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100 Chapters, 2,000 Likes, Nearly 300,000 Words · 9:12am Jul 9th, 2021

Das a lotta numbers!

I am very happy to reach this milestone, and to celebrate it, I will announce that I will keep doing whatever I am doing! Yeah, uh, I still have to write up Underhive 733. Which I will get to.... probably before I begin writing the sequel. So enjoy this gift of nothing! It builds character, okay? Oh and in case you missed it, the art poll result was a Luna & Phasma scene in the dream parlor. So I guess if you have any good artists who have open comms, go ahead and drop them into the comments. I'll be sure to check out your suggestion, not reply, and silently judge you on your tastes in art.

P.S. The art piece I have already commissioned might be done soon. And by might be done soon, I mean the artist has been hospitalized but will be okay. I have no idea when the piece will even be started on, because as far as I'm aware, I'm third in the queue. Better than the 25th slot I was in two months ago.... If we get to the chapter where the art would be in before the piece is done, then I guess CE will be a on a mini-hiatus.

Thanks for listening, children. This is Three Dog, and you're listening to Galaxy News Radio. We're Radio Free Wasteland, and we're here... for you.

Report KKSlider · 1,196 views · Story: Changing Expectations ·
Comments ( 27 )

I don't know many artists with open commissions, but I very much enjoy TeaFlower300 art so you might take a look at that.


This story deserves every single one of those 2k likes.
I could do with more good fortune going Phasma's way, but oh well. He's got Luna (lucky bastard) so I guess that's good.

A lot of well deserved numbers... Shame I'm bad at math but at least I can read yeah?

287K words already? I really should catch up with the story at some point.....

We're not doing charity, we give you our thumbs up because this fic of yours deserves them. :rainbowdetermined2:

You earned every recognition KKSlider, your story is something else.
When you feel anguish, waiting for the next chapter, hoping that the character will be at least fine in some way, you've done something right(and I'm not talking about chapter 100). :rainbowlaugh:
Keep up with your excellent work man. :heart:

i like numbers too

Yay for you and oh no on the hospitalization. They gonna be okay?

Respect on getting out more than a thousand words per day over these 266 days.
And they're good words, too!
Sequel, huh? Nice. We will swarm to your new projects like the hivemind we are.

You forgot 6.9 thousand comments. And 14 thousand views.

I am honestly not sure if there has been a story on this site to hold my attention as well as CE. I was a little confused by some of the plot turns, but this is a grand adventure to be a part of. I honestly was not expecting a sequel in the future, but it sounds like I will have something to fill the hole once this ends, which has me excited. Now I just need to find a way to fill all my other leg holes. Might try corks.

You commissioned something over 2 months ago and we still have not reached the chapter it is meant to be related to? And we still might not reach it too soon in spite of the hospitalized delay? What dimension of chess are you playing at?

The current arc and the next one should reveal just what kind of chess I'm playing.

It's the time traveling one that confused even the Grandmasters who saw gameplay.
You will all peepee in your pampers at what I have planned.

Good shit slider

Hey, good on you and good on the artists 'Slider. CE has a lot of potential in terms of artwork, so looking forward to it. Oh, and reader condolences towards the hospitalized artist. My prayers, for what they're worth, go out to them.

Congrats & cheers man. Happy to be following this, and whatever you write after it. Hope the as-of-yet unnamed artist makes a full recovery, regardless of the status of the art piece. That being said, god damned I’m excited to see what’s in store.
Also shoutout for my homeboy referencing the best radio host

Ah, 5D Chess with Multiversal Time Travel. Fantastic! Whenever somebody does it, it makes their story's continuity watertight. I look forward to it.

Sweet! Phasma x Luna picture =

I will announce that I will keep doing whatever I am doing!

It is ultimately the best thing you can do.
Keep up the good work.

Loved the fallout reference and glad to see some Lunar Art

accepts commission:
excellent artist, he has said he does commission, fairly sure he has a decently long waiting list, but he's only mentioned that being for his patreons. worth a shot at least

extreeeemely beautiful pieces, cost a hot penny (300 for two characters + background)

wonderful atmospheric work, unsure of pricing but def a 10/10 from me (would be my pick honestly)

unknown but still good:
very pretty, very fluffy, would love to see their work here

Yakolev is by far my favorite artist for MLP, maybe even art overall. But yeah, I'm pretty sure they do Patreo only stuff, and I don't have an income for that.

-Actually, I just did some looking around and...

As I wrote in my rules: "I do my rewards without any additional payment".

Also you don't need to support me on my Patreon to ask me for commission.

Commissions and my Patreon rewards is two separate options.

That second artist made by far the funniest piece I've ever seen. Fat Celestia is just hilarious. But it might be a bit too realistic.

So many artists hide their comm info, it makes shopping around pretty difficult.

Hell, I'd make you a piece if I could, but my art is in clay, not canvas, not very conducive to digital media. :P

Lots of options out there, just a matter of finding who still makes stuff, and what art style fits the feel of what you're going for.
Dunno if the guy who did your original piece is still open, but I love the way it looks, and it very much has become my mental association with phas, would probably be a good bet for the piece.

Personally, I love the deeper, more realistic look for still pictures. The simpler style you go, the more emotional minutia you lose, the more you have to over-exaggerate. Nothing wrong with simple of course, just personal preference. /shrug

Can't wait to see it, whoever the artist is. :pinkiehappy:

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