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Joe Toon

Administrator of a Pocket Universe that monitors other worlds. You can offer your support here in Ko-fi. Your contribution is most appreciated.

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Preview on the Next Chapter #2 · 1:08pm Apr 2nd, 2022

Here's what is coming for Words of Advice from the many worlds of Twilight. Tell me what you guys think so far?

"Your Majesties, Spike. Welcome to the Study room."

"Are these....? Are they arranged in...?"

"Yes Princess, they have been arranged in the most efficient system; by subject and genre, alphabetical order by author, publishing date and catalogue number."

"Impressive. Do you still rearrange them?"

"No your Highness, I find it more beneficial if the others familiarise themselves with the system to prevent another mix up. I didn't want another nephew almost dying to poisonous mushrooms because I rearranged the system by reverse alphabetical order on a whim."

Twilight shared a look of concern with Spike. "Remind me to rearrange the filing system appropriately when we get back home," she muttered to her companion, "I just remembered I reorganised the library by reverse publishing date."

"Yeah, anything could happen," Spike nodded in agreement.

To Twilight and Spike, the study room was reminiscent of the Castle of Friendship's own study room, albeit made of wood rather than Crystal. Shelves of books of specific subjects on Magic, Physics, Biology and other sciences were lined and labeled on the walls; a model Solar system was hung on the ceiling, coaches and pillows were placed nest to the walls or in the middle of the room; a wooden desk the appeared to be part of the wooden floor (and by extension the room); and most notable of all was a familiar mirror hooked with wires, coils, and other gizmos; some of which Twilight have never seen before.

"Is that... Is that the mirror portal?" Twilight asked.

"Eeyup," the unicorn replied, "with added improvements from Starcatcher technology."


"Oh that's right, you don't know about them yet." the Archivist trotted her way to her desk and took a seat. "I think it's about time I explain why I brought you here."

"Yes, I believe that would be most appropriate," the changeling queen replied, taking a seat on one of the coaches.

"Indeed young one, we are all curious as to why we are here." An old melodic voice croaked behind one of the shelves.

Twilight's ears perked up. Could it be? Is that? She made for the aisle where the source of the voice came from and saw a familiar old purple unicorn mare with a starburst Cutie Mark. "Old mare Twilight!" she smiled with glee as she embraced the old mare, "It's good to see you!"

"Wonderful to see you again, young one," the old mare returned the embrace.

The two broke from the embrace as they walked to join the rest of the group. "What are you doing here?" asked Twilight, "How did you get here?"

The old unicorn shrugged, "Oh, we were simply called here."


"Hello Princess." All turned to see a purple alicorn stallion with the same starburst Cutie Mark they all shared appeared from one of the bookshelves. "It has been a while. I haven't seen you in a year," he said as he laid out a hoof to shake.

"Prince Dusk Shine! It has been a while." Twilight shook his hoof before doing a double take, "Wait, a year? It hasn't even been a month since I've met you!"

"Ah, different world, different progression of time," Dusk tried to explain, "Also, it's King now. They dismantled the Diarchy when Princes Solaris and Lunarius retired, making me the De facto Monarch, hence King."

"Yeah, and it's been boring since he took the job!" A small, green and purple dragoness landed on Dusk's back, casually crunching on a gem. "He did too good of a job as King that we no longer see villains attack Equestria anymore! And it's been boring!" she ranted, taking another bite on her half-eaten gem.

"Hello to you too, Barb," smiled at Spike's female counterpart, "Also, shouldn't you be glad that through Dusk's leadership, Equestria is a safer place?"

"Are you kidding me?" she gave Twilight an incredulous look, "It has been miserable as sin now that we don't have bad guys to kick their flanks at! If Blitz was here, he'd tell you just how dull it's been! The only source of entertainment I get these days is when I go clubbing with Eris and Red, and even then it gets tiresome!" At that, Dusk shot her a look of disapproval. "What?" she groaned in protest, "It was that or I hang out with the Mega Sign Militia and the only excitement I could get from them is the kind that ends with cleaning up the messes they make!"

"I'm going to have to have a word with Eris and Red Delicious when we get back," Dusk muttered under his breath.

Comments ( 2 )

All I can say is great job on this taste of what is yet to come. Definitely liked the show of multiple sides of efficiency. On one end, giving the main Twilight and Spike the realization concerning more efficient filing methods. On the other end, Dusk proving to be TOO efficient as ruler leading to things getting boring.

i like it and really do want more to see from this world of worlds

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