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Story Notes: Twilight Gets Worms · 10:41am Sep 1st, 2021

Okay, I got to start this with saying that you should not take Ivermectin or any other medicine unless directed to do so by a licenced doctor. Just because you heard about it on TV or the internet doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.


Granted, the odds of a news article starting with ‘handsome and famous FimFic author recommends. . .’ are really low, but they’re not zero.

All of y’all who dare to look at the feature box may have noticed the handsome and famous FimFic author Sock Puppet has a story about Ivermectin. Which, incidentally by dictatorial fiat now counts an official Not-A-Contest entry, since I believe that conman is a legit job. You sure can make a lot of bits that way.

I wasn’t exactly inspired by it, in fact when I first heard of it, I thought about the stupid idea I’d had and breathed a sigh of relief that someone else had done it so I wouldn’t have to. Then I was reading through the comments on his story and someone said “I wish people would keep Ponies and current IRL politics/events separate.”

And maybe that’s enough of a dare for me, or maybe it’s just my way of coping with doing exhaust manifolds on a Chevy where eight of the twelve bolts that hold them in broke and had to be removed with varying degrees of violence.

Who knows?

Chipotle is an upscale Taco Bell that serves ‘healthy’ thousand-calorie burritos and can also give you Norovirus, E Coli, and Salmonella and maybe worms (or maybe the worms are only from gas station egg salad sandwiches [and are worms really all that bad? (yes)])

You’d better believe I checked into what molasses-related products Tractor Supply Company sells! And I feel more qualified to talk about them than I do Ivermectin, which at a farm-supply store is sold in horse-sized doses.

You are not a horse.


Back in the day, before modern medicine was invented, various other treatments were tried for common problems in farm animals, like worms. Turpentine and Linseed oil was supposed to shift worms, and I suppose it might, but it’s obviously not going to be as effective as a proper medicine.

If you’re curious about veterinary medicine in the transition period between what always worked and modern scientific techniques, I highly recommend James Herriot’s books. Or if you’re just interested in Slice of Life, I also highly recommend them. Heck, if you like reading in general, I recommend them.

Seriously, and I cannot stress this enough, do NOT use horse dewormer or take bleach or fish medicine or Tide Pods or whatever the fad of the day is in an attempt to cure, treat, or prevent a disease. If you’re not sure, talk to an actual medical professional, not a mechanic who moonlights as a fanfic writer.


We’d better have a cute pic to end this on, shouldn’t we?


Hmm, better have another just to make sure.


Comments ( 67 )


Love it.

Gonna share this here, too:

Merck makes ivermectin. They put out a statement telling people not to use it for Covid-19.

It is important to note that, to-date, our analysis has identified:

  • No scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies;
  • No meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and;
  • A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.

That means basically "It makes no sense, it doesn't work, and don't do it. (And if you do, don't try to blame us when you poison yourself.)"


Don't think I've ever had that problem at our chipotle, but then again, we eat there maybe once a year, if even that much (it was a popular, relatively cheap place for my brother's various school/choir fundraisers). When my family wants quote-unquote "proper" Mexican food, we go to a sit-down restaurant called El Potro.

As to Ivermectin, they actually do have a version designed for people, but it's dosed differently and is used primarily for things like headlice. Equine/Veterinary Ivermectin is not the same thing. It's akin to the difference between regular fuel and diesel fuel for trucks, similar≠identical

Taking horse dewormer to treat COVID makes about as much sense as covering yourself in goose grease and dancing naked under a full Moon. On a planet with over 7 billion people, it's a guarantee SOMEONE has tried it.

It bears repeating, these are people who make money off this stupidity telling people it's stupid and they should stop.

...With the blog itself linking Futurama, I should probably mention that this is pretty close to the original context of the "shut up and take my money" meme.

Author Interviewer

Please understand that I mean this in the derpibooru tag sense when I ask:

But why?

people are shitting themselves over it... literally, someone was complaining that they soiled themselves at the grocery store and was asking if there was a way to make that less likely.

Whole new meaning to "Shitpost", idn't.

Chipotle is an upscale Taco Bell that serves ‘healthy’ thousand-calorie burritos and can also give you Norovirus, E Coli, and Salmonella and maybe worms (or maybe the worms are only from gas station egg salad sandwiches [and are worms really all that bad? (yes)])

On one hand, I'd eat a burrito now, but on the other I have enough of this stuff at work. Tourists just eat everything until they shit themselves.

Just how crappy is the Chipotle near you?! The ones near me are all very well run and I eat at them regularly and the worst thing that I have experienced was having my online order delayed by half an hour because they where understaffed and running low on product. Heck as my Oder was finished they ran out of some product.

Hillbe #11 · Sep 1st, 2021 · · 19 ·

IVN, HCQ, Clorine Dioxide, VU infusion, Vitamin D3 & zink work as antivirals.

Horse paste tastes like apples and dosage is per pound.

IVN used in India wiped out the Coof in two weeks.

Control and not a virus.

Silly story


It's been a few years, but you can count me among the folks who love Chipotle and never had any issues with them.

iisaw #13 · Sep 1st, 2021 · · 2 ·

Kudos for trying to enlighten the benighted, I guess. :ajbemused:

Stupidity at this level is all the proof we need that natural selection exists for a reason. #2Dumb2Live

I also have never had problems with Chipotle. Granted, I only partake once or twice a year, but I've always viewed it as a tasty, filling treat.

You are not a horse.

Oh sure, make us all feel worse by rubbing it in.

Hmm, better have another just to make sure.

Great -- now someone is going to have to write a story encouraging people not to put kirin in the washing machine and... oh. Reflection. Right.

You are not a horse.

I think it speaks volumes that I basically live through fiction, especially pony fiction because Changelings are the best and cutest and cuddliest things in all the multiverse and I am still painfully aware of this at all times, where others are not.

Seriously. Just...just.... I can't even...

....Good day, everybody.

Yeah, and it doesn’t seem to have worked, does it? Heck, that was months ago and while I’m not a scientist by any means, why would a drug that targets intestinal parasites be any good against a virus?


Don't think I've ever had that problem at our chipotle, but then again, we eat there maybe once a year, if even that much (it was a popular, relatively cheap place for my brother's various school/choir fundraisers). When my family wants quote-unquote "proper" Mexican food, we go to a sit-down restaurant called El Potro.

I’ve personally never had problems at Chipotle (the very few times I’ve gone there), but they did have a whole slew of food contamination problems over the years, enough for John Oliver to have made fun on them specifically. . .

As to Ivermectin, they actually do have a version designed for people, but it's dosed differently and is used primarily for things like headlice. Equine/Veterinary Ivermectin is not the same thing. It's akin to the difference between regular fuel and diesel fuel for trucks, similar≠identical

Oh, sure, and it’s probably effective to do what it’s meant for when used according to the instructions. Just like any drug, really. But it’s not meant to be used for Covid, and even if it was the animal dose isn’t what you should be taking.


Taking horse dewormer to treat COVID makes about as much sense as covering yourself in goose grease and dancing naked under a full Moon. On a planet with over 7 billion people, it's a guarantee SOMEONE has tried it.

I’ll be honest, I would expect that covering oneself in goose grease and dancing naked under a full moon is less likely to have adverse side effects, and about the same preventative effect.


It bears repeating, these are people who make money off this stupidity telling people it's stupid and they should stop.

Yeah, exactly. If it worked, Merck would be selling it like hotcakes and raking in the cash.

...With the blog itself linking Futurama, I should probably mention that this is pretty close to the original context of the "shut up and take my money" meme.

Sad, isn’t it?


But why?

Because we have strayed from the light and all deserve to be punished.

(This isn’t a batpony)


literally, someone was complaining that they soiled themselves at the grocery store and was asking if there was a way to make that less likely.

There is a way.

it’s called DON’T TAKE HORSE MEDS. Works every time.


On one hand, I'd eat a burrito now, but on the other I have enough of this stuff at work. Tourists just eat everything until they shit themselves.

That’s the trouble with tourists, isn’t it? :rainbowlaugh:

There isn’t one near me (40ish miles to the nearest one I know of), and I’ve only eaten there once or twice.

It was more for the number of food contamination issues they’ve had somewhat recently I figured that’s the fast food restaurant chain where you’d be most likely to get worms.

Well, or Denny’s, but everybody knows Denny’s won’t serve ponies.


IVN used in India wiped out the Coof in two weeks.

If by “Coof” you mean COVID, if it wiped it out how come they’re reporting nearly 50,000 cases/day?

And if IVN was so effective, how come they’re vaccinating like mad and have been since April? You’d think they’d have continued selling the vaccines to other countries who wanted them instead of keeping them for themselves.

But if you have credible, peer-reviewed sources for any of your claims, I’d like to see them.

I haven’t eaten at a Chipotle in sixteen or more years.

I gotta try, even if sometimes it’s a fool’s errand.


Stupidity at this level is all the proof we need that natural selection exists for a reason. #2Dumb2Live

The sad thing is when it’s people who some trust spreading outright lies. Still, story of the ages, I guess.


I also have never had problems with Chipotle. Granted, I only partake once or twice a year, but I've always viewed it as a tasty, filling treat.

I think I’ve only been once and it was okay as far as I remember. They do have a reputation for food contamination issues, though.

Oh sure, make us all feel worse by rubbing it in.

I’ll be honest, if it saves one person from taking horse de-wormer, it’s worth it.

Great -- now someone is going to have to write a story encouraging people not to put kirin in the washing machine and... oh. Reflection. Right.

If it’s an unwilling kirin, I’d have to assume that the result would be a washing machine (and possible other things) on fire.


I think it speaks volumes that I basically live through fiction, especially pony fiction because Changelings are the best and cutest and cuddliest things in all the multiverse and I am still painfully aware of this at all times, where others are not.

I would like to think that most of my readers are smart enough to know, but I can’t assume that. I wish I could, but I can’t.

Hillbe #33 · Sep 2nd, 2021 · · 12 ·

India cases went from over 200,000 a week to less than 200 a week.

India has a hard on with the CDC and the suppression of treatments . IVN HCQ etc.

Looks like the death penalty is warranted in the charges,

Big money is at play - Even the manufactures say the jab does nothing to treat or protect against Sars Cov 2 -

Emergency Use Authorization is invalid if word got out that public had other treatments to use = lose billions.

Propaganda galore , Power and governmental overreach and billions of dollars for big pharma with no public benefit.

If Coof was a real hazard where's the hazmat bins? butt loads of foreigner trespassing on the southern border and no outcry for the Coof,

As for the 'vaccines' several countries have out lawed them for causing death, last one Japan

Twilight would have a beef with my sister [Horse Rancher] or is that a good thing?


India cases went from over 200,000 a week to less than 200 a week.

The latest number I’ve seen is a 7-day average of 42,640 cases a day, even if I round that down to 40,000 that’s a lot more than 200 a week. What is your source?

India has a hard on with the CDC and the suppression of treatments . IVN HCQ etc.

You got a link to that?

Big money is at play - Even the manufactures say the jab does nothing to treat or protect against Sars Cov 2 -

Really? What’s your source?

Emergency Use Authorization is invalid if word got out that public had other treatments to use = lose billions.

Huh? Hate to ask what your source is, but what’s your source for that?

Propaganda galore , Power and governmental overreach and billions of dollars for big pharma with no public benefit.

What’s the cost per shot vs. the cost for ICU treatment (average?) You got good numbers on that?

If Coof was a real hazard where's the hazmat bins?

Are you okay? Seriously, what do you mean, where are the hazmat bins?

As for the 'vaccines' several countries have out lawed them for causing death, last one Japan

Are you referring to the contaminated vials or something else?

I googled a label for it. It's topical and clearly labelled as not for humans... not that that'll stop people.

Indeed (it usually ends in sample collection and paperwork).

Ah, sorry about those bolts.

And thanks, as usual, for the extra information about history and such in the story notes. I think I'll skip the actual story this time, though; the whole "parasitic worms" thing is kind of putting me off, and I've a lot already in my queue to get done today anyway at the moment. Sorry!

Yes, exactly.

On the plus side, the yakutian horse tag on Derpi has been flooded of late.



I googled a label for it. It's topical and clearly labelled as not for humans... not that that'll stop people.

I’m pretty sure laundry detergent (including Tide Pods) has always said not to ingest the stuff and call poison control if you do. So yeah, odds are that someone who’s dead-set on getting ivermectin from the feed store isn’t going to pay any attention to the part on the label where it says it’s not for humans.


Indeed (it usually ends in sample collection and paperwork).

I don’t know which is worse, sample collection or paperwork.

Please tell me that there’s an ‘it happened again’ box on the paperwork you can check to save time. :rainbowlaugh:


Ah, sorry about those bolts.

It’s alright, they all came out in the end and that’s what matters.

And thanks, as usual, for the extra information about history and such in the story notes.


I think I'll skip the actual story this time, though; the whole "parasitic worms" thing is kind of putting me off, and I've a lot already in my queue to get done today anyway at the moment. Sorry!

The good news is that there’s virtually no description of them. The bad news is the comment section is a raging dumpster fire now.

I feel you on the stuck bolts. I just had to rebuild a motorcycle double carb where 6 of the 8 float bowl screws and 2 of the 4 connector bracket screws were destroyed trying to open it up. Heck, I even had to use my smallest extractor on the idle control valve.

5576943 That's why I carefully backed out while maintaining eye contact until I could run.

I was quite amused.
I could also smell the horse section of a TSC as I read it, with the various mineral blocks, feed, and other things.

Yesterday, I fired up a GMC large truck with a CAT 308 engine. On getting a whiff of the exhaust, and while waiting for the air tanks to charge up, I pondered how many quarts per mile it got...

More like, "not this shit again". Sometimes literally.

Ah, good.


Ah, sorry about that.
(I do think I'll still skip the story, though, at least for now; "virtually no" isn't quite the same as "no", and I'm still quite low on time.
And while I don't know if I'd end up having any comments I wanted to make on the story... yeah, sounds like it might be better to hope I didn't, to avoid having to go down there. :D)

mechanic who moonlights as a fanfic writer

Sounds like a fanfic writer who daylights as a mechanic to me.


Dash poked at the tentacles again with the plunger and they started waving their tentacles about again. Dash sighed. It was the third time this month that it'd happened, and Twilight had muttered about a new Dash local ordinance as she'd help clean out the infestation the day before yesterday.

Hmm, maybe if she towed her house over to Sweet Apple Acres Applejack would sort it this time. A quick peek out the window put the time around one in the afternoon, so if she put her wings into it she'd get there just before dinner.

5577020 It's not just your blog that turned into a raging dumpster fire over this. Rolling Stone did a story about a rural Oklahoma hospitals who were so backed up with IVM patients that even gunshot patients had to wait. All of the usual suspects promptly dove in and signal boosted the story.... only to find out the whole thing was written based on a single doctor who had not practiced at the hospital referenced in the last two months, and the hospital had no cases of IVM in the emergency room or anywhere in the facility. The entire story collapsed in flames, but the media have still stubbornly kept their stories up despite the actual facts. Too good to check, I suppose.

Threadreader summary of the respective tweets

(The media wonders why we don't trust them. The reason is experience.)


I feel you on the stuck bolts. I just had to rebuild a motorcycle double carb where 6 of the 8 float bowl screws and 2 of the 4 connector bracket screws were destroyed trying to open it up. Heck, I even had to use my smallest extractor on the idle control valve.

Luckily, I rarely do carbs, but those small steel screws in aluminum castings are always give me a sense of foreboding. I just got lucky in a fuse box recently, somebody improperly installed a high amp screw-in fuse, and the little screw that held it down really didn’t want to come out. Somehow, I managed to get it out intact and was able to replace it and fix the car.

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