• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012
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Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.

More Blog Posts116

  • 14 weeks
    Two Years of This

    On February 24, 2022, eight years after they launched a limited invasion and occupation of border regions, the regime of Russia attacked Ukraine from multiple sides with the intent of fully conquering the nation, thence to dismember choice territories and install a puppet regime over whatever remained. Their justifications - imperial revaunchism, nationalist lies, and contempt for what they view

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    26 comments · 634 views
  • 19 weeks
    Fan art for "Evil Must Be Healthy"

    A pleasant surprise found me a few days ago on learning an enterprising pony commissioned fan-art for my little AU from the illustrious Pencils! Just thought I'd share. :derpytongue2:


    With thanks to both the artist and commissioner. :heart:

    8 comments · 216 views
  • 19 weeks
    Going to Everfree Northwest this year!

    Exactly what it says on the tin! If anyone else is going (and if there's any kind of Fimfiction discord meetup group on it~), please let me know. With travel and etc. I likely won't be going to many of these, so I'd love to RL meet as many Fimfic peeps as I can.

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    10 comments · 147 views
  • 26 weeks
    Cover art for "Evil Must be Healthy."

    There are few feelings for an author quite as wonderful as receiving fan art, all the more because I found it by sheer chance. While the artist MrRicharZ has taken it down from Derpibooru he was kind enough to let me use his work as cover art for the story.

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    6 comments · 367 views
  • 27 weeks
    Dramatic read for "The Splendid Panzers of Miss Harshwhinny"

    I like that story enough (and have grown fond enough of listening to dramatic reads) that I have commissioned one from our own Skijarama!

    (There is also commissioned cover art on the way, too.~)

    2 comments · 152 views

Something old or something new... · 12:31am Jul 19th, 2022


I've put in 2,000 words and... I'm not sure. Hunts the Undead was a great time. Such a great time. I started it over six years ago and it has really been my magnum opus - perhaps a silly thing to say about a story of awkward principals and were-manatees, but lordy it's been fun. And it's also been the only long-ish multi-chapter story/sequels I've written in all those years.

Okay well the only ones on this account but the other doesn't count. >_>

G5 is... a mixed bag. I'm having to change the characters so much to fit in the setting that they're effectively OCs. The baggage of so many prequels creates roadblocks to write around and old characters to re-introduce.

And there are so many other things I could write. Even longish stories which I couldn't even consider when always contemplating the next sequel. Trotcon gave me kind of a S1 vibe. I feel like writing something cozy - the Solar Sisters on the beach, or Rarijack on a ski trip. Or poignant - a longstanding idea for an Octavia drama. Or focused on Miss Harshwhinny.

But it's so hard walking away. So hard to be 'done' with something that has given me a lot of joy. I even like going back and re-reading chapters - I wrote something I love to read, and that is awesome. So tempting to linger and cling. So tempting to let other ideas pass, "I can't, I need to focus on the next sequel."

Maybe it doesn't have to be a hard break? I could update Misfit, take a prompt or two when I feel like wandering back to the universe. And the Ask blog will be open forever. That'll let me move on while not fully closing the door.

Or maybe I'll wake up tomorrow ready to plunge ahead. I did already get cover art, after all. But I'm not sure that'll happen this time.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Whatever comes next, I hope to give something you enjoy.

Comments ( 19 )


Hmmm... why not something old and new?

Ultimately I want you to write something you enjoy Dan, so if you need to change the characters to do so. Maybe incorporate it as a continuation of Misfit with extra Starscout. Or don't. We'll be happy with what you write.

Ditto this. If you don't like what you're writing, the readers will see it. Write what you like and the people will enjoy reading it as much as you did writing it.

If you want my honest opinion as someone that has read all the stories, I think you could just let it rest. You gave Misfits a perfect end for Sunset, and Celestia, the two main characters that made the series what it is. The series is completed and as you said, things can be added if you have a fun idea and want to relieve that nostalgia. Forcing yourself to make a series that you're not sure you would enjoy is not really worth it. sure, it could be good, and fans would be happy to see it back, but it would also open a can of worms that could bring you a lot of hardships.

I think it's perfectly fine if you prefer to do something else. all the ideas you bring up sound great. I say try making those before the inspiration leaves, don't chain yourself to a sequel that you feel needs to be made despite not having the same passion as before due to G5's problems.

I think I high-key needed to hear that, thank you.

Do what feels right. Trying to force inspiration never ends well.

I've been in the same situation before. Take care, any work you do will be great.

Echoing the above but I would just like to compliment the phenomenal cover art ^^

I personally feel like the best thing you could do in this situation is to take this idea, shove it in a box, and sit on it. Like Sleepless said, chase the new inspiration, do write the things you want to write, and let G5 continue. Maybe one day you'll find the spark to return to Hunts the Undead for the next generation. Maybe you won't. But as everyone is has said, forcing it for the sake of a continuation now is going to both reflect in the work and take a toll on you.

You have another account? Uh, is it linkable?
As for the story... I'm currently reading through the series, but I'd say don't sweat it. If it feels like it's not working, trying to force it isn't likely to lead to good results.

I think I'm with Sleepless Beholder on this. Much as it WOULD be cool to have Sunny Starscout Hunts The Undead, the previous story ended on a very solid note. Probably best to leave it lie. Maybe post snippets on your blog if you have ideas for scenes, but, otherwise let sleeping dogs lie.

Yknow, I actually did think Sunny Starscout was an OC because I haven't checked out G5 yet. Still iffy on that whole thing

I'd love more of the Undead series, NGL. It's fun and anything you produce in it is great and enjoyable.

But like, if it isn't fun for you, you shouldn't.

So imo? If you have inspiration and want to go for it, go for it. But feel no need to go for it unless you are doing it for you.

But you know, if you do go for more in Undeadverse I am eager to read it :)

Easiest way to do G5 in that universe? Another group in a different town. They know each other by reputation.


One giant stupid reply-all to make sure everyone gets this, thank you for the encouragement and advice. I feel myself at a bit of a crossroads, taking the first nervous few steps... elsewhere.

(I mean, I'll still be writing fics, just not this specifically.)

As nice as it would be to relive that Season 1 cutting edge of fandom-interpreting characters, I think The Sleepless Beholder put it best.
Especially if they're already feeling like OCs for you.

Nothing stopping you from changing your mind, either, as circumstances change.
Maybe G5 will show us something down the line that gives us useful insight into this new group of ponies.

Or focused on Miss Harshwhinny.

But this one is of particular interest, should your muse have any whispers for you.
You write the best Harshwhinnys. Harshwhinnies?


But this one is of particular interest, should your muse have any whispers for you.
You write the best Harshwhinnys. Harshwhinnies?

Plural is still Harshwhinny. No matter how many there are there is only one. :heart:

Well... for what it's worth, while I admit I'm not the most qualified person to give advice on this matter, seeing as I'm not yet fully caught up on this ficverse... I think you hit the right idea with the 'soft break' you mentioned in the last paragraph.

That said, I'm just a humble reader who's already very grateful for all you gave us on this universe, and what matters the most is what you the author wants to write, not what us readers want to read.

I can only say that whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best of lucks, both on your writing and on everything else. :)

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