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Every day is always crazy!

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  • Today
    My Review of Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters episode 3 Prey

    Grading Scale:

    A (fantastic episode)
    A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
    B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)

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  • Saturday
    My Review of The Big Bang Theory

    My TV Show Rating Score:

    5/5: It is an awesome show!
    4.5/5: it is a great show albeit not perfect
    4/5: It’s a good show with minor flaws
    3/5: It’s overall okay/guilty pleasure

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  • 6 days
    My Review List For June

    TV Shows

    June 1st—The Big Bang Theory

    June 8th—Spider-Man Unlimited

    June 15th—Ducktales (2017)


    June 22th—Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

    June 29th—Lady and the Tramp (1955)

    Episode Reviews

    June 2nd—Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters episode 3 “Prey”

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  • 6 days
    My Review of MLP: FIM season 7 episode 14 Fame and Misfortune

    Grading Scale:

    A (fantastic episode)
    A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
    B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)

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    8 comments · 112 views
  • 1 week
    Between A Rock and A Big Gorilla

    Rating Scale:

    12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
    11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
    10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
    9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws

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My Review of The Santa Clause · 9:59pm Dec 22nd, 2021

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws
8/10–a great film with numerous flaws but not enough to ruin it
7/10—a fun and entertaining movie; not great but still enjoyable
6/10—a slightly above average film; it is something I might watch again
5/10—mediocre movie; not awful but not great either
4/10—a below average film; it could have been much better
3/10—a bad film; poorly written and poorly executed
2/10—a very bad movie; the few good things in the movie overshadowed by the bad things
1/10—a terrible movie; a total waste of time
0/10—a worthless piece of abomination; should have never been made

Greetings, everyone. This is Mr. J back with another Christmas movie review for today. This afternoon, I will be reviewing Disney’s The Santa Clause from 1994. This was yet another one of those movies I haven’t watched in ages and nearly forgot about. I was never a fan of this movie when I was younger, but I did find it to be genuinely fun to watch nonetheless. But as time went by, I stopped watching it and almost lost interest in this trilogy. After giving it a re-watch last night, I think that it does have its comedic moments. However, this is nothing more than a goofy, dumb-as-ever, ridiculous yet decent Christmas movie.

This is about a man—Scott Calvin by name—who visits his son once and a while since he is divorced from his wife and doesn’t believe in Santa Claus. One night, he discovers Santa on his roof top who was getting ready to enter the chimney until Scott catches him off-guard. Santa falls on the snow unconscious and disappears, leaving Scott to be the new Santa. Thus, he must travel the world to deliver the gifts to children at night. Will Scott accept this responsibility and thereby believe in Santa again?

I find the plot to be laughably stupid and dull. I get that this is a comedy/family Christmas movie, but this film lacked adequate substance that makes this story engaging and less cringeworthy.

Also, I find it absolutely hilarious yet disturbing that Santa possibly died thanks to Scott and all the elves seemed completely okay with the fact that a random guy is now the new Santa who has no idea what he’s doing and how he is supposed to handle this duty. Just imagine if Santa was actually careful and didn’t fall from the roof. But of course, we wouldn’t have a movie.

Additionally, most of the characters seemed a bit unlikable and annoying. While they did a good job with their acting (well, some of them), I didn’t like their characters at all and couldn’t resonate with any of them. The only actors I genuinely enjoyed were the performances of Tim Allen, the late Peter Boyle, and Eric Lloyd.

The thing I hated the most about this movie was that they took the whole Santa Claus thing so damn serious. Charlie and Scott went to the North Pole and believe that experience was real. OH MY GOD, SCOTT IS DELUSIONAL! HE’S CONFUSING CHARLIE!! I was like, “Calm down. Normally, kids behave like this.” Why did they make such a big deal on the kid believing he went to the North Pole with his dad? They weren’t hurting anybody. Let the kid have his fun (especially with their wild imagination).

But despite my grievances with this movie, I did find a number of moments in the movie to be really funny. Tim Allen was definitely having fun in this as far as I can tell. Sadly, it isn’t saying much.

So yeah, this movie used to be really entertaining when I was a kid but not anymore. I don’t hate it whatsoever, but I wasn’t pleased with it overall either. Therefore, The Santa Clause gets a 5/10. I’m not sure if I’ll ever give the second movie a chance or re-watch the third movie and have them reviewed for next year’s Christmas. But if I ever do give them a chance, I’ll let you guys know before then.

Peace out, folks.

Comments ( 3 )

Ironically, I still consider this movie an awesome Christmas film, and it’s another favorite among my family and I.

I’m not sure if I’ll ever give the second movie a chance or re-watch the third movie and have them reviewed for next year’s Christmas. But if I ever do give them a chance, I’ll let you guys know before then.

You don’t have to if you don’t want to.

As a matter of fact, I myself have been planning on reviewing the sequels next year.

To be honest, this is one of my favorite Christmas film there is and me and my family enjoy it so much and I understand if you not a fan of it

I agree

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