• Member Since 11th Apr, 2017
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"Damnation is only a daydream away, but still, we carry on..." -Morbid Angel

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  • Saturday
    So this happened today.

    Woke up this morning to a comment on facebook calling me a pedophile because of the drawing below. Turns out it was apparently a meme? An inside joke? Who the fuck memes about something so serious? It's fucked up, man.

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  • 8 weeks
    New chapter up.

    CONTENT WARNING for mentions of grief and sexual abuse. I had to write the background so people could understand the full context behind the story. If that's not a topic you feel like getting into, skip this one and wait 'til chapter six. It's a lot more light from here. Just letting you all know in case it turned out to be too much.

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  • 8 weeks
    Just to clarify

    While my second OC Atmospheric is an angel, Harmonic's a regular earth pony. He's literally a normal-ass dude who happened to score with the most powerful mare in the universe.

    Lucky bastard.

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  • 8 weeks
    Power couple sketch.

    Now that we've entered the rebirth phase of my OCs' stories, figured I'd make a sketch showing off later phases in their twenties. While their relationship is meant to be portrayed as primarily wholesome, they are a married couple, and what do married couples in healthy dynamics tend to do from time to time?

    You get the idea.

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  • 8 weeks
    Love story between OCs.

    Working on a little side project featuring my OCs. It's inspired by a combination of metal music and some of my personal experiences growing up. Link down below.

    Seraph's Kiss (Chapters 1-4)

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China's role. · 9:48pm Mar 4th, 2022

China, Russia, and many other countries around the world have a serious problem. Their governments heavily restrict the flow of information. They can't hear what's going on on the other side of the isle. Those in power are aware if the citizens get ahold of all the information, they'll start questioning their governments' actions. Right now China's government is pushing a propaganda campaign in favor of Putin, claiming Ukraine and the US are lying about the damage being caused to civilians and infrastructure. This is why it's interesting to note the level of censorship when it comes to online policies and television. Service providers have to keep records and report to the government if they find anything that would spread dissent among the population. They're forced to block websites, videos, and articles that question the government's authority or encourage debate. Imagine if that was the case when the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. We wouldn't know Bush lied about WMDs or that Osama Bin Laden relocated before we found him in 2011. We would still be thinking we were in the right for all the atrocities that came to light. This is why questioning authority is so important. We can't keep letting our governments get away with shit like this. It's despicable, disgraceful, detestable, reprehensible, and every other adjective in the book. Tell your governments to fuck off and dictate your own destiny.

Comments ( 19 )

Shut up, please.

You don't live in China, so please stop being so patronizing.

I'm glad the Chinese government has set up the Great Firewall. Foreign networks are tens of times worse than our own.

There is no propaganda campaign in China because there is no need.

I'm not being patronizing. I know my government lied us into wars. It's not unlikely someone else would do the same to their people. There are reports that Russian soldiers were told they were only going in for training. They didn't know about the invasion until they got there. This is history repeating itself like what happened with the US invading Iraq.

Let me also explain:
I know that the United States has maintained the tradition of questioning authority since the war of Independence, but China is different. From our defense against invaders to the establishment of PRC, the credibility of the government is a tradition of ours. Whether it is earthquake relief or development of people's livelihood, the government has helped us, so we are willing to trust the government.

And you mentioned Russian information, do you know that the media that can happen in Russia is blocked by western countries? The United States has also tried PRISM in the past, Information censorship in your country is actually more serious than in China.
how can you be sure your information is true?

You're right. I can't be. I don't know the extent to which information is hidden from me. It's a good example of falling for the rhetoric that we're some kind of pinnacle of freedom. I know it's not true, but there are traps everywhere to make us think it is. Right now my main concern is trying to find as much information as I can, because if my side escalates things, I want to hold them accountable. I want the same for everybody. My goal is to help protect people from suffering and tyranny. Believe me, if the US did something insane like launching nukes at anybody, our leaders would be facing our ire. We're sick of all the bloodshed and misery.

I'm sorry that I was a little too excited in my previous comments. The main reason is that people abroad have a negative misunderstanding of my country, which makes my communication attitude on the Internet more and more irritable.

In the war, we should care about most is the Ukraine civilians, Ukraine folk armed rebellion against the Nazi camp is a fact,but it is also true that Mr Putin's special military campaign has inevitably resulted in the death, injury and displacement of Ukrainian civilians, behind the war is very, very complex, we can choose different positions in their own views, but how boring, is innocent civilians.
Civilians are innocent
Civilians are innocent

Putin cited NATO expansion, historical ties with Ukraine, and a Nazi regime as reasons for invading. He also mentioned a genocide, but I couldn't find anything to actually support that claim. It's true the Azov battalion are Nazis, but a lot of the Ukrainian population is also Jewish. The historical ties I get, and NATO seems willing to halt its expansion. I can't tell whether he's actually trying to liberate the country or overthrow it. Even in the case of a genocide, a rescue mission would've made more sense to me if it was limited to the affected areas. His tactics just seem a bit too brutal to have good intentions.

So let me give you the information that we can get here:
If NATO continues to expand eastward in violation of its promises, it will turn into the Cuban missile crisis and the South China Sea crisis.
The Nazis massacred civilians in eastern Ukraine. There were mass graves, and Ukrainian government forces clashed with armed eastern Ukrainians defending their own security.
Before Putin declared war, Ukraine bombed the people of Donetsk and Luhansk for nearly eight years.

It seems like the bombings were part of a skirmish between Russian separatists and the Ukrainian government. The wiki page I'm reading claims the separatists started the aggression first, but the Ukrainian government escalated the crisis by responding with military force. They might've freaked out a bit because of the sudden seizure and thought they were in more danger than they really were. I've been told NATO never actually explicitly agreed to stop expansion, though it probably should at this point. Another claim Putin made was that NATO's been placing nuclear missiles closer to Moscow. I can't find anything confirming this, but if it is true, we definitely shouldn't be doing that.

It is not a question of whether NATO has missiles near Russia, but rather that once NATO expands near Russia, it can place missiles, or something else, such as the THAAD system that the US has installed in South Korea, at any time afterwards.

As a US citizen, I would vehemently oppose such a proposal. Both sides already have enough weapons to destroy the world as it is. Putting in more would be a waste of time and resources. As much as I'm skeptical of the way Putin's handling the situation, I would much rather it remain between Ukraine and Russia than have NATO get directly involved. We've already come close to two nuclear power plant meltdowns since the invasion started. NATO getting in on it would guarantee world war 3 and the end of humanity. I'm not even really concerned about my own safety. It's everyone else I'm worried about. I'm also concerned about the situation with Taiwan. I know China wants the territory, but if they resist, I'm afraid of what the Chinese government might do.

I understand your point of view.
Regarding the Taiwan issue, China has always taught us peace and friendship in textbooks, but the current situation can be said that the attitude of The Taiwanese towards the Chinese will make many Chinese who had a friendly attitude turn to hostile attitude.

It seems like both regions still hold bad blood over the Chinese civil war, but if one war didn't help, I doubt another will either. It's not really my place to judge though. I have one more question. The US media's claiming Putin's been shelling cities indiscriminately, but that the Chinese government and Russia are denying it. Is the shelling true or no?

Taiwan involves the issue of China's territorial sovereignty, which cannot be avoided. It will be resolved one day, I hope peacefully.
The prevailing narrative here is that Putin avoided civilian areas, only shelled all Ukrainian military installations, and that the Ukrainian government deliberately moved its military forces to civilian areas after that.
Specific saw your individual judgment.

Well, if shit hits the fan and the nukes go off, find a hiding spot underground and store some supplies there. If you can't, get as close to the blast as possible. Better to be instantly vaporized than suffer radiation poisoning later.

In the past, when my country was weak, we had 200 million militias and bomb shelters all over the country for nuclear war. Now we have subways and underground parking lots as emergency shelters.

That's good. I probably won't be so fortunate, but I'm okay with it. I lived a pretty decent life all things considered. There were ups and downs, but I've embraced the more spiritual aspects of living. Hopefully there's a special woman waiting for me on the other side.

May the world always be at peace and everyone be safe.

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