• Member Since 11th Jul, 2012
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Lucky Seven

The only man to get a 2015 fanfiction into the 2024 feature box | Join my Discord and come chat!

More Blog Posts94

  • 2 weeks
    New story incoming!

    Hey everypony!

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  • 2 weeks
    Art for The Place I Feel Safest!

    Hey everypony,

    I just wanted to share some art that was created by my friend's girlfriend for my story, The Place I Feel Safest. To date, this is my only story to be featured on EQD and it's one I am actually proud of for a change.

    Here's the art!

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  • 2 weeks
    I was interviewed!

    You can find it here!

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  • 3 weeks
    Collab project!

    Hey everypony,

    My friend Geo would like to do a collaborative effort between several authors. If you're down, check out this blog! It only requires 200 words, so it should be easy enough for anyone to join in!

    The Blog!

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  • 3 weeks
    New story!

    Friends, I have written another story. This time it was lewd words about a different flower pony.

    I hope you enjoy!

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On Pride & LGBT+ · 5:43pm Jul 1st, 2021

Hey, guys! It's been a pretty minute since I've posted anything on the site, and given some recent events that have happened, I've decided to go ahead and put an end to my hiatus. So with that brief little intro out of the way, let's dig deep, shall we?

Two days ago, a suicide note was posted to Fimfiction. I'm not unfamiliar with the concept of this. I've been on Fimfiction since July of 2012 and I have been here for an immense amount of drama.

In 2013, the website was tested with the suicide of DaemoN67. This user was one of my early followers and someone I interacted with on several occasions. When their mother of all people logged onto the site on a new account to confirm his death, I was shaken. This was confirmed by the moderators at the time, and is still quite possibly the saddest thing I have ever witnessed on an online forum.

Fast forward six years...

In 2019, the user Holy posted their own suicide note. I didn't know Holy at the time, but I did feel a need to help, which is why I hosted a fundraiser via GoFundMe to raise funds for Holy's medical bills with my good friend Mikesnipe, host of the Barcast. We ended up raising over $3,400 through that fundraiser, something that I'm still so proud of you guys for. The way this community comes together to help each other out is something that's kept me coming back through the years.

I wouldn't be here without you guys, and I love each and every one of you.

To that end, I'm very happy to know that Princess Cadance is still alive and well, and will be with us moving forward. I would never wish suicide or harm to anyone simply because I disagree with their way of living. However, this leads to the next section of my blog.

With all of that said, recently another blog was posted by someone on the site that most of us are familiar with. Since the blog is public, I'll be linking it along with posting some screenshots from the blog. I was rather active in this blog, so I'll be posting a few of my screenshots as well.


The blog is rather simple. The moderator DumbDog lays out their feelings very succintly.

Pedophilia is not pride. Bestiality is not pride.

From the very first comment, it's obvious that this discussion is not going to be a civil one.

Rather than giving my thoughts out again, I'll simply post a screenshot of what I said in this blog.

I stand by this statement. If you honestly think pedophilia and bestiality are comparable to homosexuality, you are a certified idiot. They are nothing alike, and I will show you why with a series of screenshots. Given that these comments are public, I have no doubt this user will definitely not take issue with me using them in my blog.

Small break for a moment. I don't think I should have to explain how utterly stupid the entire concept of this comment is, but let me put it in a way that even someone like this could understand.

Someone Else: I think cake is disgusting.
Me: I think brusselsprouts are disgusting.

Notice how I didn't say anything about cake. I might even like it! But to the person who left this comment, I am exactly the same as the cake-hater simply because we both used the same adjective to describe two different kinds of food.

Or, as I put it here:

That is stupid, plain and simple.

Now, continuing on.

This leads to the entire point of my post:

I will stand by my sentiments in this comment for the rest of my god damned life. If you actually believe that pedophilia is in some way comparable to homosexuality and that pedophiles should be treated like any other member of the LGBT community, I have three words for you:

Go fuck yourself.

To end this, I'd like to post two more comments from this blog.

To conclude this blog, I'd like to say a couple things. I don't support harassment or bullying. If you are harassing someone simply for writing foalcon, you are part of the problem as well. If you call me stupid though, as that user did, I am going to bite back.

I am also very grateful to hear that Princess Cadance is still alive. No matter what I think of a person, or they think of me, I am not going to wish harm upon them because that goes against my core beliefs. But that's just the thing, I don't know who Princess Cadance is as a person, and I'm frankly not interested in finding out because my time on this site has slowly been winding down.

To that end though, I will say that if the rumors about them being a pedophile are true, I would hope that rather than try to gain acceptance, they try to get help. Pedophilia is a mental illness, and one that will inevitably lead to the harm of a person too young to understand what is happening to them if not kept in check. It is not victimless. Now, if we were to work on the assumption that this user is a pedophile, I feel something needs to be said, and this is more of a blanket statement regarding this website's response to criticism in general.

The threat of suicide does not immediately absolve someone of wrong-doing. People are allowed to be criticized, and should be if the things they do have the potential to harm others. DumbDog was called a murderer and bully on their blog. They hadn't even been on the website in months until the drama a few days ago, and had no interaction with Princess Cadance. That is wrong.

Regardless of the timing of their blog, they are free to express their opinion on Pride, as am I.

And my opinion is that pedophilia is wrong, full-stop. If you support it or willingly defend people who act on their pedophilic urges, kindly unfollow me because you have no place in this fandom or in LGBT+ as far as I am concerned. I have no issues with a pedophile who does not act on their urges and tries to get help, and I would be fully supportive of someone who does so.

I hope you guys have a fantastic rest of your day.

- 7

EDIT: As an addendum, I would like to link to this very well-constructed blog that does a fantastic job of giving an overview of the situation, written by AnnEldest.

Comments ( 30 )

I want to see that post.


Well said, Seven. Well said.:pinkiesmile:

That user has commented on my blogs, trying to pick a fight with me even with this situation. Don't mind them. They want to fight with people

I don't like them, they have picked fights with me too, just because I write about disabilities

I may have jumped the gun. (see my blogpost about it if you don't know what I'm talking about: like this one)

I didn't really know they were a MAP. That said, I don't want to join either side on this issue. I don't think it's my 'fight'. I was worried they were going to kill themselves. I didn't really read the full story.

Well said. I knew it was only a matter of time before the internet tried to normalize pedophilia and being age fluid or whatever. I get that some people are mentally ill and maybe have a harder time with certain things, but there's no excuse for taking advantage of, abusing, or using children for sexual relief.

Fuck that noise.

Pedo is wrong full stop but what about people who are into loli does that count or not?

A good question. In my eyes, as long as someone doesn't harm real people, I couldn't care less what they enjoy doing on the internet. Watching Loli porn is weird as hell to me, but unless it involves a real child, go wild.

To that end though, I will say that if the rumors about them being a pedophile are true, I would hope that rather than try to gain acceptance, they try to get help. Pedophilia is a mental illness, and one that will inevitably lead to the harm of a person too young to understand what is happening to them if not kept in check. It is not victimless.


The threat of suicide does not immediately absolve someone of wrong-doing.

& a little louder for the people in the back

I agree one of the artists I support on Patreon holds a poll and loli won for this month (I didn’t they’re missing what I look for in that kind of material) so with that fresh on my mind I was curious as to your views on it


I agree, all it of is wrong, I think that we should do something to make it stop, I think that we should do something make people stop writing about it.

It’s already against federal law and whenever a ring is found people know about the people in it and the ones they can find are arrested so there’s not really more that can be done except to extend the amount of time in jail and a better way to keep them in check once they get out. Such as having all realtors check the Sexual Offender database for every person/family they encounter and respond appropriately if the person’s a sexual deviant have two realtors around the person at all times, if a pedo only show properties outside the bounds that the count decree say they can’t go I.e schools. Also, have realtors notify the database of address changes (recently heard a rapist that moved and never updated the database so now the marshalls are looking for him)

I'm not going to be one to actively call for a ban, but I'm also not going to act like I don't think exposure helps with desensitisation and normalisation. Fuckin' basic rule of life? I think if you do want to be exposed to this kind of content, you should know specifically what you're doing and not have to subject a bunch of other random people who aren't into that to it. Fimfic has needed a better filter system for a long time.

I have no issues with a pedophile who does not act on their urges and tries to get help, and I would be fully supportive of someone who does so.

If I'm going to argue for freedom on the internet, it is absolutely NOT going to be on the basis that this stuff is okay. I very much stand by this, and if you have a legitimate issue, get some help rather than try to bullshit everybody else on why it is fine. Everyone is entitled to their voice, and just as there are people who think it's fine, there are those as myself who vehemently disagree.

I think we need to stop people from writing stories about it. I’ll probably get a lot of hate for saying that, like I always do even for my stories about disabilities

Completely agree. What I thought this fuss was about (mind, I haven’t paid a huge amount of attention because it wasn’t someone I know, wasn’t a topic I follow, and I have things to get done!) was that some people took it upon themselves to harass and bully this person for fiction and fantasy to the point they became suicidal, not for any IRL crime, but for the type of fiction they write.

And even for IRL crime, the proper response is to call the police immediately. Violence is only appropriate if some poor victim is in immediate danger, and waiting for authorities to intervene isn’t possible. Driving someone to suicide because they fap to fiction you disapprove of? That’s not okay, and that absolutely is behavior that moderators should address.

There are lots of fetishes I disapprove of, that weird me out, or that outright make me want to vomit. That doesn’t mean I have a right to harass and bully people for them.

There are people out there who see every one of us on this site as sick and wrong headed for liking a show about cute cartoon ponies (whether we read the mature fics or not!) and consider every one of us to be one step from bestiality, despite the fact that that is absolutely untrue.

Does that mean they should harass and bully all of us until we’re all suicidal? I think not.

And I think we need to be rational enough to recognize that this is indeed behavior that needs to be curtailed, regardless of what the recent target of that behavior may or may not have done IRL (something which we categorically do not know, because this is literally someone behind the anonymizing wall of the internet.)

Speaking of, there are activist "groups" who try and say like, pedophilia is a sexual orientation like any other, practiced for centuries, millenia even in some cultures, and "doesn't damage the child."

TBF to Man Undercover, he is a rather...conservative Christian. Funnily enough, numerous Biblical scholars and such note the "Man shall not lay with another man" line is a mistranslation. The original Greek was more like, "Man shall not lay with boy/child."

Well, people who have been the child say these groups are full of shit. :twilightangry2:

Yup, it honestly disgusts and disturbs me when people say Pedophiles, who, you know, fuck kids (and child diddlers do NOT last long in prison), say that they aren't doing any harm to kids. Children rarely have the mental capacity to consent, or anything of the sort. Various psychologists note our brains aren't fully developed until we are in our late 20's

Hey guys. Imagine you could write stories about things and not actually have it happen in real life. Or imagine and fantasize about things and also have them not happen in real life.

Unfortunately we live in a world where people who write stories with violence will commit violence in person; those who write about slavery will try to commit slavery; those who have fantasies about rape will try to commit rape; and those who write about foalcon will try to abuse children in real life.

Banning foalcon is a good start but we will also need to ban any stories with the tags “non-con”, “gore” (implied violence), and give a hard look at anything with “dark”.

Agreed. Acting on pedophilic urges in a real world scenario, is wrong, no exceptions.

lol the funny thing is I lost 3 followers from this blog today. Good riddance, pedo defenders.

What can I say except what he did was pretty gay.

I'm so glad that you wrote this, I was honestly disgusted when I read through the original blog post and saw so many people defending pedophilia. It's good to know that there are still sensible people on this site.

I fully agree with you, broski. It's kinda disgusting to me that this is even a debate to begin with. Pedophilia does not, and never will, belong in pride.

I will take pride in saying pedophilia is abhorrent, and gross. That's one thing to put pride in, and everyone should.

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