good luck!

No idea what that inspiration for Infinite Potential you got might be, but glad you got it, and I look forward to seeing it!

re the archaeology: Oh, wow; neat.

And glad it sounds like you've been having fun with other things, too. :)

I've been enjoying a new game of New Vegas recently, myself, the first in a while, though other things keep coming up and meaning I'm not playing all that frequently. Still, as I said, fun so far; this time I decided to do Old World Blues before going past Nipton, and I'm planning to do Dead Money before getting up to Boulder City. Currently, I've explored maybe half the Big Mountain Crater.
(Also, one of the mods I'm using, though I forget which one, modifies the Sink. ...Possibly two of the mods. Anyway, though, from some combination of mods, the Sink has a bathroom and a Sierra Madre vending machine; I can't do all _that_ much with the latter at the moment, but I've been trading cigarettes for chips and building up a reserve of the latter, with some spent on doctor's bags for field healing (which has come in handy since, while now I've reached an appropriate level for the expansion, I started pretty underlevelled for it).)
Like as I recall most of my playthroughs, I tweaked the start a bit with console commands to fit an imagined backstory; this time, I combined an INT of 10 gotten the usual way with some console-added perks representing a Vault City education. I'm not sure at this point whether I'll (I mean, assuming I do get this playthrough to completion, instead of distractions mounting too high; I have finished most of the playthroughs I've started of NV, though.) go for Mr. House or local rule for the Mojave, though I'm leaning towards the latter, but I'm expecting my own character's future to involve moving to Big Mountain for Science rather than living in Vegas.
(Oh, and my current plan also has me taking out Nelson and Cottonwood Cove, and probably breaking off the Great Khans, and presumably by that point also killing a number of Legion assassins, before meeting Vulpes in Vegas. Caesar's greeting should be fun. :D
Though I'm also thinking Caesar might end up feeling some regret, in the form of glowing blue cubes to the face, for giving me all my weapons back for Securitron Vault. A few of my characters have joined the Legion for various reasons and with various degrees of enthusiasm, many have fought it, one, as I recall, smuggled in some grenades to toss at Caesar before running for it and being surprised she wasn't dead... but this one is not interested in joining up, and, again, by the time I meet Caesar I'm expecting to have finished Old World Blues and Dead Money and be levelled, skilled, perked, and armed accordingly.
(Though, interestingly, as I recall one of my characters who joined the Legion also went to Big Mountain early. She decided to have Science take a rather more active role in the world, one might say, and despite the short-term harm done, she decided getting named successor to a victorious Caesar was her best opportunity to better the world in the long term.)
All of that's in the potential future, though.)
...Also, I hope that the rambling above more interested than annoyed you. If the latter, sorry! :)

Thanks^^ Should start working on IP sometime in July


Honestly, given my writing pace, at this point I could start spoiling little bits like this, by the time I would reach those points of the story people would long since forget about them :rainbowlaugh::twilightsheepish:


Huh, interesting way of playing through the game. I most of the time start doing DLC in order as they came out sometime after I reach the Strip. I think I only once done Old World Blues before Dead Money, and that was because I wanted that bonus strenght to carry out as many gold bars as I could :twilightsheepish:
Don't think I heard of that mod, seems cool^^ I actually never tried modding the DLCs, was kinda afraid it would mess up my files too much. Also yeah, I usually try to f*** with Legion as much as I can before going to meet him, trying to get the worst greetings from him possible. (Similarly I try to do as many things as possible in Fallout 4 before going to meet with the Railroad to get different greetings from Deacon).
Yeah, Caesar ends up dead in almost all my playthroughs. Only time I didn't kill him was the first time I played NV, partially because near the end I was getting tired of the game and I was hurrying to finish it, like most Open World Games I play for the first time :twilightsheepish:
Nah, no worries, it was interesting^^

Was thinking about playing NV again sometime soon, but mostly to try out that Frontier Mod, Because I've been watching the playthrough of those two guys from the channel mikefireburn I've been posting over here from time to time doing Frontier, and honestly, I don't see what was the big negative uproad about. Mod seems fun to me. Sure, there are some things that could have been polished, but considering this was made by fans it's really amazing how much they had made and how good it is. But I digress.

Been also thinking about returning to 76, especially with new content coming up soon (hadn't even done the Brotherhood of Steel thing yet), but been too busy with WoW. Maybe once I get around to writing Infinite Potential I will feel more like playing 76.

(Sorry for the brevity of the following, by the way; I am very very low on time at the moment.)



Heh, well, maybe, but I'd still rather not risk it, myself. :)

Oh, interesting. I'm not sure I've ever just done the DLCs in the "proper" order. Maybe in some early playthroughs; I do recall I started playing before all the DLCs were released. And which DLCs I play in which playthrough can vary, too. Well, to each their own. :)

I've got a number of mods on, though, to be clear, I've not made any myself, for NV. They don't seem to cause problems particular to the DLCs for me, though. Quite the opposite, if one counts mod-included bugfixes.

Interesting. Your characters apparently really don't like him. :D

Ah, good! :)

Ah, I've heard a little about that, I think, but I don't really have any interest in trying it. I hope you enjoy it yourself if you do, though!

Heh, well, I hope the gaming and general time management there works out well for you in, uh, general. :)

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