• Member Since 31st Aug, 2019
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More of an Equestria Enthusiast but glad to be here. | Audio Reader

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End of Month Report - November · 3:18am Dec 1st, 2021

Some befitting music while you read:

Rainbow Infinity Readings For This Month:

Reader's Notes: With NaNo this month, I tried to pick short and sweet stories for my readings. They were all a delight to read - especially my first G5 reading!

Now, onto more festive news. I have not reached a decision yet on how I will do this, but my plan for December is as follows: Surprise Subscriber Specials!

These Surprise Subscriber Specials will take place the entirety of December, one a week. The catch with them is: They will not be announced! That's right. Not on Fimfiction, not on Twitter, no hints on Instagram, not even posted to Discord. These are special readings for those who have subscribed, or at least are interested enough in my channel to check them out.

The undecided part of this is that I don't know whether to do regular uploads on Saturdays and have these SSS readings on Fridays, which equates to double weekly uploads, or if these should be my Saturday uploads for December. I'm trying to balance real life stuff with the holidays, as well as two stories I need to get done for Christmas, so I'll make a blog post before the weekend announcing my decision. If you have any opinions, leave them in the comments.

The theme for these SSS readings is "Closed Beta." Most don't know this, but last December I did a series of readings and posted them as unlisted videos on Youtube as surprise gifts for a few people, and those were, essentially, the beginning of Rainbow Infinity. One of them, re-recorded, was even this year's Halloween special. I'll be working my way through the rest of these, picking them out and re-recording them for the specials - the first time, technically, they've ever been public!

If you haven't subscribed to the Rainbow Infinity Youtube channel yet, now's the perfect time to do it!

Stories published this month: N/A

Words written this month: 50,351 (NaNoWriMo Victory :yay:)

Author's Notes: While I was unable to publish anything this month, I was able to successfully complete my NaNoWriMo challenge! Shout out to all the author's out there who attempted NaNo this year, whether you succeeded or not: you're awesome. :rainbowdetermined2:

That being said, stay tuned for some stories being published this coming month. Aside from my Jinglemas obligation and a gift story I'm doing, there's a few other treats I'll be publishing, both here and on Offprint. Including my very own cryptid pony creation! There's a few I started on that aren't done as well, so I'm hoping to get those out between now and through January. (You can see why I'm debating the SSS thing above.)

Thank you everyone who's stuck with me this past year - stay tuned for some more stories coming soon. Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!

-yours truly,
P.C., Equestria Enthusiast (The Legendary Bill Cipher) and The Voice from the Works (Rainbow Infinity)
Creator of [REDACTED]

Comments ( 1 )
Author Interviewer

nanowrimo get! :D

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