• Member Since 4th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 10th, 2023

Blitz the Dragon

A friendly neighborhood dragon who loves ponies; so crunchy!

More Blog Posts32

  • 109 weeks
    State of affairs

    So, I really hate to do this, but I'm going to put Paradise Found back on hiatus.

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  • 117 weeks
    [Political Post] Now More Than Ever...

    I know some folks here are probably sick of me talking about politics, and I can respect that. Which is why you can skip this entry as always. However, I really hope that you do not, as this one is especially important.

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  • 121 weeks
    Creative Burnout Sucks

    It's been a while, hasn't it?

    Once again, I'm really sorry that the next chapter of Paradise Found hasn't shown up. I *have* worked on it in fits and starts, but it continues to fight me. I have a general idea of how I want the chapter to go, but I'm struggling to get the words to come together in a way that meets the high standards I set for myself in previous chapters.

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  • 128 weeks
    Happy Hearthswarming!

    Regardless of what everybody listening observes IRL, I hope everycreature among my followers has a Happy Hearthswarming. While I must apologize yet again for my lack of output, I wanted to give you all something for your feed.

    I hope that you and yours had a tolerable year, if not an enjoyable one, and I hope you and the ones you care about stayed safe. My best wishes all around!

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[Political Blog] On what's going down in Eastern Europe right now. · 8:48pm Feb 28th, 2022

Heya folks,

You've probably noticed that there's a helluva mess going down out in Ukraine right now. Make no mistake, this is a naked war of aggression on the part of Vladimir Putin, a fascist oligarch who's deluded himself into thinking he can retake "historical Russian lands." The Ukrainians, meanwhile, have received an outpouring of support, and rightfully so, something that's caught Putin and his lackeys flatfooted.

I promise I'll keep this brief. To all Ukrainian *and* Russian bronies who may be listening, I share my greatest sympathies and my solidarity. None of you wanted this war, but it's going to bring lots of hardship on you. Do what you can to stay safe.

In the meantime, I'll be researching the best charities and means of supporting Ukraine in surviving Putin's assault in any way I can. They've put up an impressive level of resistance that has humiliated ol' Vlad on the international stage. That's deserving of respect, no matter what one's politics are.

Oh, one final note. I want to express my thorough disappointment in my more hardline comrades on the left for at best equivocating and blaming NATO for Putin's bullshit, and at worst openly supporting the invasion. Putin is a fascist, and his intentions have been known for years. It was literally spelled out for you in that press release his propaganda organs accidentally released, which was intended for after Ukraine surrendered. The Russian Federation has not been communist in over 30 years. Even if it was, there is no reason or justification to support what it's doing.

Regardless of your feelings about US foreign policy and the way NATO operates, the West isn't the only one doing imperialism. "President" Putin is doing it right now in real time. We have an obligation to express our solidarity with Ukraine in this trying time, and with any Russian brave enough to stand up to the tinpot Tsar lording over them.

That's all I have to say for now. Will probably write something more in-depth on my furry websites.

Report Blitz the Dragon · 157 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Yeah, not happy with how much of the left is excusing Putin's aggression right now. There's too much of the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"; and not enough actually paying attention to how the world works now.

Yes, Imperialism is bad, but it's just as bad if Putin does as it is if NATO does it. There are no "good guys" or "bad guys" on that level, just two imperialist powers in a dick-waving squabble that has already hurt a hell of a lot of innocent people in Ukraine, and will continue to do so there and elsewhere if it isn't stopped.

On the good side, it looks like Putin overestimated support for his war at home; so hopefully it will end sooner rather than later.

Exactly! I reject this narrative of "well Putin is a cornered animal lashing out." No, no he's not. He's trying to bring back the Russian Empire, not the USSR (which was overrated to begin with).

I'm glad to see you doing this! I agree with everything you Said here! Putin is a mad tyrant who thankfully highly underestimated How much support Ukraine was going to get because of his unprovoked attack and how many innocent civilians he's responsible for the Deaths of! Though I wish the current president of my beloved country Brazil also declared he condemns the actions of this madman...

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