• Member Since 15th Jul, 2019
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I'm a weirdo and kinda cringe. She/Her

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  • 2 weeks
    Deleting my account now

    I’m done with this site. Gotta move on from the fandom and start my own art career. Sorry for the disappointment but I’m simply just not interested in my little pony anymore. If anyone wants to continue my fanfics be my guest, I give you full permission to rewrite my fanfics. You’d do a better job than I could.

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  • 19 weeks
    Gonna buy a tablet soon so I can make digital art

    I know Clip Studio Paint is good, but I'm also hearing how good Procreate is.

    If any artist follow me, what would you recommend?

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  • 22 weeks
    I'm looking for a co-author

    I need someone who can write action, knows about G-Witch and can also teach how to write action me so I don't have to rely on them all the time in case they're busy.

    If anyone knows where I can ask for help that would be nice

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  • 23 weeks
    New chapter is up

    It introduces one of the main villains in this fanfic. If you know most gundam villains, you know what you're in for.

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  • 24 weeks
    New Gundam chapter

    This one took a while longer to complete, I was hoping to get it done quicker, I hope you enjoy it though.

    Plus I think this chapter is my favourite so far due to the fact the Eri is a gremlin

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The warhammer 40k group/ why I really hate Arch Warhammer · 1:22pm Sep 3rd, 2021

I was going to continue with the story but after the post I made on the 40k group I’m not going to be on this website for a while. There’s so much toxicity in the 40k group its unbelievable, its so bad that I might delete this account and leave the fandom for good. there’s no admin, the creator doesn't care about the group at all and all the 40k group cares about is controversy and not fun. And the people who make fun posts in the forum section get drowned out by angry neckbeards who watch arch warhammer.

Some members of the group (not saying any names) goes out of their way to defend arch when I point out why he’s a racist asshole despite the evidence I show them. I show them Arch’s discord messages and they say it’s out of context; yet they don’t explain why he says the N word multiple times or why he defends fascism. Not only that he also defended the Church of Christ shooting from 2019 from what I’ve heard. If you want to know why I hate arch warhammer just watch twenty minutes of this video you don’t have to watch the whole thing but I recommend you do.

I’m staying offline for a couple of weeks because I feel like this website is not good for my mental health anymore, I might not come back or I will. Hopefully when I do come back I’ll post the next chapter of Eternal. Goodbye for now.

Report Violet_09 · 2,539 views · #Warhammer 40k #40k #Warhammer
Comments ( 7 )

You are literally taking mere vocabulary as proof, disregarding any context of it including it being direct quotes of comedy acts from a black comedian, nor have you indicated any defense of Fascism to my recollection. You're saying "from what [you've] heard", meaning you are taking claims you cannot source at face value as to the ill character of someone.

As for us not caring about "fun"? Checking things over, not a single hint of what you're bitching about is present in the "Who's your favorite 40k character" thread, nor "Which Pony fits which Primarch", "How would Equestria survive a Waaaagh", "New kill team trailer", "waaagh-hah-haaah-dakka-dakka-dakka", or what seems anything else of the "fun" threads in the first five pages.

Yes, many of the threads are "about" controversy... But if it's just that most of the threads are about shittery from GW, then what's the problem? It's the 40k group, the company in charge of the IP fucking with the fanbase is a rather prominent part of the focus, and Fimfiction is first and foremost a franchise-specific fanfiction site. People don't come here to meme about 40k, they come here for pony stories.

If you want to talk about 40k as a "memey" fanbase instead of being "drowned out" by the bullshit in the more in-depth hobby, go to Reddit or SpaceBattles or a Facebook group or some other dedicated community space, not a forum tucked inside a fanfiction repository sorting system for a different franchise. This just isn't the place to talk 40k, I seriously see more activity from a dedicated porn site than here.

Doubly so since those places have jannies who will side with you to hammer us away. It's why we downvote you into oblivion, because most of the dedicated hobby spaces have been taken over by people very much like you who are vicious in enforcing "their side" such that Arch is not allowed to be mentioned in many of the subreddits, let alone the slightest criticism of the SanFran Internet Hegemony.

Finally, just leave the 40k group. No need to abandon FimFiction at large, just back off from one small corner that wants nothing of your political shitflinging. We're fine talking 40k itself, just don't try to drag the cancel culture shit in unless you have nothing less than a deadpan political screed to present as proof. Since you seem cripplingly incapable of tolerating the slightest hint of Arch, that is on you to back off from our little corner where we can use him as a starting-point of discussion.

There are plenty of spaces elsewhere on the internet that'll side with you. The 40k group here is one of relatively few where we get free reign. Simple as that, you go to your corner, let us keep ours.

As somebody who's annoyed when the absolute marks of Neckbeard Outrage Grifters keep reposting videos of theirs in one of the "Crossover" channels because the allegedly "Woke" Nothingburger of the week is tertiarily related to a fandom (and in one case, not even related to any fandom, but just reposting it to the crossover forum anyway because the asshole who made the video is part of the Neckbeard Outrage machine), I feel your pain with having to put up with these assholes.

Hopefully you can come back and work on your story. It'll be a refreshing change of pace from the Anti-Fans who don't know jack or shit about the history of geek media, and are just looking for excuses to propagate the "HUWITE MEN ARE THE ONES WHO ARE REALLY OPPRESSED!" Professional Victimhood Olympics...

Take a glance at the forum of the 40k group. It is specifically this asshole responsible for like 80% of the political shittery there, in particular. The "controversy" is virtually exclusively about GW's recent IP policy bullshit that has factually killed several major fan projects, from "If The Emperor Had A Text-to-Speech Device" to Total War: Warhammer mods to a swath of Discord communities.

Furthermore, you have zero right to bitch about "anti-fans" when it's the wokescolds who complain about racism being the ones pushing for specific changes to long-running franchises that proceed to run them into the ground. Mind taking a look at Marvel sales over the last 20 years? "Representation" does not sell, us "neckbeards" are fine with the black Spider Man because he was actually competently written, but hate the black "Iron Man" who doesn't even use the damn name because she is an attention-seeking bitch.

Who are Wonder Woman, Samus Aran, Laura Croft, Blade, Storm, the Salamanders, the Sisters of Battle, the Wailing Banshees? We're fine with women and racial minorities as long as they meet the same standards as the rest of the franchise. But when they're explicitly motivated by "diversity" for political purposes, crowbarred into the setting at the expense of the established characters, and generally are shit as far as writing goes? Yeah, us "neckbeards" don't tend to be afraid to call out the reason we think something ended up terrible.

Actually, I HAVE heard about IG's anti-fan project bullshit from somebody else, and I agree that it is complete bullshit when done to creators like TTSD, or screwing over the Project Astartes crew out of their pay after "officially" endorsing their project.

But we're talking about Arch specifically, who's been exposed as a total douchebag LONG before that anti-fan video bullshit (such as his "I'm not siding with the Christchurch Shooter, BUUUUUUUUUT I'll basically say his lunatic conspiracy theories about Cultrual Marxist Great Replacement is 100% correct, and therefore turn it into a "Look What You MADE Me Do!" apologia)

Plus, I wasn't just talking 40K, but fandom in general (basically any (Insert Geek Media Here)-Gate outrage porn). Frankly, Arch currently has more in common with cunts like Quartering or Geeks + Gamers in making outrage clickbait meant to make gullible marks scared about the nebulously defined "SJWs" coming to destroy all their precious stories, as opposed to actual 40K content creators who got screwed by IG just now.

*checks Arch's channels"

The channel formerly named Arch Warhammer has 245k subscribers and focuses nigh totally exclusively on Warhammer content. The ArchCast, where the political commentary happens, has only 31.4k subscribers, and the latest video on Arch all of seven hours ago has about the same views as the typical ArchCast videos. The guy's overwhelmingly a Warhammer youtuber. The "outrage clickbait" is much less successful and the guy's release schedule of 40k content is totally unchanged.

And agreeing that the provided premise of an action is true is not tantamount to agreement with the action taken. By that "logic", the mainstream understanding of World War II is covered in genocide apologia, because it's rather difficult to find a historian who rejects every justification used by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

The fact of the matter is that you are the invaders. You are the ones forcing your way in and making things change. And those changes are unsuccessful in the mythologized "wider audience" it's supposedly for. The tabletop wargame community, the "historic" gamer community, the comics community, all of these are distinct groups with norms quite thoroughly contrary to your attempts at enforcing the SanFran Internet Hegemony, relying on that ridiculous hub of outliers to make the rules be in your favor.

As well demonstrated by Excalibur40 being so incredibly fragile their response to being argued against for throwing a shitfit at any mention of a given YouTuber who is primarily part of the 40k community is to quit FimFiction as a whole. Meanwhile, my response to being permanently banned with zero previous note of misbehavior over cracking a joke about the Nazis following on from certain parts of Karl Marx's works was to just move on with my damn life and play a different game.

Actual dedicated fanbases will pay attention to the situation around their media of choice, and when the franchise they're built around is going to shit compared to what it was before, they will look for causes and call them out. And damn near every time, we can find some diversity push or politicization to point to, usually one that's absurdly blatant to anyone with a shred of opposition to it.


"And agreeing that the provided premise of an action is true is not tantamount to agreement with the action taken. By that "logic", the mainstream understanding of World War II is covered in genocide apologia, because it's rather difficult to find a historian who rejects every justification used by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan."

Ok, what even the FUCK does this mean? Is this somehow trying to say the Treaty of Versailles justified Germany declaring war on all of Europe, or the imperialism of European powers in Asia justified Japan in trying to conquer all of Asia as its own empire?!

Because 1) just because a nation was a legitimate victim of imperialistic expansion, it does NOT justify them undertaking imperialist expansion against their adversaries in turn.

And 2) even IF the way Germany and Japan getting screwed by foreign powers prior to WWII "justifies" the going to war, that doesn't fucking justify the GENOCIDES they did, nor does ANYTHING ELSE!.

When it comes to the Christchurch Shooter, not ONE of his batshit premises outlined in his "Great Replacement" manifesto is REMOTELY true, and even if he made one true statement in his mad scribblings, NOTHING justifies taking a gun into a house of worship, and trying to gun down as many people inside of it as possible - not in a church, a synagogue, a mosque, or ANYWHERE.

And fine, maybe Arch's "non-Warhammer" shit is only a fraction of his overall work, the fact that fraction is about engaging in "Everybody to the left of Trump is a Cultural Marxist SJW Antifa Supersoldier out to get YOU, specifically!" is reason enough for IG not to want to associate with Arch - if a D&D fanchannel had a secondary "politics" channel, and that channel had a video which basically went like "I don't agree with the violence made by the Pulse Nightclub Shooter, BUUUUUUUUUUUT he had a point of the Gay Agenda being sinful and harmful to civilization.", I'd say D&D is within their right to tell that channel to not associate their brand with that shit.

Basically, the difference between IG telling Arch to fuck off due to being a tinfoil hat "Culture Warrior" nutcase, and their current fuckery by saying "Any 40K Fan Video we don't buy out WILL get sued by us for 'Copywrite Infringement'." is because the later is NOT telling bigoted fans who are scaring off new customers to knock off their assorted nonsense, but a cynical attempt to monopolize all online content about 40K under IG's direct control - basically, TTSD didn't leave because he "ironically" made racist "jokes" on a private Discord, but because the broad sweep of IG's Copywrite policy runs the risk of being sued just for using 40K characters.

And finally, just because you think 40k and other fandoms should only accept the absolute refuse of /pol/ Channers, and everybody else is some infiltrator who must be harassed and chased out of it, doesn't mean the rest of us who actually LIKE a series, but ALSO think SOME other fans should stop being dicks to other people they don't consider to be fans, will just go away. I'M not leaving Fimfiction just because spiteful assholes like you are on the same site, and I'm not going to stand by while people, whose only "mistake" was asking for a group to knock off being bigoted assholes, "jokingly" or not, from being bigoted assholes for the sake of a greater community over their smaller clique of douchebaggery, get hounded by said assholes.

Believe me, while I don't want excalibur40 from leaving just because pricks like you exist, I'm not going to denigrate them for not just taking your bullshit with a smile. And if they come back from their hiatus, I'll be the first to welcome them with open arms, and reassure them that not EVERY person on this site is a desperate apologist for Internet scumbags, or someone who thinks "real" fans HAVE to be confrontational assholes to everybody else who isn't like them.


Ok, what even the FUCK does this mean?

What it is you said makes zero mention of degree, it is a total implementation of guilt-by-association. "Lunatic conspiracy theories" are only settled in hindsight, and the "Great Replacement" theory can be re-derived perfectly well from economic principals alongside demographic trends. Europe's native population is shrinking, but their economies are built to run on constant expansion.

Therefor, they need a new demographic that will grow. Pure self-interest of the people in charge, no need for a grand sweeping conspiracy. Of course, the actual implementation is painfully obviously useless for this since so vanishingly few of the immigrants enter gainful employment, rapidly reducing us to ideological motives with no long-term practical basis as the only answers.

My own opinion is that it's because all the decision makers and advising experts coming from a handful of spectacularly ideologically homogenous institutes. No coordinated conspiracy, just the ones in charge being in-tune because "Progressive Elite" is a demographic unto itself wholly independent of any national or state borders. No organized cabal, just shambling leftovers of Soviet shenanigans with nobody steering.

As for "only accept the absolute refuse of /pol/ Channers"... How do you get that from "Simple as that, you go to your corner, let us keep ours"? Fanbases don't need to be homogenized lowest-common-denominator sludge, it is perfectly fine for them to fragment around different norms. The 40k community here is vastly more tame than the one on /tg/, it is not /pol/ channers.

Hell, I've been to /pol/ and it has a habit of shitting on ethnonationalists. Because 4chan's original premise was anonymity, intrinsic demographic information was irrelevant because it was unknown, and that lack of caring about it has led to telling most all identitarianism to fuck off. They have phased out "faggot" for "troon", and a routine insult on /vp/, the Pokemon board, is "dogfucker". /mlp/ uses "horsefucker" affectionately. They are far, far worse than any of the shit in the 40k community here.

Will you extend these demands to homogenize around the SanFran Hegemony standards to an open wish for the obliteration of 4chan itself? If not, then you're talking out of your ass. If yes, then you're an authoritarian fuckwit. Freedom of speech isn't just a law on a piece of paper, it exists as a principal, and for very good reasons of allowing peaceful redress of grievances in all regards. If "muh private company" is allowed, expect "muh private company" to get stampeded by pissed-off citizens denied a voice at some point.

I have seen more honest discussion from an agonizingly insistent misogynist butting heads with Jewish Conspiracy lunatics while both shit on the moderators in unison for looking at them as nutcases than I have seen from people like you. Because your lot seem utterly and totally incapable of accepting edgy humor as a thing that actually exists, given I can recall nothing remotely suggesting otherwise, and cannot emotionally cope with the fact that people who disagree with you exist.

Again, you lot are using a Chris Rock quotation as proof of racism. It isn't totally-in-quotes ironic racism, it's a fucking black comedian's description of malcontents, specifically drawing a line between the degenerated assholes behind gang culture and simply being black. It both is not generalizing, and is literally a comedy skit. Do you need Arch to get up on stage in Saturday Night Live to repeat the shit to a laughing audience for it to count? Or is it that you feel the word "Nigger" should be totally forbidden on pain of exile?

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