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Summer Script

"I can't just do something a little bit. It's all of me, or nothing." — Madeline, Celeste

More Blog Posts41

  • 44 weeks
    My Final Thoughts on The Bonds of Love

    And that’s that. That’s the end.

    It’s been quite the ride, hasn’t it? Over a year spent writing The Bonds of Love, and over a year and a half spent discussing the actual writing process.

    I think I’ve said everything I had to say or even could say about my story, but well? Come on, you all know me enough by now to know I just can’t shut up even when I should.


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  • 45 weeks
    The Writing of The Bonds of Love (Epilogue: Love), final part

    And here we are at last... The final third of the Epilogue's discussion, and thus, the final major installment of the Writing of The Bonds of Love.

    No need to dawdle any further, I think. Let's get right into it!

    ~ Our Final Goodbyes ~

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  • 46 weeks
    The Writing of The Bonds of Love (Epilogue: Love), part two

    And we’re back with the second half of this chapter’s discussion, so let’s not waste any more time and get right into it!

    ~ The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same ~

    If this section’s title didn’t already give it away, not much has changed at all in the lovely town of Ponyville.

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  • 47 weeks
    The Writing of The Bonds of Love (Epilogue: Love), part one

    Here we are. It’s been a long time coming, but we’ve finally reached the end, and what a wild ride it was getting to this point! With no time to waste, let’s bring this commentary to a close and discuss the grand finale of The Bonds of Love!

    ~ To the Future! ~

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  • 48 weeks
    The Writing of The Bonds of Love (Chapter Fifteen: Family, Part Two), continued.

    And we’re back for the final part of the Ch.15(Family, Part Two) discussion!

    The story so far: After a grueling impromptu therapy session, Gallus has finally won Ocean Flow’s approval, and the duo now races toward the surface world to inform Silverstream of this glorious development, alongside an explanation for why such approval was refused for so terribly long…

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The Writing of The Bonds of Love Progress Update 8 · 5:39pm Jul 16th, 2022

Hello again, everyone, I’m back once more to provide yet another update concerning my progress on "The Writing of The Bonds of Love."

Unfortunately, this update consists of mostly bad news.

As mentioned in my previous update, I initially intended to finish discussing the last three chapters of T.B.O.L. and then post a final update, confirming both the “Writing of…” was nearing completion and possibly even a release date for it.

This is not that final update.

Long story short: The month of May completely kicked my a** and June followed behind to make darn sure I stayed down.

As for what exactly happened to me during those months…? Well, if I may get personal for a moment: I’ve suffered from anxiety and stress for quite a while now. And around the middle of May, that anxiety worsened drastically.

Everything was relatively normal at first, then suddenly I went entire days feeling like I had a veritable guillotine over my head. Background panic plagued my mind nigh-constantly, even the slightest of issues could send my mind reeling in turmoil for hours after the fact, and I did legitimately break down crying at one point.

So yeah. That sucked.

As for how I am now…? Well, I’m certainly feeling better, at least as of the time I’m writing this. The anxiety is of course still present and significantly worse than what it used to be, but I’m managing as best I can.

However? Needless to say, for nearly that entire two month period, I could barely work up the motivation to write. And that’s where I bring us back to the topic of the “Writing of…”

I do have some good news here, at least! :pinkiesmile: Ch.14(Family, Part One) is discussed and ready to go, sitting at a comfortable 17k+ words, including additional tidbits.

Furthermore, I managed to go through everything I had done before and re-edit it, cleaning it all up and into a properly presentable state. This means that once I finally finish the entire thing, it’ll take less time to upload than I originally expected. :yay: And it also means the only thing I truly have left to do is discuss Ch.15(Family, Part Two) and the Epilogue(Love).

I really wanted to finish those chapters too before making another update, but I figured you all had the right to know about what was going on, especially given how long it’s been since the last update.

To reiterate: I am feeling much better now. Hopefully, I won’t jinx myself by saying that, but for now I am leagues better.

Now then, let’s end on a brighter note, shall we? Yep, time for yet another excerpt! :yay:

Yada-yada, these will be included in the final “Writing of…” and are subject to change, yada-yada…

And for today’s topic, how about a brief snippet from the recent Ch.14(Family, Part One) discussion:

Now, with the Novo matter discussed, how about we actually talk about some of the recent Gallus-Stream relationship developments. More specifically: Their increased physical intimacy.

I mean, we already see Gallus does indeed now use Silver’s love of his headcrest-combing against her, but it’s so much more than that. Silver nestling into his side, Gallus giving her a kiss(And knowing her well enough to suggest drawing to help her de-stress, d’aww! :rainbowkiss:), and of course, their make-out sessions.

I know it might have been unnecessary, giving such prominence to their constant kissing and whatnot, even for a Romance story…? But I couldn’t help myself. :twilightblush: After all the pain I put them through, I adored letting them simply openly love each other with nothing stopping them or getting in their way, sans a certain Princess of Pouncing. But even more importantly than that, this was a brand new element to their relationship I could write about.

They had never really shied away from being lovey-dovey before—Kissing, holding talons, snuggling, and all that jazz. But they had their first major kiss last chapter which afforded me a chance to cut loose and show even more of the physical side of their relationship. Needless to say, I’m glad for that. It was fun writing those particular scenes, even if I’m not sure I wrote their make-out scenes as powerfully as I could have.

Of course, there’s yet another reason I was glad to show off their newly emphasized physical intimacy, and that was to show the negative consequences of it. Why? Because I couldn't help myself and needed to continue writing some kind of conflict into the story despite being dead-set on not writing any major conflicts between them, aside from Ocean Flow.

This particular subject, however, will be discussed later. For now, I had no intention of doing anything more than showing Gallus and Silver being happy and lovestruck, and telling a fun, much more lighthearted story than what had come prior.

And that’s it for now. Thank you again, everyone, for your patience and (hopefully) understanding concerning everything I’ve discussed here.

Take care, fellow awesome possums; bad times can't last forever. :rainbowdetermined2: Stay safe, and may you all have a wonderful day.

Comments ( 3 )

Sorry to hear you had such a difficult time. I hope you’re feeling better and are able to get back to doing what you enjoy

Thank you. :twilightsmile: I thankfully am getting back into the swing of things, if a little slowly.

You’re welcome

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