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The man who likes ponies but also likes monsters... so what's wrong with him combining the two? ;P

More Blog Posts531

  • Sunday
    Could Sea Pods/Cities be a great starting point for an Island Adventure?

    Hello everyone, so as I try to motivate others to participate in the amazing Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest, I stumble upon various videos that give me some ideas. One such video is the one below:

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  • Wednesday
    Question of the Week #151 (More NS)

    Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week. Admittedly I've had a hard time figuring out questions to ask and the fact that I've been wotking on other non mlp related projects doesn't help much either.

    I've been having trouble focusing on my mlp projects as of late. I've even been having trouble working on Act 3, so I've decided to try to read through the whole story so far.

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  • 1 week

    Sorry for not being frequent with my Questions of the Week. I've been busy with some projects as well as homebrewing DnD 5e content. :twilightblush:

    Yeah, that's not a great excuse, but it is what it is.

    Hopefully I'll have an idea for a question or two later (that's the other problem, thinking of questions I haven't already asked), we'll see. :rainbowwild:

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  • 3 weeks
    Neo Somnambula: Desert Lotus... And Question of the Week #150

    Hello everyone, today I released the 1st chapter of my shortfic, Neo Somnambula: Desert Lotus, which I wrote for the Scifi Story Contest III. Which you can see right here:

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  • 4 weeks
    Question of the Week #149

    Hello everyone and welcome back to another question of the week.

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Question of the Week #49 · 1:40am Mar 16th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Question of the Week.

So a couple blogs back, I had asked a question about my OC, Robipony, this week I wanted to expand upon it's contents a bit.

One idea I had is that Robipony isn't actually from the main MLP timeline, but actually from the one were Flim and Flam took over (because apparently they're evil according to the whole Starlight time travel thing) and that various dark corporations arose in that universe. In fact, Robust Vial (just a temporary name idea) whose codename was Robipony, worked at one of these corporations, a business known as TotallyNotEvil corp, where he worked creating monsters.

Such monsters were usually created as a means to distract the Equestrian government as well as other welldogetters (like the mane 6) from the corporations and the goals for global domination.

While a few other corporations simply created these monsters to complete tasks and be discarded afterwards, Robipony viewed his creations as very precious and while he'd certainly formulate them for the task that the company needed, he also gave them the means to think for themselves and to survive afterwards. While the monsters that Robipony and his cohorts created were more expensive they were also of a higher quality.

During this time one of Robipony's co-workers, Sunset Shimmer was working on interdimensional travel. While both of them were an item for a time, eventually it became clear that they were better as just friends.

One day, the jig was up and the Mane 6 infiltrated TotallyNotEvil corp (with such a name you'd wonder what took them so long). During this, Robipony was pushed through Sunset's portal (which was being tested at the time) by one of his creations. When Robipony awoke, he found himself in a different version of Equestria. Currently trapped in this Equestria, Robipony is trying to find a way back to his own dimension to rescue the monsters he created, however this has been difficult as interdimensional travel wasn't really his field of expertise. Here he goes by the name of Robipony, in the hopes that if any of his fellow scientist made it through that they might be able to find him.


So I thought it might be fun to take the mad scientist aspect of Robipony and change it from being so grim to being more fun and goofy.

The question is, what do you think of this backstory for Robipony?

Also feel free to offer any actual pony name suggestions for Robipony if any come to mind.

Thank you for reading this blog and I hope you all have a wonderful day. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 10 )

Huh. Interesting background I say!

A goofy mad scientist? I like the idea

One day, the jig was up and the Mane 6 infiltrated TotallyNotEvil corp (with such a name you'd wonder what took them so long).

To be fair,in the mlp world obvious clues in names are ignored.
The police for example wouldn't think the pony named Mr. Stabby was involved in a murder.
Or the pony Tax Fraud is commuting tax fraud.

That's a really interesting origin story, one that's easily expandable with more details. From what monsters he's created, his time working for the company and what his relationship with Sunset Shimmer was like. I'd say that this is a solid and good background.

Cool. Felt inspiration, wrote something about Robipony. do whatever with this.

The sound of hooves on gravel was the only thing besides the constant humming of exhaust fans that could be heard. A pony continued walking down the thin, dark and dirty path between the tall, dirty walls of the factories. He was carrying an umbrella to protect himself from waste discharges from pipes above him and a gas mask to protect himself from gas leaks.

The smoke from the spires that reached the skies above him had blotted out any light and the toxic air that came as a side effect had made the entire mining colony seem like a dystopian hellhole. One might have thought of him as a criminal hiding from the authorities in the dark of the night but he was in fact a worker on his way to work early in the morning.

He stopped in front of a slightly rusted metal door which had some more space that made it feel less cramped than the alley. The blue light of the neon sign above the door that read "TotallyNotEvil Co." gave him a sense of relief. He had made it to work without getting stabbed or killed and without having to stab or kill someone. Another victory for him.

He pressed a red button to the side of the door. The camera to the side of the door made a beeping sound at that. A few moments later, the door opened and he stepped in quickly to avoid getting cut in half. He continued walking down a hallway that was lit with a few flickering yellow lights that gave a buzzing sound. He turned to enter a room with lockers. He walked up to one, unlocked it and deposited his umbrella and gas mask inside it while taking out a grey uniform. He quickly put on the uniform and left the room and headed up a staircase.

After reaching his floor, he continued walking down a hallway that was slightly better lit than the one he had been in. He could hear the humming and the hammering of machines behind the many closed doors. His colleague, Sunset Shimmer, was working on a portal device that should be able to facilitate travel between different worlds in the room at the far left corner of the hallway. He, however, was not working there. He was working in the room opposite to that. He entered his room and sat down at the chair in front of a console which had many buttons.

His job was to create monsters to distract the government. He was the best. With a push of a button, the console and its many screens came to life. The screens offered a view of what was happening at the remote monster assembly facility. He did not know where its actual location was but he assumed that it would close to a population center like Manehatten. With a push of a few more buttons, he could see through the screens that the machines at the facility had started working.

He felt happy, not because he was harming other ponies but because he was creating beautiful creatures. He had taken it upon himself to ensure that the monsters he created would be able to survive longer than what was required. He hummed a tune to himself as he watched a hydra like creature test out its legs for the first time before being taken by a crane.

All was going well until an alarm blared, signifying that someone unauthorized had gotten in. He immediately got out of his chair and went to a metal box in the corner of the room. He opened the box and withdrew a taser. He stepped out of his room and saw something that shocked him. In Sunset Shimmer's room there stood six ponies before a bleeding and battered Sunset. Those six ponies were none other than the elements of harmony. He recognized them, after all, they were the ones who were on the front page of the newspaper everyday.

5644119 Well, thank you all for your feedback. I'm glad that you enjoyed this background story. :twilightsmile:

5644336 Thank you for writing this. It's pretty good.

Personally I like to think that Robipony would have a more one on one interaction with his monsters and wear a lab coat, but I love what you wrote. I really enjoyed it. :pinkiesmile:👍


Out of curiousity, what do you think of the name Viscous Vial?

Viscous Vial seems more like a name for a chemist/alchemist. A name related to biology or creating stuff would be better.

5644432 Hmmm... What about Vector Vial. The word vector has a few definitions but one of them is:

an organism, typically a biting insect or tick, that transmits a disease or parasite from one animal or plant to another.

Which kind of fits.

that's a cool name and it fits since Robipony's creations are monsters and also because creating living things is called bio-chemistry. Vector gets the bio part while vial gets the chemistry part.

I like the premise.

First of all, the name TotallyNotEvil Corp. fits in perfectly with the Flim and Flam ethos and makes me smile every time I read it.

Secondly, Pinkie Pie can go on a riff along the lines of "So you worked at TotallyNotEvil Corp where you created TotallyNotBad monsters that were TotallyNotInterested in being mean..."

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