• Member Since 6th Sep, 2012
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The 24th Pegasus

Author of the Commander Hurricane series (A Song of Storms), co-founder of the Price of Loyalty universe, and overall world building fanatic. Join my discord!

More Blog Posts228

  • 20 weeks
    2024 Sucks

    Rest in Peace Kirby
    02 April 2006 - 07 January 2024

    10 comments · 295 views
  • 35 weeks
    Equestria at War Update - The Way of Fire (2.2)

    Hey there everybody! I've emerged from the darkness to help spread the news about another project that I'm working on. As I've mentioned in the past, in addition to being a fimfic author, I'm also a senior writer on the Hearts of Iron 4 mod, Equestria at War (discord link here), which is a fun (and sometimes very time consuming) volunteer project to dedicate

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    3 comments · 337 views
  • 42 weeks
    OSLF at EFNW Book Nook

    Oh hey guys, it's been a minute hasn't it?

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    2 comments · 300 views
  • 90 weeks
    Ten Years of Horsery!

    What it says on the tin. Simple enough, right?

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    7 comments · 541 views
  • 96 weeks
    Equestria at War: Shores of Zebrica

    Hey hey people, been a while hasn't it? Yeah, it's ya boy with another one of those "drop off the face of the earth and then post a blog post out of the blue" moments. At least they only last a couple of months (usually) right?

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    2 comments · 549 views

The Year in Preview: 2022 · 11:09pm Jan 10th, 2022

I mean, 10 days into 2022 is only about 2.7% of the year already completed, right? There's still plenty of year to preview. And preview it we shall!

What a difference a year on has made. When I made my Year in Preview for 2021, I was just finishing up a part-time stint and honestly didn't expect to find full-time employment anytime soon. I made lofty goals for myself in terms of quantity of content, with the idea of spending much of my expected free time pushing out stories and participating in contests. Then lo and behold, I got a job, and the writing time I'd built all my lofty goals around suddenly disappeared. This year, at least, I know what's in store for me, and I've had most of 2021 to get a realistic expectation of how much I can expect to write. So with that in mind, I can maybe, for the first time ever, make some realistic 2022 goals and maybe even accomplish a few of them. Wouldn't that be something, eh?

24's 2022 Goals:
[ ] Pass 1200 followers
[ ] Publish 3 new stories
[ ] Finish Unshaken
[ ] Participate in at least 1 writing contest

Short, simple, and to the point. I came just shy of hitting my milestone for 1100 followers in 2021, but I'm expecting to gain some traction by getting my writing schedule in order and writing more regularly again. Three new stories should also be realistic, considering I already plan on releasing one hopefully before too much longer passes, and Unshaken is in its end game. It just needs me to get back to writing it more regularly. And maybe somewhere along the way, I'll find time to strike at a writing contest that has a prompt that interests me. In the meanwhile, as I previously teased, you can expect a new story (and a new Price of Loyalty story, at that!) to appear on this space soon. I want to finish writing the first arc of the story, and then I'll post it to fimfic where it will get semi-regularly updated. I'm not going to commit to an update schedule, but I hope to at least make the updates semi-frequent. They'll probably release as chapters are ready once I inevitably exhaust the backlog.

Look for it to drop somewhere probably around the end of February or the beginning of March. I of course will send out a blog post when it does as well.

And with that, our yearly Year in Preview is concluded for 2022! I hope everybody out there continues to stay safe, avoid the alphabet soup plague, and have a happy and fulfilling 2022. It's unfortunate that we continue to live in interesting times, but if the world doesn't end in the next few years, maybe we can tell our grandkids about them or something. Just think of it as amassing cool stories to tell the young'uns one day so you can be the cool uncle and mystify them about how you survived a plague by reading fanfiction about colorful horses.

Until next time!

Ante Legionem nihil erat, et nihil erit post Legionem

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