• Member Since 10th Dec, 2016
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More Blog Posts24

  • 22 weeks
    2023 Writing Vent

    Well, 2023 is almost over and the only thing I published this year was a revised version of "Cadance's Experimental Therapy" (the revised edition is basically same plot but with a totally different ending, which I prefer over the original). I had a lot of writer's block the first half of the year and while I did start writing again during the second half, I have no new stories published as you

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  • 75 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest 2022 Reflections Part 3: Sunday and Final Thoughts

    Another day, another Starbuck’s run, but also the final day of the con. My first panel of the final day was “Pony Life is Magic.” I had been avoiding Pony Life up to this point because I hated the art style and thought it was going to be another Teen Titans Go situation. It was fun watching Pony Life with an audience and hearing the panelists and fellow audience members laughing at and making

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  • 76 weeks
    My Belated 6 Year Anniversary Post

    Inspired by an author that I follow, MasaStormyPonez, I decided to make my own anniversary post, though at this point I missed my actual anniversary. When I joined this site, I had only been a brony for a few months. I hadn't even caught up on all the episodes that were released at the time yet. I had gotten spoiled about Twilight becoming an alicorn though and that she had a castle, but I

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  • 78 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest 2022 Reflections Part 2: Saturday

    After my daily coffee run, I went to the “Make Your Mark Chapter 2 Screening.” I already saw all of Make Your Mark Chapter 2, but it was still fun to see it with an audience. They only played the first two episodes and then filled up the rest of the time with Tell Your Tale. I personally think the later episodes of Make Your Mark Chapter 2 are better than the early ones, so if you only saw

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  • 78 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest 2022 Reflections Part 1: Intro and Friday

    And so another pony con has come and gone for me. The post con depression is hitting me as I type this. It was only a couple hours after closing ceremonies when I started writing down these recollections, though by the time I am finished I’m sure much more time will have passed since the end of the con. I enjoyed myself overall, but I can’t help but feel like there are things that I wish I

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Whinny City Pony Con 2022 Reflections Part 4: Final Thoughts · 7:15pm Jul 27th, 2022

Overall, I had a great time. It was nice to go to panels again, shop in the vendor hall and just being around my fellow MLP fans again. While I have gone to online cons over the past 2 years and enjoyed the panels and virtual vendor halls there, I greatly prefer IRL cons and I am glad to see them come back and for me to attend one once again. For the most part, I overcame my indecisiveness and spent more time going to panels and less time pacing the floor of my hotel room. Though next con, I really need to fit in proper meals instead of just snacking on popcorn.

I didn’t make any friends at this con, which sucks, but oh well. I did have a couple of nice interactions though. The vendors were nice and I got a compliment on my BC 2018 t-shirt as I was walking out of Closing Ceremonies. I hope that one day I will have friends to hang out with at a con again. Social anxiety sucks. I guess I just keep hoping that someone will reach out to me and be my friend, but I know it doesn’t always work like that. I have to put myself out there, but I’m too nervous to do that. I’ve lost friends because I was too nervous to be the first one to message, because I kept waiting for them to message me first. I have a tough time making friends and a tough time keeping them too. I really have to get better at making and keeping friends. Sorry if that got too personal, but I just had to vent that out.

While I do love small cons, I do miss the big con energy, and big con vendor hall, of BronyCon sometimes, though when I say this I am referring to BronyCon 2018, not 2019. I think Whinny is the smallest pony con I have ever attended, which is not a bad thing it’s just different. I was so against ever going to a big con again after BronyCon 2019, but nowadays I find myself appreciating both types of cons. In many ways, Whinny City was just what I was looking for after the chaos of BronyCon 2019. Whinny was a lot smaller with less crazy lines, in many cases there were no lines at all. With the exception of the AD Vendor Hall, I didn’t have to be afraid of the lines being capped or having to arrive super early to a panel. Whinny City was a much more comfortable experience in that regard when compared to BronyCon 2019.

As much as I complain about BronyCon 2019, I am still proud to say I have attended it. Hearing others talk about it as I walked through the Whinny City convention space, there is a sense of pride of having been to that particular BronyCon, whether you liked the craziness of it or not.

In conclusion, I really liked Whinny City 2022. It was exactly the convention I needed after BronyCon 2019 and it revived my love for conventions. I had all but given up on ever attending another one until I attended Whinny. Attending this con has also reinvigorated my love of pony and made me realize how much I love these conventions and want to keep going to these events. I can’t say for 100% certainty when my next con will be. I have hopes for Ciderfest 2022, but if that doesn’t pan out perhaps Whinny or Cider in 2023 will, or maybe even Seaquestriafest 2023. We will see what happens.

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