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23 KM To Nerdiness

You know I'm super fly...πŸͺ° | 23 | Straight/Black/Nerd 🐒 | Ask For Ko-Fi | Twitter

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    Been a while since I asked, but...

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    Cosmia, Moth Spirit of Light and the Stars! 🌟

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    Fantasia! πŸͺΌ

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    Fizzabelle! 🍫🍾

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Be HONEST β€” CHAPTER 7: Sisterly Loathe · 4:33pm May 18th, 2022

Dunno how I didn't realize I finished one and just forgot to put it up, lol.


"That's where I sleep, that's where I brush my teeth, and over there is Cliff. Say hi, Cliff!"


Lucy spent a bit of time showing her scary sister around the bakery. Claire looked like she couldn't care less, hissing and hacking at any vibrantly colored thing she came across. It was stressful keeping a close eye on her when you're wearing said vibrant things.

"Wait until you meet Precious," Lucy continued, guiding Claire to the other side of the room. "You're gonna loveβ€”"

*insert image of Cliff next to a vase with a fish skeleton floating inside*

"Precious! Nooooo!"

We had the funeral later that week. Lovely service, just lovely.

"Are we done here?" Claire yawned. "This place is depressing me to no end."

"Sorry," Lucy sighed. "Is there anything I can get you? Something to drink? Eat?"

"Thought you'd never ask."

There wasn't a chance for me to blink before I found myself dangling over a flaming bottomless chasm she called a mouth, the smell of burning tar choking my lungs.

Lucy patted her sister with a giggle. "Not him, silly!"

"If I had a heart, you'd be breaking it right now, Lenny." Claire dropped me on my head, leaning beside my bed.

"Heh, always with the nicknames, sis. Oop, where are my manners? What brings you here?"

"I tracked you down to give you a message."

"What's that?"

"You're terrible."


"Not the good kind."


"From personal experience, it's painfully obvious how NOT ready you are. That's why I'm here to give you a crash course in the art of depravity."

"What kind of crashing are we talking?"

"Full-on collision."

Lucy took out a glowing white orb, cheering. "I must tell father about this!"

"Ah ah," Claire halted her. "Let's keep this between us, Lampy."

"Wait, he doesn't know?"

"You want him to think you don't have what it takes?"

"Of course not, I just thinkβ€”"

"It's settled. I'm doing you a favor. You should be out there going crazy, not sitting around here working with some fat pug."

Gram's not fat, I thought. She's pleasantly plump!

"Gram is so nice though," Lucy stood confident. "I probably wouldn't be around if it wasn't for her and Kyle."

Claire's face softened. "Oh, really? I never realized, I'm incredibly grateful!"

"Any time?" I signed, confused.

"Let me make it up to you."

"You don't have to."

"I don't know what you're saying, but I insist. Have this."

*insert image of a gross mystery cocktail drink*

Bubbling and smoking at the rim of the glass, the toxic-looking liquid popped to a low simmer as Claire topped it off with a paper umbrella. "Go ahead," she waved, smiling wide. "It's my special recipe. Try it."

Looking past the feeling of my skin crawling from the drink's texture, the tear-jerking smell of smog blurring my vision and the sensation of a hundred flaming fireflies making a hive on the way down my throat, it wasn't half bad.

*insert image of Kyle pondering with a gaping hole in his stomach*

Quick question: is it normal to lose all feeling in your tongue?

"I told you he's a tough kitty, goof!" Lucy smirked.

"Forget the little snack," Claire shoved me aside. "Let's get outta here."

"I can't just leave, sister. Can't we just terrorize from here?"

"Can't expect a demon to terrorize one place. You need to go bigger, to leave the playroom for the playground."

"I guess that makes sense. Lucy Lesson #20: Don't Try This At Home. Do it somewhere else."


"Still, I won't go unless kitty comes along."

It took a moment of seething rage to bottle up, but Claire finally caved. "Fine, the pincushion can come. I ran outta stress balls on the way up here anyways."

"You hear that, Kyle? You've been promoted from 'snack' to 'pincushion'. You're moving on up!"

Lucy was too giddy to notice my concern, so I just went and fetched my hoodie while the two made their way outside. I was beyond nervous, but I didn't want to just let her go out there with that she-beast doing heaven knows what.


*insert image of Kyle staring annoyed at a dagger sticking out of his shoulder*

"Tonight's gonna be fun." I heard Claire giggle.

There was a tiny voice inside of me saying that this was a really bad idea...

Comments ( 14 )

I'm grateful you both take the time to read my madness 😌

Not madness, I like it!

I mean it in a good way πŸ™ƒ

Ah, well, okay then!

It's funny, entertaining, and delightful all at the same time. It's a joy to read.

I appreciate it. πŸ’–

Just wish I had more ideas for this first story. So many ideas for future stuff, but I want this to be as good as it can be. Open to suggestions from anyone.

Oh their is so much potential for fun. Like having them come to collect the soles of politans, scaring church groups, and anything else that would help the people and scared the crap out of government.

Only read the prologue so far but this is beyond good.

Pretty good story man, it's creative and full of humor.

Two of the best things any story can be.

Means alot, man. πŸ˜‡

Always up to any ideas/suggestions. A little stuck with the second half, lol

Might need to think on it.

But in the end it's your story, just write something and see how it fares, from there you can edit and mold it to something else.

You're right, you're right

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