• Member Since 12th Oct, 2012
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Narrative Style

The midpoint of a pony's leg is a po-knee.

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  • 45 weeks

    This is a rant blog that has nothing to do with ponies; feel free to ignore.

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    0 comments · 84 views
  • 84 weeks
    The Best CMC Story

    There's a series of six chapter books known as Ponyville Mysteries. I highly recommend them, and they even fit the Nightmare Night atmosphere! They have characters staring into the face of death, and lore, and an overarching plotline. It's the CMC at their best.

    That's all I've got to say right now.

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  • 85 weeks
    A Confession...

    I hadn't watched most of season 8 or any of season 9 until a few weeks ago, nor any of G5 until this week, due to horrible anxiety. (Yes, anxiety about watching a tv show I want to watch. My brain is messed up.) So in no particular order, I need to get out some thoughts.

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  • 139 weeks
    Spike's Magic

    I'm watching through the show again, and noticed a lore thing that I thought was worth making note of. In Spike at Your Service (yes, that horrible episode where Spike is depicted as clumsy and incapable of things like cooking and cleaning that he's been shown to be skilled at in most other episodes), Spike has this personal "Spike the Dragon Code" card. But what's interesting is where it

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  • 141 weeks
    Isn't It Funny...

    ...When you're just looking at the latest stories, and suddenly there's a propagandist promotion of an extremist who advocates against democracy and openly admires the worst dictator in history in the description of what you naively thought was a shipping story?

    ...When an avowed Communist asks for money as though that isn't inherently hypocritical?

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Cuba Double-Followup: This Is Why · 5:22pm Jul 15th, 2021

The national Black Lives Matter organization just released a statement on Cuba.
It declares unilateral support for the brutal Cuban dictatorial regime. There are people out there somehow surprised by this, saying BLM is clearly confused or misinformed. BLM isn't confused; it's standing for what it's always stood for: Communism, and whatever emotional buttons it can push to get people into communism. It's no different from a child-snatcher offering candy; the goal was never the candy, that was just the lure. This is why those of us who paid attention didn't like BLM. This was literally what we warned you about. Protesters are getting beaten up and "disappeared" down there, but BLM doesn't see parallels with police violence in the US, because they haven't been protesting against this stuff happening... just against it happening to them.

Report Narrative Style · 222 views ·
Comments ( 14 )
Comment posted by thatotherotherguy deleted Jul 16th, 2021

Jesus H fucking Christ dude, if I wanted an hourly blow-by-blow drip on foreign and/or domestic politics, I'd turn on the news. You've got some good stories but damn, I gotta unfollow you cuz I don't feel like seeing this shit clog up my feed. Dueces.


The people of Cuba are being punished by the U.S. government because the country has maintained its commitment to sovereignty and self-determination. United States leaders have tried to crush this Revolution for decades.

The capitalized "Revolution" is the the Cuban government's way of referring to itself. This isn't some sort of "hidden in the mirror" thing. They gave their support to the dictatorship directly, calling it the "self-determination" of the Cuban people. I'm not interested in debating the merits of an embargo; I'm interested in more basic things, like them actively giving support to a dictatorship that is currently beating its own people in the streets. As I said in the post, any stances you might agree with are a candied lure for the dictatorial communism, and no amount of sugary flavoring makes that okay.

Well, it's a blog, not a "story update tracker". The majority of blog posts on this site aren't story-related.

It's a blog on a site dedicated to stories, not an outlet for politically-charged vitriol; that's what Facebook and Twitter are for. Things like that are what got RealityCheck run off the site years back. Now, I've said my piece and I no longer wish to engage further in this. Good day.

I wonder, have you left similar comments on the prominent progressives who put up multi-thousand word rants on the evils of anybody who disagrees with them, or is it just people who say things you disagree with that violate this principle?

A blog is for whatever the person writing the blog wants it to be for. I won't apologize for that.

Only the truly annoying ones. Now I said 'good day'. *block*

Curiously, blocking doesn't work outside of your own webpage. As long as you're commenting on my page, I can reply. And this is ultimately what it's about. If you had just unfollowed, I wouldn't have taken a second glance. But instead you decided to make a big deal out of it. This is me reacting as a normal person would to somebody leaving an expletive-laden comment on their blog.

Comment posted by XanderK31 deleted Jul 15th, 2021

I was trying to say it subtly, but here it is explicitly: If you don't want to interact with somebody, it's your job to not continue the interaction. I haven't gone to any of your pages. If you stop commenting here, it's over, and we never need interact again. You're telling me to fuck off, but I'm metaphorically sitting on my front porch, and you're the one who won't walk off my property.

Comment posted by XanderK31 deleted Jul 15th, 2021

Fuck off where? This is MY PAGE. Take a step back and think for just a second on what you even want me to do. Apologize to you for you coming in here cussing, you saying you want to end the interaction, you refusing to leave even though you very clearly want to? This can go on a long time. And I'm prepared to keep telling you this until you can comprehend that if you don't want to interact, all you have to do is walk away. Again, I have no plans to pursue you to your own pages, or anywhere else. This interaction is only continuing because you are on my blog.

Comment posted by thatotherotherguy deleted Jul 16th, 2021

That is an actively dishonest take. I'm done with actively dishonest people.

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