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Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, Occasional Singer

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My Little Pony Movie News 09/21/2021 · 1:13pm Sep 21st, 2021

Rolling, rolling, rolling! Rolling, rolling, rolling, RAWHIDE!!!!

GOOD MORNING, FIMFICTION FANATICS!!! This is the Dramamaster829; Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, and Occasional Singer, keeping you up to date with the latest news for the Generation 5 Movie and beyond! Earlier yesterday, I only just released a blog discussing the Vanessa Hudgens number which she is slated to perform during the release of the upcoming movie this week. And only around that same time, turns out that some additional screenshots (As well as some surprise footage) ended up releasing around that same time. And naturally... soon as I learned there was a lot more going on, naturally I handled the news very well.


*Massages head* Well... maybe not as 'well' as I prefer...

Anyways, for today we're going to share and discuss some of the latest screenshots just released for the upcoming feature. Not only are these images offer some of the most beautifully designed backdrops we have had the pleasure of witnessing, but they definitely give us some idea as far as what we can expect for the upcoming movie. Spoiler warning to all my followers: If for any reason you do not 'wish' to have a look at some of these pictures, not that they give 'too much' away (Save for 'one'), please feel free to skip this blog at this time. But to those brave enough to embark on this journey with me through another blog highlighting what are sure to be some tremendous scenes from the movie, hold your breath, make a wish, and count to three...

Because now, we begin with this beautiful landmark footage of Equestria under Luna's shiny night...

Oh this is the night, it's a beautiful night...

Really, Dramamaster...?

I can't help it; my shipping instincts kicked in when I first saw this... *Clears throat* Anyways, based on the use of this scene for the movie, we are led to suspect that this happens at some point during Sunny & Izzy's traveling montage sequence for the movie. After traveling many days and nights trying to reach the Pegasus Kingdom, Zephyr Heights, this sequence leads us to suspect that at this point they are nearing the entrance to the kingdom hidden somewhere in the mountains. Now many fans have begun to think that what we are seeing is a more 'advanced' kingdom which was formerly Canterlot, if we are to believe that with all the nods to G4 then this could merely be an old landmark of a previous Equestria location. Though that may prove difficult as its castle itself neither resembles what Canterlot castle used to be (According to other images) or the kingdom itself seems much higher than previously.

And in speaking of the use of the montage sequence...

We'll be a million miles away, leave everything behind...

I 'really' don't understand why everyone suggests their a couple, when there's no harm in being friends.

Says every jerk I've known who always hated the Scootaloo's aunts reveal... *Clears throat* If that last photo was to indicate the end of the montage sequence, then it is likely that 'this' is where the journey starts for these ponies shortly after running away from Maretime Bay (And likely avoiding an angry mob). Based on some of the other trailers, either Sunny is still coming to terms with the fact that Izzy and her kind are unable to use her magic or Sunny is coming up with a plan of getting to Zephyr Heights to find out if they know the answer to the missing magic. Which is likely to lead into that 'one' song that was aforementioned for the upcoming video, which leads to suggest it's either a duet between the mares... or just one of those songs where a singer performs in the background as they make the journey to the Pegasi's home together.

Course, I still cannot believe that they still named a kingdom after one of the laziest characters I've ever seen in my life...

Hey, mama!!!



TOO BAD, YOU LAZY BUM!!!! *Takes a deep breath* What's next?

You have my horn... and you have my wingss... and my social influence!!!


*Straightens up* As we can see, based on the landscape of the surrounding area and the position of the sun, we can suspect that this scene follows the jewel heist which somehow leads to the Pegasi sisters joining the group (Likely after being convinced if they bring the jewels together, they get their flight back). This would ultimately lead to Hitch Trailblazer ultimately joining the group, though initially coming this far if only to (Reluctantly) arrest Sunny not only for harboring a unicorn in her house, but running off with said 'dangerous' unicorn...

Or he's just jealous because a ton of fans like their 'chemistry'...

*Frowns in annoyance* Thankfully, we can imagine that Sunny and her friends made some form of deal to convince Hitch not to cut their adventure short (At least not just yet). Being that Sunny and Hitch have reportedly been close friends since they were wee little ponies, Hitch would only agree to tag along 'only' to ensure Sunny's safety since she does have a tendency for getting into a little trouble (And we have footage that proves it too). And on the other note, if Sunny has Hitch agree to go it's likely she added that if this venture turns out to be a waste of time she promises that she'll go back to Maretime Bay in custody on her own will and every pony else can go back to their regular dull lives in search for meaning.

Wow, that got a little deep there for a second... let's move on to something else!

The average audience reaction after their first viewing of the movie.

Based on all the mixed reactions from the group in question, it is possible that at this part of the story our heroes have likely found Izzy's home in Bridlewood, where Sunny suspects all the unicorns have resided in all this time. While we can see the excitement on Izzy's face in terms of being back home, if this be the entrance to Bridlewood itself, we can see the confusion upon all the other ponies from Sunny to Hitch and even the sisters. Either it's because the Bridlewood they've always been told of is nothing like they were informed of initially... or they have no idea what to make of the sight before them. If all else, what they are seeing is probably the dullest looking bunch of ponies than they've ever seen in their lives...

Well you're no bright apple yourself, sonny!

Though I can almost guarantee you faithful readers that Bridlewood's not all 'that' bad I'm sure. Why if we just look at the following images below, there's definitely some reason as to why the fans praise so heavily on the animation for this feature:

So this is Izzy's home?

I wonder if she's 'compensating' for something, wink-wink...

Since this is likely the first location they see prior to heading for Bridlewood itself, it all the more stands to reason how the Mane Five end up at Izzy's home just before venturing into the local village itself. This leads to some speculation that like Sunny, Izzy is a bit of a loner herself living as far off the grid as possible from the other unicorns where she can freely work her own 'crafts' and such. This way when the whole group comes together into Izzy's home, they are likely to concoct their plan of entering Bridlewood under the guise of unicorns so they can get one step close to claiming a 'jewel' that the unicorns supposedly keep.

Of course, what could possibly go wrong with their efforts to get the crystal from the unicorns?

Uh oh... we've been exposed...

I'm just going for the short and narrow answer that this likely occurs when Sunny gets too worked up in the dance fight against Alphabittle that her horn slips off in the midst of her big finish.

Shouldn't the group be surrounded by the other unicorns during that whole sequence?

I'm doing the best I can! I never said I was right! Kids...

As we reach the end of this blog, I feel it is only fair to warn everyone that this next image is likely going to be a MAJOR spoiler. If you don't want to look at this image, please just skip to the next paragraph:

The only thing I can really say about this without giving too much away is plain and simple...

You're making this WAY too real people! And I thought what they did with Numbuh Four that one episode was a head scratcher. So again, if you don't want to be spoiled, TRY not to look at the image covered in the spoiler text...

Who're you kidding? They're going to look anyway...

*Frowns, straightens up* As a special bonus to all our fans who've patiently followed along this blog by this point, we have yet another scene from the movie only instead of three minutes we are given thirty seconds (Or so). Yet more than enough footage that offers our leads' first introduction to the Pegasi, or at least 'Zipp' in this case.

Now a lot of fans have started a debate, well mostly 'arguing', how contradictory these sequence of events have fans believing Zipp Petals can fly when it's been pointed out the family has been using 'wires' to 'simulate' the illusion of flying (Especially towards the other non-flying Pegasi). What I am leading to speculate based on this scene alone is that what we as an audience are bearing witness to is not so much 'flight' per say, but well... let's just say this next video says it all:

Yes Jack... I can totally agree on that part. But to be fair, it's no wonder why Sunny & Izzy would initially think that Zipp is able to fly beforehand and probably are unaware that not only are the unicorns have no magic to operate with but the Pegasus species have lost their ability to fly (Whether the royal family care to admit it or not). And I just want to add, Izzy's reaction to when Zipp departs just as quickly as she appears is admittingly funny... at least until they are under arrest by those guards. And if Zipp's reason for being outside the kingdom is any indication, this more than backs up that statement of how despite the fact she's next in line to seize the throne Zipp would rather be outside wild and free.

Which would make us think that Zipp truly wants to be able to fly as she feels flying can still be part of her. To be off in the sky where she can go wherever she wants and be the pony she wants to be and strictly not based on some title she doesn't want. Which may lead us to believe that her character may have more to offer than we initially gave her credit for, but otherwise she still remains that one 'cool' pony that every group of friends needs.

I can live with that just fine.

Overall, as the days to wait grow shorter and shorter, every passing moment we are given a more clearer understanding as to what we are likely to witness when the movie airs at the end of the week. Course, it's been such a hassle having to avoid every other YouTube channel littered to the bone with spoilers just because they get to see it in their country before we do. And even if the excuse is, 'Not everybody has a Netflix account, I'm trying to help everyone out God Damn It...', to the man or woman trying to convince me with that argument that's the biggest load of donkey crap I've ever heard...

Wow... like I haven't heard that remark before...

*Pause* I am 'so' sorry... ANY WHO... I still believe in my heart that this movie can still be a worthwhile experience not only for myself but for all my faithful readers who've followed me on this journey. While this probably won't be the last of all the news in terms of the movie itself, my initial skepticism about the movie as a whole slowly drops after seeing that there is truly some amount of effort put into this feature. And while it's too early to say this might be, 'THE GREATEST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!!!', as long as we know the movie offers it's own charm, it offers its own cute moments for the new generation, and it can still be a fun experience even if it doesn't answer 'all' our questions right away, then it sounds like a worthwhile movie experience in my book.

But the bigger question remains: What do YOU think? Be sure to leave a comment below at your earliest convenience.

Until then faithful readers, this is the Dramamaster829... signing off!

Comments ( 7 )

I wanna see ittttttttttt! *glares at a calendar* You! Why must you torture meeeeeeeeeeeee!

Anyway, I have an idea how Hitch ends up coming:

Sunny: Oh Hitch, please come, please please please please pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

*Sunny gives puppy dog eyes and Izzy mimics her*

Hitch: Alright, alright, just stop that! *huffs* I'm too cool to submit to puppy dog eyes

Rest easy my faithful fan, we only have another three days before the movie comes out. Hell, you can wait till the clock strikes twelve in the morning if you want to see the feature so soon.

As far as that plan involving Hitch, I wouldn't put it past you if that's what it takes for Sunny to convince Hitch to tag along with her motley crew rather than dragging her flank back to Maretime Bay. Hitch may be the sheriff who follows the rules accordingly, but let's face it! He can't resist Sunny, probably has had this BIG crush on her for years, and only agrees to come along because deep down he finds her cute.

Even if he's skeptical over the belief that anything they do, mostly Sunny, will lead to a major change for the Equestria they know, at the very least he'd like to see this journey to the end... if only for 'her' sake.

Unfortunately that would depend on if it comes out Friday morning or night, as I have school. I may have to wait until Saturday to watch it on the big living room TV

All very true. I'm just waiting to see if he gets the gal or if, like Mr. E's Storm Shield, he just ends up pursuing her for years with no reaction.

Also, not sure if we've remarked on this before but that mountain screenshot made me wonder. We've seen a lot of shots of the group passing through seemingly empty land. But the three racially divided towns can't be the only ones, can they? Besides, even if they are, what about the ruins of the old towns? Fillydelphia, Appleloosa, Canterlot, Ponyville

Where did those towns go?

If we are to look at the surrounding regions of Maretime Bay, Bridlewood, and Zephyr Heights, what we are seeing is possibly only a 'tiny' fraction of the Equestria we know. Just like how our planet itself is but a 'tiny' speck in a ginormous universe with billions upon billions of stars which may or may not have life of their own. If there 'are' other towns in Equestria, specifically like the ones we are most familiar with, either they've been long abandoned during the great divide or they've gone through some drastic changes over the years. We'd need to consider what happened that was SO bad that ponies started splitting up and many other species disappeared as a result.

It's like with 'A Bug's Life' when they mentioned all the dangers that could occur to an Ant who leaves their island, yet they never 'once' mention Humans. And according to the 'Pixar Theory', by this point humans are nonexistent during this time period. So it's not to say any of the familiar locations or other species are 'gone' per say, they've probably just been lost in recording over the years.

As for whether Hitch ends up winning over Sunny, if not during the events of the movie, there's plenty of opportunities for him when the follow up series picks up where the movie ended.

A few more days left.

That's right... and this just in, a brand new blog will be installed later this morning.

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