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The Byzantine Knight

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Former Homosexuals Choose Christ and Holiness Over Sin · 3:50am Jun 27th, 2021

One of the worst lies of the LGBT "movement" is that being gay is not only acceptable, but it is genetic and unchangable. "Everyone who experiences same-sex attraction was "born gay." and you can't fight against it. "Sexual minorities" cannot change. They can neither live an abstinent lifestyle, nor a heterosexual one. Embracing an LGBT identity and a sexually active/deviant life is the only "healthy" choice for them, etc.

They even talk much about converting others to their cause and criticize all those (Christians is particular) who have even the slightest bit of criticism of their beliefs and movement, no matter how justified, as bigots and 'phobes.

From this kind of rhetoric, they want you to think that everybody who is gay stays that way forever and can't possibly change their ways at all.

But the truth is homosexuality just like every other sin. It can be overcome with prayer, humility, reflection, discipline, patience, and repentance; and that there are people who were formerly homosexual, but have rejected this sin to embrace

Don't take my word for it read their testimonies for yourself.

Ex-LGBT come to DC to warn senators against dangers of the so-called Equality Act

Ex-gay Milo Yiannopoulos delivers message of hope: ‘Born this way’ is a lie. You can change

Former Homosexuals Choose Christ and Holiness Over Sin

Former Homosexual: Even Harsher Language on Homosexuality Needed from Christian Hierarchs

Former lesbian on why it’s ‘cruel’ for Church leaders to go soft on same-sex relationships

Man Saved from homosexuality Says There is no such thing as a Gay Christian

NFL's Simmons Speaks of Former Gay Lifestyle and New Faith in Christ

Transformation of a Homosexual: What Change Looks Like

...and there are many more like this.

These are the people that this movement is trying to bury and ignore, because they go against the narrative and prove the being gay IS a (poor) life choice, and that it's possible to overcome it.

If the lgbt movement was a religion (and many times it is treated like one) Then these people a are basically the "heretics, "schismatics" and "apostates" of the lgbt "religion". They have rejected the idolatry of lgbt-ism and embraced Christ.

So yes, "praying the gay away" which is so widely mocked and ridiculed by the lgbt mafia is real and it can be done.

If you want see the true legacy of the lgbt movement, the darkness that they won't tell you about, check out these testimonies here.

Gay Iconoclasm: Holding the Line Against the Radical LGBT Agenda

The Gay Takeover of America

Media celebrating ‘Gay Pride Month’ ignore victims of the Sexual Revolution

Mom tells harrowing story of how LGBT movement helped destroy her family

Normality is Not Hatred

The LGBT movement’s destructive history and legacy

Gay Marriage and Religious Freedom Cannot Coexist

Stop cramming LGBT propaganda down the throats of ex-homosexuals and ex-transgenders

Transgender Ideology is Anti-Christian, Anti-Science, & Marxist

Transgenderism Is A Mental Illness, Not A Civil Rights Issue

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