• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen April 17th


A guy from switzerland who likes cheese, mountains and horse words.... lots and lots of horse words.

More Blog Posts71

  • 134 weeks
    Addendum: Releasing the mega cringe :)

    As a little goodbye-present, so to speak, I re-released the first story I ever wrote on here. It's terrible, terrible garbage, but well, the long description already tells you everything you need to know about it.

    Read at your own risk.

    3 comments · 559 views
  • 134 weeks
    And I'm gone again... for good this time.

    The jury verdict is out: I'm done with ponies.

    I did try to continue with alicorn of music, and even wrote a chapter or two of an entirely different pony story, which will never see the light of day. But it turns out that I just, can not. even.

    Read More

    16 comments · 985 views
  • 162 weeks
    back at work

    after about 6 months of just staying at home, I'm currently back to working full time, and boy oh boy, is my body not used to that anymore. I come home everyday basically feeling ready to crash into bed lmao.

    Anyway, time to write is scarce currently, but I'm still managing a few paragraphs here and there. Basically, slow going, but I'm trucking along... slowly :)

    2 comments · 325 views
  • 168 weeks
    I'm back...

    I really am ^^

    19 comments · 534 views
  • 198 weeks
    New Story, One Shot... maybe?

    I just released a new one shot, so go read it uwu.

    (It took me 5 months to write because I'm a lazy piece of shit)

    2 comments · 393 views

And I'm gone again... for good this time. · 10:58pm Nov 10th, 2021

The jury verdict is out: I'm done with ponies.

I did try to continue with alicorn of music, and even wrote a chapter or two of an entirely different pony story, which will never see the light of day. But it turns out that I just, can not. even.

So I've made the decision to stop writing any more pony-related stuff. I might read some of it, still. After all, I never did get done with austraeoh... But I will, or rather have, ceased any and all writing related to ponies.

Then again, I am still writing. I have moved on to a website called Royal Road, where I've started writing a LitRPG story called: The Traveler Initiative!

It's also currently NaNoWriMo, or as they call it over there, The Royal Writathon. I've been participating and churning out chapter after chapter since ten days ago, and I plan to keep going for the entire month. So, If you enjoyed the things I did on fimfic, why not come over and check out my newest, original work?

Have a link: The Traveler Initiative

I've put myself under some fun restrictions with this one, like: No humans to interact or talk with, so the entire story is told from inside the MC's head(so far). A new genre I've never written before! I had to create an entire game framework for the story to take place in! A story that can't be told in a mere few hundred thousand words! Oh boy, I'm in for a loooong ride here... I have plot twists for way, waaay in the future for this one.

Well, if I got you curious, please give it a read, leave a rating, maybe even review it! (It helps boost my visibility ;P)

Report Orthoros · 985 views ·
Comments ( 16 )


I don't think I've seen someone completely sabotage themselves so readily and brazenly before. Bravo. Sad to see you give up on a project so readily but eh. To each their own I suppose. Though I must say, bad form in trying to scrub up some traffic to another story. Truly bad form sah. :ajbemused:

meh, it was just time to stop hanging on to maybe writing, and leaving everybody who was interested hoping for an update that'd never come. Can't really be called sabotage, and more of a clean cut.

And well, if it's considered bad form to tell my readers that I was writing more somewhere else, consider me the hunchback of notre dame.

so how would alicorn of music have ended then before you leave?

I'm gonna refer you to this blogpost I made a while ago.
I made a series of blogposts the first time I decided to leave, to give some sort of closure, and the plans lined out in this post are still accurate.

cool beans thanks, always hate not having closure on stories, good luck with your future writing projects

Welp, I already said a sad goodbye, a hopeful hello, and another goodbye seems to be in order.

With the preamble out of the way... yeah, can't say I'm happy to see you go... again... but I'm glad you did some soul searching to write stuff that actually makes you happy. I wish you the best on your future endeavors, just know that I loved your stories over here, both the finished and unfinished.

Thanks for letting us know where else to find you! I'm glad you're continuing to write, and I wish you the best moving forward!

Aw. Really sad to see you go, The Divine series was one of my most liked stories while it was ongoing. I hope you have much more success with your other stories!

Good luck dude

There's nothing wrong with writing new things, but why stop ponies?

It hurts, but its alright. People move on eventually. I'll see you around will still remember and love your stories.

As the author of one of my most favourite series on this site (Divine Universe), it's sad to know that you're leaving. I know that it happens. Ideas dry up, the muse simply is no longer interested in the world and restrictions you've been working with. But it's no less sad.

I would hope that the "For Good", isn't forever, that maybe one day you will come back, as sometimes inspiration simply strikes. But I also know that's hopeful thinking.

While I'd also love to look at your original story, and the premise does seem interesting, it's a bit difficult for me nowadays to work into reading new stories even ones with interesting premises simply because I'm already reading so much, and I tend to have the habit of going back and re-reading things I love (Like Divine Universe) and putting what I'm currently reading on hold for a little bit. There's also the fact that your story may simply get lost, as it's not on a website I generally look at. I know it sounds like simply excuses, but...

Your stories will remain despite you no longer writing, which I'm happy about. Far too many authors decide that when they leave, they will take everything they ever wrote with them. It's a stupid idea, as I'm sure many more people will find your stories and enjoy them.

Again, sad to see you go, but I understand.

Dunno really, it just doesn't work anymore, I guess. I wrote so much about ponies already, I wanna do something else, I guess.

Well, they're here to stay and enjoy, so go ahead and read them as many times as you like :3 And thank you for enjoying!

Doesn't work for you, anymore?

Well poo loved you divine stories. Best of luck on whatever moves you next.

Good luck man, only read your stories around the start of this year, but you quickly became one of my favorite authors. Going through the Divine series was an absolute treat with how everything seemed to build, and I was keen to see if you'd return to continue anything with Atlas.

Don't know what Baine had up their ass, but there is nothing wrong with linking to where you're moving to. Way better than just silently going into the night.

Good luck with your new endeavors!

But still come back to read our messages right? And maybe fix some typos as well, those are quite annoying..
Oh, I just started reading your stories, they're fantastic so far since I started reading, I wonder where the story will go..

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