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Quoth the raven: "CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW" (Patreon)

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  • 2 weeks
    And It's Row, Me Bully Boys; We're in a Hurry, Boys

    One of my Personal Principles when posting on this website is that I don't want to waste anyone's time; anything I write -- be it a blog, a story, or a comic -- has to add something to the reader's day. Maybe it'll be genuinely interesting, maybe it'll be a little essay on literature, or maybe it'll be straight up funny. Doesn't matter! It has to actively be worth the effor I ask of the

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    The Lens Through Which We See The World

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  • 15 weeks
    Quickdraw Blog. BANG!

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    The Good

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  • 27 weeks
    It Cuts Like a Knife; It Might Leave You Bleeding

    Story reviews are interesting because, sure, you can use them to know if a certain book will be the right one for you? But I feel they’re more useful when the review is in itself a tool to talk about storytelling in general. You review a book, but the book is a jumping-off point to discuss what it means to have good pacing; stuff like that.

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  • 33 weeks
    A Full Year of Only Mondays

    Good morning. This is, from my point of view, a comedy blog. From the point of view of my family and loved ones, it's a horror story.

    I'm so fucking back, baby. Hi, all. Did you miss me? I know I did.

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I am in love with what we are, not what we should be · 9:55pm Oct 18th, 2021

it's my birthday. Ish. I'm posting this at almost midnight, when it'll technically not be my birthday anymore, but in my defense -- I'm very busy. So here's a BUNCH of short comics! I've been trying to get better at short punchlines, literally just cause it's a fun challenge for myself, and that way I have something to do whenever I am not working on the next Big Comic, which is coming along nicely.

So, here you go. I hope you like them.

















Comments ( 55 )

Happy birthday

Link to my ko-fi, if you feel like tipping, thank you very much.

The short comics are a nice experiment? Mostly cause I play against type, right. I'm good at long comics, I'm good at long narratives so I can weave jokes in and out, tell a story through them, bring back punchlines for a big bombastic ending -- I need a lot of context for my more elaborate punchlines. Short, four-to-three panel jokes require a lot of brevity and to get to the point! So it's like -- it's a challenge, I guess.

Anyway! Back to the mines to work on the next comic. Ta ta.

Happy Birthday!

Thank you for not making me use twitter to see your amazing works.

It birfday. Hap birfday.

Happy birthday and fuck white supremacists

Libra. I see what you did there. :trollestia:

I was really, really hoping after Gallus started with an immediate deep dive into political whinging that Yona's response would be to say nothing and punch him... and I like Gallus.

Yona great also.

Of course fishhook-nosed :pinkiehappy: is immortal. Duh.

Also where can I get a copy of that, um, hilarious book? I'm asking for a friend. Of a friend. :trixieshiftleft:

Happy birthday, and may all your birthday racists piss right off. :yay:

I saw most of these already, but they're still great. Happy birthday!

I'll just say I absolutely love your comics, and I love seeing the Mane Six discuss Theory with varying levels of understanding.

Happy Birthday! :pinkiehappy:

Gotta say, love the Celly/Luna colored one, but they're all fantastic.

And yeah, seriously, f:yay: the white supremacists. I was chatting with someone the other day and they told me that the 'Nazi stuff' was the first impression they were given about Bronies; I had to clear the air.

Happy birthday!

Love your work, as always.

Oh hey, it's immortal Pinkie Pie. While you probably intended the Great Old One interpretation, anything which explains her canon feats is also an excuse to make her immortal.

Happy birthday.

Nazi lives don't matter.


with varying levels of understanding

That’s putting it so lightly that a even a pillow seems heavier by comparison - dammit Rainbow. :facehoof:

Also congratulations on your conception and self-actualization Aragon. Also, if you were a C-section baby, let this be a happy eviction day as well you lovable tumour baby... If you are one that is.

Ahh, a magnificent bastard as always~

Happy birthday! You draw an excellent Pinkie Pie. Great comics too!

I have a theory, which at this point is supported by nothing more than anecdotal evidence, that left-leaning persons preferentially use metaphorical language to "toughen up" and that right-leaning persons preferentially use it to "soften up." Thus we get left-wingers here in the US saying things like "eat the rich" or "abolish the police" when obviously they don't want to *literally* *eat* the rich, or to *literally* have *no* law enforcement. While on the other side we've got stuff like "build the wall" or "lock her up" where they actually mean "build the wall, throw anyone who gets too close to it in indefinite detention, and check the papers of anyone not wearing spf 50 within three states of the Mexican border" and "execute any politician deemed to be to the left of Mike Pence, inclusive."

I wonder if right-wingers are so scared of left-wingers' language because they think it's also "softening up," and are horrified to imagine what "abolish the police" really means. Enough left-wingers and centrists seem to fall for the opposite trap, after all.

Also, happy birthday.

It's been a delight watching these go up on your Discord. Thank you for making them; they are gift to everyone except those mentioned in the last panel. :heart: Also, happy approximate birthday.

Love the last one. One of the earlier ones feels like the punch line got moved up to almost the start. :twilightsmile::rainbowlaugh:

Happy Birthday, and many, many more! May you crush a few fascist states along the way. :pinkiehappy:

Happy Birthday!

Im a conservative and I found this comic great. The criticisms were legit and I even chuckled at some of the humor.

Happy birthday!

Fantastic work, as usual. I think my favourite is Rainbow's 'understanding' of capitalism. :rainbowlaugh:

but not in the sexy way plz kthx

Comment posted by Archangel of the Silent deleted Oct 19th, 2021

An important clarification, thank you

Wanderer D

Hey, Happy B-day!
I hope you never tire of drawing these, they're way too amusing.

Ah, yes yes, happy and so forth.

And I'll go a step further. Not only white supremacists, but all examples of political or sociological extremums can go and suck a huge, fat pee-pee.

Bad thing is that You can be called "White supremacist" because of... anything in the modern USA. God bless Russia - the sanctuary of common sense.

And Happy Birthday!

"Pinkie's not immortal. She can die, right?" Well, you know how the Doom Slayer is Too Angry To Die? Pinkie is Too Funny To Die. She gets it from you.

Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday!


I maintain that Applejack is being perfectly reasonable in this one. Given she proposed to Rarity and gave her a ring and apparently didn't get either a yes or a no answer in return.

Happy birthday 🥳🥳

Happy birthday, my dude! Welcome to the Three Cubed Club, population: us.

It's romance when you spend a lot of time talking about love
It's love when you spend a lot of time talking about a relationship
It's a relationship when you spend a lot of time talking about your weight

Ah, happy belated birthday!

Happy belated birthday you glorious madlad, you!

When the revolution comes we're definitely putting you in the propaganda department. These comics go hard.

Cool story bro

And when you swim in a creek and an eel bites your cheek, that's a moray.

Nah communism is based as fuck

Comment posted by TheJediMasterEd deleted Nov 29th, 2021

Well this comment aged exceptionally poorly

Nobody loves the truth...

That You can be called "White supremacist" because of... anything in the modern USA. And Russia is the sanctuary of common sense.

genocidal unilateral wars of aggression are common sense?

Hey, we are not the USA!

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