• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
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  • 24 weeks
    Happy Holidays^^

    Thought I would take a break from playing dead to wish you all happy holidays^^ Hope you are all safe and healthy and surrounded by loved ones, and those who aren't, well, I hope this little post makes it a bit better somehow:twilightsheepish:

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  • 48 weeks
    Yes I am alive 2

    Really, really sorry about being so quiet as of late. Been busy with work and other stuff, and that non-pony story.

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  • 71 weeks
    Yes I am alive

    Sorry I've been so absent as of late. My new project kinda absorbed me a bit :twilightsheepish: Actually, for the past year ever since I decided to write a Warriors fanfiction I couldn't really think about much else as far as writing is concerned, even right now.

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  • 80 weeks
    My Warriors fanfiction is ready^^

    Well, maybe not ready per say, but the prologue and first chapter were published on AO3^^

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  • 87 weeks
    It's been 10 years!

    Yeah, it's been 10 years since I've made an account on this website and published the first two chapters of Rebirth of the Damned, my first story (you can't tell now because back then when you would edit chapters and save them then it would overwrite the date of publication).

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Update on Infinite Potential! And why last month was terrible! · 1:35pm Sep 12th, 2021


It was meant to be a short chapter, really, I thought it would take 6k words at maximum...

Anyway, it's finished, it is currently being looked over by my proofreading-editing team, hopefully within a week or two it will be published here.

Sorry it took so long. As I said, the chapter turned out much longer than I expected, again. Been writing it for about a month. Perhaps I should have started earlier, but in July I had a minor health problem that distracted me. I... you know how when you get up too quickly you have this dizzy spell? Well, I had those, about a second long, while sitting or already standing up out of nowhere, a few times a day or so. Coupled with my slight hypochondriasis I got really worried, despite a neurologist assuring me that it's nothing serious. I have a bit of a bad posture due to sitting/lying life style, which was why I had those dizzy spells. Anyway, they passed, thankfully, but I started doing some exercises to help correct my posture (which in turn gave me a very slight headache due to exerting certain muscles with I again started to freak out about) and stopped spending so much time lying down.

So anyway, by the time it finally passed, August had began and my vacation days came about, and I wanted to enjoy them fully, so I didn't write much in the first week. Up to that point I had written only the start of the chapter, less than a few hundred words, then in the first week I wrote barely a couple of sentences in a day or two. I only started writing regularly on my second week of vacations, 500 words each day, aaand only finished yesterday. Perhaps I could have tried writing more, but after coming back to work I was almost immediately overwhelmed by work, more on that later.

Yeah, so, this is why it took so long. I won't lie, I was also playing games a lot, as usual, but if I wasn't worried because of that weird health problem, didn't have vacation days finally, and wasn't confident the chapter would be SHORT, I would have started working on it regularly earlier. So I hope you forgive me that it took so long, again, and I hope that I still manage to write two more Infinite Potential chapters this year SOMEHOW!

Gonna talk a bit more about that work thing now, kinda interesting, and shortly talk about some other stuff I've been up to lately, so if you're interested stay tuned! If not, thanks again for being patient with me, and I hope when the chapter does get published it will turn out to be worth the wait^^

Okay, so that work thing.

In July we had a bit of a tough situation, namely, we hat 2 ACTUAL archeological sites we were working on, not just the usual "go to the construction site we are supervising, take pictures, go the the next one" drill. Meaning we had to have the ground dug right, have a flat dig with clean surface, and look for archaeological featurs. Aaand the last week of July one of our three archaeologist (four if you count our boss but he has to do mostly boss stuff, have meetings, sign papers, and so on) had his vacation days, a week before mine, so with just the two of us we had to bust our asses. One day I actually had to go back after work hours, once I eaten dinner, and stay for 3 more hours to try and catch up with the excavators (because the assholes in charge of the construction site, when there were two people staying there previous week - the buddy now on vacation days and a physical worker we hired for that week - had only one excavators, but that week they had another one free so they send that one too - with a person that didn't drive an excavator in 30 years, so he left the surface uneaven - giving me much more work to do!). But fortunately, the other site had ended that week, and for the last 2 days my other colleague was able to come and help out.

And then, on Friday, at 3 pm, I get a call. Turns out one of our "usual" sites we supervises, in the city center, was closed. Apparently somebody from the office of conservation came by, and she spotted mediaval walls and cesspool exposed, with no archaeologist on the site, so she stopped everything and we had to write a report about this.

So, we got pissed, because I was on that site last week, and my colleague 2 days ago, and we knew this was just a playground, they only dig about 20 centimeters deep, and they were supposed to call us when they would dig deeper. It was literally impossible to find medieval walls or cesspool at such depth in this city! (okay, maybe it would be possible, depending on the exact location, but exremely unlikely!). To make it worse, since I had seen the most of that place the week before, I would most likely have to write a report DURING MY VACATION DAYS!

Fortunately, we talked with our boss, and agreed that something was not right with this situation, but considering the time, none of us wanted to go all the way to the city center and see this. So we agreed that on Monday, my first day of vacation, I would go with the colleague and an architecture historian we often worked with in our company to the site and see what the exact situation was, then we would discuss the rest.

Nobody was happy about this situation, least of all myself, but what can you do, that's life. So I - and everybody else - spend entire weekend being pissed off at the lady from the office of conservation, believing she was make a big commotion out of nothing. Fortunately, I was going to our office to turn in my company car (too busy to do that on Friday and I wasn't traveling anywhere), and our office was about 15 minute walk away from this site, so I wasn't too upset at this part, I was more concerned about the raport thing. Anyways, so, I go to the site, the other guys were supposed to arrive 10 and 30 minutes after me respectively, I get there...

... and I see over 10 meter long, 4 meter wide, and 3 FUCKING METER DEEP HOLE IN THE GROUND!

Do... do you have any idea how fucking stupid this was? This was the city center, a district called "Old Town", within a city that's over 1000 year old, with this specific part being within the city limit since 13th century. And those assholes dug a three meter deep hole without informing any archaeologist! And even better, after they finished digging, and discovered a medieval wall, wooden construction of a cesspool and a FUCKING 12 century road, they construction worked put a gravel bed over the whole thing, covering the entire bottom of the trench!

Actually, no, what's "even better" about this was the fact that this place was directly between a tram station (the most popular along with busses means of public transport)... and the fucking Archaeological Institute I myself had studied at! The whole reason why this was discovered was because one of the doctors working and teaching - who specializes in medieval times no less - there was passing by and notice a gigantic hole in the ground within the Old Town and notified the office of conservation!

Words cannot describe just how... IDIOTIC this was.

I went over to the workers to talk with them briefly, then I went over to the trench and just... sat beside it, with my head burried in my hands, waiting for my colleague, because I was so overwhelmed by the sheer stupidity that I couldn't even start working.

Anyway, once everybody got there, we talked among ourselves, called our boss and the conservation office to agree on the course of action, and the next day archaeological excavation would start there. I was free to go enjoy my vacation days, and I, fortunately, didn't have to write any report, because, since there will be further work done there, and my colleague would be doing most if it, it made more sense for him to write the whole thing. Maybe it was a bit of a dick move on my part to just leave it all to him, but he didn't mind.

So I went to enjoy my time off, and when I got back after 2 weeks... they were still working over there. Meaning that colleague was now tied to that place most of the time and I had to cover some of the sites he supervised, and if I had time left go over and help them (which I didn't, the only time I went there was to pick something up from them and then I needed to hurry elsewhere). And after that terribly busy week... said colleague was going on his vacation days for two weeks, and now me and the remaining colleague had to split his sites between us AND I had to now stay on that site most of my time (the other guy was still working on the site from before my vacations).

And just to make things works, the remaining colleague needed to take 4 days off due to health problems that first week, so everything fell on me.

The only reason why that was REMOTELY possible was because it was raining like crazy the first 2 days, so we couldn't work on that site anyway.

Anyway, we somehow managed to hold everything together, and after two weeks the colleague returned from vacations, and he took over there, and this very week they finally wrapped up there (I HOPE! I talked with him briefly on Friday and they were supposed to finish on Thursday but I didn't have the time to ask).

So yeah, last month was horrible.

Now look, don't get me wrong. Normally, I would be excited to excavate such place. Sure, it's requires more work and it's a bit nervous to know the office of conservation will be keeping an eye on you, but still, it's fun to make actual discoveries. But I DO NOT enjoy having such an overload of work, having to work on such site while there's about a thousand other places I have to visit around the city; heck, around the entire region!

Anyway, that's the exciting part of relating to my work, now gonna talk briefly about why this week, despite being finally free of that place, was also terrible for me. There's a fun part on Friday.

Okay, so, Monday, nothing too terrible happened at work, at least nothing I can immediately recall, so day like everyday. Except when I got back home, my mom and did some cleaning in my room because we were about to move around the flat some furniture between rooms. Aaaand my mom found a book... a book from a school library!

You know that stupid trope in some episodes, where you find after years something borrowed and since you try to be a good person you wanna return it but obstacles keep piling up? (Like that episode of MLP season 9?) Yeah, basically that!

I look at the stamp to find out which school this book was from (hoping it was my brother so it wouldn't be my problem; it was a book I had absolutely no recollection off, so I thought the chances were high, but NOPE). It was from my middle school. Now, for those of you who don't now, the educational system or whatever in Poland looked like this: 6 years of primary school, 3 years of middle school, and 3 years of high school. Why did I use past tense? Because it's no longer the case!

The assholes from the goverment, among the many awful things they had done in the last 6 years, had changed it back to the more common system of 8 years of primary school and 4 years of high school. Which, in itself is fine, I myself used to favor that idea back when I was in school, except those idiots made this change over the course of THREE YEARS! This is something that should be done for the next generation so the school and teachers could actually prepare but NOPE! And it's even more idiotic when you consider the assholes who form the current government voted FOR those changes to 6-3-3 system about 15 years earlier! But I digress...

Anyway, back to me. So, this book was from a school that no longer existed, a little complication. So I look up what's in that building now (it was borderline historical landmark, very beautiful building, so I knew it still stood), hoping they just combined with the high school adjacent to it. But no, they opened a new school there, a primary school... a PRIVATE primary school!

So at this point, I don't even know if I would be able to walk in without a problem, let alone if the library stayed the same which I think it wouldn't? Anyway, I still wonder if I should still try to do something about it, because at this point seems like there is nothing to do about it, and it's not like there would be any consequences for this.

(And as a fun fact: I was one of the dorks that would always read required reading, and yet I completely don't remember this particular book. Not just don't remember reading it, but that we had discussed it. So it must have been AMAZINGLY boring.)

On Tuesday I had a minor collision.

I was driving through this very narrow road, that should be one-way road in my opinion, and there was car coming a freaking van. So I hug to the right so we wouldn't collide (the other driver did not do me the same courtesy, despite having a drive-in to the residential area on his right, asshole), and I feel something and the car parked on my right had its alarm turned on. I stop and go over, and see the casing of the mirror was sticking out. And a guy came out, a friend of the husband of the car's owner, so we waited for the owner, discussing what should be done (first time this kind of situation happened to me). When the owner came out, we took another look, and then I just... pushed the casing back in and the mirror looked good as new. So overall, nothing happened, but still needed to write a statement and the woman was supposed to contact me if it would turn out she would need to get something repaired. Didn't hear from her so far, so hopefully she did not, but still, confirmation would be nice.

Wednesday was the only normal- ah, no. On Tuesday I found on one site something that looked suspiciously like an archaeological feature, so we made plans with one colleague to go over there on Wednesday morning and dig it out. Forunately my boss looked over the pictures and said that it was a very modern feature, meaning we didn't need to dig it, just document it and it would be fine. Still, had to go over there in the morning and it was pretty big and I have only a small, single hand-held hoe, so it took a while).

On Thursday, I:

helped this toad cross the road;

took this praying mantis out of the way of the excavator;

and saved this lizard out of a deep trench that it had no chance of escaping on its own.

And how was I rewarded by this animal saving hat-trick? On the last site of the day I found an archaological feature:ajbemused: I mean, it was small, it took me only an hour and a half to be done with it, which only about half an hour was actual digging, most of the work was documentation and discussing with boss what to do with this site, but still.


I drive in the morning to a demolition site. Since this was first site of the day, I had yet to change into my protective work boots. But since the place was supposed to be cleaned out of the debis (because how the hell was I supposed to document it otherwise) and I expected to be only ten minutes over there, I decided to stay in my normal shoes. So of course it turned out that the place still had debris almost everywhere, made the best pictures I could, discussed what to do about the spots covered by debris, and just when I was about to leave, I spotted a place that I hadn't yet made a picture, so I took about two steps towards it, and stepped on a nail.

So yeah, that hurt. Now, thankfully, it didn't go all the way through, only a very small part of it pierced my foot in fact, and even more fortunately, it did so in the forefoot, just below toes, and I happen to have weirdly tough skin on my foot to boot. So it didn't hurt THAT bad. I sat down, pulled the nail out, took off my shoe and sock, the owner of the place had a first aid kit so he gave me hydrogen peroxide to wash it (not the best for that bet it's not like I could walk to the drug store right then), a bandage... and I just drove off to the next two places I had to visit that day.

But yeah, obviously walking around started to grown more troublesome over time, and of course, since this was a rusted nail laying in the dirt I needed to get a tetanus shot, which I manage to arrange when I got back from work the same day. But it's all good now and walking isn't a problem, so it's just a minor discomfort.

Okay, so that's about it for this week. I mean, I could also mention how I stayed up late on Saturday writing, finally finishin the chapter on 6 am today, but that's more on me than fate :p

So, what I've been up to that wasn't making me wanna bash my head against the wall? I'm glad you asked!

Believe it or not, I stopped playing WoW. Yeah, between the absolute idiocy in retail story, the controversies that came up, and just plain ol' boredome after playing the game basically without a break since March, I grew tired of the game. I don't even play Classic anymore, which was what I've been doing through most of those 6 months. Of course, now that phase 2 of TBC Classic starts, I'm thinking about getting back to it, but I'm not quite sure yet.

So what I was playing? Well, first, because of the new Resident Evil mini-series on Netflix "Infinite Darkness" I grew interested in Resident Evil again (dunno if I mentioned but I played Resident Evil Village when it came out), and I played through Resident Evil 2 Claire's story (dunno if you remember but I mentioned once that I played only through Leon's story a while back), Resident Evil 3 (bought it some time ago when it was on sale, didn't play it until recently), aand since 4, 5 and 6 were on sale I got all three^^ So far I played through only 4, and wow, playing such an old good game was fun^^ I still have to finish Ada story there though, and of course 5 and 6. But by then I started to crave something else, so I played through Dead Space 1 and 2, finished Star Wars KotOR...

Played a bit of Crusader Kings III too, stared a new game, with ironmode on! It basically makes you unable to save game, aside from autosave when you leave. Yeah, until now, all those things I would brag about? I would save game whenever I would start a war or something and go back to the save if something bad would happen. But now I am unable too (on the plus side I can now earn achievements on Steam). Started as on of the Karolings again, tried to recreate Holy Roman Empire, but on my second character things went bad, I died in the war and my 12 year old son succeded me. A coalition of vassals formed against me and threatened to rebel if I wouldn't step down from the throne of East Francia. So I did because it was pointless to even try and fight them, was reduced to a duke of Bavaria, waited a few years to grow older, aaaand then:

Yep, with no saves or cheats, I reclaimed my throne, conquered a bit of other territories, subjucated northern Italy, and recreated the Holy Roman Empire^^ Later on I conquered entire Hungary (as the Holy Roman Empire, the sort of ancestor of European Union... I MIGHT have been pissed off about something the prime minister of Hungary had said on the news xD I mean, I generally don't like that borderline dictator who is "friends" with my asshole goverment, so...), more of Italy, parts of northern Africa, and I'm hoping to restore the Roman Empire, like I had done in CK2^^

But that's not all I've been playing^^

Remember my Platinum Nuzlocke run? Well, I've been coming back to it every now and then, slowly moving forward. It helped to motived me when I discovered another fun animation about a Nuzlocke run on youtube:

Tried to speed up recently, as I decided I'll get myself Nintendo Switch and one of the Diamond and Pearl remakes when they come out and try Nuzlocke run on THOSE^^ So now I am on my way to get 6th badge. I would like to tell you guys my current team, but, first...

... I need to mention the few losses I have suffered along the way:

- Solidsnake the Onix, level 21, named after Solid Snake from Metel Gear franchise. Died tragically in a double battle against Buizel when his stupid trainer though both of his Pokemon would be faster than Buizel and kill it.
- Gaia the Grotle, level 26, my starter, named after Greek personification of Earth (because it was a female). Died tragically battling Fantina, the Ghost type gym.
-Leo the Luxio, level 24, named after Leo from the Jungle Emperor anime (eng. Kimba from Kimba the White Lion), died against one of the ghost trainers in that Ghost tower.
- Huan the Flareon, level 34, named after Huan the great wolfhound of Orome from Tolkien's Silmarilion, friend of Beren and Luthien. Yeah, I know, Flareon is basically the second worst Eeevolution, right after Glaceon. But when I evolved him, I still had an Electric type (Leo), Grass type (Gaia), Water type (still alive) and Psychic type (still alive), but I had NO Fire type, so I figured despite his awful stats and movepool matchup he would do (and then I caught a Fire type). Died tragically when I got into a double battle which started with a very unfortunate typing for both my Pokemon, opponents were Raichu and Gyarados. I priorited killing Raichy to save my other Pokemon, but unfortunately Gyarados hit Huan with Aqua Tail and one-shotted him.
- Solaris the Ponyta, level 38, named after genderbent Princess Celestia. Died tragically against random trainer with a Machoke three levels before evolving into Rapidash.

Those are the unfortunate fallen of the run, most of which happened due to my stupidity. I hope I won't lose anybody else, but I'm barely half-way there. Now, my current team:

- Leviathan the Gyarados, level 37, named after biblical sea monster/Supernatual monster
- Samael the Gabite, level 36, named after Samael, the original name of Lucifer (at least, in the Lucifer tv show), aka the Devil, because of the joke Jaiden from Jaiden Animations made in her Platinum Nuzlocke animation, where she called Cynthia's Garchomp "made by Satan himself"
- Adam West the Crobat, level 36, named after the actor who played Batman in the sixties tv show and who unfortunately passed away a few years ago. I chose this name because, in the few Nuzlocke runs I attempted in the past, I would ALWAYS catch a Zubat and name it Bruce Wayne (strangely I always caught males), and they would all die before I could evolve them into Golbat. So this time decided to pick a different name, aaaand it worked.
- Epsilon the Porygon2, level 38, named after AI program from Red vs Blue (I have N3DS and NDS with almost all 4th gen games, so evolving through trading isn't a problem)
- Deli the Gallade, level 37, named after Deliverance from Infinite Potential, because when I caught it as a Ralts it skipped my mind somehow that I could turn it into Gallade and thought it would become a Gardevoir, and Deliverance looks very feminine despite being male (which is something you can thank one of my editors, TimePrincess, for, btw).
- Vasto Lord the Dusknoir, level 37, newest addition to replace Solaris who was meant to replace Huan (because it can learn Fire Punch), named after Vasto Lorde, a class of Hollow from Bleach anime.

Lastly, a few back-ups I already have prepared to take a spot if I get somebody killed again, and two honorable mentions:
- Jack the Togetic, level 27, named after Jack from Supernatural; Jack is a nephilim, son of Archangel Lucifer, and Togetic was given to me as an Egg by Cynthia who, again, has a Pokemon made by Satan according to Jaiden Animations. On the bench because you can't get the stone to evolve it into Togekiss until after 6th gym badge if no later and I'm afraid I will get it killed as it is. When I finally evolve it I'll probably swap Jack for Adam West.
- He-Man the Machamp, level 28, named after He-Man from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Revelations (because I highly enjoyed the series and was annoyed to see the reaction of 40 year old men to the show -_-). On the bench because Gallade is better, basically.
- Jagienka the Bibarel, level 17, named after a character from one of the best novels from Poland, "The Knights of the Cross"; she helps the main character hunt beavers because their fat would help cure his uncle... or something along those lines I read that thing in middle school so about 15 years ago. HM slave.
- Mallory the Starly, level 4, named after Mallory Archer from Archer tv show... because she named her son Sterling and it's kinda like starling and that's the animal this Pokemon is based on? Defog HM slave.

So yeah, that's the current state of my Nuzlocke, I hope I'll manage to complete this run before the remakes come out^^

The last noteworthy game I've been playing is... Elder Scrolls^^

When I mentioned to my editor TimePrincess some time ago that I was growing distant from WoW, she suggested I try Elder Scrolls Online. At first I was reluctant, not wanting to start ANOTHER online game so soon, but eventually youtube algorithm suggested a trailer for one of the many expansions to that game, aaaand in it... I saw a necromancer and I was sold :twilightsheepish: I like necromances and not every game allows you to play as one. Plus, at the time, Elder Scrolls Online was on sale^^

So I got it and player around a bit, enjoyed the game, but just before I was about to finish the first Dominion area, for some reason PS Network broke down and I couldn't play that day. Soooooo... I went on Steam and bought myself Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion!

... then spend most of the next two days installing mods to make the game playable :twilightsheepish: Fortunately TimePrincess was kind enough to send me a link to videos suggesting how to do that correctly, and everything is working out. So despite having ESO back I tried out Oblivion, just to make sure everything was running smoothly... aaaaand I've been playing like 15 hours now. Yeah, I honestly enjoyed Oblivion, game from 2006, more than ESO, though admittedly I haven't played the game very far, I'm sure when I return to it I will love it too.

As for Oblivion, believe it or not, I never really played it before. I only tried it for like an hour when I was in high school went I learned about it from my classmates... because we briefly talked about Fallout 3 and they all scoffed, telling me that it's basically Oblivion with guns (which strangely wasn't the dumbest fucking thing they said; don't get me wrong, I said a lot of dumb shit in high school and elsewhere, too, but that's just fucking dumb statement, and the even more dumb one was so dumb that it haunts me to this day! I have to rememeber to bring it up next time we all meet up...). Anyway, I tried, and wasn't too impressed, mostly because of the graphics, which thankfully the mods had fixed.

Anyway, playing both games as Khajit, because I like cat people, wish they had cat paws instead of normal feets (Khajit from ES have no paws, Worgen from WoW have no tails... what is it with fantasy games and not letting me be a full furry?! :derpytongue2:). If I ever play Morrowing (ES III) I might try something else, maybe Dark Elf or Argonian.

I also played Fallout 76, too, finally caught up with all the content. Enjoyed the Reign of Steel, reminded me of Resident Evil^^ I very briefly returned to Fallout 3 but quickly grew bored of it because I played through the beginning like a hundred times.

As for TV shows I watched Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness, as I mentioned, and He-man and the Masters of the Universe: Revelations, enjoyed both and laughed when online articles compared the 40 year of men's reaction to how little kids reacted when Optimus Prime died in his movie xD

I also finally watched BNA on Netflix, a short series but very fun, found a quote that would amazingly fit Angel in Infinite Potential so don't be surprised if you see me use it :p

Been catching up on the Owl House, which, btw, is a Disney show that now has the lead character in an LGBTQ+A relationship with one of the other main characters! Oh, I can't wait for the rest of the season^^

Finally watched Archer season 11 and now starting season 12, having lots of fun as usual^^

Okay, that's all... that's a LOT, wow. Do people actually read my entire blog posts?


Comments ( 8 )

Woo! It's back, nice to see you're okay.

dude you work in archaology? that's awesome!

"So I hope you forgive me that it took so long, again, and I hope that I still manage to write two more Infinite Potential chapters this year SOMEHOW!"
Aye, sorry about the difficulties, and good luck with the writing!

(As for your mention of playing games, though, ow, yeah, one of the reasons I'm so behind myself right now is that earlier today I decided to take a short break and play a bit of Railroad Tycoon 2 before getting back to my queue. Well, I guess six hours is still short compared to quite a few things, but notably not particularly compared to the amount of time I actually had in mind.)

"... and I see over 10 meter long, 4 meter wide, and 3 FUCKING METER DEEP HOLE IN THE GROUND!"
...What the hay sort of playground are they building there?

"Do... do you have any idea how fucking stupid this was?"
I am guessing that, in your expert opinion, it's even more than my amateur estimate, and that's already not exactly at negligible levels.

"and discovered a medieval wall, wooden construction of a cesspool and a FUCKING 12 century road, they construction worked put a gravel bed over the whole thing, covering the entire bottom of the trench!"
...Yeeeep. Yep, that is indeed much worse than I'd thought.

"Actually, no, what's "even better" about this was the fact that this place was directly between a tram station (the most popular along with busses means of public transport)... and the fucking Archaeological Institute I myself had studied at!"
Okay, why did they think this was a good idea? Do you know? I hope that that's revealed further down in the blog post, because I very much want to know why someone thought that this was a good idea.

Oh, glad you got out of writing the report during your vacation, though.
And glad your colleague didn't mind having it all put on them. :D
Though, even as a non-archaeologist, the stuff down there does sound interesting. A medieval wall, surviving wooden construction, and a twelfth century road, in one place, and that's just what's already been uncovered?
...Though, mind you, it does occur to me that I'm saying this as a born American citizen, and the old saying comes to mind: A European thinks a hundred kilometers is a long way, and an American thinks a hundred years is a long time. So from what else you say about the area, maybe that collection is a lot less remarkable there.
But still. Sounds cool to me at least. :)

Ah, sorry so much work did fall on you, though.

Ah, and looks like the reason for the hole isn't in the blog post. Oh well.
Though I suspect someone else also had a bad time as a result of that. After all, this was supposed to be, I assume, a nice simple construction job for a playground, but because someone had the bright idea to dig a giant hole on the site, the entire place got shut down for weeks for archaeology. That someone might have received something of a talking-to, I expect(/hope).

regarding schooling arrangements:
Interesting. Where I grew up, which as far as I know was pretty normal for the USA, I had six years of elementary school (kindergarten and grades 1-5) and three years of middle school (grades 6-8), but four years of high school (grades 9-12).
(Though from a bit of research now, it looks like some areas of the United States might consider kindergarten a type of preschool, whereas in the area I grew up it was counted as part of the regular school system and preschool was an optional thing for even younger children. I'm low on time so didn't do particularly extensive research just now, though.)
...This seems to also be something of a digression, off your digression, though, yes. :D

As for what to do, well, presumably if the book is still that boring even to adult you, you don't want to keep it. Maybe try just mailing it to the school, and let them figure out what to do with it? I don't know how good of an idea that'd be, but it seems like it could be an option.

Good luck on the collision aftermath front.

I imagine Fluttershy would approve of you helping those animals. :)

And, aye, you mentioned the nail in the PM, but still, ow again, and sorry.

Oh, whew, glad it was actually only a very shallow stab, though.

Ah, and glad it seems to be healing/have healed well.

Oh, regarding WoW, by the way, this... sort of fanfic (it's a fanwork, definitely, but not exactly a narrative story) recently started, and it's struck me as interesting so far:
I thought I'd share it, when you mentioned the game just now, in case you might find it interesting.

Heh, congratulations on that HRE. :D
I imagine some of those vassals may have regretted siding against this twelve-year-old who surely won't amount to much of anything...
Ah, good luck on making it the Roman Roman Empire, too, then! :D

"named after Leo from the Jungle Emperor anime (eng. Kimba from Kimba the White Lion)"
...Hm... ...Sorry, what does "eng." mean there? I'm not thinking of anything.

And sorry about your losses there.

Good luck with that goal!

"I like necromances and not every game allows you to play as one."
Oh, hm, another potential story recommendation, then:
Again, don't know for sure if you'd enjoy it, but I thought I'd let you know of its existence just in case. :)

"As for Oblivion, believe it or not, I never really played it before."
Heh, I think the only Elder Scrolls game I've played was a very small bit of Daggerfall. As I recall, I got out of the starting dungeon and to a town, and that was about it.

"what is it with fantasy games and not letting me be a full furry?!"
Heh, sorry. :)

I've been playing New Vegas again some recently and enjoying it, myself. I did take a long break from it before this playthrough, though.
(And I just generally don't seem to have all that much time to game.)

I'm glad that you seem to be finding some good things to watch, sounds like.

"Okay, that's all... that's a LOT, wow. Do people actually read my entire blog posts?"
Whew. Yes, and yes.


It's not as glamorous job as everybody seems to think, but thank you^^

"Aye, sorry about the difficulties, and good luck with the writing!"

"(As for your mention of playing games, though, ow, yeah, one of the reasons I'm so behind myself right now is that earlier today I decided to take a short break and play a bit of Railroad Tycoon 2 before getting back to my queue. Well, I guess six hours is still short compared to quite a few things, but notably not particularly compared to the amount of time I actually had in mind.)"
Huh, never really heard of Railroad Tycoon, I'm guessing this one is about building railroads?

"...What the hay sort of playground are they building there?"
Ah, didn't exactly used the right word there :twilightsheepish: I mean, the Polish version of the word "playground" kinda first there too, which is why I wrote it like this, but it's more of a "backyard" or "sandlot" I guess... um, just space between buildings with pavement roads, grass, trees, benches, et cetera. And that hole is supposed to be for some kind of trash containers.

"Okay, why did they think this was a good idea? Do you know? I hope that that's revealed further down in the blog post, because I very much want to know why someone thought that this was a good idea."
I still don't understand why they didn't call us to inform that they were about to start digging. We kept reminding them (as they actually started to work on that place in general - removing pavement and putting electrical cables - almost a month earlier without informing us) and my colleague was there 2 days before that happened. I can just assume that they forgot or thought somebody else was gonna call (like, the digger thought his boss was gonna call, boss thought the investor would call, et cetera).

"...Though, mind you, it does occur to me that I'm saying this as a born American citizen, and the old saying comes to mind: A European thinks a hundred kilometers is a long way, and an American thinks a hundred years is a long time. So from what else you say about the area, maybe that collection is a lot less remarkable there.
But still. Sounds cool to me at least. :)"
Yeah, I figure there would be some differences between how this place would be viewed. Don't get me wrong, it's still an important discovery as this side of the Old Town was barely ever researched archeoligically, but such finds pup out every now and then over here.

"Ah, sorry so much work did fall on you, though."

"Ah, and looks like the reason for the hole isn't in the blog post. Oh well.
Though I suspect someone else also had a bad time as a result of that. After all, this was supposed to be, I assume, a nice simple construction job for a playground, but because someone had the bright idea to dig a giant hole on the site, the entire place got shut down for weeks for archaeology. That someone might have received something of a talking-to, I expect(/hope)."
Ah, that's what you meant earlier. No no, the hole was planned from the beginning and we knew they would dig it up, that's why we kept telling them to inform us when they will know that they will be starting to dig, as we would need to be there because it would be very likely something like THAT would happen.
And yeah, there's some investigation going on, but it will probably end with the guilty party (probably constructors) paying a fine.
On the plus side we got a new story to scare people on our other sites so they wouldn't do similar shit (it became quite famous around the city for a bit)^^... and on the minus side, because of that story we had clients asking us to stay longer at their sites and even sign in in the construction log (archaeologist don't need to, there isn't any law saying that we have to sign in too).

"Interesting. Where I grew up, which as far as I know was pretty normal for the USA, I had six years of elementary school (kindergarten and grades 1-5) and three years of middle school (grades 6-8), but four years of high school (grades 9-12).
(Though from a bit of research now, it looks like some areas of the United States might consider kindergarten a type of preschool, whereas in the area I grew up it was counted as part of the regular school system and preschool was an optional thing for even younger children. I'm low on time so didn't do particularly extensive research just now, though.)"
Huh, I see. I always assumed almost all of the West used the 8-4 format.

"As for what to do, well, presumably if the book is still that boring even to adult you, you don't want to keep it. Maybe try just mailing it to the school, and let them figure out what to do with it? I don't know how good of an idea that'd be, but it seems like it could be an option."
Well, my mom said she would like to read it, but still... the problem is that I have no idea how the school would react, if that was my old school I could maybe even get away with this as there would be a low chance that same library lady would be working there (yeah, it's been 15 years but I don't remember her age, so she could have still worked there) and she would know me well as I would spend my class' religion lesson there (we had religion lessons even before this pseudo-catholic goverment took power, just so you have the picture about society here; as thankfully my parents never made me join church, I never attented those, and would go to library or stuff. In middle school they actually tried to send kids like me to other classes' lesson about civics I think, but after the teacher - who of course wasn't' informed about it until I walked it - spend like 10 minutes of the class to ask me why I didn't attend religion lesson I decided to screw that and would stay in locker rooms until they decide to let us back into library), so maybe I could solve this matter "quietly" with just paying some fine, hopefully not too big one.

"Good luck on the collision aftermath front."
Thanks, the lady still didn't call yet, I'll probably have to remind her of myself.

"I imagine Fluttershy would approve of you helping those animals. :)"
Aw, thanks^^

"And, aye, you mentioned the nail in the PM, but still, ow again, and sorry.

Oh, whew, glad it was actually only a very shallow stab, though.

Ah, and glad it seems to be healing/have healed well."
Thanks^^ Still bothers me when I put weight on that spot but only a little.

"I thought I'd share it, when you mentioned the game just now, in case you might find it interesting.
Thanks, I will give it a look when I have the time (at this point it's more a question of "if" than "when" though, actually :twilightsheepish:)

"Heh, congratulations on that HRE. :D
I imagine some of those vassals may have regretted siding against this twelve-year-old who surely won't amount to much of anything...
Ah, good luck on making it the Roman Roman Empire, too, then! :D"
Yeah, I played around with the idea of killing them all off, but honestly most of them were already dead, including the guy who took over (which is why I was able to become the king again, I formed my own faction to install me as king because they didn't like the guy's son), so I let them life.

"And sorry about your losses there."
I actually already lost two more :facehoof: Vasto Lord the Dusknoir and Samael the Gabite. Not only another loss, but it really upset the team format, with one being defensive wall and the other a heavy hitter (after it would evolve), not to mention the typing balance. But I already have plans...

"Good luck with that goal!"

"Oh, hm, another potential story recommendation, then:
Again, don't know for sure if you'd enjoy it, but I thought I'd let you know of its existence just in case. :)"
Thanks, I will check it out too^^

"Heh, I think the only Elder Scrolls game I've played was a very small bit of Daggerfall. As I recall, I got out of the starting dungeon and to a town, and that was about it."
I was actually thinking about giving Daggerfall a try too at some point, as both it and the first game are free on Bethesda website, though I would imagine the graphics aren't exactly great xD Still, I do know that this is the only game in the series with not censored version of biography of Morrowind's Queen :derpytongue2:, the three next games have a version that was censored, and that is a plus for me :rainbowlaugh:
Anyway, I highly recommend giving Oblivion a try, provided you get the mods installed it can compete with modern games.

"Heh, sorry. :)"
I mean, it just seems weird that there don't some to be games with a proper anthropomorphic character, there's always something off with them.

"I've been playing New Vegas again some recently and enjoying it, myself. I did take a long break from it before this playthrough, though.
(And I just generally don't seem to have all that much time to game.)"
Ah yeah, I recall you mentioning that you started another run, glad that you're enjoying it^^

"I'm glad that you seem to be finding some good things to watch, sounds like."
Yep, pity there is so much of it though and that there are so much games to play, books to read and stories to write, too. I have like 3 more shows I've been trying to start, Beastars, Kippo, Amphibia just from the top of my head. Eh:ajsleepy:

"Whew. Yes, and yes."
Aw, thanks^^

Hey my man, I'm making a FOE game, would you like your character in it?


Business and railroad simulation, yes. A bit more towards the business side than the railroad side than I might prefer, but on the other hand, my imagination has gotten a lot of inspiration for the latter from the game.
If you're interested, it looks like a copy is only ~6 USD on GoG.
No obligation, of course, and I don't know how well it would fit your tastes.
(Honestly, while I've gotten enjoyment from the game directly, quite possibly over 50% of my overall enjoyment from the game has been from things outside it.)

Ahh, okay, thanks. Yeah, not what I was picturing.
(Though, one thing I'm finding a bit confusing: would "paved paths" be a better translation than "pavement roads"? Or, if not, what does that mean, please?)

Ah, thanks.
(Though my understanding of this, I believe, has been improved by a bit further down.)

Neat. :)


Oh! Okay, yes, thanks! My understanding from the blog post was that the hole came absolutely out of nowhere as far as any plans you'd ever been told of were concerned, and was furthermore ridiculously unnecessary for what was being built there.
Well, so not as bad as I thought, but still, sorry you had to deal with that.
Oh, and glad the story's useful to you that way, though. :)
Oh. Though sorry it's also causing you that trouble.

Interesting. Yeah, I have no idea what other countries use, sorry; I'm not even sure about all of my own country.
And just skimming around Wikipedia a bit, it looks like there's a lot of variation around the world.

Good luck, however that ends up working out.
(And sorry about those educational difficulties in your youth.)

I thought she'd only be calling you if it turned out there was an on going problem, or something like that? What do you need to remind her of; did I misunderstand, or misremember?


Glad it's getting better so well, it sounds like.

Ah, sorry about that. Good luck with getting time, whether you use that time to check the story out or not!

Ah, well, I guess from one perspective it worked out okay for them, then.

Ah, sorry.
Good luck with those plans!



I think I tried Daggerfall because I found a free copy that'd run in DOSBox; I don't recall whether Bethesda had released a free version yet. And the graphics, from what I recall, are a bit old, yeah.

"Still, I do know that this is the only game in the series with not censored version of biography of Morrowind's Queen :derpytongue2:, the three next games have a version that was censored, and that is a plus for me :rainbowlaugh:"
Huh. What's going on there?
(I don't know much about Elder Scrolls lore.)

"Anyway, I highly recommend giving Oblivion a try, provided you get the mods installed it can compete with modern games."
Well, thanks for the recommendation -- but I don't have all the time I want for the games I already have, so... probably not going to be trying this one any time soon, if at all. Sorry.
(Likewise, I hope it's alright that I skipped most of the video. I think that you were probably just providing it in case I found it useful and/or interesting and wanted to watch it, but just in case, sorry.)

...Hm. Yeah, I'm not sure what's going on there.
Though, don't at least some of the pandaren PC options in WoW have tails and paws both? It's been a bit, and I don't know if those dim memories are correct or not. (And I'm low on time, sorry.)

Thanks. :)
Yeah, in this run (though I'm afraid I don't recall what I've mentioned to you about it before) I did Old World Blues right after hitting Nipton the first time, then I headed up and did Come Fly With Me, cleared the Legion out of Nelson, and did some things around Camp Forlorn Hope, then I did Dead Money, cleared out Cottonwood Cove, fixed up Helios 1, negotiated with the Khans at Boulder City, and left off most recently just after picking up Veronica at the trading post. I'm planning, whenever I next get around to playing, to head to Red Rock Canyon and kick the Legion out of there, too, and then I'm thinking of heading to the Strip via Camp McCarran, if I have enough reputation after also doing some Legion-kicking there.
...In case you couldn't tell, this is not a Legion run. :D I'm also planning to introduce Caesar to my laser pistol, or possibly sonic emitter, right after he finishes listing all the ways I've caused him trouble, but that's farther out.
Going pretty slowly, though...

"Yep, pity there is so much of it though and that there are so much games to play, books to read and stories to write, too."
Hahahaha oh yes aaaaaargh. And I'm not even including much in the way of shows to watch or stories to write in that, but, just, so much to read, and sure better than having too little to read, but... well. It feels like I have so little time to do things, most of the time.
Anyway, good luck sorting your own scheduling out.


(Oh, though did you miss the "eng." question? Sorry.)

Sorry for the long reply, been without a laptop for most of the past 2 weeks then was busy :twilightsheepish: And sure, sounds like a fun idea^^

Ah, I see. I might try out it at a later date, for now my calender is packed full. Wrapping up Platinum Nuzlocke, and with October coming up gonna play horror games, just got into Elder Scrolls, and everything also was put on hold last week because in my home city we had celebrations of 200 years of Greece independence (Independence Day was on March, but the festivities got moved due to Covid; also, Poland and this region especially had a lot of Greek refugees from the Civil War, like my grandparents, hence those celebrations) which inspired me to celebrate in my own way: by installing back Assasin's Creed: Odyssey and finishing all remaining side quests, getting all achievements (got 100%^^) and buying the DLCs :rainbowlaugh:

Hm, I think I meant just pavement, or sidewalk I guess? Um, this:


Yeah sorry, should have mentioned that it was planned in the blog :twilightsheepish:

I see^^


I believe we had agreed that she would let me know if she would go get the car to car mechanic or not, but admittedly she might have understood just to let me know if there would be a problem. That being said, I am a bit paranoid, so until I will have confirmation that everything is alright I will be expecting hearing from my boss that he got notified from his insurance about that woman repairing her car or something.


Well, the Elder Scroll have a bunch of books explaining the story of this world, which spreads over about several hundreds of years, maybe more. The first few games happen near the end of Second Age, Skyrim takes place several hundreds years later, and then Elder Scrolls Online takes place in the past, in the First Age (I think, don't know the lore too well). Anyway, the Real Story of Morrowind's Queen (can't remember her name) had a short sex scene that got "censored by the church" almost all of the games, with Daggerfall being the only one which have the uncensored version xD

Oh no worries, I myself have about, off the top of my head, about 10 games to play, and yeah, posted that video just in case (also so I can find it easy now that I got my laptop back and need to go through the whole process again as my disc got formatted).

Ah yeah, Pandaren have both paws and tails (except those are bears' tails, so almost none existant... except for female models that have brown-white fur, who have like a racoon tails. I dunno why, I guess because they resemble the Red Panda species instead of Giant Panda?), as well as Vulpera's. But wolf-like Worgen are a more "iconic" furry-like race, you know?

Sounds nice^^
Heh, amusingly my next run of FNV will probably be Legion run, in turn. Assuming I wouldn't do the Frontier mod first. Have a "character" I wanna "test out", plus I've been thinking about completing Steam achievements (obviously I never finished the game on Legion side before).

Yeah xD Thanks, good luck to you too^^

Ah right, overlooked that one when writing the previous reply. Basically, what "eng." meant was that the English name of "Jungle Emperor Leo" is "Kimba the White Lion". As far as I'm aware, every incarnation of the show (I think there were at least 3 different versions of the show, with first being in the sixties and last in '89) when it got translated into English was renamed to "Kimba the White Lion" (and the main character Leo was renamed Kimba).

No problem. I very definitely understand having a full queue, especially at the moment. Aaaaargh...
Good luck with that gaming!
Heh. Well, I hope that the celebrations went well in general. :)

Ah, yes, just a paved path, looks like; I'd not call that a sidewalk, since it's not be the side of a road or street and running along it, and definitely would not call it a road itself, I think.
Thanks for the clarification!

"Yeah sorry, should have mentioned that it was planned in the blog :twilightsheepish:"
Heh, sorry, but, yeah, that does kind of change the picture somewhat. :)
(Though they still, of course, should have indeed let you know ahead of time, it's not nearly as ridiculous a situation. :D)

"I believe we had agreed that she would let me know if she would go get the car to car mechanic or not, but admittedly she might have understood just to let me know if there would be a problem. That being said, I am a bit paranoid, so until I will have confirmation that everything is alright I will be expecting hearing from my boss that he got notified from his insurance about that woman repairing her car or something."
Ah, righto; good luck there, then.

re the censorship explanation:
Ah, thanks for the explanation.

Ah, thanks and thanks. :)
And good luck with reinstalling those mods yourself!

I don't know much about the "Vulpera" ("Vulperas"?); I think they came in after I left. But yeah, wolves are somewhat more common than pandas, as far as I know and have seen. :)

Yeah, I've been having fun. :)
No idea when I might next get time to play again, though... sigh. (I haven't played any of that since the comment you're replying to here, either, as I recall.)
Good luck with that run, then, and have fun! I've got some potential seeds for ideas for future characters, but, well, see above about finding time to even finish this playthrough.
(And I think I've done... three Legion runs? Though one of them was in the early period of me playing, when I was more just figuring the game out than doing a lot of more involved roleplaying, so I think that character was pretty flat. The other two I'm recalling were a Good Natured character who'd also visited Big Mountain early on and decided to use its technology to set herself up as the benevolent goddess-queen of what the Legion would become, hoping that the good she could do with that power would outweigh the harm done to get it, and a tribal whose tribe had gotten on the wrong side of the NCR and who saw the Legion as her best route for both revenge and advancement based on personal strength and skill in battle (I believe, in roleplaying, I had her convince Caesar not to dissolve the Great Khans, which she'd become heir to, but instead to make them a special forces unit.). There was also an incomplete playthrough (I don't recall what happened to cause it, but I didn't play for so long that I found I'd lost the thread) that was involving a lot of work for the Legion but was ultimately going to go, as I recall, independent right at the last opportunity, with the character driving out both the Legion and the NCR, giving Caesar a copy of the Ten Books on Architecture and telling him something about building his own great city instead of settling on a corpse, or something like that, and then leaving the Mojave with the Great Khans, because she found life with them suited her (I don't recall what that character's origins were).
On the other end of things, I once played a Good Natured Idealistic-NCR character who, as I recall, walked up to Caesar without being very overpowered, chucked some grenades she'd snuck in at him (successfully blowing him up), and ran for her life. Made it out (and successfully brought the Mojave into the NCR and made both better in the process, I think, and in imagined-expansion eventually became President of the NCR herself, as I recall), but I think that was perhaps the most idealistically anti-Legion thing my characters have done.)

Hah, thanks, aye! There are much worse problems to have, I remind myself. :)

Ah, thanks!

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